You ARE going to make a Face 4 Viera in Shadowbringers, aren't you?

You ARE going to make a Face 4 Viera in Shadowbringers, aren't you?

Attached: bun.png (735x738, 950K)

Other urls found in this thread:!

no I'm not

nope, gonna stick with my catgirl until I'm all caught up

Fuck off Yoshida no shota bunnies no resub.

No? I'm playing Miqo'te. Why would I change?

What the fuck is wrong with the hair on the back floating in mid air?

That's literally just an Elezen face copy-pasted.

it's an attempt to prevent clipping. They should seriously start marking armor for "needs floaty hair" and "doesn't need floaty hair" because it looks fucking stupid on the racial clothes and anything flat on the back.


Are their digital modelling employees retarded or something? Just add a body bone on all armor meshes that dynamically changes the position of the hair nodes.

Face 4 is the only face I couldn't make a decent looking bun. Absolutely irredeemable.

Face 1 looks the best, until you notice the nochin when looking from the side.

Same, I really tried making a face 4 that looks good but it all ends up looking like the Bogdanoffs had a sister.

Attached: xgnwt3c1vjj21.jpg (700x505, 33K)


PS4 limitations, please understand

>Prevent clipping

Attached: viera.png (580x759, 543K)

Their arms also clip with their tits in their /pose if you have them maxed out.

>People unironically playing bunny when they could play a cute wolfgirl instead.

Yes, the modelling team is pretty retarded and does not give a single shit about clipping, which is exactly why there hasn't been an outfit that has a tail bow since like ARR or something. The floating hair is possibly the laziest way they've ever dealt with clipping.

Despite what you may think, the Japanese are technologically retarded most of the time

I've got some bad news for you

>Implying there is anything cuter but little awoo's in ffxiv

>Not liking big bun buns

Attached: 1558874080330.jpg (1000x1410, 207K)

Is this the new tranny race?

No, trannys don't want to be tall beautiful mature women they want to be small petite lolis. Viera are safe.

They wouldn't like to play a race with 180cm min height

Why do you retards honestly think this? The biggest tranny I know is switching to Viera.

I can't believe Miqo'te are the perfect race

Too true.

Except for cute awoo's

Attached: 395219_anime-kawaii-anime-girl-neko-spice-and-wolf.gif (500x281, 1.04M)

This thread is contaminated. Abandon.


Attached: 1468882979992.jpg (1280x720, 338K)

Frothgays? No way
Viera? No thanks
Sticking to the best race, Elezen Duskwight

Attached: ffxiv_02212019_153742_239.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

>whole clan of them that's actually white in FFXIV
kill yourself

>original source material and official art
>all brown
>"b-but FFXIV!"
kill yourself

Attached: XII_Viera.jpg (330x800, 76K)

It's FFXIV's Viera, not FFXII's you autist.

i genuinely love my character too much to switch

no bunny boys no buy

same, i thought i would since bunnies are cute but i've grown so attached to my character than i cant change her

It triggers their dysphoria.

I can barely change my cat's hair without twitching to revert it, so no

Attached: 1399991960112.jpg (224x251, 7K)

Just for one of my retainers.

Attached: 11dc1720cd46f4b417c349df653fe1c0.png (584x640, 787K)!

No i'm not going to play a sweet transvestite from transexual transylvania.

staying elezen

Is there anything wrong with just doing roulettes and pvp in xiv? I know I'm a complete shitty player and not good enough to raid so I never do it and waste other people's valuable time. Plus losing sucks.

>playing as a generic thot


I like bunnies but I was hoping for males and the idea of MMOs with a monthly fee kind of bums me out. But I do have friends who play XIV so I'd at least have a playerbase. Tough call.

How much of the game is built around paying real money to mitigate grind?

Attached: 1552694483860.png (599x614, 299K)

do what you enjoy

>dat feel when boring Hyur
What can I say? I like their "just enough JRPG protagonist, but not overly so unless you want for them to be" kind of look.

Attached: 4c754e12a5e051f1248a59cb7111295a.jpg (850x1200, 120K)

I have no idea why people are freaking about gender locks, though. Did they forget Roegadyn and Miqo'te were the same for a long time?

>I have no idea why people are freaking about gender locks, though.
Because its disappointing.

Yeah and it was changed for a reason

Okay, but it is just that everyone always goes on and on about raiding and the how their jobs do dps wise and stuff. There is a large amount of casual stuff too, but no one really cares to talk about it or how to improve it.

Weird Viera have all been the same in every single game they've been in.

It is different, it's its own fucking game.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Actually its not.
Ivallice stuff follows Ivallice rules.

>Is there anything wrong with just doing roulettes and pvp in xiv?
You could do nothing but roam around and take screenshots if that's what makes you happy, user.
>I know I'm a complete shitty player and not good enough to raid so I never do it and waste other people's valuable time
It's good to be considerate and take stock of your skill, but this just comes off as a low effort attempt at seeking encouragement.
>Plus losing sucks
I never looked at raiding this way. It's more you eventually win, not that you lose over and over again considering how stacked the boss is against you. Combat in this game is fun, bosses are really cool and mechanics are fun to succeed at. If you don't like the combat or how your jobs plays then fair enough.

Who /male elezen/ here

Attached: elez.jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

It's FFXIV's Ivalice you dumbass.

So how did FF14 become crossover central?

Attached: Screenshot-2019-02-02-at-11.07.23-555x312.png (555x312, 273K)

>The two femroe shitting on the OP
Good stuff

Attached: 1358963286399.png (323x320, 219K)

Eh I've been playing long enough to know what my limits are. I've never gone past a single fight in savage and didn't even raid in coil because it was too hard. Some ex primals I can do, but I usually wait until the next expansion and level raise to attempt them unsynced. I play healers too and the stress gets to me as well.

Making original stories and music for raids is hard, please understand. It's much easier to make cheap remixes, or ideally, just reuse music outright. See: Omega raids, Ivalice Alliance raids, etc.

>All viera have white hair, but some dye theirs to other colors if they live among the humes[2]; brunette viera are spotted in Rabanastre during Ashe and Rasler's wedding. Viera have dark skin, and their ears are covered in short fur and are usually mottled with brown specks at the tips. Another sub-branch, called the feol viera (or the Exiled), exists in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. They are different from the other viera physically, having shorter ears, fair skin and blonde hair. They have two distinct clans, the Veena which have lighter fur and the Rava which have darker fur and hair colors.
Please fucking kill yourself.
White viera only exist as Feols.
FFXIV Ivallice has stayed faithful to the story of all Ivallice games.

I mean, they own the properties. Might as well use them.

the entire game has been one extremely long reference to other SE properties since 2.0, user.
the plebs keep eating it up.

Why are you posting FFXII lore? it's FFXIV. It has different lore.

Has the same actually.

They had a NPC that explained the exact same thing.
Stay mad pleb.

when are we getting a proper duskwight story npc who plays a major part?

There are two clans, the fair skinned Vieras and the dark skinned vieras.
That's it.
Don't get triggered.

They're coming, eventually. I just hope not in time for 6.0 and instead much earlier than that.

Attached: tomatika_jacks.jpg (817x819, 62K)

>trannies are just a meme

Attached: 1551962703290.png (274x31, 4K)

I'm gonna keep my midlander

I'm confused now, are you arguing for what I say or against what I say? Because white Viera are Veena, dark Viera are Rava. We agree on this, no?
It is still its own FFXIV lore, but they're just copying it.

If you make white viera's i'll laugh at you, pathethic retards

my negro

One of the Heaven's Ward knights came from a duskwight house I believe but that's about as much as we get. Only other Duskie I can recall in the game is the Lancer 1-30 quest guy who dies. They should have kept him alive for a redemption arc since Dragoons are in such short supply by the end of the dragonsong war.

Attached: duskwight sprint animation.jpg (1439x1420, 145K)

Anyone got any pictures or more info on the new Paladin Skills by chance? Curious what that level 80 is.

Attached: 1519514106960.gif (300x223, 1.41M)

>finds a stoned lesbian
>sprints back to his retard hugbox to have a circlejerk with fellow froglets
settle down, retard.

Attached: chewbacca.gif (500x250, 824K)

>You ARE going to make a Face 4 Viera in Shadowbringers, aren't you?

Attached: viera_new.png (1136x839, 2.28M)

you did unsub right? you arent wasting 13 dollars are you? ill resub on the 27 th

user it’s not healthy to be obsessed with trannies. Please get some help with your obsession with them.

I'm looking forward to the growing tradition of prime hotties in ShB.

Attached: 1558465143935.jpg (767x1000, 246K)

Based retard.

Attached: Midia_RW.png (250x696, 175K)

>he is so poor $13 is a lot for him

Attached: 7E7E95A8-672E-45E8-8B2B-381871A69C2E.jpg (342x193, 20K)

Lolno. 6.0 is the earliest.

>One of the Heaven's Ward knights came from a duskwight house I believe but that's about as much as we get.
Charibert uses a Duskwight model but lorewise he's an Ishgardian Elezen. It's a separate subrace that split off from the Wildwood hundreds of years before the Duskwight did, and now all have dragon-tainted blood.

Viera look like shit.

Attached: 1556299957208.jpg (900x1200, 111K)



it's not a lot of money but whats the point in playing right now? just to give jewenix another 13 dollars?

I thought the green was indicating someone else was speaking to her, quotes make it read better?

Attached: Ididthisduringpraecutscenes.jpg (571x1200, 182K)

I’m leveling other classes I don’t have at 70 yet.

Why would I make a bogendoff, any other face is better

>changing my trusty Au-Ra that I've been playing for thousands of hours to a FOTM tranny

80 is probably the big glowy aoe from the job skill trailer
there was a leak of the pld skills but i didn't save it, but it looks like the final skill icon

People try really hard to pretend Final Fantasy games in general aren't crossover central, or that it wasn't crossover central with 1.X and 2.X already. The game is absolutely loaded with self-references to the series and other Square Enix properties (ie Valerian Dragoon armor being the Dragoon from Tactics Ogre's class armor), to say nothing of Gilgamesh who is the same character from Final Fantasy 5 hopping through dimensions in the majority of appearances.

Attached: 1531170808688.jpg (360x470, 26K)

Yes. The 「....」 sign in Japanese means it's a quote. Don't know why the artist made it a different color.

Attached: 1534054180358.png (608x383, 285K)

Confiteor is the level 80 skill, it functions as a finisher to your Requiescat phase as it does more damage the less MP you have.

is there any bard leaks?

oh man those just blended into the characters for me, that makes sense.

Attached: Apex.png (555x342, 167K)


Anyone have the doc of pruned skills

stop posting your ugly bitch

Confiteor is a shit name.
Visually it's based on the Holy Knight skills from FFT, most especially 不動無明剣/Stasis Sword/Judgment Blade or 北斗骨砕打/Crush Punch/Northswain's Strike and will most likely be named one of these in Japanese.

Yeah maybe if Viera looked anything like that. Thats pretty much a Miqote with rabbit ears.

I'm taking the Hrothpill, thanks.

Attached: 1558894000245.png (1355x1936, 2.13M)

so the bard version of Geirskogul? bravo yoshi

That's all? A 450 potency shitarrow? Is Bard gonna be a shit support cuck class forever now? Why even list it as a dps?


Attached: 1538230978421.png (303x173, 66K)

>he doesn't know

>making a limited race

>removed miserys end and foes
time to reroll

>cannot be assigned to a hotbar
What madness is this?

Why is it so weak if its only out during that short window?

What could possibly be going through your head to make a post like this

Buns are nice. Cant wait to be able to try on my armor sets and /gpose around. On rails benchmark makes shots looks really samey between people.

Attached: file.png (1301x961, 1.83M)

No, I'm going to be a face 2 Hrothgar instead and then dick all the thirsty catboys on Balmung.

apparently it just happens automatically when you summon Phoenix

Any SAM leaks?

It's automatically cast on summon

>BLM safe

Attached: 1357-ha.png (679x427, 8K)


I'm a BRD player that thought I'd pick a DPS class and all I'm being is a buffslut compared to real DPS classes like Black Mage.

Hagakure is being removed. Blame all the people who spammed Midare.

This probably relates to how they are changing pet abilities. Now you have mini-enkindles that order your pets to execute Wind Slash, Flaming Crush etc. You can see it in the job actions trailer.

My guess is all the pet actions will say that.

Thing about pet potencies is it's hard to know just how weak or strong that will be. If summoning Phoenix is anything like summoning Bahamut I'd expect that to be something not too shabby, maybe a weaker Whispering Dawn

Anyone got a webm for GNB's Renzokuken combo?

your fault for not doing any ounce of research before picking a class. reroll if you dont want to play a supportive dps

Don't they have a cheaper sub as well? Realistically, all you need is one character if you're a casual player.

Was referring to this guy, the I HAVE THE POWER guy from vault

House Dzemael is a house of duskwights, the only one in ishgard

Attached: SerGrinneuxTheBull.png (1200x700, 1.05M)

>I know I'm a complete shitty player and not good enough to raid so I never do it and waste other people's valuable time
Everyone had to start from somewhere.

>Look at class
>"Ranged DPS"
>It's not a DPS

How would they? The info about GNB is pieced together from Yoshida mousing over abilities during the livestream.

Are there any AST leaks? So far I see we've only had sparing healer leaks.

Attached: SCH new spell.png (361x181, 60K)

To be fair I kinda welcome pet changes.

>mfw using pets with the gamepad

Attached: TES_dagoth despairs.jpg (635x457, 108K)

>House Dzemael is a house of duskwights, the only one in ishgard
No, they're still Ishgardian, because they're descended from one of King Thordan's knights that consumed Ratatoskr's eyes. They just look Duskwight for variety and because they're the 'evil' High House.


what the fuck bros?! whm is still shit


Attached: 1543846365917.jpg (249x147, 4K)

Just watch the job action trailer.

>it's named Bard
>it's all about battlefield supporting fire while singing to boost the party's morale

You are though.

Either phoenix has ridiculous pet scaling or the skill is missing a 0. Though it looks just about retarded to be legit too.

Attached: 1558859797176.png (343x196, 93K)

did you look at any of the abilies? it is a dps but it does lower personal dps for higher group dps

>Valerian Dragoon armor being the Dragoon from Tactics Ogre's class armor
Holy shit I didn't know this was a thing, guess I have to level BLM now because this is one of my favorite designs

Attached: to-catiua-pavel.jpg (750x1250, 105K)

Pets are just fucked up in this game. I also welcome pet changes. I don't know how they got it so wrong. Just having to fucking use Crush pre-pull so my idiot Garuda will Sic out her Contagions properly is so ridiculous

>PLD loses flash
>No way for PLD to generate aoe aggro in ARR leveling dungeons

Attached: uh uh.gif (298x298, 767K)

Where's the MNK leaks

Attached: 1526422545916.jpg (1204x1074, 181K)

it was clearly designed healer but changed to dps at last minute

Attached: D7M8eZ_WsAM1kVX.png (480x700, 544K)

Hello user from Omega.

I fucking love this in TERA.
If you have long hair and you equip armor with a popped collar or a hood or whatever, anything that your hair would collide with, your hairstyle automatically changes to an alternate "up" hairstyle, like tied in a bun or something.

Who wins the best and worst AF4/step 1 relic weapons contest?

>singing to support the party
>crit buff removed
>foes removed

Attached: 1479657180378.jpg (300x300, 85K)

Shut the fuck up Arthars

Nobody cares about Monk.

You get Total Eclipse at like level 10 now.

bard was never designed to be a healer the fuck are you on about

Total Eclipse will be learned much earlier now. Before Level 6 or something.


they'll prob change it so you get the "toggle" that lets you generate a shit ton of enmity at 15 or something.

You missed the part where tank stances' only function will now be to multiply aggro. You'll get AoE aggro with tank stance + their spinny AoE attack.

Nice tattoos.

Attached: 1558791573727.jpg (1541x799, 243K)

literal who?

Because it's free and on a dps. Aspected Helios is only 40 potency and heals for about 1400 per tick right now. Depending on you timing it might save your healer an aoe heal which could be important depending on how tight mp ends up being with the new changes.

No it's called ARCHER on start as a new player.

Yes it were standard ranged DPS abilities at first.

That would require this boring support cuck class to deal any damage at all which it is not doing. I can't even see my damage on the boss compared to when I play Black Mage.

why do vieras look as bad as female roegadyns

I love the new whm relic weapon. Too bad the first step will have some shitty ass glow and ruin it.

Some racist rager on twitch

>pick Viera
>just make them look like a Miqo'te
oh i'm laffin

Why do MMORPG expansions ALWAYS do this? If you're pruning abilities it just means you're taking away abilities from classes or you had shitty design to begin with.

You've changed the direction of what you're arguing in order to continue, shitpost-kun.

i'll stick with my elezen thanks

because you are intimidated by tall women

>Best AF4
>Worst AF4

>Best Relic
>Worst Relic
Monk, probably.

>artemis bow is still unrivaled
feels bad man
>literally had a Healer LB on launch
user I...

So keep playing Archer. You'll be very popular.

I think it's just meant to be flavour.
Gentle background healing, obviously you aren't going to be using it as a real heal because that would mean holding off on phoenix to counter big damage periods, like what kind of SMN would do that? They aren't healers.

>1 ability makes it designed to be a healer
have you ever played a ff with a bard?

prune abilities to make room for new abilities. if you didn't have pruning then you'll end up like heavensward where you have 40 buttons to manage.

They did have shitty design to begin with.

That's what he wants.

It was designed as a support. ARR alpha/beta had a support party role. It also should have kept the healer LB3 to separate it from MCH.

I'm not?

Attached: manletofmanlets.jpg (800x450, 176K)

Because they add a bunch too. GBR has around 30 abilities.

Are WHMs soon to be...dare I say....meta?

>Changed Skill! May be replaced by a new version of itself, or a new skill altogether. Skills that get big changes get a new ID, but some may be deleted outright.
People need to stop taking a glance at this doc and assuming that red=removed.

>Keeping going back to my Elezen whenever I fantasia
They'll be fun for a month I guess

Attached: 1477697456132.jpg (702x562, 61K)

>No it's called ARCHER on start as a new player.
And they tell you up front your arrows aren't gonna hit as hard as a sword-swing, which is why they have two DoTs to inflict poison and wind damage. You didn't pay attention that your actual DPS was going to be rather low and you're blaming Square Enix for it

so play blm and shut up no one cares

>Best ability still in
>All movement abilities we've seen so far have had charges
I hope all you BLMs are ready for it. Your Between the Lines wont save you now.

Attached: Rescue.png (80x80, 14K)

For prog, and that's a big maybe.

>No damage buff.

>ARR alpha/beta had a support party role
No it didn't, I was in them lol. And just to preempt this, provide a single screenshot referencing a support role in game.

No actually I get kicked out of every dungeon when I do.

monk has gloves for a relic again, you can see them on the hrothgar in the liveletter
they're pretty nice, honestly. they look like slightly bulkier versions of the af1 hands

This says RDM is losing Impact but you literally see it in the job action trailer.

Read what the red means again you fucking tard

samurai's is leaps and bounds better than anything else and its not even close. MNK is good too. Fucking FURIOUS that pic rel. isn't the MCH one though this shit looks awesome.

Attached: 1528945599321.png (900x740, 1.2M)

And that's why forming conclusions based on it is absolutely retarded.

this is what i'm confused about

where are all my /tallchads/ at?
with the new influx of viera, girl gamers will be looking to eb races which are taller, so they can still think of themselves as feminine. Elezen, Au'ra, Roe and CatMAN alliance. Sorry midcucks, highblunders, catBOYs and lela's

>Archer has a yellow icon
What drives niggers like you to just go and lie on the internet?

Attached: 1549119909098.jpg (1024x576, 113K)

We've seen the new impact tooltip. It is changed into an AoE 4s cast spell, so the spell Id probably changed.

A free half of a Medica II/Aspected Helios aint bad on a DPS every minute.

If you use anything other than a bare fists glamour for monk then you're doing it wrong.

Attached: 1551715712226.png (430x763, 238K)

>Leaps and bounds better
>Abs built into the chest piece


No spreadsheet isn't just for abilities being removed, it also marks anything replaced too. Impact is probably being reworked.

it's the fucking truth most of the cat and au ra will go back once the novelty wear off because they just want to be "smol and cute" probably even more since even viera look to have some of the same problems that elezen have

To get this right, I just spam floor 51-60 of Palace of the Dead from level 1-60, and then spam Heaven on High from 60-70?

But I really like my Nyepels

I initially thought it's DoL/DoH exclusive but I'm seeing a char in the benchmark wearing a WAR axe.

With some luck it can be glamoured by anyone. Would probably look fine on GNB as well.

the sam one is absolute shit holy shit taste user


AF3 is also acceptable

follow this and you'll go from 1-70 in 5 days if its not your first job.

i mean i do, but the glove weapons are pretty solid

>Seifer fags still absolutely seething.

Attached: 408674567594656795.png (1274x1126, 1.48M)

impact is being changed to a long cast AOE, they split scatter into a aoe veraero and aoe verthunder and buffed how many times you can used mounliet at 100/100
instead of
>scatter x10 mounliet x3
they are changing it so it's now
>veraero>impact>verthunder>impact mounliet x5

>miserys end gone
>foes gone
>palisade gone
>mp/tp refresh gone
so uh about that support dps class bros...

japanese people love crossovers

Only if you're a dps and don't have a tank/heal friend to get you instant queues. You should still do your daily roulettes, especially if you have the preorder earrings. Also HoH is 61-70.

should I bother leveling mch at all or should I just grind out tomestones for one of the 4 classes I already have at 70.

Found the image for

Attached: impact ll.png (388x434, 160K)

Uhh, Anonymous... that's yellow

Attached: a thinking louise.jpg (899x907, 153K)

Then the doc is utterly worthless

every popular online japanese game is crossover central.

I'm gonna have a hard time picking between CE Revolver with the Squall costume or full artifact as a Seifer costume.

Between the lines and aetherial manipulation are bound to have charges now. Two can play at this game you bastard.

You don't know what utterly means.

Yes, great job reading exactly what I said.

>Demon Slice
>No Mercy

Attached: DkaULd4.png (452x226, 71K)

Thats yellow user. It was yellow back then.

>When you and fray double bloodspiller direct crit at the same time

Attached: 08.jpg (787x854, 273K)

I'll never glamour the Emperor's Fist or any other type of glove weapon until they fix the limp hands.

Some of the abilities are literally named after shit Seifer uses

As much as I like the viera I made, I'm just going to stick with the elezen I've been playing since 2.0.

Attached: illust_73915863_20190502_232048.png (744x1049, 553K)

this shitpost confuses me

You're supposed to use meme arrows to quote someone else, not to make a statement.

That's exactly my point you fucking dumbass. Archer's role color was yellow, for support. It wasn't red. Holy shit can you niggers even follow a reply chain?

>when the WAR does a single Inner Chaos and does more damage

Attached: big stupid.png (600x337, 233K)

Dipshit, what you said was
>Archer has a yellow icon
then called the guy a liar, insinuating that he's lying for saying that Archer has a yellow icon.

Next time try >No it didn't
that's what the fuck he said, that's what the fuck makes him a liar. Is greentext that hard to use?

Attached: 1551372340599.jpg (800x640, 161K)

GNB is based off both you two

Attached: gun7.jpg (1920x1080, 369K)

lurk 5 years before posting

>insinuating that he's lying for saying that Archer has a yellow icon
Yes, I can see how you might think that was the case if you completely fucking neglected to read the reply chain. If you had read it, you would know that he was saying the fucking opposite. Learn to read, dumbass.

>The absolute state of Dragoon

Attached: 1535829006269.jpg (750x720, 35K)

Please tell there's an Aussie who will be a cheeky lad and reveal everything on the 28th.

nop, ill keep my roe

Attached: ffxiv_05262019_152243_849.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

>no chad head armor

I am going to never play bunny at all lmfao I wanted my badass armored bunny amazon and they want me to be a fucking tranny snowflake with glasses instead

kys yoshi

why do so many fucking people lately stand infront of the tank? I'm not talking about low level content, I'm talking about level cap content. It should be common sense by now not to fucking stand infront of the boss unless you want to get cleaved in the face.

They fucking peaked with Dragonlancer. It's been fucking downhill since then. Ryunohige was OK.

>Step 1 Make a friend.

Attached: 140886952951.gif (400x225, 1013K)

We see another ranged DRK move at the end of the benchmark. Could be another range attack or maybe replaces Unmend. It makes a screeching sound before it hits (could just be something else though). I need to see everything already dammit.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-26+at+01.23.28).jpg (528x394, 89K)

I actually like the tonfas.

Are you ready?

Attached: 1527566059352.jpg (985x984, 417K)

No, no, you don't get it. That WAS the case. You used the quote function incorrectly. Don't blame me for your mistake. It's your fault.

Attached: 1542449855300.png (1700x1946, 1.45M)

SCH is getting a lot of changes. Do we have a list yet of their things?

Attached: 6caf777436b25d65262762e7c7262392.jpg (847x655, 324K)

make an acquaintance then.

It just means you don't fall for stupid buttplug tails or stupid Spencer's gifts cat ear headbands.

oh fuck you're right

Attached: ffxiv_viera_1.png (875x818, 783K)

It's probably edge of shadow

Attached: unknown.png (843x219, 168K)

Face 4 Mustard Rice reporting in :3

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PLD is sleek as fuck. I love the relic too.

No Mercy better have this fucking animation.

Attached: tumblr_o5eduwC3kw1uqmh0po1_500.gif (480x270, 2M)

I hope we get some more of them. I don't really care for the Ironworks aesthetic but I've always been a fan of tonfas.

It does. Watch the skill trailer.

>Squalls battle stance
>Squalls skills
>Squalls limit break

He literally uses Squall's fighting style along with having his entire continuation mechanic


The coat looks nothing like seifer's, Thancred's theme color is WHITE that's why it's colored that way, the base AF isn't even colored that way it's blue. It's based off of Tactics Ogre/Vagrant story(Risk breaker) Skills are literally just fanservice, the entire job is based off of squall. It has nothing to do with seifer.


Looks fine to me

He bought?

Attached: Dump it.png (538x596, 409K)

>tfw you've been a male Highlander since 3.0 and want to play dancer

I don't really want to switch races but who the fuck wants to get buffed by a dancing highlander. I still have my free fantasia. What do?

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Royal guard does at the start when he uses it

All these Viera look like the same fucking thing.

just b urself

how many of you are actually going to stick with viera for the long term
i already know that a bunch of people that will respond are probably going to lie through their teeth


Attached: lala dancer.png (798x770, 405K)

>The coat looks nothing like seifer's
It's literally Seifer's. It has his fucking emblem on the arm and on the job gauge.

it literally uses as an animation

Greentext has never been specifically to quote someone. It can be used to express an action or make a statement.

I'd have a problem with that if I hadn't already been playing a modded Highlander with the same problem for years.

Glamour into a suit, bonus points for Hildebrands chestpiece.

Don't change your race because of a single job. Trust me, you'll regret it.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I just want some plain old wooden tonfas, but for now the ironworks stuff will do. I'm just happy that we got something completely new for a change.


What settings is PS4 on if we're talking PC settings? Surely not maximum, right?

Is she as futa as she looks?

>Seifer's /bstance
>Seifer's skills
>Seifer's limit break
>Seifer's coat
>Seifer's taunt animation
Are you insane?


No and I wish
3 more days of suffering and cuckshed posting...

someone give me a quick rundown?

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Impact was easily the dumbest part of rdm's kit so I'm okay with this change.

Lean into it, my friend.

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Already having second thoughts. Will probably just fanta back to fem highlander instead of to Viera.

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So is DNC just gonna pull out a crossbow for LB1&2?

Doesn't Agrias use Northswain's Strike?

Is Dragoon a fun job? I would like to level a fast melee dps job, is Monk fun?

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Fucking animal.

As a healer, I'm not looking forward to this skill.

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Blame shitters complaining that Paladin doesn't feel holy enough.

If the potency scales linearly it becomes the most powerful single attack in the game at maximum.

Attached: TylerFran.png (651x610, 481K)

>comfy pic
I did like Eureka for letting me catch up on shows and just chatting to people.

that's a nice glam on the SAM

>Is Dragoon a fun job?
Not right now, it isn't. That might change with ShB, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

>I would like to level a fast melee dps job, is Monk fun?
Fast? Yes. Fun? Not really.

I'm glad they enforce the sameface quality standards that they do with the other races.

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Cope, shotafag.

>30% crit chance, 30% dh chance buff
Shit, I don't think anyone's gonna care what you are. You're the millionaire, and the world's your trophy wife.

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Nothing wrong with them


those hairstyles were fucking great, too bad TERA turned into what it is now

Honestly I'm waiting to see how my current glams look on the viera I made. I have kept the fantasia I got from the end of ARR so I have a free jump over at least. If the gear looks good I'll stay if I think everything looked better on my other character I'll jump back.


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High (Desktop) preset

MNKs getting GL4 in Shadowbringers, it'll be by far the fastest class.

Attached: GL4.png (882x720, 908K)

I've been considering switching to Viera, but at the moment I've been playing a Lalafell and I dig the badass midget aesthetic. What are some of the pros of playing Viera when it comes to aesthetics?

I tried?

Attached: bun.png (2525x1381, 3.09M)

Just press Benediction.

isn't it just basically another Living Dead for the healer?

anyone with a fucking brain will use their regen right after using it


Kek, will be fun when shitters use this in dungeons.

At least this fanart is actually on-model as a shapeless potato. If that turns you on, I can't pretend to understand, but enjoy I guess.

>who the fuck wants to get buffed by a dancing highlander
I'd rather get buffed by a groovy highlander than a thot bunny

It wont be used like PLD uses HG. It'll be useful as a worse Holmgang where you know a tankbuster would otherwise kill you.

All the important stuff in our kit is still there, we already got a confirmed Miasma II rep and according to the Pastebin, our Bio II rep is also an AoE DoT.

It seems like they're doing the groundwork to seperate SCH from ACN and SMN since all the ACN stuff was in the red. I don't think it's worth freaking out over.

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Probably. Its awkward, but then again, neither BRD nor MCH use crossbows either.

DRG is pretty fun. Desirable job, at least for now... who knows come the expansion. MNK is just not as much fun as it used to be, the design has shifted away from where it was centered in the previous two expansions and now it's just... shitty and boring in my opinion

She's a Holy Knight, so yes.

>gets clutch beni'd from low health
>pops superbolide

>not Tonfas
>not Makai
>not Sephirot
>not Pyros
>not Midan
fucking scrub

Free play period refers to the trial.

I originally didn't care for the social aspect of Eureka at all. Get in, get my relics, get out. But eventually stockholm syndrome settled in and I actually started having a good time. I still hate it, but the memories aren't all bad.

Thanks, friend. I'm rocking this currently, but honestly I miss that old glam. Will probably go back soon.

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I just want more facial hair styles for Hyurs. I want a 5 o clock shadow.

>hey dude check this out


Attached: 60027971_p0.jpg (690x690, 90K)

I'm already used at comboing benediction with holmgang so nothing changes.

The invulnerability + 1 hp seems a stupid move though.

I tried with my friend who logged during the free login period and it didn't work.

Nice bait.

No it doesn't retard, that's just random armor. Imagine thinking this looks like this. They don't even have the same color scheme when they're DYED you dribbling retard.

That's the tank stance which is just a copy of raw intuition. The fuck are you on about?

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Just make a highlander.

Temperance is literally just Largesse with a nice damage reduction add-on. It'll be good for progression, and that's about it.

Not only that, but the ability itself is rather counterintuitive. The damage reduction means you'd have to heal less as is, so the 20% increasing in healing potency is overkill in this combo. It'll be good for one or two spells at that point, so it does free up WHM to DPS a lot more and use their GCDs elsewhere, BUT
At the same time, it really feels like Square has absolutely zero idea as to what to do with the healers. This is made worse by the fact that AST is getting a new AoE raid buff, as shown in the benchmark trailer at the end.

Attached: WHM.jpg (218x231, 9K)

It's weird that this skill is on the same cooldown as Hallowed Ground while being strictly worse.

they have a regen that ticks 5k per second they will be fine

>about to die
>whm pops bene .1 sec before you use superbolide
>your hp drops to 1 after the bene lands
This is going to happen a lot and the reason why they are gonna change it

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Spairhai Nexus son.

The coat literally has the same fucking emblem on the arm. Do you also think MNK AF2 isn't based on Yang?

Yoshida's lala is for __________?

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Yeah I was planning on eventually doing that. I just didn't want to be a really thick/buff dude. Thats why I went Hyur.

good man

Stand aside.

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Ignore him

It's based off of both Seifer AND squall you fucking mongo's I don't know how you can be willingly this blind. Unless your shitposting ironically (which is still shitposting) I don't understand why you lot are trying so fucking hard to say it's exactly one and not the other.

Yeah you've never "progressed" in your life. A free 10% damage down with healing up isn't "good for progression, and that's about it."

>glowstick shit
The only acceptable glow on a MNK weapon are makai fists and the sudarshana chakras

Attached: 1552153102552.jpg (408x343, 27K)

who cares about the lala, give me the cat

Attached: 1548812490489.png (350x420, 23K)

>Same emblem
>Completely different color and metal plating

You alright user?

>no raid buff

So you already got the rest of their tooltips, cool bro share em with us

Someone probably paid for this.

thats probably alchemist

They haven't changed Living Dead beyond cooldown time and it has the same kind of issues with coordination. More evidence for why the game is better played with closed groups of friends.

imagine having a 86.9cm lala as your wife

It's generic gathering gear, you can see them using it in the benchmark.

And whoever they did I salute them.

Attached: 1533057772883.gif (367x265, 550K)


you have terrible taste our you are just blind

No one's saying it's only Seifer, there's only one shitposter saying it's only Squall.

this gunbreaker shitposting is hilarious

the job was inspired by both characters end of

It's the generic all gatherer. The other "unknown" one is generic crafter.

Deleting. He really needs to stop showing shit off during live letters on that lalafell, it makes for shit viewing.

Can you put that in freedom units?

botanists use axes as well, it's the omnigatherer gear

traditional bunnyslut or tomboy highlander who's also really good at murderdancing but perpetually embarrassed about it?


3 feet

fuck, I love my Roe MNK but seeing this I can't help but want to fantasia into a Hrothgar.

Attached: 1552267861971.jpg (1041x1041, 115K)

femroes are some of the most annoying people who play this game on par with cats and au ra

>make white Viera
>call her Snow Bunny

you know damn well what you need to do

>GNB can even explode themselves
Was this tank designed for BLMs?


Attached: wot.jpg (330x446, 42K)

Tell me all about your own favorite race, tough guy.

The answer is always tomboy highlander

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t. assblasted WHM

stay irrelevant


What's this then? It's not healing since it has the same animation of thin air and the buff falls off exactly 15 seconds after the skill is used.

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What kind of question is this?

>he doesn't have atleast 1 crafter blessed tool
may I ask why?

Attached: bless.png (736x560, 799K)

Not him, but that image being shit doesn't have much to do with Roegadyns. It's just bad art.

Living dead doesnt plummet your health on use, though

It's one thing to like femroes.
It's an entirely different thing to not see how fucked up and shit that art is.

could crush your skull like a grape

WHM's biggest weakness was that it was missing mitigation in the first place, and getting one with a 20s duration actually has plenty of applications.

This isn't just a progression tool. Heck, this is already useful for dungeons since you can slap a boosted Regen on the tank while also mitigating the damage they take, or just mitigate the damage for free while letting oGCDs carry the weight.

Effectively it does? Because it won't activate unless you go below 1 HP and if it doesn't activate the point is moot.

Wouldn't it be faster for dps to just do fates while waiting for a que for dungeons?

>an entire new expansion of gear
>a new coffer of gear for every job
>i only have 3 retainers that are all already full of gear
Am I just gonna have to start dumping shit into the Glamour Dresser and treating it like a fourth retainer? Fuck.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-01-16_22-28-39.png (798x620, 922K)

If they're going to blow themselves up for a weird Holmgang / Hallowed combo, they should have at least put some damage on it too like Self-Destruct.

Im not talking about the race faggot, the drawing it's terrible

oh, it's a single joblet
fuck off noob

It's literally only squall, you faggots were the ones swearing up and down the gunblade job would use the same pose as Gaius and swearing it'd be based on Seifer because of that with thin gunblades.

Now look at you idiots, still seething months later.

So this just puts you at 1 HP automatically? How is this not by far the shittiest tank invuln skill? Am I a brainet?

How the fuck do I get these? Are these Lucis tools or the ones you get from making a billion crafts of each level tier?


Because I can't be arsed to waste time/inventory space to craft 90% of the log just for a glowy piece of shit.

they have a regen that ticks 5k

Craft everything from your log

I've cranked it to far worse art, quit pretending you have standards or only masturbate to masterworks.

you will never be a woman

she looks like arya stark

what do you mean?

Attached: femroe players.jpg (1280x1397, 461K)

>a new coffer of gear
You are aware that you can get AF from the Calamity Salvager, right? If you just mean they're adding new items, that's why they're doubling the dresser.

>a new coffer of gear for every job
Just toss it out until you need it again. You can buy them back from salvager npcs.

Get help

You aren't already? They're adding more space to it.

The invuln works like hallowed while not restricting your movement like holmgang. The effect is fine, but the cooldown time is a bit long. They need to cut at least 30s-1m off of it.

I like how you're willingly denying the fact he does Seifer's taunt in the job trailer and has some abilities named after Seifer's stuff. You don't respond to those do you? Nope you willfully ignore them because god forbid you realize their is evidence against your down syndrome seagull ass.

>only masturbate to masterworks.
if you masturbated to that drawing you have really low standards

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It's the same thing as Living dead or holmgang for healers. Only problem is the recast time, but it's entirely possible others were nerfed too.

Yes, that's why you were accused of being blind. Are you retarded as well?

With the quality these threads usually go I can never really tell if you're just shitposting or a genuine idiot.

So, again: why are there a bunch of abilities named after Seifer's Limit Breaks?

>this is your average Faerie player

I don't know about meta, but combining this with Largess(if it's still in) = activate all your HoTs and then laugh at any damage done to the party for the next half a minute while you spam nukes.

It's pretty bad, but the only real reason it's bad is the cooldown. It ties with Hallowed Ground at the longest cooldown but is strictly worse. Hallowed Ground's advantage is that it doesn't require any kind of healing and can prevent some debuffs, neither of which you get with Superbolide. Those advantages are the only reason HG could justify its long-ass cooldown. LD and Holmgang are both going to basically reduce your health to 1 anyway, but they have much shorter cooldowns.


Wait, are you fucking serious? What the fuck. I'm a retard.

My dresser is already 200/200.

>you literally play this game with people who would be wearing other peoples' skin in real life if they could

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They have an inverse upheavel/spirits within, it does more damage the lower thei HP drops. Please look forward to GNB's popping it on CD for max DPS

You play FFXIV, you don't get to claim you have standards.

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Every AoE they did during wings is healing since they were accompanied by the healing sound effects. If you want to bring attention to anything, it's the one at 9:14.

instead of cats acting cute all femores try to pass off as "muscle mommys" not to mention the erp femroes wont ever take no for an answer

How hard is O12S now with the echo? I want the DRK weapon for glam

No its more likely Yoshida doesn't care about your speedrunning parsing raiders in the NA and is slowly removing party buffs and debuffs to spite you.

I get to kill Asahi right?

>You will never be captured, enslaved, beheaded and turned into a trophy

why do i want this
im sure my parents just wanted a normal child

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The pro is that when you heal them, they won't take damage during it. It's a ghetto version of Hollow Ground. With Warrior and Dark Knight still able to take damage, but unable to go below 1HP, making some cases where it's harder to quickly heal them back to full. Warrior's locks them down, while DRK requires to be healed back to full if dropped below 1 HP, otherwise they'll die on the skill ending.

With this, you'll drop to 1HP upon use, but for 8 seconds it'll be easier to get them back to full and not have to worry on spam healing them through the damage as well still.

Attached: 1520934967476.png (187x154, 48K)

holmgang doesn't let your HP reduce below 1 but you can't move at all.

living dead doesn't let your HP reduce below 1 but if you aren't healed for full HP in a couple of seconds then you automatically die even if you got healed 99%.

this reduces your hp to 1 but doesn't kill you automatically or root you in place.

paladin hollow ground is still way better than them all because you gotta give them something to justify having a shield.

now this is a I'm mad comeback

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You still have to learn the hardest parts of the fight.

disgusting tranny face.

You keep bringing that up when I've already told you that's just a regular taunt, Warrior does the SAME SHIT for raw intuition.

Or is WAR based on seifer now?

Largess is gone. The healer cross roles in 5.0 are Surecast, Swiftcast, Lucid, Esuna, Rescue, and 1 new ability.

I have all crafting up to Heavensward but then it got to tedious. Maybe this time the game really catches on for me and I'll continue levelling them.

But I also severely dislike the timed resource nodes. I understand why they're doing it but there must be a better way.

Nothing quite like being called rude and a noob for not running through a group of 20 elephant men and then some to ress some idiot party member while fighting Dux.

That's plenary.

I only masturbate to God's masterworks, aka real woman (female).

>ASPD / berger's / generalized anxiety freaks are a danger to anyone
lmao, they would fall apart crying if you so much as yelled at them

I think I finally figured out what the Dancer icon is meant to be: a fan. They use fans in some of their skills. It could also be the end of a peacock feather since that seems to be in a lot of their attack effects too.

Attached: 1558236940178.png (359x360, 88K)

Superbolide can prevent debuffs as well.

The funniest part of this to me is the crafter-gear or crafter glamour when she's making the trophy.

There's no way the other invuln skills don't get nerfed for this to fit in. I'd expect something like 5m Holmgang, 7m Living Dead/Superbolide, 9 minute Hallowed.

If you're gonna pretend to be a leaker you'd at least name the new ability to attempt to.

Still ignoring the ability names I see.

Very good, user. You cracked the case.

Ah, now that I think about it, that probably would be the case wouldn't it?

Still worse than HG, but slightly not as worse as I thought.

I lost my shit seeing that crafting table

Hallowed Ground > Superbolide > Holmgang > Living Dead

Do I have to do anything to "unlock" the gold saucer log challenges? For some reason only like 4 are showing up

>abilities named after some of Seifer's stuff
>no influence at all
dude cmon, there isn't any reason to defend it's only squall this fucking hard unless you have this much god damn autism.

Xeno made it obvious through his NDA that other tank invulns are changing

nope lol

Don't worry user, I want it too. You're not alone.

It's clearly a womb tattoo.


Attached: 1522580530386.jpg (600x587, 55K)

I'm not. It's right here idiot.

Might as well post the new healer role action page if you are legitimate.

>skimpy clothing
>job symbol looks like a womb tatoo
>which also looks like a heart
>which in the end is a fan with a peacock design
>the whole job plays like the perfect girlfriend class
Fucking hell.

Give me some non faggot glamour so I can play male dancer

It's not the same animation. GNB rests their weapon on their shoulder exactly as Seifer does.

you can cosplay as a jojo character

Timed nodes really aren't THAT bad, the pop twice a day and are on a rotation so there is one up almost constantly somewhere in the world. If you made the mats infinitely farmable them crafted gear would lose a significant portion of its value.

>can't have smol bunnies

Jesus christ

Oppress all white vieras

Okay, well, people are saying it's bad now because they only have current invulns to compare it to.

No WAR isn't but the difference being WAR is WAR and Seifer is a fucking gunblade user which lends more credibility to it being a reference to him then
Also you're will willfully ignoring the ability names too.

You have to do the quests to unlock the respective minigames. So you need to unlock triple triad before the TT logs will appear, same for chocobo racing, verminion and mahjong.

fuck off tranny

Already told you those are just fanservice probably only from localization, the job has both squall's battle stance AND his continuation mechanic as well as his LB's.

The entire job is based off of Squall right down to it's CORE CONTINUATION MECHANIC.

It's fanservice, it's like how Samurai has Meikyo Shisui, does that mean it's gameplay is based in anyway off of it's XI counterpart? fuck no. They're just names.

Attached: 1558716553639.jpg (640x360, 25K)

Good. Fuck trannies and fuck jannies. Now take your dumb tumblr cutesy wutesy baby speak back where it belongs.

Best Man's shoes and pants, red shirt of choice

Attached: 1532187695587.png (240x240, 47K)

Okay, well, that's fucking dumb

Except for AF2, I think. You have to buy those back from the centurio seal vendor in Ishgard if you toss em out.


A lot of role skills were modified. Arm's Length is now Tempered Will for tanks and physical DPS, for example.

No, i'm making a Hrothgar and will persecute every no-horn Hrothgar I see.

if players could marry loli/shota characters, ESRB would ban this game.

>It's fanservice,
Nice concession

What the fuck was squeenix thinking? They're all just ugly giraffes like elezen again.

Well what the fuck else would they compare it too? Bear in mind that that's also exactly what the guy I responded to is doing.

>eveningstar skirt forces a shitty looking wrapped and covered tail on you if playing as cats or lizards
>the tail looks the same between both races and every type even if it doesn't make sense
>no effort to just adjust the base model to let a tail slip through

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So it is. I guess WHM's only hope now is the targeted spell at the end, but that might just be the stronger Holy mentioned in the Pastebin.

If I had to guess, I'd say positionals are the reason people shy away from monk.
They're just annoying to worry about.

>The job based on squall who rests his gunblade on his shoulder and therefore has it's weapon rested on it's shoulder by default.
>Still has it rested when it does a taunt animation.

Damn user I just don't know.

>smallest bunny is taller than tallest Male Mi'Qote

Attached: ffxiv ShB heights.jpg (4096x632, 715K)

Why is the timer the same as Hallow Ground, but has more negative?

Is HG getting nerfed?

Attached: 65e.jpg (445x503, 112K)

Lalafell exist.

So you acknowledge some abilities are named after Seifer's and are from Seifer therefore it isn't 100% Squall. Next you're gonna say it's "mostly squall" and keep moving your fucking goal post.

Based Ronsobro

Idle battle stance is unrelated to skill animations. Your claim was that it was just a recycled WAR animation, but it's not.

>Oh no, this tall and amazonian like women only race are all tall! How could this happen?

Attached: 52204482_p32.jpg (580x800, 128K)

>Koji fox throwing autist fans of a literal cuck A LITERAL KEK
>Anything to be proud of.


You can probably bet that HG is getting nerfed.

Because they aren't bunnies, they are Viera. Viera are tall, regardless of their bunny appearance. If they weren't tall, people would be bitching that Square Enix cheapened the Viera for waifubait fanservice to please retards like you two.

Attached: 1553287708746.png (1029x1521, 339K)

It's not marriage, though. I mean, it is, but for legal purposes it's "eternal bonding" and nothing strictly describes it as romantic in-game or having the real world legalities of marriage. They do things like this preemptively for a reason, S-E is pretty smart about keeping out of hot water.

lalafell are adults.

It's literally Foul. Whenever you spend 3 lilies you get 1 blood lily to cast a big aoe.

As per Yoshi's statements on the matter neither the development team nor the ratings boards consider Lalafell child characters.

Who would ever want to do something impure to a Lalafell? Makes me sick to think about it.

Attached: 1507983308618.jpg (1800x1280, 698K)

You betcha, enjoy your 600s cd

kill yourself tranny

I for one don't like monk because punching monsters feels stupid in a setting where it's established that everyone uses weapons. Kung fu stuff only works when kung fu is the aesthetic norm.

>women only
This is only because of lazy hack devs and Yoshi's bigotry.

It's entirely squall you retard the jobs entire mechanic is based off of him, just because the english translations have FANSERVICE in the names does not mean it is anyway partially based on Seifer.
The entire jobs aesthetic and theme is Squall, down to the gunblade design and you're delusional if you think anything else.
I see this is just about getting some sort of small win for your delusional obsession with a shit character.

Tell us more of your secrets.

They totally fucked up the heights
They should be much taller.

why does that matter when in 99% of fights you only get 1 use of it anyways

>tfw 6'4 irl so the Viera are smaller then me anyways
You're a tranny or a manlet

>male roegadyn still the tallest and most muscular

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Yeah, but, monks use weapons too.

stop making ffxiv threads without "XIV" in it you faggots I'm not sifting through every single thread in the catalog nor am I searching for 20 different keywords

>You can probably bet that HG is getting nerfed.

Attached: 1558656397010.png (601x601, 236K)


The setting also establishes that proper aetherial regulation can make your bare fists into weapons. The very first Monk punched the first Temple of Rhalgr into a mountainside with his bare hands.

Yeah, but Hrothgar have some seriously shitty posture. You think maybe that's why?

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I never said it was recycle'd autist, I said that WAR does the same exact motion fur raw int.
That is literally a common taunt in general, trying to equate that entire taunting motion to seifer is retarded.

Actually I was wrong, it's not 15s but 12s which is exactly the same cooldown thin air has atm.

Attached: 1557000339198.jpg (1267x713, 315K)

Maybe it'll be better in ShB when we can go even further beyond.

Yes, but they also do plenty of kicks and other martial arts techniques in their animations. I was just saying why I'm not drawn to the class.

hrothgar are more swole-looking tho
they also have more human-like proportions instead of being a fridge

But then the WoW shill mods will delete us quickly.

so you admit you wanna play as a child? get that ass banned

>desktop shitters

It's not my fault hrothgar can figure out gunblades but can't figure out proper posture.