Why is this so hard for westerners?

Why is this so hard for westerners?

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name a japanese game better than rdr2

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redu deadu redemptionu 2

Why is what so hard? Character design?

I can't.

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Why are all Easterners pedophiles? Why is it so hard not to sexualize children?

super mario world

all of them

>can't pick between ponytail and hime cut because I love both
This is going to be a nightmare

They all literally look the fucking same except slight differences in hair and their skin tone



Just gave me an idea. Ability to tie hair up in game.
This having to go to a shop to change hairstyle needs to end.

Because "male gaze" is wrong!

These are just presets, you can customize as you want.

Wish I knew.

You're blind, there are obvious differences in their facial features. Eyes, cheeks, jaws. But these are starting presets anyway. You'll be able to customize them more extensively in the full game.
The point is that they're all pretty unlike the abominable westacuck character creators.

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The black girl samurai actually looks surprisingly cute.

Those look like western character designs though. Soulless.

The nips don't hire trannies and women just to LARP as fighters for social justice.
>Literally just do their jobs
>design their characters in a cool/appealing way
>maybe add a black character if they want
>no fuss, no big deal, no politics

You have to actually be a game first before we can name a better game.

Why do faggots keep getting baited by this shit? You're shitting up the board.

Where can I find a cute and calm black gf that isn't a religious nor "dumb"?

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Can't be. They're cute.

The best black characters in vidya are mostly Japanese ones. Like Pic related. Because they don't care about politics, they just create a à character to create a great characters.

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It's not bait. It's an actual problem in the west and it needs to be recognized.

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>Pony tail with hime bangs

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The best characters in general come from Japan these days desu with you senpai baka.

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Ryder was based

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>not about politics
Yeah, I know you really mean identity politics and that kind of stupid shit.

western design captures the quirkiness of a female better

chink design is cute but lifeless.

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What race are you?

Forgot to dilate again, huh?

I’ve literally never heard anyone voice this complaint about western character design outside of Yea Forums. It’s a made up issue

the dyke is more adorable.

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There's nothing quirky about Skarlet. Hell there's nothing about Skarlet. Her role could've been fulfilled by any random mook in the story.

Also she's fuckugly.

Why can't Japan keep up?

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just like in real life

we're talking about design. Skarlet's va is shit, i agree.


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Her design is awful and peak soulless.

>all the SEETHING trannies in this thread

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both look like shit

people who play games for fapbait need to kill themselves

Weebs already btfo first post into their thread.

>t. ranny

they are not cute, they look like mannequins

literally have sex.


>NPCs don't whine about it so it's not real, goy


Because you're hanging out on the twitter echo chamber where they unironically praise MK11 designs.
Yet MK11 bombed because they're the loud minority and no the main consumers.

I know, the point is I don't know what I want since I like both ponytail and hime cut a lot.

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You will never see this level of facial mocap with a chink studio. Her eyes are literally expressing her emotions 1:1

time to give NetherRealm props, ya stupid gook

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Imagine being part of the .3% of the population that literally everyone else hates. 40% is actually pretty low.

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This. He could always tell if someone was a straight busta

>playing games for the gameplay means you're a tranny

I'm rooting for the reddit invasion at this point.

Facial mocap was a mistake. They all look disgusting and uncanny valley.
Every time Cassie Cage smiled I wanted to hurl.

Eat shit ACfag

>facial mocap
jesus christ dude

weeboos gentlemen

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I still fucking remember when Scarlet was introduced in IX

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I don’t know anything about mk11, I’m talking about other companies like blzizard and naughty dog

False. Ill give you some credit the eyes are slightly different and there are some SLIGHT differences in some of the faces particularly the 3rd one. But aside from that the facial structures are very very similar and overall the faces are pretty samey.

Blizzard employs Chinese modelers for some of their female OW and HotS characters. Which is why they're not abominable and receive little to no complaints.
And TLoU2 did get ridiculed for their disgusting dyke sniffing Jew demo.

Dudley is Indian

>Killed off without having a proper arc because of issues with his VA

I'm bored so I'm gonna respond to b8.
>Any halfways decent action game, from Shinobi up through God Hand and all the way to DMC5
>Any Halway decent RPG, from final fantasy up through Dark Souls.
>Anytime japs try the shooter, so like....Vanquish.
>Anything at all

Christ, RDR2 is so fucking boring and stale.

But again, you're blind. Just look at the cheeks. Where they start, where they curve. Noses and lips are also different.

>overall the faces are pretty samey
I wouldn't say "samey" but they do follow the style and beauty preference of the devs, sure. There is nothing wrong with this so long as they're appealing.
And once again, this isn't really relevant. These are starting presets. You'll be able to customize them. The important thing here is that they already look cute.

>Anytime japs try the shooter, so like....Vanquish.
Literally the one time by Platinum

There hasn't been a good Western game release all year.

*cuckifornians and swedes

>Anytime japs try the shooter
Hahahahaha! Literally every shooting game they make sucks shit

>Yet MK11 bombed because they're the loud minority and no the main consumers.
Why do people keep trying to push this narrative?

But he's based on Chris Eubank. A dandy-British boxer from Jamaica . Also Dudley is 6'2" kek.

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>Why do people keep trying to push the truth?
I know, it seems like such a strange concept to you and your ilk, but some people care about the truth and not just pushing an agenda.

Literally all of them

>There hasn't been a good Western game release in years.

What game is this?

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Because it's true.

Final Fantasy XV

boku no pico

Nioh 2

MK11 has the best launch sales in the series history but believe what ever "truths" you want to believe if it makes you feel better about being the minority that only cares about fapbait

muh realizms mostly

Not really.
It's easier to see in the actual models.

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