based, gonna be picking up my welfare check
Jokes on you, I'll just cut my dick off and be classified as sane again.
makes sense, playing an mmo everyday to escape your terrible job and life is equivalent to radically altering your body chemistry, chopping off breasts/balls and dick, and dilating a weeping wound you call a vagina everyday
wait, doesn't it take a long time to reach beaurocracy bullshit? doubt it will be ready in even 6 months
but gaming addiction IS a mental disorder... why is this news?
so is cutting your dick off and pretending to be a woman
How are addicts mentally ill but not tranny shit? Both are fucking mentally ill retards.
>only in 2022 enter
look like we need to wait some times boys until we can get neetbux.
ITT: mentally ill gamers try to call other people mentally ill to cope with their mental illness
Cringe and incelpilled
So, who do I talk to in order to get my gib me dats
Good thing nobody on this board has a gaming disorder
read the dsm criteria
it describes gaming to such an extent or amount that it negatively impacts your job, marriage, or family
Why can't we just accept the fact that trannies are our friends and equals? Being a reactionary is a waste of time. Despite your futile resistance, women have rights, blacks have rights, homos have rights and soon trannies will become banal and accepted, and you'll just find something else to direct your impotent anger towards. For what?
Why can't you just let go of hate? Not for the sake of trannies, but for you.
How dare you goys try to escape your soul crushing realities with video games.
are you classified as human, OP?
dude just turn your pc off hahaha nigga cancel your warcraft subscription hahaha how is gaming addiction even real
the same dsm that removed gender dysphoria? no thx
Why do you post multiples of the same thread every time user?
we all see it.
What rights were being witheld? The right to force a doc to cut off your dick despite it being harmful to you?
>gamer goes outside for a while
>becomes normal
>tranny regrets the operation
You will never EVER be my friend transfreak, let alone my equal.
What do you expect zhy to do between dilations? You aren't supposed to move much.
Shoo back to your discord, tranny
Bathroom rights or something like that
>it describes gaming to such an extent or amount that it negatively impacts your job, marriage, or family
It's just as stupid as texting while driving bans where they've carved out a niche instead of lumping it all together with distracted driving. The problem isn't the video games, it's the person's shitty life that they could use any number of means to escape.
Or the tranny fad will die out and be replaced by the next "oppresed minority", i'd say it's going to be pedophiles
I'll stop hating you disgusting degenerates as soon as you stop raping children and keep your disgusting fetish to yourself
get dilated
>playing a game is now bad
>chopping off your dick and doing irreversible damage to yourself is good
Please putin.
Fucking nuke us already.
Have sex, incel.
the world is already accepting it, have fun being left behind
yeah its an addiction but it doesn't hurt to differentiate the different types that are commonly seen. We already see sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, etc etc. No reason to not detail this one too
Because unlike you, I don't enjoy seeing people kill themselves.
have dilation
What rights do you not have?
You have every single right to be mentally ill and do whatever you want.
Just because some people hate it doesnt mean you have less rights. Now fuck off.
Don't worry sweaty, day of the rope is coming and we will put all the incels like you out of your misery ;)))))
based WHO. circumventing the tranny plague outrage. tranny abominations always cry that they want representation and be part of everything everywhere in the gaming industry. thus they are gamers. can't say that tranny abominations are diseased because muh feweings so say gamers are diseased. at the end of the day, the mutilators loose. rejoice!
Oh, the feign humanitarian. If you actually cared about trannies dying you'd be a trans ally, not another bully.
>doctor diagnoses me with "Gamer"
>have to get gamer pills now
>they're just anti-depressants with LEDs inside them
>left behind
that's an interesting choice of words you have there
>let go of hate? Not for the sake of trannies, but for you.
I used to have a naive goody-two-shoes view about the world when I was a kid. I thought if I put out happy energy, I get positivity back as a reward. You know, the golden rule, and all the good shit.
So explain to me why I was still hated by everyone and became a social outcast, even with my positive mindset. My personal experience serves as a counterpoint to this philosophy that happiness starts from within.
I have been continuously, consistently, punished every time I have hope. When I want to have a conversation with a random person and try to make a new friend, I have to carry the conversation 90% to the point where i'm annoyed hearing myself.
It doesn't matter if I smile or fake it till I make it. People in this world are just shitty and I am tired giving people the benefit of my doubt. I hate everyone equally.
for me, it's chinese gulag
We live in a society
>literally WHO
Look. Look at the world we now live in.
>No reason to not detail this one too
I'd be curious to know if there is any difference in the treatment between these officially recognized addictions. Is there even a reason to break out the others as separate diseases?
Basically laws to protect them in the workplace and the likes. I don't think we need a new amendment or anything, but just like you probably won't be working the same job for long if you call your co-workers and clients n-words, people shouldn't be getting away with misgendering, deadnaming and general discrimination.
>incel: the blog
Can you actually get arrested for entering the wrong bathroom?
So be an enabler of a destructive behavior?
Is that what you tell yourself before getting your dick sucked by toddlers?
Absolutely nobody will get in the way of me deliberately not playing video games
Lol b tier villain monologue at best
Happy trannies who don't get excessively bullied live and prosper. Sad trannies who get ostracised by their family, discriminated in the job market and generally hounded by retards like you kill themselves. It's pretty obvious, really.
Subhumans should't be treated the same as humans.
literal narcissism, zero self awareness
youre nice so that you get good things as a reward, clearly just being nice has no intrinsic value to you. youre still a literal child
>smile or fake it
so youre literally saying youre faking being nice? how do you have this little self awareness?
Sounds like the sick fantasy of an incel pedo. Seek help user.
>I'd be curious to know if there is any difference in the treatment between these officially recognized addictions.
Well some addictions have physical side effects and withdrawals.
For example, if you make an alcoholic or a heroine addict quit cold turkey, they could LITERALLY die.
But if we're talking about behavioral addiction, I think the treatment is all the same, behavioral cognitive therapy.
They just train you to take a step back and say
>what am i doing right now and why am i doing it
i can tell youve never tried to have a convo with a woman on a dating site. they can not give and take to save their life is a real stereotype
I lel'd
Life sucks but that's not an excuse to be mean to people. Being mean to yourself is your right (although you really shouldn't), but don't let it out on others.
Smile, and you can be the light. (Unironically.)
>happy trannies
Oh come on now
Deadnaming is a meme.
This is false. Trannies, regardless of whether or not they are accepted by peers, still have a 40% suicide rate.
Hope is the road to disappointment.
post the suicide ratings
Masterful bait, may i save this?
I see the intellectuals have arrived. Lol.
What the hell are you even talking about you whacko?
honk honk
meant for
John Chapter 13 my brother.
>No servant is greater than his master.
>They persecuted me. They will persecute you too.
Stop trying to avoid suffering, and accept that some people are just going to hate you regardless.
The Bible has all the answers you seek.
Paying for digital distribution is a mental illness
>Be at work
>See john from accounting
>"Hey howsit going my man"
>Everyone stares at you in disgust
>John falls to the ground, starts crying
>He was legally made a woman the prior day
>Get called to HR
>Get fired, blacklisted get a $5000 fine for transophobia
you say "at best", but I'll take a B anyday over a C
thats a passing grade, nigga
because unlike women or gays, you are biologically broken. You are a sickness. The very basis of your beliefs are wrong, ie. the idea that because you don't like your dick or balls means that somehow you are really a woman inside. It doesn't hold up to scrutiny - the only type of people that should be having that sort of problem are people born with both genitalia or neither. If someone tells me they hate their vagina and want to get a fake dick sewn onto it and they demand I start calling them Frank, you damn well expect resistance from normal people (at least a normal as I suspect I am). Something happened to you when you were very young to turn you on the path of hating your genitalia, I suspect either some sort of sodomy or at least unwanted touching. Or maybe an inherent hatred for the gender you are assigned. ie. lots of male to female trannies seem to absolutely hate men that don't get erect for them. You people in general seem to have a latent desire to destroy something you don't like in yourself that there is nothing wrong with, man or woman.
the poster saying he has to make 90% of conversation in the chain...
Everything is going to burn to the ground in our lifetimes.
I hope my fellow gamers are getting ready.
Isn't it wonderful how a group of privately funded individuals can just arbitrarily classify and declare what is and isn't "sanity"; Especially when it's done on the basis of external social,political and financial pressures?
What a wonderful dystopia we live in.
Yeah, I get that it would be fucked if trannies were nefarious masterminds out to enslave innocent white boys through the evil HR institution (who even comes up with this bogus?), but that's not the case. If you make a modicum of effort, you won't make these mistakes and if you do, in good faith, you just have to be willing to apologise and correct.
Unironically this. Trannies are one of the last things we should be giving a shit about right now but it gets views so that's all we'll be seeing for the next few decades until they finally become boring to talk about. By then the world will be gone though.
Reminder that the tranny fad will die out in a year or two
>Unironically this. Trannies are one of the last things we should be giving a shit about right now
and what, in your exalted mind, should we be more worried about? Islamophobia?
I'm not going to pretend a man is a woman
At the rate that they kill themselves, you're probably right.
Transsexuals are usually allied with the authoritarian socjus crowd, so fuck 'em. They will never give the same decency to you as you give to them.
What if they pass and you accidentally refer to them as women?
Guess you should start saving up for those fines or an early pension then! Trans acceptance isn't a choice, but you can choose how hard you'll struggle (for nought).
>what if they pass
what, the .05% of the time it happens? lol.
I usual try to see both sides, but how is ripping out your body parts considered sane
climate change and income inequality
Sorry i don't live in burgerland so this has no effect on me
>income inequality
good luck with that
>climate change
good luck with that
we can fix that.
a Nintendo thread died for this
I guess there are some third world utopias where you can be free from all this modernity and justice still. You're very lucky to live in such a place.
Most trannies play nintendo games so it's the same
Anons dont take the bait, tell the tranny to dilate
Yoooooo, does this mean I can meme my way to getting muh welfare check?
>bitches about anything that white, straight males enjoy
>our friends
>claim that you have video game addiction
>school has to give you extra time for assignments because it's a recognized disability now
I sure am, now if you excuse i have some minorities to oppress
so when does it become an addiction?
holy fuck we actually unironically live in a society
Stop using my wife to shitpost.
Also: dilate.
You can tell from the number of replies that it's true.
>play games is the same to as taking hormones, and getting a bob job and cutting off ur weeewee
your fucking retarded
this is your brain on cali propaganda
you should kys
I don't hate transsexuals though. I do hate the idea of "help" that people are saying they need. "but muh gender therapy reduces suicide chance" yeah but they're still several orders of magnitude more likely to commit self harm than normal people. we used to think trepanning was the best way to deal with disorders. we will look back on hrt and srs in the same way in the future.
they also tend to be really loud about it. "hey look at me look at me im trans look at me i have a mental disorder look at me". you don't see schizophrenics who are under control do that, or people with other mental issues.
it's not that transsexuals shouldn't have rights and shouldn't have help for their affliction. it's the way the culture is going about it.
When will it end though? To what heights of delusion must we climb to and allow legal protections to before we realize that maybe this is all just a smidge ridiculous? Are we going to normalize multiple personality disorder next?
It's not but gender dysphoria has more than just mental symptoms and most trans people don't actually get their genitals mutilated.
Since every politician and the 1% are into it it would be most likely
>i oppress them for their sake!
You're such a saint, and a brave one at that. /s
Chop off penis
Dilate an open wound
Play video games
Honk honk honk honk honk
neck yourself tranny
no one want's to be around you ugly hideous creatures
consider rope
you will always be a man
So long as they leave me (and my insurance premiums) alone they're free to do whatever the fuck they want.
how can a tranny be pushed to decide to end their own life?
and how can we speed up the process ?
This. Then lesbians will be legally obligated to rub their bare pussies all over my wound
it's just the natural evolution of feminist politics.
I agree with you but someones gonna bring up tonsils and wisdom teeth so be ready to counter
get dilated and return to reddit
I don't have a problem with trannies
I have a problem with crazy fucks who use being trans as a shield like they are a protected class or something
Same goes for blacks and women, they already have rights too
End? Why should it end? There is no finish line for human progress, nor does there exist a natural equilibrium of society. We can only go forward.
Yea Forums, why are you honestly so obsessed with trannies? It's not like you'll ever get laid anyway.
Unless you were born with a cock/vag hybrid or got the surgery I dont classify that as a tranny. Just a crossdressing crazy person.
I don't really care because it doesn't effect me, people can do whatever they want
Bait r-right?
You could be A if you had more insight. As it stands now, you're unaware of why you're being treated this way and you're just blind. You're like an animal
i dont give 2 shits about those creatures
good let them all be sad and die
>we were being oppressed by sanist trannies all along
>yeah but they're still several orders of magnitude more likely to commit self harm than normal people
if you wanna hate 'em, just go ahead do it, don't make up some bullshit excuse. ''Treatment'' does in fact make them happier and wayyyy less likely to kill themselves.
We cant expect them to do all the work
Good thing you're not in charge of classification then because you obviously know nothing about the subject beyond Yea Forums memes.
>Normalizing mental illness and forcing the world around these individuals to acknowledge the lie they are living
You may choose only one.
Yea Forums actually has a tranny fetish you fuckers literally can't go a day without multiple threads about trannies Jesus fucking christ can we talk about Video games, please?
But is that really a good thing?
is sarcasm not a thing in your culture foreigner?
Ok we can talk about a hat in time
Neck yourself, tranny.
Oh and sage
stfu incel
>be young and dumb
>have trans """""gf""""
>all around cunt a cunt, but wanted to see If i could make """her""" better
>bitch makes no attempt to be feminine
>forced to call by pronouns
>fuming when """she""" isnt recognised by society without making a single attempt to be recognised as the opposite sex
and then as the years went by I saw how ugly they can become on HRT and how disgusting the surgery is
>why dont you just accept the shit I force onto you
Please don't say the Lord's name in vain. If you're going to say that you're Christian, Christians don't swear
is this the new pasta?
Yikes. Kys youreself my man
Did you kill him
that doesn't make any sense you crazy freak.
Such a dumb word really because it's not the point. We aren't doing anything more than accepting the reality that trannies exist. I'm sorry, but they do. Our choice is whether we want to deal with their existence well or poorly. I don't see why anyone would choose the latter.
If this charade worsens I will fucking rise up I swear to Odin
maybe I dont want to accept some man in a wig and shit makeup yelling about his gender and throwing a fit abot it
lol I don't care about some insane fucks
no way fag
your kind is better off dead
>gender dysphoria isnt a mental illness
people will look back at this period with some questions
Literally WHO?
When will the tranny genocide start
It blows my mind every time how we've hit a point where cutting your dick of, keeping an open wound from healing, and putting on a dress is accepted and celebrated.
>big strong jaw and neck
>big clear blue eyes
Really sad seeing someone with a good canvas throw it all away on a disorder
what a fucking joke
do liberals even realise they're becoming the laughing stock of the planet?
>Our choice is whether we want to deal with their existence well or poorly.
47% of them seem to know how to deal with their existence pretty well.
Hatred of trans people comes from a desire to preserve status and privilege, both materially and relatively.
On the more material level trans people being discriminated against makes you more likely to get a job.
But that's not the primary motivator, which is relative status. The presence of people who are below you will always make you feel much better about where you are, even if your material circumstances are unnaffected by the presence of the underclass. This is one of the primary reasons you had poor whites, who owned no slaves, eagerly fighting for the confederacy in the American civil war.
If for most of your life you could always count on trans people being below you, and if you were feeling bad about yourself could always count on a round of laughs for any crappy joke about a man in a dress, it feels like a very direct attack on your dignity and your position somewhere above the bottom of society if all of a sudden people are giving you dirty looks for saying tranny, if its' not getting the laughs it used to in many social settings.
It's bullshit. You DESERVE to be seen as better than trans people. That was established. It's one of the things that ranked you above the bottom, and you feel like you're personally being insulted and your place in society is being attacked.
So nine times out of ten you can't reason them out of this because they're right, just not for the reasons they think. They're mad about trans people because it decreases their relative status. You can't use moral reasoning to dig someone out of a viewpoint based on power rather than morality.
Right, but what does this pent up frustration actually do for you? Better to walk than curse the road, as they say.
Never thought about this way, very interesting
It's time to rise up
The end is a classless society in which there is no class struggle
We have to hurry up before they off themselves
i dont give 2 fuck about what it does for some 1000 mentally ill fuckers
they are better in a grave then infecting the world
Does it matter? They and their allies already run everything. They won.
Yeah but these retards aren't ready for that truth yet so shhhh.
get dilated
Modern WoW feels like stabbing an open wound on your body over and over again anyway
What I mean is I get that you're incredibly transphobic but you'll never stick your dick in one anyway so there's no reason ever to think about it
this but uniroincally
We recognize other mental disorders like depression and bipolar for what they are without feeling the need to treat these people like second-class citizens. Unless you're separating gender dysphoria from being trans (a discussion in itself), then there's really no argument here. Gender dysphoria is unambiguously a mental disorder.
accept blatant lies as truth goyim
fuck off tranny
there's no frustration
theres like 1 tranny for every 10 mill or so people
why should i care about something that isn't even a percent of the population
why should they ever be represented when all they do is yell and make a scene despite basically non existing why should we care about what they think or pander to some couple thousand freaks?
litteraly a waste of a being
again your kind is better off dead
Sorry I'm not one to glorify a person in a precarious position to go and mutilate themselves just for them to call it a vagina or dick. That right there? Is something seriously wrong with said person and they need professional help. Not some ps4 playing tumblr cunt who thinks they know more than actual professionals. Sorry but the world will never accept you for what you think you are so just accept you for who you really and biologically are before you do something irreversible and end up offing yourself 20 years down the road. Get legitimate help
You know what's crazy. Back in the 50s people got beat up just for being gay.
Now these people are literally mutilating themselves and now it's okay because of pc culture. Hopefully everyone who contributed to this gets retribution for letting people physically hurt themselves to fit an agenda.
If you're thinking about cutting your dick off please just fucking wear dresses and be a trap or something. Cutting your dick off is 100% bad for you. No matter what Twitter and reddit tell you, think about yourself at the end of the day and just imagine the person you want to be without validation from the internet. The internet doesn't care about you.
>It's not the point
The point is that these people are delusional and should be treated for that. If a boy thinks he is Batman, he is institutionalized and medicated in an effort to get him to let go of his delusion. But if that same boy thinks he is the opposite sex, for some baffling reason that delusion is nurtured and furthered with hormone treatments.
I'm, for the most part, fine with allowing people to live a lie, but it goes too far when you start to demand others to play along.
Like how they fixed fags in the 1500s by banning them. Oh wait
You can't force complete equality in a world that is unbalanced and throw away decades if PC culture.
The dad is the asshole there though
As overblown the “discord tranny” threat is, I’m laughing at the very real possibility that some trans person who posts Gamer Joker memes on Yea Forums cries themselves to sleep because an anonymous poster outed them as trans.
>You can't force complete equality in a world that is unbalanced
Guess what needs to be done, then
What ban? Who banned them?
And how do you think these illnesses are treated? Because they are very rarely cured and are instead managed. Living as trans is them managing their condition, whatever you'd want to classify it as. The reason why it's not considered an illness is that there isn't anything truly harmful about being trans (beyond the externalities). I get it rings poorly in the gamer mind that something is defined from its effect rather than cause, but that's the human mind for you. We really don't know what's going on in there for the most part, so we have to look at how it plays out.
Pay attention in history class zoomer
>The reason why it's not considered an illness is that there isn't anything truly harmful about being trans (beyond the externalities)
Enabling this schizophrenics is some Fall of Greece-tier shit.
>i'd like treatment for gender dysphoria please
>sorry it's not a mental illness we can't treat you
>okay i guess i will go to surgery
>commits suicide later
what a brilliant plan to remove trannies
i like trannies and want a cute tranny gf (male)
I don't care if someone wants to cut his genitals.
I just don't want someone to get a meltdown at me when I don't call him Ma'am.
so don't be a dick about it
If being batman means you hurt yourself or others that might indeed be an issue. But if you don't, then I don't think you'd be treated for it. We're all delusional on some level. Hell, you think you're being smart right now for example, but that doesn't make you mentally ill.
little fun thing i discovered: when you hurt a tranny long enough it starts acting like the original gender. All the way through. Salvation through agony is beautiful.
>go to doctor
>say you were born in the wrong body
>he cuts off your dick
>kill yourself
>go to doctor
>say you're a gamer
>get neetbux for the rest of your life
seems like a sweet deal
Day of the rope. Kill all manlet incels.
Try and fail because all of human history is attempting to bring the world under their control which is impossible as all other humans are attempting the same thing and the field of human control is small compared to all the factors we cannot control?
>Play video games for 12+ hours every day
>Forgo basic hygiene, socialisation, some even barely eat in favour of playing
>"You might have a problem"
How many children who want to be a profession actually become that when they grow up? Transgender ideology should be treated the same way.
Might I inquire as to your methodology?
*tosses a log into the oven*
Why are you niggers so fucking stupid? Holy shit. "gaming disorder" doesn't fucking imply you're ill for playing games. It implies you're so addicted and obsessed with vidya you drop everything else.
Are you honestly gonna pretend that level of "gaming" is healthy?
>t. tranny
explain why most speedrunners are trannies then huh faggot?
you faggots do that plus being a tranny
double mentall illness
I might think myself smart, but I am not calling for legislation to force you to recognize my intellect as well, now am I?
except according to WHO playing for 10 hours a week constitutes a mental disorder. That's less than 2 hours a day.
All of human history is the history of class struggle. But rather than failing, thus far, each eventually succeeded in bringing about a new synthesis.
Nice fedora-tier larp
Seething tranny.
>play vidya all the time
>high gpa and able to maintain social life
I know >UNI
But why is a specific activity considered a mental illness and not other activities that are possible to get just as invested into? Is vidya really that offensive?
>happy trannies
Not once have I ever seen such a thing. You are invariably the most morose, miserable people I’ve ever encountered.
Isn't it funny how less than what, 1% of the population riles up a vast number of the population? That there's people here whose sole identity is "hating" the 1%, mutilated cocks filling their minds 24/7
All because of video games.
Damn even Batman is jealous of that chin.
This mindset only makes any sense if you believe in the identitarian, intersectional feminist bullshit modern extreme leftists use to justify their own prejudices and power grabs, and divert attention away from their own racist, bigoted view of the world as nothing more than superficially tied together groups vying for power with no true individuality or unique identities.
It's a religious belief, intellectual poison and way of justifying any action or feeling of hatred into an us vs them power struggle.
Thank fuck the idiots that think this are still a minority and inevitably turn on each other in the end.
Since when?
It's just a thread full of social engineers and literal paranoid schizos. Ignore it.
People watch TV four hours a day. Why isn't Netflix Disorder a thing?
I'm no expert on this whole legality issue and what trannies actually want in that regard. But if you lost contact with your family, couldn't get a job you were qualified for or faced general discrimination for being a bit of an annoying pseud, I do think that would be a problem. Being overtly mean to people is inherently wrong. Even when it's you.
>How is getting surgery to attempt a gender change NOT a mental disorder?
>T-There's more to it than just surgery. Most trannies don't follow through with it!
All of human history. Pay attention.
>Your honor, my client is not mentally fit to stand trial for killing 18 people, he was addicted to violent video games!
Jack Thompson was playing chess while we were all playing checkers
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
>Implying people who watch tv all day long aren't mocked and shunned too
Damn, you really want the victim opression olympics gold, huh?
They demand complete unhindered social dominance over everyone in their life. I'd feel bad for them, as long as I wasn't forced to join their ERP and call them "she". But as it stands, most trannies are manipulative sociopaths looking to put everyone under their boots.
You sure did, faggot.
Look at those names. Do trannies really want to understand how deep the hole goes or would they rather pretend that everyone hates THEM, not what is being pushed on everyone?
Are you saying there was a time when humans achieved complete equality?