Ken Levine

Redemption arc imminent?

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for what?

for killing bioshock

Sure thing kiddo

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imminent? is he done trying to make his narrative roguelike?

>trusting review scores
whos the kiddo now?

why there is no bioshock 4 if ifinite was so good

bioshock infinite showed that he really needs an editor to reign in some of his dumber ideas and he needs to stay far away from actual gameplay design

not happening, his next game has a RADIANT AI-tier gimmick.
And we've heard fuck all from their project since he made Ghost Story Games.

The reviewers can eat shit.

Public likes it more than the first two.
Infinite can't be topped.

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Infinite's development was so rough 2K literally had to call in counseling.
There's an interview with an ex irrational employee that talked about it.

Why is he finally teasing the game he's been working on?
Don't work my heart up like this OP
Ken Levine is a genius, the George Lucas of gaming, and is better than Warren Spector or any of the other soulless hacks who worked at Looking Glass

Based. Fuck Infinite haters

System Shock 2 > Bioshock Infinite > Bioshock 2 > System Shock 1 > Bioshock

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Been seeing a lot of "Bioshock Infinite wasn't THAT bad" threads lately, the paranoid, cynical part of me thinks that that means we might get a new Bioshock announcement this E3.
Dunno what Levine's up to but I wouldn't get excited, I think he hates AAA game development and cracked under the pressure of Infinite.

What makes it so good? The maps are step down from previous two games, it has even less RPG elements than them and there's just some baffling design choices like hacking being turned into timed vigor which can result in turret starting to shoot at you in the middle of engagement with the enemy.
Is it the story that elevates it? Levine admitted to writing about quantum physics because he didn't understand them, which resulted in whole story being stupid. Not to mention it being burdened by rewrites which turned the whole thing into a mess anyway.

You've immediately outed yourself as an idiot by mentioning quantum phyiscs
Pro tip: If you were smart enough to get a physics, or hell, maybe even math, engineering, or natural sciences degree, you would know that parallel dimensions, et al are just a fiction/fantasy concept. Its impossible for a game to violate whats basically just a magic system made up in genre fiction.
But hey, you enjoy working on that non-STEM degree, if you even have a college education at all. Keep thinking you're smart.

Stop deflecting and answer the question.

>for killing bioshock
bioshock was never good.

Like atleast Fallout was atleast kinda good.
bioshock was always pretentious garbage

I too have noticed an influx of posts about Infinite. I was there on launch day, the game was fucking BAD.


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>unironically believing Infinite is anything other than shit tier

That's a big yikes from me

shooting was fun

>Levine admitted to writing about quantum physics because he didn't understand them
Yea Forums loves to misquote that.
he said
> I like things that make me feel stupid, and trying to think about Quantum Mechanics always seems to do that.
Which doesn't imply not understanding, it implies a process of trying to understand.
And I really never understood the immense hate with the story. I still feel it was just Yea Forums being knee-jerk contrarian to all the journalists 10/10'ing it

Doubt it. He's an absolute hack

Not unless he announces Freedom Force 3.

So as long as story is fiction it doesn't matter that it contradicts itself, and it's also fine for the gameplay elements to devolve?

This. If anything, Bioshock killed System Shock by being such a shitty "spiritual successor".

>Less RPG Elements than the previous two games
There was literally no reason for there to be RPG elements in Infinite, it's a linear FPS that analagous to half life.
>The maps are a step down from the previous two games
Infinite has a directed narrative unlike both System Shocks or to some extent the first two Bioshocks, which relied more on environmental storytelling or emergent player driven experiences. The story between Booker and Elizabeth would have felt padded, an issue that already cropped up in Finkton and would have been made even worse
>Hacking being turned into a timed vigor
Necessary because of the gameplay being much faster than previous games. Doing a hacking QTE would be extremely annoying in the middle of a firefight
Oh, and by the way, I have 150 hours in System Shock 2, and I know that game inside and out. I don't like Infinite quite as much, but I appreciate it as its own thing.
The reason you probably dislike Infinite so much is because you're a Bioshock fan, IE the black sheep of the fandom, so even if you're too scared to defend the shit first two games in the series, you can vent that anger at Infinite because it is an easy target

Levine bit off more than he could chew. The story in first Bioshock was good and worked because the concept was fairly simple, and Levine was working on material he was familar with.
All the hype surrounding NEW BIOSHOCK BY ORIGINAL TEAM resulted in him trying to make it way too convuluted, which causes the whole thing to fall apart if you think about it more.

meant for the moron here:

>The story in Bioshock 1 was good
Bioshock 1 has the worst plot whole in the entire series. The entire first third of the game doesn't make sense.
Frank Fontaine can mind control you to the point where he can make your heart stop, but he makes you chase after a bathysphere and his non-existent family for the first 6 hours of the story. Also why is Andrew Ryan trying to stop him? Why would Andrew Ryan be sending a small army of splicers to destroy an empty bathysphere that has no plot relevance?
Literally the worst example of an empty macguffin in a story.
Claiming you like Bioshock 1's story is the easiest way to filter yourself out as an idiot. Fort Frolic is the only bright point in that entire game

>All the hype surrounding NEW BIOSHOCK BY ORIGINAL TEAM resulted in him trying to make it way too convuluted, which causes the whole thing to fall apart if you think about it more.
Nah, the core issue was levine couldn't get it out of pre-production, hence the re-writes and 2k having to call in rod fergusson to force things along. If you've seen the art book, you'd know that original columbia was going to be very dark (color wise) in atmosphere similar to rapture. And that was a problem because levine was sick of that and wanted something different.
And then you have the gameplay trailer that set the tone for what the game was going to be. If you know anything about AAA game dev, you know that studios making big games usually start with a 10-15 minute demo to show off at E3 before even starting work on the actual game. Go watch the God Of War documentary for an example.
The demo was dark, and levine wanted something different, so they basically had to scrap everything and start over. Hence the re-writes and pushbacks, and them cutting MP. And we ended up getting a husk of what the original game was going to be.

whatever he makes it's going to be more linear, have worse level design, have less RPG elements, and have a worse story than what came before it

>write for one rpg
>make a SS to that rpg that's significantly less rpg-oriented
>your next game is even less rpg

>wtf where's my rpg ken

where's my conclusion to FF Ken, where is it.

I'm assuming this is bait

>taking the opinions of shitty game "critics" as valid
How cute. Is this your first time outside of your facebook/reddit gaming group? :3

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it is
stop responding

Why is game worse than any of the trailers

All game dev writers are hacks that couldn't cut it in the television or movie industry.

>games get continually worse over time because you keep removing core elements that make the game worth playing
>wtf why does it suck