Why did cardgames die?
Why did cardgames die?
Because people aren't playing them right. You're supposed to plop them upright into the sand and hurl rocks at you opponent, the first one to knock a card down gets it.
>Need to sell one of your kidneys or grind like no tomorrow in order to get every card from the collection
>Devs can't balance even if their life depended on it
Also, Vanilla Hearthstone ladder when?
Because ,at least for this case the devs just nuked the thing
>You like Paladin Murloc? nah, here,shaman murloc is better
>What? cards that are perfect? no,no,no,no, they need to be nerfed?
>Dr.Boomb? hahaha,no sweety,he is perfect the way he is :))))))))))
>Here,have some broken mechanic for just 1 or 2 classes the rest of the season
This was the game that taught me not to spend money beyond just buying the game itself.
That was an expensive lesson.
Yugioh is alive
It didn't have to be like this
With physical product games, comic book stores, which are often used for gaming, being harder to keep in business doesn’t help.
Hearthstone is very expensive to get very deep into, nerfs happen way too often, and it’s got a lot of rng, no skill bullshit to it.
For Magic, certainly politics didn’t help, but mostly it was the lacking tournament support compared to previous times and the dumbing down of rules and mechanics.
Pokemon and Yugi-oh are niche, and since their target audience is younger, it comes off as weird as hell to still being playing in your late 20’s or 30’s.
Everything else, L5R, DBZ, etc lived or lives in the shadow of more popular games and cannot win with fighting for players.
All in all too, people have less money and free time to spend on hobbies in general which doesn’t help either.
Hearthstone is still making an insane amount of money.
Recently got into MTG Arena and I like it... Magic is fun!
But how the fuck am I supposed to know which fucking sets I can play in which format? The client is really confusing
hearthstone is still alive and kicking though.
you just think its dead because you dont play it
95% of the time you just grind for cards.
And after you're done and actually start to play you quickly realize, what a boringh shit the game actually is.
Because they're shit
>hearthstone is still alive and kicking though.
Yes, it's getting worse by the year. It has reached a point where even I gave up playing it a year ago.
The same way that WoW is alive and kicking. These things will never die but they're a shell of their former selves.
game's dead after they officially killed it by no longer nerfing wild cards. revivepriests outta the ass, gg no re.
Heart of Crown user, if you're here, I'll play it with you on Tabletop Simulator. I don't have the Steam version
I got bored because the only deck I really like are Mulligan decks
Whats the current meta like? Haven't played since they added those quest cards that like win the game
When you take over 6 months to nerf Undertaker you know the devs don't care about the game.
Shit it died? I just spend $600 on MTA.
This game is GORGEOUS. Best looking and sounding card game on the market. I need to go back to it one day and drop like $100 for all the dlc. Hate that it dropped the F2P model.
Spellweaver and Hex is almost as good if your into small community niche card games.
im playing it for 5 months now and its fun, but Standard gets stale really fast, Wild is too expensive for me. I only really love the Arena, but because of its entry cost i can only play it once a day, and if i have a really bad run i have to wait 3 days.
their shit
Why play the inferior game?
>have the technology to make any kind of game you can think of
>use it to simulate a physical card game
>wants to be a card game when it's a actually a video game
>uneven power creep
>Blizzard is to cheap or stupid to have sort of beta testing
>Blizzard just flat out is too fucking lazy and entitled to "when it's ready" to communicate efficiently
Stop releasing 120 card sets when at most 15 of them are going to be viable.
Stop giving us flat out superior versions card mechanics, while not also releasing power crept versions of others. Better yet, re balance old cards/add more cards to the classic set. This is a video game, you aren't reprinting a thousand new cards if you give War Golem the mech tag and 2 more health.
Stop releasing a single mechanic that is so vastly superior to everything else, or release several so their absurdity helps balance it out.
Stop releasing completely mechanically broken shit. How does one release shudderwock and not realize a 3 second animation per effect is a poor idea.
Stop trusting your own developers to be able to predict card balance. Professionals who do nothing but theory craft are wrong like 70% of the time, why isn't there some sort of beta process? Besides being cheap and incompetent?
Stop releasing massive balance patches at seemingly completely random. When you release an expansion, communicate when any potential balance changes need to be made.
TLDR: Blizzard needs to care more about releasing a quality product than they do about making sure we are paying a dollar fucking fifty for 5 cards.