Uh, you *DID* pre-order your PlayDate game console, right user?
Uh, you *DID* pre-order your PlayDate game console, right user?
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I've got my szoylent, I've got my tablet, my mouth is open and I'm wearing a cardigan. let's do this fuckboys
What does the crank do?
its pretty obvious
Cranks, duh
Apparently it's just another input device, it's not to power it or anything like that.
Why are people talking about this thing? It just looks like all of those cheap handheld games you get in a bin at the hardware store
Yea Forums its filler with more chillers than reddit
Its time to go back to the Master Race
nah, I bought a GBA and an Ags 101 screen.
nobody is actually interested in this thing
Fuck off you stupid shilling drone.
Because the people talking about this don't care about the product, they just care about shilling to hipsters and consumer whores.
Because I bought an Ouya
This is a $30 product.
Not even if it was order to make would $150 be justified.
Generates free range electricity.
If they reach 10 million sales they'll be able to power a time machine.
A random game each week, all garbage
I dont get it, is it just another gameboy emulator?
I wish that were the case. Unfortunately we have reached the point in gaming where there exists plenty of people with legitimate interest in this piece of shit. It is fucking scary knowing that companies are going to try to change games to placate these fools...
You know. I can't wait for more terrifs on China to finally kill off this kickstarter trash.
it's like one of those lootboxes your order each month, you buy it and then buy a set of unknown games that you will be able to download each week.
Did any of you read the FAQ where it says they're announcing all titles at the start of a season?
It's a onions hipster art project that Yea Forums is treating like a mass market consumer device because Yea Forums is very smart
The chad LDK
I'm ordering a Vita. Laugh all you want but I missed out on PSP last gen and I'd love to own a portable PS1. My brother in law also has a PS4 and depending on the game I might be able to use the Vita as my own fancy p2 controller. Oh and didn't I mention it's hacked wide open like 3ds now and you don't have to buy Sony's expensive shit memory cards anymore?
>2 buttons
>black and white screen
>a fucking crank
>more than $20
is it that crazy to say I want this? I mean it's pretty unfair to shit on it like it is going to mess with anything you like. can't I just like my small games without you guys shitting on my experiences?
That thing looks smaller every time I see it
It is crazy and the only way someone would say this is if they’re being payed to do so.
Not backlit
The amount of marketing budget that's gone into this thing is absolutely sickening. It just bleeds soulless. Look at their web 3.0 nu-scroll website. Look at their promotional photography. Look at the magazines lapping up everything about this tremendous failure.
>Btw if you're interested in making games for Playdate, shoot me a DM. Especially if you're part of an underrepresented group - we'd love to have you.
Finally, a game console that prioritizes minorities. This is what the industry was missing.
Deposits money into your wife's son's account so he can buy some more nikes
>A on the right
>B in the left
Why has this been a thing since the NES? You read things from left to right
Low quality bait, but Japanese read from right to left, and NES copies how the buttons are on Famicom, the Japanese console that preceded it.
Should they have changed it for western audiences? Maybe, I don't know. Maybe it'd make sense. Maybe go fuck yourself.
>it's pretty unfair to shit on it like it is going to mess with anything you like
Every company is beholden by money. If something does well, it DOES affect the games I like. How is paying attention to history anything other than fair?
No need for such hostility.
On a horizontal line of text Japanese reads left to right. Only in vertical rows is it read right to left.
Got mine preordered!
aka fuck white people. hope they crash and burn.
>hurr durr you have priority if you have this particular subjective skin tone defined by a particular elite of people as top tier in this particular moment in these particular countries
burn in Hell
>black and white screen
what is this meme?
I'm not a reddit tier hipster so no
was looking forward to untitled goose game, but learning more about this company after this PlayDate shit makes me not want to pick the game up
This is just unironic shilling now
There is no need, and my hostility is bred by the imageboard's anonymity and free speech. Also because I don't like you, and I don't like Playdate.
Is that a shitty 300in1 or does it actually emulate? I like the form factor.
If it has a Bass Pro Fishing game. ONLY if it has a Bass Pro Fishing game.
it manages autism pretty well desu
Based retarded pepsi dog
I require:
A functioning emulator within a month of release.
Hacking/dev abilities.
The ability to throw swastikas and dicks on everything.
Only then will this reach its full potential.
Based. Fuck the sp.
>Uh, you *DID* pre-order your OUYA game console, right user?
Because it puts the primary inputs on the edge of the controller while less important inputs are closer to the middle.
Imagine this but machine but
>60 dollars
>one game: Bass Fishing OTG (on the go)
>colour lcd screen
>similar graphics to 3DS but with a Dreamcast vibe
>same crank.
I'd pay $30 for it
it lets you crank that
Does it come with animu girls?
Im gonna buy 3!!
Preordered at the website!
I don't know why you're all pretending this hasn't the craziest device since the gameboy advanced!
>standard mode
>anime mode
anime mode has a touching feeling feature but you can only use the crank.
>that looks like a cute, neat toy
>cute aesthetic, would put on shelf
>mfw it's black and white, only gets 12 games and only when the devs decide it's time
>my fucking face when I look at the price
it lets you crank that soulja boy, and there's rumors you can also superman that hoe.
it's 150.00 for the 3 pack. You get 3 handhelds for that price.
battery charger
2 minutes of crankin´ gives you a whole 35 seconds of gametime.
t. Ben Pack.
Oh shit I almost panicked thinking the pre-orders were out. This thing will sell out so fucking fast and I don't want to miss out.
You can get one of those chinese GB Boy Colors for like 33 bucks. Colored, backlit screen and built in gameboy games. It takes real cartridges so you can play your real games or even use a flash cart.
you can't crank dat soulja boy but you can crank this
its an actual emulator. was released a few months ago and is basically an RS-97 in a different shell.
it's open source and people are developing updated firmware and emulators for it. i got one for 60 USD off reromimi and should be arriving within the next few days. I cant personally give my opinion but there are plenty of video review for it online. '
it emulates up to n64/psx. and GBA emulation seems to be on the same level as PSP
fug I forgot my meme arrow oh well
What was actually said:
>hey, if you're an underrepresented minority in gaming, we would like to hear from you!
What triggered reactionary gamers hear:
I think normal people are just sick of their identity politics shit. Who the FUCK cares about the skin color of a dev, jesus christ
>if you're an underrepresented minority in gaming, we would like to hear from you!
Why does that matter, though? I don't give a shit what the skin color is of the person whose game I'm playing. How would I know if they're "underrepresented?"
>Why does it matter, though?
I'm going to hazard a guess and say you're white and probably a man.
I don't understand, both of these statements mean the same thing and will ultimately achieve the same result
Why not just get an Arduboy?
funnily enough, media representation of minorities is proportional to their overall population percentage, which means they just want to shove niggers down our throats.
Not him, but I make it a point not to bring up race when discussing any of my own work, and actively avoid doing so generally, because I want people to like what I've made / done on its own merits, not "Look how progressive it is for me to do a thing."
>t. Not white.
it looks cool. it might help me unwind when i'm feeling cranky
Everyone's on about the crank and all I can think is that the d-pad looks bad and the buttons are too far apart.
Exactly what is stopping a black person from developing a game for this shitty system? How does a white person have an advantage here? Either the game is good or it’s not, race has FUCKING NOTHING to do with it. God damn you people are annoying as fuck
If you don't think playing DOOM on the Playdate and using the crank to shoot ain't the tightest shit you can leave Yea Forums right fuckin' now
It dougs