Now post a pic of an art masterpiece to proove the most retarded affirmation wrong. And if you are a retard, then try to explain how is that a conjunction of music, literature, digital drawing and design, acting, and photography isn't art.
Videogames are not art
esl? post skin color with time stamp
Latina girl here. And?
Yea Forums is an English-speaking website. Learn to write fluent English and come back again another day.
Ok. See you then.
If art is the expression of oneself, isn't any freeware indie game made art?
Anything people use to express themselves is art, and people have indeed used vidya to express themselves.
Nowadays, making a game is nearly as easy as buying a brush and paint, and proceeding to make a painting. Obviously extraordinarily good games may require high understanding of other media and art rules & theories, such as how to compose pretty visuals or good audio.
Similarly, any experience that makes you think or feel things can be considered "art".
tl;dr: you do not need to post specific games to "prove" the claim wrong. It's all self-evident, by the term's very definition.
That being said, when it comes to good example titles, pic related definitely hits the mark, and wouldn't work even nearly as well as any other media product.
Videogames are amalgam artforms. They're the same as music videos, comics, teleivision, movies, mangas, etc: aka a casual dogshit artform for the masses. They are "lower tier" art and very commercialized.
If writing fluent english was a requirement 90% of users would not be allowed anymore.
Two most pretentious games to ever be released and both were Konami games.
is that supposed to be a bad thing?
They aren't art, and any claim to being art has been made null with digital distribution, games are now intentionally sabotaged just so the developer can make more money.
The 2000s didn't have any videogames that qualify as art.
Games are art but let's face it, when people say that they mean it's not high art. It's not something put in the Guggenheim and will have intelligensia fawning over it.
Can I put my chili in your tamale mami
>try to explain how is that a conjunction of music, literature, digital drawing and design, acting, and photography isn't art.
Because game music, literature, drawing, deisgn, acting, photography and story is still being done for children and teenagers
Same as you wouldnt call game of thrones art
There are children and teenagers that have more talent than you will ever have.
It's ok if you want to live inside a shoe box
That fucking plot twist and how it incorporated the DS hardware and common VN tropes to created one intricate motherfucker of a story. It fucked me up for weeks.
Chichis o vete a la mierda
Oh! I forgot about that.
Just wait there. Ill post a pic. Faggot
why would anyone care about video games being art?
let those gatekeeping snobs do whatever they want.
>i have to think, therefore it's pretentious
>it's unique and isn't archetypical or a dime-a-dozen, therefore it's pretentious
Pretentious is a buzzword, originality and creativity aren't pretentious.
High art is a shit, but video games are perfectly capable of being fine art, which is the superior (((everything must have a label))) kind of art.
Both games were highly pretentious stop trying to pretend otherwise.
Will op deliver?
>that genuine panic that sets in as you start the final puzzle
Its fucking sudoku
>sixth gen consoles was end of soul
Dude, don't fall for the bait. You do know that the people who make those statements hate themselves? They hate their hobbies by proxy
>Latina girl
Sure, buddy.
6th gen last good gen