SONY just nuked every comment about removing the trophy girls HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GET CENSORED
SONY just nuked every comment about removing the trophy girls HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GET CENSORED
>dogfuckers seething
>trophy girls
Nobody fucking cares about furry shit getting axed
they're bandicoots
>One Angry Incel
we can't have our children being exposed to attractive women, what if they turn out straight or even worse, CIS?
Limiting the amount of furries in this world is one of the best things one can do in life.
fuck snoy
>(((sony))) does it again
lmaooo seriously this company needs to be destroyed
>Mario Kart is now the sex appeal kart racer
Furfags BTFO
This, depriving our children of mutilating themselves and getting a leaky dead skin shit piss fronthole would be a tragedy.
The removal of the trophy girls was not surprising. CNK already did away with them, and even real life racing doesn’t have grid girls anymore.
Don't you have enough ugly furry porn on Furaffinity or some other shithole? Yiff in hell.
>First they remove the guns in Spyro.
>Now this.
for shame Snoy.
t. tranny false flagger
surely thinking about the kids with violent games like mortal kombat and gta
The absolute state of snoynyggers
>implying anthro girls isn’t one of Yea Forums‘s biggest collective fetishes
Don't you have some inflation porn on e621 to go look at? Fuck off, you furry/scalie fucks ruined Spyro's remake too, glad to see your degenerate shit gets removed like it should.
TSR also has Rouge.
very convincing, sony tranny. keep going.
They kept Tawna and her fat tits but the trophy girls are apparently forbidden?
>He doesn't think me wanting to fuck ugly furshit abominations is acceptable
>Better call him a tranny
Yawn. Go jerk off to The Lion King and maybe you'll feel better.
"attractive women"
>Removes a selling point for the game
Fucking Activision.
>even real life racing doesn’t have grid girls anymore
NASCAR still has grid girls and that is the only real racing
Legit fuck anyone that supported Sony this gen.
Its just been proved its not just weeb games at risk.
So they did.
What do you mean nuked? I still see the comment section open.
Well that's just rude.
F1 still has grid girls.
>no trophy girls
I'm sure people creating crash turd racing threads are snoy paid shills.
Ha ha ha! I sincerely hope Sony keeps this route where they disobey the old classic motto of:
"The money is always right!"
I want them to keep at it. I want to see them fail. Sony hasn't changed. They're still hacks. I want them to get so crazy with censorship thanks to California and I want them to infuriate Capcom, Square Enix (come on censored flat chested Tifa!), Namco, etc. except Konami because they don't make jack shit and should also die for different reasons.
But yes I want to see Sony completely ruin itself. All for the sake of seeming politically correct. Do it Sony! Fail like we know you were born to do. I want to see how many people will buy their stupid consoles if they no longer have games like Grand Theft Auto.
>The only people being affected are the two most annoying groups online, furries and weebs
Fucking based Sony.
>lol inbred redneck racing
The only racing that matters is Formula 1. Everything else are memes.
They toned her tits down.
It means they took every comment mentioning Trophy Girls and mass removed them. Because Youtube allows this now
They did reduce her tits though.
Trannies and furries are the same thing, mentally ill people who get outraged when others hate the degeneracy they parade around as normal.
Fat tits aren't a problem, treating women like trophies is.
I guess. I don't know.
They were removed.
Are you blind? New Tawna is a generous A cup, or just a B cup, but that's it. She got her breasts greatly reduced. Even Candy Kong by Nintendo has bigger breasts than Nu-Tawna.
It's like the Powerpuff Girls Reboot writing out Sara Bellum. Even if you agree they're bad female representation, why not fix it instead? Sara Bellum could've been the Mayor, and the Trophy Girls could just be playable racers.
bandicoots aren't furries since they're a fictional species
The fuck is wrong with N.Oxide's delivery?
hilarious because feminists get stoned in their native lands lmao
It's less scratchy than in the original, might just be because of improved audio quality overall.
Bro you're right, women aren't trophies. They're just parasites or leeches if you prefer that don't love men even if you're a good honorable man, they will steal from you via divorce court and the backing of the government and do other evil things like murder children with abortion or falsely accuse men of domestic violence and of course lie to cops about being raped.
Women aren't trophies they're just SHIT humans that men refuse to castigate because they got pussies and as such men let women ruin everything like sports (anyone remember that stupid pink uniform bullshit the players wore to raise money for Female Cancers and women's health? Fuck this shit! How about men's health after all it's a male sporting event). Man fuck Gynocentrism.
No they were not.
Theyre still in.
I was watching Monaco today and they still had them.
They even had grid men.
Isn’t this game coming to other systems too? I hate Snoy too, but this seems like a ridiculous reason to complain to them
Nu-Tawana is a C
she is just not an J like she used to be
Meanwhile coco got some nice A-B cups
No, I meant the actor's delivery
its like he really doesn't care at all to what he is reading
This would be the first case of Sony censoring effecting other platforms which shouldn't happen.
>fictional species
We truly are living...In a Clown World
Theyx wanted to remove them beginning of last year. Four months later they reinstated them. I give you three guesses as to why.
>"likely culprit"
Nice detective work, Sherlock. Really narrowed that shit down.
SUPERGT still has them
F1 still has them
even fucking formula E has them and they are a new as fuck race classification
how does that look anything like ?
Isn’t the old VA for him dead or something?
>kids in tranny/gay nude parades are okay
>seeing virtual trophy girls is not
really boggles the mind
Pretty sure its a timed exclusive like N.Sane trilogy
Doubt they will "Uncensor" it since this is activision and they don't give a shit about doing any work after the game is gold
Haha suicide rates.
None of the characters use the old VAs
They use the Crash of Titans VAs
How does this look anything like Sonic?
How do Echidnas look anything like Knuckles?
How to real Tasmanian Devils look anything like Taz?
Wew lad
Ugly as sin. Meanwhile, real hedgehogs are fucking cute.
Oh man. If the trophy girls were on other systems except PlayStation I would probably die from laughing so hard. Doubt it’s happening though.
Forgot my pic
Anteaters look nothing like Arthur, and Echidnas look nothing like Knuckles.
Stormy Ascent and that new Crash 3 level though
They better be added as new racers then
>Pretty sure its a timed exclusive like N.Sane trilogy
It's not. Sony didn't pay for Spyro, either. N.Sane was a one off to get Crash fans to stop bothering them.
Ok so blaming Sony, there's also a Switch version. Thoughts?
exactly the point
They're not girls, they're animals.
And neither are OK. Sex in general shouldn't be so prominent in everyday life.
What the fuck, it has the monoeye irl
Taz kinda looks like a Tasmanian devil, just more bulky up top instead
>and her fat tits
They reduced her tits, lengthened her torso, shortened her legs, and made her all around less attractive.
>they're degenerate, so why can't I be degenerate too
Dilate more, tranny trash
The people in those Tranny-Gay parades are trapdoor spiders
Just fucking predators man.
t. american prude
Sex isn't evil
tfw been there. alone.
You are now aware that Sonic doesn't have giant white eyes.
Who knows?
The censorship thing is getting out of hand
t. degenerate transvestite
Normalizing sex is how we ended up with fucked up millenial values. Sex belongs in the bedroom, and there only.
Sex is in everything you fucking retard.
Fucking jump of a cliff seriously.
Game of Thrones was the most normie shit and had sex in it.
You're a fucking retard
I wonder what she's actually thinking during these shoots.
I would tell you guys to have sex but you're all furries so thats probably not a good idea
Arthur used to look like an aardvark, but they kept reducing the snout for whatever reason. Probably easier to animate.
Never watched Arthur, but I thought he was a fucking bear, not an ant eater
It really could be possible. I mean there was that screenshot with the hands hinting that they were offscreen. Sony could be censoring the comments because they are legit the only platform that doesn’t have the trophy girls.
Yeah, and where did that lead you? You've got angry young men masturbating to cartoons shooting up churches and parents selling their children to tranny marches. We fucked up and need to go back to traditional values.
Also, imagine thinking Game of Thrones isn;t degenerate.
Traps are fine, only trannies are mentally ill.
>sex lead to people shooting things up
I don't get it.
> Even if you agree they're bad female representation, why not fix it instead? Sara Bellum could've been the Mayor
Nice try faggot but no. There's nothing wrong with Ms. Bellum.
>thinking its only men who masturbate
Its true
There was nothing wrong with Bellum, she was an actual good role model once they actually started to use her more
She fucking kicks the shit out of Medusa to show the girls what a proper woman looks like
Cutting her out only shoes even more how the new PPG writers have no fucking idea what the original was like
>life in river extinguished due to heavy metal poisoning
Keep dilating, you'll never be women
>liking sexual stuff is now tranny
fucking yikes
that would be absolutely atrocious
>god I would kill for a cigarette right now
You'd be happy to know that it's Israel's Yarkon River and that it's so polluted no life can survive it anyway.
Based furryfags got btfo
Don't forget that all those locks can cause structural instability due to the extra load on that part of the bridge
France had to remove a shit ton of locks like that from some Parris' bridges because they were about to collapse from all that load
Go figure, thanks to Snoy multiplat titles get censored too.
Sony fans are cancer for defending them.
you read me like a goddamn book right there just now
>sex is cool and shit, man, we should totally sexualize animals in children's games and shit
You're mentally ill, get help
So does this mean we can't have trophy girls in real life as well?
Deleting comments just brings more attention to the exact thing they are trying to hide. Why doesn't anyone ever understand the Streisand Effect??? Why is controversy now the hottest new form of marketing? I just want a comfy Crash kart game :(
Didn't say there was anything wrong. I'm merely providing a solution that would still fit these writers/developers views, and still let us keep fan beloved characters. But in their own short sightedness, they're making it worse for even themselves.
How can people unironically defend this? Just how much can you keep choking on corporate cock?
Weird no one ever seemed to care before.
Whats your excuse now.
You don't remember the controversy around "Booth Babes"? They probably see it as the same thing.
That video was just for the intro cutscene which never had the trophy girls to begin with. The 20 minute video where you actually see the trophy girls are missing are still filled with people asking about them.
I'm happily married and i'm extremely angry girls' bodies can't be celebrated anymore. So are real racing babes losing their jobs, by the way.
Wasn't she the one who did the actual work for the senile mayor too?
I hope this is true, it'd be fucking hilarious.
Moving to California was a mistake.
>no one seems to care before
People have been trying to remove degenerate content from video games since you were born, you fucking tranny retard
>Never watched Arthur
Anyone else NEVER watched Arthur because they HATED the show? I always saw this stupid "educational" cartoon to be exactly the same as Nickelodeon's Doug. A show starring a pussy lame shit inoffensive loser. And the show taught horrible values (though I guess nowadays they're teaching homosexual marriage), the episode that stayed with me forever is the one with Arthur was given the job of babysitting a person's dog.
Now Arthur follows every single instruction to a T. And despite Arthur being nice, attentive, and responsible? The dog hated him. The dog always growled at the kid as if it was damn near going to bite him. The ending was that the dog was pregnant and that's why she was a BITCH to Arthur (in both ways).
Honestly FUCK THIS SHIT SHOW. How can something so fucking lame and truly genuinely be full of emasculation and s o y male characters be popular to continue to run LONGER than even Spongebob? Fuck this garbage. Fuck it to the depths of hell itself. Complete trash that teaches boys to be future simps and cucks and just weak adults.
These pro-censorship false-flaggers are learning pretty fast, I'll give 'em that much, but you went too far when you tried to attribute normalizing sexy shit to trannies and degenerates. Especially since they're the ones behind this crap in the first place.
Uhhh bigots if you want sexy girls then playstation isn't for you
The only people who seem to care are trannies you fucking tranny cunt
>Watching Arthur for Arthur himself
There's your problem
How are liberals reacting to this? Many of them are furries, so this actually does affect them this time.
>mentally ill furries are not the ones mad that their sexualized cartoons were removed from a children's video game
You stink of underage. Go join the 40% you absolute degenerate retard
I guess nascar didn't stop because of that.
Furries are mostly right-wing and enlightened centrist last time I checked, they don't like the Left's puritanical ways.
>mfw furfags got BTFO
What even was the reason they would censor it?
Why couldn't they have made them look more furry to get away with it? Shit, in Spyro half of the dragons got fetish fuel added to them and female characters like Elora and Bianca were made "sexier" as well. Usually making them more generically furry saves it. Like, just make Coco but slightly taller and with bigger tits.
Lmao nah.
Unlike you I am a CIS straight male who likes straight sex and sexy things in all forms of media.
You are already part of the 40% go add to it.
My dumbass friend and his fiancé put locks on one of those bridges just prior to them cutting them all off. Needless to say within a week or two after the cutting he finds out she's been cheating on him, and they call the wedding off. Those things are cursed.
But sony has nothing to do with the game
You MASSIVE retard see
They censored the letter W off of a title of a game because it looked like boobs. I'm not surprised by literally anything they do anymore.
"Sex is GOOD. Let's show the kids what sex is life and shove it in their face 24/7, I'm sure they'll all turn out just fine, and not end up being degenerate whores in their adult life!"
Once the Day of the Rope comes, you're getting it.
Snoy used to be based, what went wrong?
Tawna is in and the trophy girls are her alternate skins.
See you at E3.
I had sex anywhere I want and I came out just fine.
Must just be an amerimutt thing.
You have no power over me tranny fuck.
>showing tiny nude isn't sexualizing
>showing clothed women is
Who said anything about sex with children, my overcompensating friend?
If...IF the trophy girls are absent from the PS4 version, but actually in the Switch version, would you get it for Switch?
the way y'all fuckers go on about these girls I thought they'd be hot but they're these abominations
what's wrong with you
So can anyone confirm if they removed the Trophy Girls from the other versions too?
But sex IS good and improves your life
I'll never get over how DW got away with so much shit.
Yea you can just need cash and women stick to you like flies to shit. Only good looking ones of course.
>move hq to commiefornia
>become retarded
I'm getting it on Switch anyways
The artist in the OP redesigned them to become fuckable as fuck
check out his art and tell me you wouldn't want to fuck a bandicoot girl
Isn't it only their Playstation division, which is only getting so much clout because Sony's other branches aren't doing so hot?
Because you're literally arguing in adding sexualized content in a CHILDREN's game, you tranny fuck.
Anyone know what global standards are?
Seems like globalism truly is the enemy.
Girls bad! Respect girls! They can do anything! They can't be allowed to do that!
It looks like fucking 2005-era DeviantArt anime style, or that Scholastic how to draw anime book. Pathetic. Yea Forums likes this but not actual quality furshit when it is in games?
>is on 4channel
>I came out just fine
Some racing group got rid of their track girls because "objectification is wrong", and the women who actually worked there were infuriated because they all basically lost their jobs.
Stupid zoomer, go back to your movie "games".
It's sexy cartoons, Space Jam had it, Bugs Bunny had it, Betty Boop was based off pinups.
Have sex.
No. Online will likely be more active on PS4, and that's more important for me.
If someone lime minus8 made an animation with this name or something like that, no one would ever accept the game not including them.
They barely had pr0n anyway
>Meanwhile posts on resetera
You're saying that as if those things weren't also degenerate, and not part of the reason why things are as screwed up as they are now, retard.
If you post on Retardera too, good on you. But personally, I can't take anyone posting "I came out fine" on Yea Forums seriously, bruh, I don't think anyone really can.
Will it run/look as good as the PS4 version?
>discord trannies now think furshit is /pol/
worse timeline
Sony, in general, is doing ok
PlayStation is doing great, but so is insurance and camera sensors and general manufacturing of component parts to other manufacturers
what was sinking was TVs (they don't make them anymore) Laptops (see TVs) and the music part
But since Spotify and apple music became a thing they are also making dough now.
Playstation moved to LA because they think it will be profitable since all their major releases this gen came from western studios who are either in LA or close to it, not to mention that the PS4 and the PS5 were designed in the west by Mark Cerni who is probably more comfortable with working near his home than flying to Japan every time a new build is completed.
There's honestly a pretty big overlap between /pol/tards and furshit.
only gay furshit is acceptable
HAHAHAHAHAHA how about reply to this post or your mom will die on her sleep tonight
>Said the resetera tranny while dilating its flesh wound
>th-they misunderstood them.
Shut the fuck up, tranny. You don't step away from your own series unless they were cracking down.
>Please keep supporting this game after the release with free characters and kart parts.. it would make it even greater...
I fucking hate Fortnite and its fucking legacy.
When will we actually get a quality furshit game that is sexual without being totally degenerate? Doesn't seem like furries would be able to hold back these days and make something good like Lola Bunny or shit, they always have to go for rainbow hyper futa cocks and sparkledogs.
fug u
Who the fuck are you quoting, you faggot?
Trannies win again!
>I came out just fine
>Gets you fired because your job is too demeaning for you.
>Fedora tips you into poverty
>Wants to save you from you problematic situation that fedora tipping created in first place
>being on a specific website makes you a failure
>when even celebrities post here anonymously
Please fucking kill yourself tranny.
For the entire 25 years of the Playstation's existence, I've never given the brand a cent. Now I do feel ashamed that I have bought Sony products in the past (such as headphones this past Black Friday) but now I guess I'm doing a complete boycott of the company now.
>the letter W
It was an omega symbol, you invalid.
Or you just don't buy shit games. Meanwhile I'm whacking it to skyrim making it the best porn game out there.
>i-its ok cause hollyjews post here too
>they aren't failures either!!
You should only feel shame about buying a sony headphone if you bought anything besides the glorious MDR-V6
cope harder sweetie
It'll run the same I assume because it looks much less detailed but that's good for me because I hate how detailed N. Sane Trilogy looks
The game is owned by Activision.
All waifus have rights, you need to give them all the same treatment, so they don't came after the actually good ones.
>"Transsexualism is GOOD. Let's show the kids what trannies are like and shove it in their face 24/7, I'm sure they'll all turn out just fine, and not end up being dilating freaks of nature in their adult life!"
Are you shitposting right now? Please tell me you are.
The time where Arthur hit her (despite being implied offscreen) was one of the greatest moments of children's television shows. That bitch deserved it.
seething tranny incel go back to /pol/ and dilate
That's retarded and always funny to see how people don't realize that Sony isn't just Playstation but a huge company. It's like saying I don't like Yamaha bikes and therefore won't buy audio equipment from them.
I honestly don't get it. No one's forcing these girls to be there. If they enjoy it, why take that away from them?
Why should I? You wanna see what I did to my hamlet in darkest dungeon? Or do you want to take a look at my skyrim character? There are tons of lewd japanese games. Hentai games even. Wanna see poor women getting raped repeatedly by all kinds of monsters?
Neither of them are OK, retard. Both are pushing moral degeneration on the youth, and led to the moral wasteland we live in today.
>These are people who literally get booth girls and trophy girls fired from their jobs because they consider their work demeaning and want to "save" them from it
>Literally putting WOMEN out of work because "Muh Feminism"
Jesus christ, how have these type of people not all been gathered in one area and gassed yet is beyond my comprehension
>Go back to your movie games
>Dammit, I'm fapping to furshit abominations that are on the screen for ten seconds in a racing game!
Both are capped at 30fps.
dude formula one is only interesting if youre in homeschool. It's just what company can buy the lightest composites, no fun engineering to gawk at like you used to, nor is it just pure driver skill like NASCAR.
God she's cute
>caring about literal shovelware
this game is already dead on release who cares about some dumb furry sluts
Boycotting is such a stupid concept altogether.
Are we sure they didn't just get lazy and not coded the girls in?
If this game is an actual reskin then its censorship. If its a remake then its laziness or SJWism.
Post skyrim screenshots pls
Nobody actually cares about the trophy girls.
What they do care about is the message Sony is sending by removing them (or any
other censorship), and removing any commentary that points it out. If you can't see a problem in that, you're too far gone or just stupid.
Both you and the trannies are getting the rope, you smoothbrained dullard
thanks mate, that faggot almost got me
Literally everyone voice from the originals are dead, that’s why everyone got replaced. Well cortex voice actor is still alive, but I think he’s too expensive to higher because he plays Mr Krabs. And even then he doesn’t show up in spongebob games
Not true entirely, they hunted down Ngin’s and N trophy’s from TWoC
no one is fapping except the deviantart faggots, we simply don't like censorship
> M-muh Sony!
The game is multiplatform retards, Sony has shit to do with the game
They probably didn't want to make more girls for the new characters because they are lazy shits. Not buying till it hits sale anyway.
user, this is a game for children. Children don't need to see degenerate furshit in their games anymore than they need to see degenerate weebshit. You would have a point if we were talking about VNs for adults getting censored but this is a kid's game. The trophy girls looked nothing like any other character, they were only ever put in for manchildren playing a kid's game to ogle.
Removing degenerate content from a children's game is not "censorship", you absolute retard.
Can I have a source on that image
>and removing any commentary that points it out
They didn't do that, OP rused you.
Nintendo censored the trophy girls since CERO told them to, so it's ok.
Crash is snoy shit though.
Think about it, user. If they include content for other systems, that Sony doesn't have, then wouldn't that cause an even bigger shitstorm? Think about what happened with Devil May Cry.
wouldn't this be activision's fault?
It wasn't even like he beat her up, he hit her once and she fell down. Everyone treated it like he was a monster, while she got off scott free for breaking his stuff.
The long snout isn't appealing to normies. So they just resigned and made him a normal-ish looking boy.
No its Universal Studios. They were just lending the IP to naughty dog. The IP then ended up as an activision property. Like Spyro and with skylanders. Ancient history.
If you want degenerate shit, you can always go watch pornography. This is a kid's game, there shouldn't be any sexuality of any kind in it.
Who do you think funded Crash remasters.
Are you telling me Disney has never drawn any tits before
It is, but I'm not worried.
Copyright will be extinct soon.
Cut it out the boobies make you want to keep winning.
>(((Disney))) does it so it's OK!
Are you shitting me right now?
On what fucking planet is not keeping a feature in a sequel censorship.
The kids are misguided. It ain't censorship but its cut content! This is what we used to call a downgrade.
I fear for the FF7 remake. If CTR is this bad, imagine FF7.
A small amount of sexuality isn't bad. Most kids don't even know what it means to have sex. But what they understand is that girls are pretty. And it should be ok to expose children to pleasing images of women. Of course I'm not saying they should be exposed to nudity and porn. That goes without saying.(But with retards, you always have to qualify your statements) What I AM saying, is that recognizing pretty girls, and finding them attractive, is a healthy part of sexual development. So some girls strutting around in racing suits, isn't a big deal. If it goes beyond that, then you have the right to complain.
Desperate furry trannies are upset their sexualized fursonas are getting cut because people thought they weren't appropriate content in a kids game.
why is Sony doing this?
On what fucking planet is removing the original game's features from the remake because they represent "muh objectification of womyns" not censorship?
You trannies are retarded.
You know why it was cut. It's censorship.
Balloon tits and panty shots are beyond what is acceptable, especially when it's on animals and not human characters. No one is saying that you should remove pretty girls from kids' games, they're saying you should remove whorish tramps.
Why are people making >muh-furry remarks?
The only reason they're doing this is because trophy-girl = trophy-wife = sexism.
It's the idea of wmyn being property that they're suppressing, and they'd do it if they were human characters.
You retards shifting this to cry about furries is hysterical.
>Traps are fine
If you're gay, sure I guess. If you like traps but don't admit you're gay, you might as well be as bad as a tranny.
t. seething furry angry he was robbed out of several degenerate wanks
it's not censorship, they decide to not to put in content that was in the original game
pokemon oras didnt have content that rse had and nobody screamed censorship
just people screaming gamefreak being lazy hacks
Their president is a retard who went full "games are just toys for kids."
It's not a sequel, it's a remake.
>"games are just toys for kids."
but thats Nintendo's policy
It seems Sony took it further.
>furfags on all other censorship: YOU DESERVE IT HAHAHAHAHA
>furfags on this censorship: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Why are all furfags hypocrites?
Pleez, Amy Rose will always be better.
>bankrolls the Bayonetta series in your path
>sexualized content
Hey, actual heterosexual male here. I've had funny feelings about the opposite sex since I was at least 5 years old. I still remember being excited to see this one girl I was crushing on in kindergarden wear a swimsuit during some school sponsored water fun day. It's okay for young boys to like pretty girls. Repressing that is what leads to faggots and trannies.
Games are just toys for kids tho.
Why aren't liberals bitching about this? I thought they were on our side...
Forbidden image
>>furfags on all other censorship: YOU DESERVE IT HAHAHAHAHA
When was this ever said?
Yea back when it was on PS1. You ever heard of Wrath of Cortex?
>nintendo: if the game's not fun, what's the point
>wow, that's kind of juvenile, right sony?
>sony: hold my soilent
>repressing that is what leads to faggots and trannies
No drowning kids in sexualized content is what leads to them living libertine and degenerate lives. Case in point: you. If you had an actual proper childhood, you probably wouldn't be here on Yea Forums.
Millions of kids played CTR when it came out, and there were no problems. Kids today are exposed to way more worse shit on the internet on a daily basis anyway.
Adults don't fucking assault each other when they break each other's things. They go to prison if they do.
Multiplatform game
>You've lived long enough to see Nintendo embrace sexuality
>You've lived long enough to see Sony go full SJW and censor everything even remotely titillating
What the FUCK happened?
Wanting the remake to be faithful to the original makes people furfags? Fuck off you stupid motherfucker.
furfags have no political association, i'm seeing a lot of tranny lefties and /pol/tards alike
Oh gosh! Now Imma vote democrat next election! :D:D:D:D:D
That's a symptom or possibility. It could also be laziness. I fucking hate it but still.
Normalfags moving into our hobby, fake whamen gamers, SJWs who don't buy games anyway, some of the trannies who want attention, communists who want to ban skeletons, the WHO who enforces their whining into law. We have so many enemies in plain sight.
They move into our hobby and implement their own sharia law.
Video gaming is becoming a testing ground for real life population replacement. Except gamers don't budge.
All this because of social media. It gave the loonies a platform to fake outrage. And so to not offend we're getting robbed of the possible peak potential of this hobby.
Just pirate it user. And wait for mods to fix it.
See retareded weeb shitter
>Balloon tits and panty shots are beyond what is acceptable
Well first of all, who are you to say that big tits are too much? It just so happens that some women have big tits. Why are they disqualified from children's entertainment?
>But I meant FAKE tits
Kids don't know the difference. And with the right bra, even real tits can take on that fake ballooning shape.
Second of all, you might have a point about fishnest and pantyshots. Although, I remember watching anime with pantyshots in them as a kid, and I wasn't harmed by it. But anyway, if you want to argue against certain attire, that's another conversation. But we're talking about the removal of characters entirely.
Based nippon happened
>and there were no problems
Have you seen what the generation that grew up in the 90s is like? Are you completely fucking retarded?
Are they still in the switch version?
why are Sony games still full of gore and violence then? shouldn't dismemberment be more offensive than a nipple?
The topic of this thread is literally Sony. How are we not supposed to discuss Sony?
SJWs, I mean just look at the UN itself. You have a lot of over 40, overweight women there that get their dried up cunt hurt just thinking about younger, more attractive girls getting more attention than they get.
Not anymore now Sony is the family friendly console while nintendo is going all out with ecchi and violent shit . it sucks becouse i own a Ps4 and i dont want to buy a glorified tablet to play my mature games.
It's a sexualized characteristic.
You shouldn't put balloon tits on female characters the same way you should show the contour of a big dick through a male character's pants. It's simply not appropriate for children.
Threads pretty much an excuse to have another censorship thread. I get it censorship is bad but this games basically gonna be the same for all consoles.
furfags should be denied of any joy
But the Trophy girls were in the game as a parody of racer culture. You can't just axe things because you don't like them without any care about their meaning, we're not babies.
>because the SmtxFe crossover sold like shit after the devs were forced redo cutscenes for the west, which led Nintendo to be fucking pissed with NOA and the localization team
>Sony moved to California
Societal pressures coming from America I guess. SJW's haven't turned their campaign against violence yet, so that can be safely ignored for now.
>we're not babies
You're not the target audience. Children are.
Putting pretty girls in children's media isn't "drowning" them in it. I mean, do you want every female character to be a chode to avoid the risk of making little boys feel funny? Do you want them to all be wearing burkas? Boys should like seeing pretty girls. Let them. Repressing them is how you really end up with degenerates and freaks.
Yea Forums: "Fucking trannies pushing their degenerate shit on kids, it's disgusting! Kids should be kept away from sexualized material!"
Also Yea Forums: "Fucking Sony for taking away my furshit fetish stuff in a game for kids! Kids aren't hurt by seeing sexualized things!"
When did furries said that?
And people trash TSR for that game?
The 3rd reply is about trophy girls wtf sre you talking about
>It could also be laziness
If you ignore all the context of the times we live in, sure.
>amerimutt education
If they get exposed to attractive women then they'll look at every real woman and realize how disappointing they are, especially compared to 2D. Thus creating unrealistic expectations in men.
It's all to keep expectations lowered.
>He doesn't understand the difference between a good female character for kids and obvious fetishbait put in by sick fuck animators
>if women want to bang monsters it's cool and good, but if some guy doesn't like pointless censorship we better call him a furry
It's not "Pretty girls", it's whores, man. And yes, drowning children in whorish imagery is how you end up with a generation of whores and whoremongers.
That's retarded. You can't hide big tits. Boys can see them walking down the street. Hell, i bet some of their teachers have big ones. No amount of baggy material will disguise them.
Also, tits are not equal to genitalia. No, tits for a woman, is more akin to height as a man.
Dicks are not the only male characteristic women are attracted to. Why do you think big buff shirtless guys are so popular in advertising?
This is a nonissue.
I'm not following a trail of "See:" just to get to the goddamn point. Fuck you.
They lost their credibility a while ago. Now they're just an outrage farm.
Maybe we should simply accept that games are not for everyone instead of pulling them apart so they'll appeal to the lowest common denominator?
I dont think anyone in this thread even plays the game
When can we expect the PC version of this game?
>it's whores, man
That's quite an assumption to make, the trophy girls' only action in the game was waving at the camera. To say that's a whore is an overstatement.
Ask yourself, if you want to release a game across multiple platforms, but ONE of them is putting hard pressure on censorship, do you:
A. Just design the game from the ground up with that in mind.
B. Spend precious manhours scrubbing content from one version of the game?
I guess there's also:
C. Don't release it on that platform
But that's retarded from a business standpoint.
I don't think ripped muscled men are appropriate for children either, retard.
Right, so let's give all the big-titted whores long neck-lined camisoles, short shorts, and show their underwear in a suggestive fashion. You're arguing for the prolongation of the corruption of the youth, man. That much is clear.
I wonder if it's possible to develop a fetish for mysterious light sources.
Is this a No True Scotsman?
>trophy girls aren't whores
They're women paid to flash their tits to horny men and dykes, they're literally whores.
sony are the masters of censorship now
Parents not parenting their kids is how you end up with whores. Letting little jimmy see an attractive woman in a bikini isn't going to do anything but reinforce his attraction to the opposite sex. He's not some asexual robot. Let him be a fucking male.
Reminder that the trophy girls were out while this piece of shit is in
And developers aren't going to put up with making different content for different games. You were warned this would happen, they'll fuck up the source and ship the same product to all platforms in order to avoid dealing with Sony's censorship committee or making multiple versions(more time and money).
It's almost as if Yea Forums isn't one person.
Who would have thought?
>I don't think ripped muscled men are appropriate for children either, retard.
You are the most puritanical person I've ever seen. What the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums of all places?
It's going to attract him to whores. And normalizing the whores is how little girls grow up to be whores. Get your fucking libtard brain checked, moron.
That's a big girl
So you're saying that you've never given them money, and that they should take note of all the money that you're /still/ not spending? This is some special faggottry.
This is some roastie thinking
>look at that skank. fucking whore, all she's doing is smiling and waving.
Invading, clearly.
Haven't you come to the conclusion that SJWs are the modern era's puritans?
There's legitimately interesting theological discussions on /his/, and I've been around here since I enjoy Heroes III threads.
>long neck-lined camisoles, short shorts
You mean standard summer clothes?
>and show their underwear in a suggestive fashion
Maybe you can argue to cut that much out. I'll meet you halfway there. But again, what attire women wear, is a different conversation than saying that no trophy girls should exist at all.
I grew up playing CTR and I sure as hell am not into whores. Control your paranoia, user.
>You mean standard summer clothes?
NOW standard. 30 years ago you would have been hard pressed to find a woman wearing half that little. Read about the Overton Window, it's the same thing, but for sex.
thanks doc
No child in the world is going to think this shit is unpleasant. They'll either completely ignore it or be confused as to why their pants feel tighter. This is all so overly-sensitive adults with too much time on their hands don't feel uncomfortable.
She was always the worst one for a reason.
By now I can only assume you're some whale tier roastie. You can't shield your kid from every one in the world more attractive than you. They will be exposed to women wearing more than moomoos. If he's a boy, he's gonna like the pretty girls. Don't try to turn the boy into a faggot, let him be a boy.
>but muh whore
Be a parent. Explain to your daughter the concepts of self worth and self respect.
Honestly, the fact that there are no trophy girls doesn't mean I would enjoy this game any less, but in this day and age, it just goes to show who Sony's more afraid of.
Also, frankly no one even dares to mention that Papu-Papu could be seen as someone attractive and has his upper torso exposed, but he's fine because he's playable and it's fine for women with that sort of preference to have a boner about it and it's just seen as exaggeratedly cartoonish. But exaggerated cartoony animal trophy girls? Nuh-huh, ain't happenin', bud.
Individual parental actions is not how you're going to stop the widespread degeneracy of the youth, you moron.
Please. It's never about the children, user. That's just an excuse adults tell to cover up that this is really about their insecurities and them being uncomfortable.
They were confronted with Papu-Papu being a racist stereotype. They don't give a shit.
This is one odd timeline.
Thing is, this is not even meant to be attractive, it's just ridiculous and silly looking. You're not meant to be getting all hot and bothered with the trophy girls, they're there to poke fun.
Can we assume that they are 100% out then?
What about the fucking cropped hands on turbo track?
Not yet.
It's all fake manufactured drama to create publicity for the game
Good parenting is absolutely how you keep youth from being degenerates, you fucking idiot. You think niggers glorify gang culture because they had good mothers and fathers around to raise them?
>but the media is drowning them in blah blah blah
You can't fight the media, but what you can do is raise your fucking kids. Do your best to impart the values you think are right. Explain to them what it is they see in media, why they see it, and why they should shun it.
BASED BEENOX. *Dabs on furfags*
But they remove his ass crack
nice false flag
and yet, the SJWs PROBABLY, coerced Sony to remove such inoffensive thing.
makes your gears grind, isnt it?
jokes on you, hot anime girls is what made me trans in the first place
>you can't fight the media
Seeing as they're removing that degenerate shit from the game, and seeing how SJWs manage to get their retarded shit into games and movies, yes, you absolutely can.
>just take care of your own kids, everything will be just fine :)
This is basically how we got to where we are, you dipshit
"Short shorts" is a term that goes back before you and I were born. The song is from the 50's. And the fashion was documented as well, so you can even search it.
Besides, there's nothing wrong with short shorts. You just have a weird hang up about girls baring their legs. Maybe you live in a place that never gets hotter than 70 degrees. But it's 84 degrees right now, where I'm from. Trust me, if you felt that heat, you'd understand why short shorts are in fashion.
>he thinks that the degeneration of Western moral values hadn't started in the 50s
It started way back, it simply has gotten worse and worse
that was a lowercase omega
They discontinued those, right? I had to buy mine on ebay at above the normal price when I wanted a replacement a few years back. Glad I got them while I could, but why would they stop making them? I'd have kept buying them for as long as they kept selling them, now next time I need headphones I'll need to shop around.
Crash, no! That's your sister!
Please remember that the director of this game is a genuine CTR autist and this decision was almost certainly Activision and/or Snoy's decision
You say that while you're in a board where half threads are made by SJWs that whine about "problematic" video games.
>Sony scrubbing furfags from the comments of their family friendly kart racing
I see no problem with this
Are grid girls still banned in F1?
>yes you can
No, you can't. You won't stop advertisers from using sex to sell. For every gillette add shaming men for liking women, there are several more with a pretty girl shilling a product. As for sjws pushing their shit, that's finally coming back to bite them.
>This is basically how we got to where we are, you dipshit
Again, no. You can't control how other people raise their kids. All you can do is make sure you do what you can to make sure yours grow into good people.
I know youre just off the boat from Reddit, but furries are not party locked.
Censorship is always a problem, shitposter-kun.
Crsh y
although its probable it is the case, i suggest we should wait for E3.
Right now theres a 60% chance they TGs were removed, but considering the complaints, the devs are gonna have to do something.
The devs can easily show them in the final trailer at E3, however, if theres not even a hint that they are in said trailer, then we can say theres at least a 99.9999% they were removed, with the 0.0001 being them still there as a surprise on launch.
>They kept Tawna and her fat tits
They did?
Because no they didn't. She's fucking ugly as shit now.
sony has gone full sjw. sjws always double down. they're gone for good.
I really really really like this image
So how do you suggest we fight against the degradation of western moral values?
>buying those shitty remake in the first place
Thank God I'm too old for this shit. Vidya is in its state nowadays because you dumfucks keep buying those things whatever happens.
again, yeah, thats mostly the case so far, but still, we should wait until the E3 trailer, the launch trailer.
Worse how? Are you saying that short shorts are in direct cause of societal degradation? Or are you saying that short shorts are a result of it? Or perhaps both, in some kind of wheel of progression? You're going to have to draw me a road map.
Since when are Disney movies for adults?
man, sony really went off the deep end in a matter of months, huh. not a dogfucker but i empathize. hope devs wise up and realize there are other consoles on the market
>Sonys video game department moves to California
>Everything goes to shit
>but still
No, there is no hope. It doesn't matter how much the dev wants them in, sony has the final say and they're not going to budge.
4 U
Why is Coco still in? This is very problematic, preorder cancelled
Sony's (((global standards)))
Don't buy your children M-rated games if you don't want them to see that.
I'm not defending Sony's actions of deliberately censoring anime games or titties that aren't in M-rated games, but it's not like this violence has no place in a game rated fucking M for mature.
I went from not caring about faggots to absolutely hating them.
>just let it go bro, it's all going to be alllllllright
Fuck off. People like you are why it's so shit now.
Being ugly has nothing to do with breast size.
The game is made and published by Activision, you nigger.
I like it too.
>some faggot being naked in front of children
>an adult kissing some other person's kid
Okay, what the fuck. How is this allowed?
And DMC5 was developed by Capcom but was still censored at Sony's request.
I'm not saying it's going to be perfectly fine, I'm saying all you can do it raise your kids right.
Given the way you're acting though, I can guarantee your kids would rebel hard.
Revolutionist kid in 2045
Gee, I wonder...
Dude, even jp games are self censoring now to get on ps4. It's a global mandate by sony.
>More of Quinton Flynn having fun with his role instead of doing the same voice every other time
Not even mad
Literally pedophiles. The idea that "pride is for kids too" is literally just a facade for pedos to be enabled to do shit like in he pic, it's fucking sick.
Is this a gay parade? Do gays really look like that?
>you can't fight society maaaaaaaaaaaan
Yeah, no. I'll keep arguing for what I feel is right, and sexualized cartoon animals aimed at children are just as good a target as any.
So is it MRA nazi trump gun-nut white supremacist frog sexism if you want to play as the Trophy Girl too?
I just want to play as Tawna, man...
I agree with you, so why is mild "sexual" shit like an anime girl wearing a bikini being censored, then? Clearly you can mark the game with a M and there you go, kids can't access it. But no, that shit gets censored with sunlight and watching people get beheaded and ripped apart is not.
It can't be that malicious, can it? It could just be that they're so caught up in supporting their cause and gaining allies throw impacting children that they don't realize the implications of what they're doing.
>all these people in the comments completely incapable of hiding their power level
Made for Diddy Kong cock.
Sony is a Muslim company, showing women without headscarves is haram.
>reading YouTube comments
Why do you do this to yourself?
So says the furfag
Yeah, that shit's dumb. A creator's vision shouldn't be arbitrarily censored by dumb shit like Snoy's external censorship department or whatever, even outside the ESRB.
If they weren't an issue back in the original game's release then why are they a problem now?
Now everything has to pursue the agenda of helping the female sexual revolution while depicting them as sexless robots.
My nephew was playing Senran Kagura 2 on 3DS yesterday.
And he was all like "hahaha. Look at them jubblies. Wobbly boobies. Hah! She's lost her pants! Look!"
Me and my bro just told him to keep it on the low down that he's played it. Bless that kooky little 7 year old lad.
But it makes the point that kids don't give a shit about partial nudity. Its just funny to them.
The reason why they don't want to put anything sexual on their games is because gays want their next gen of boys to be either gay or bi. Removing females will make their peepees not get any hard, and so that will make them feel gay. They want to make them gay like their foster parents so that they won't turn straight. GAYS ARE GOING TO RULE THE WORLD WE DON'T DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! WE NEED TO PUT TITS ON EVERY MEDIA! WE NEED TO UP RISE A TAKE OVER BEFORE THESE FAGGOTS CORRUPT OUR FUTURE KIDS!
>hiding your power level online
The fuck is the point?
Too late bro.
Playstation Home really let itself go.
What the fuck is going on at the bottom? She looks like she's getting possed.
The trannies over at the Crash discord are defending this with a bleeding heart, lmao.
>SNOY's face when people dared to ask for female characters that didn't look like living garbage bags
Fucking pathetic
All those boys will have their dicks cut out...our future is bleak at this point. When can we kill the gays?
Invite link for the discord server?
Wait wait wait, so let me get a tl;dr, they are 100% confirmed to be removed?
Well that's fucking stupid, I wanted to play as Megumi
>caring about crash team racing
we really dont know, but apparently, they werent in the Trophy sequences in the last adventure mode video.
>that dog-girl comic
Please, for the love of god, don't tell me this is the actual ending. Fuck I am so mad!
Never post my waifu it?
Man, that pic made me want to watch some classic Arthur, anyone know a torrent?
This is going to be the next Loss, isn't it.
look at that snout
Extra bowl of scoob snacks for you friend.
for the gaymers am i right?
>Look look! I don't like something popular, I'm unique!
sex isn't popular
No jiggle physics though
snoy isn't a smart name at all. Stop using it
gay parades are most degenerate shit ever
Cali is the most degenerate state
I just dont get how state that is so degenerate such as this has a problem with sexy girls in games
shit is double standards
You can do that by not buying the game if you care so much, faggot.
I'm not a furry and I've played this for 20 years
have sex tranny
jiggle THIS
Brazilian trap is a god-tier one cuz they keep their penis intact. They are too poor for that surgery but they determine that it is not worthy.
I thought the point of using that name was being obnoxious, not smart. It doesn't even mean anything.
There's nothing 'degenerate' about goofy looking cartoon characters celebrating at the podium with everyone.
You people never played the game. The trophy girls are not the ONLY thing on screen when they appear. The racers are there as well
Got myself a loli harem and get them to perform feet (sexlab) animations on me, perfect.
>Yea Forums watches clickbait like Bellular, LegacyKillaHS, TheQuartering etc.
They're fucking clickbait outrage porn and it's annoying. I don't want slanted news from a screaming, balding man.
F1 has been shit for years. It's just follow-the-leader bullshit. If you don't have overtaking, it's hardly a race.
That is one well-endowed bat.
Formula is Euro Nascar. Rally is objectively better.
ewww creep!
Sony fucking wishes
what a shame, I was actually hyped for this
Stop playing like a noob, get gamers game
N. Sane sold over 10 million copies and it was a fucking remake
Get your head out of your ass
I would smack my kid for being a little faggot.
nice global standards
….you're kidding right?
Oh that's right I forgot that the world doesn't exist outside of BING BING WAHOO for you tendies. Yea Forums (i.e.nintendogaf)'s views on what is and isn't popular is always so laughably removed from reality it's sad.
Switch is my only current gen console, so I'm getting it on switch no matter what
sjw's aint got shit on the power level of furries. They alone have the power to get the trophy girls back.
>a fotm remake on 4 platforms starting at a massive discount sold well
Gee golly gosh batman that must mean Crash is more popular than Mario now!
No, no wait, that's retarded.
Enjoy your remake of furry mario kart
Dumb post
who cares about this game in the first place
Why does OAG do this. Constantly making these articles that just state things we already know, it barely even needs to be said.
Sony wants us to be gay or something. I have no idea. But they don't even need to write an article blaming SJWs each time-- they take credit for ruining these things at every opportunity.
Is this some kind of new ultra meta shitposting or do you dweebs actually think Crash Bandicoot is popular
>that grade school-tier strawman
Here's a (You)
Spoken like a true conservative and prude grandpa. Based and redpilled.
He’s in right?
I hate it when you fuckers do this.
I don't think you know what a strawman is.
Enjoy your furry kart racer. Alone.
>I don't think you know what a strawman is
>Gee golly gosh batman that must mean Crash is more popular than Mario now!
Nobody was talking about Mario except you
Thread's saging. Quick! Post your:
A strawman is when you mischaracterize someone else's argument, not the personal use of hyperbole
Congrats on being a pseudo-intellectual
>A strawman is when you mischaracterize someone else's argument, not the personal use of hyperbole
Which you did, user did not include Mario in his argument.
Slick bike max speed
Rainbow road
Oh wait, you meant in crash? Nah I don't know any of these niggas I'll pass
>actual discussion of the game only after bump limit
rip comfy CTR threads. Anyways
>up in the air still
>Crash Cove
And I thought the people screaming about the WHO were thick