Let's keep these threads alive until based leakerbro returns.

Fellas, what is your favorite job and are you excited for the upcoming changes they've showed? Which are you going to level first to 80 once the expansion hits?
As a side note someone needs to make an edit like this with the real title screen they've shown by accident

Attached: 1542430640511.jpg (1024x577, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Aggro management

Was already nonexistent. Shirk and Diversion pretty much deleted the idea of aggro management.

>DPS losing party support skills
Source. Trick is still there. Embolden is still there. Damage type vulns were fucking cancer that only further served to enforce the BRD/DRG stranglehold on the meta.

>Pet Management
What fucking management? Using pet skills was an active struggle against the shitty input latency on the pet hotbar, moving them to be actions on the player's hotbar just means that they will be more responsive.

Fuck off faggot.

>there are people that play this game for an unhealthy amount of /playtime hours

Attached: 1554693819381.png (1197x775, 238K)

There are people who have used more fantasias than I've hours played the game.

Square announces they are gonna get rid of class diversity.

>People Cheer

Dead game dead genre.

>first to 80
Most likely MNK
>excited for the upcoming changes they've showed?
MCH changes look nice, and fact that there seems to be no tanks in cuckshed

Attached: 1547168919601.gif (225x324, 3.36M)

does bard have something that puts it's dots on multiple enemies?

I love this new shitpost how you can say homogenization but not backup what you say because you don't play it.

>waaaah I can't get a guaranteed raid slot because of my class, I have to actually be good, fucking dead game

one of the new skills shown off in the jobs trailer looks like an aoe dot, so probably
it's something bard has obviously needed for a while so i'd be surprised if it wasn't added

It sounds like you suck at the game and particularly suck at classes that have pets user.

Also sounds like you never made your own party in PF or made a FC or joined and FC either. Man square balancing the game around people like you is the real joke of all of this.

Maining DRK and SMN and very excited for the changes. But during Early Access I might focus on leveling Gunbreaker to 70 first, it looks like a lot of fun.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-Collectors-Edition-4.jpg (1500x1500, 111K)

DRK is gonna be so fucking kino bros, we won

Attached: drkgauge.png (531x380, 131K)


Talk to any SMN about how great and responsive Contagion is and get back to me

>Favorite Job
BLM. Kinda excited, mechanically everything we got is really good but the animations are pretty sad compared to the other stuff we already had.
>First Job to 80
DNC for sure. I'm not 100% sold on the dance mechanic until I get my hands on it but it's always been my favorite class so I at least have to give it a shot.

from your own logic, how is pet management now any good? it's just set and forget. just like aggro combos. combo once and forget.

>tfw have 220 days
>started very early ARR
>played it constantly when I was a NEET for a short while after college
I'm curious to see what everyone elses playtime is
I don't have it on hand, but wasn't there a player who shared their purchases on mogstation and it was around 8000$ and most of it was fantasia?
I also knew a guy in my FC who necked fantasia's like gatorade, every other day he was a new char and it was fucking insane, spent like 30-50 quid on fantasia weekly

Why was the 4.0 storyline so shit?

This. Gonna spend my time leveling DNC and GNB to 70 within HoH. After that, I'll decide who I want to take through the MSQ.

You are comparing choices made by an individual to choices made by multiple different people working in cooperation.
>RPGS are supposed to be about building a team of and maximizing the skill sets of said team.
Yes, SINGLE PLAYER RPGs are like that. MMOs are about existing in a shared persistent fantasy world with other people, that is the one thing that separates them from other genres. Things like class optimization or clever strategizing and planning are all secondary compared to the central goal of fantasy roleplaying. In MMOs you are forced to cooperate with people who make their own choices for their own reasons and most of the time they don't want to be beholden to your autistic personal ideals of what they should be doing.

People play MMOs so they can be Rogzo the Wizard and kill dragons with their friends. If people like you want to get in the way of that because you think it would be more interesting if wizards suck at killing dragons compared to archers, then you get to go back to single player games where that sort of thing only affects you.

In an MMO identity and cosmetics are the driving motivation. Even for "hardcore" players this is true. If all they want is the dopamine rush of numbers going up and rare loot drops, there are games which do that better. If all they want is strategic puzzle-like battles, there are games which do that better. If all they want is cooperative team battles, there are games which do that better. So why do people choose MMOs? In the end it is all about identity, the experience of being a character in a fantasy world, interacting with other people in that world. They spend months leveling up, fighting hard battles and getting rare loot not for the sake of doing those things but for the virtual status it brings them.

A player being able to experience the game in the aesthetic manner of their choosing, is more important for an MMO than having to make choices about which class is better for which raid.

>casual statics asking meta comp for their prog

Have you taken the Lostpill yet?

Attached: lostpill.png (1355x1936, 2.13M)

You wish. Bunny cunny is the exclusive property of Hrothgar chads.

Attached: 1557474187557.jpg (1254x1771, 220K)

Nah i made my own parties and PF and i had my own FC. I just made my own parties also a played a DRK who was the shittiest tank in all of SB and i got to do all my shit shit up to os12s.

But you can still be shit @ the game and assume i'm one of you faggots who beg people to join there parties instead of making my own party.

How about you look at the cliff note you moron.

WAR and WAR.
Can't wait to wreck shit with my Inner Chaos

MCH for sure, the machinist tools look amazing, especially autocrossbow

If I didn't need to buy a namechange as well, I'd definitely fanta to Hrothgar when 5.0 drops.

been taking the lala pill since 2014

Attached: main tank.webm (894x504, 2.99M)

Hrothgar chad here. We take it up the ass.

Attached: 4567890786543.jpg (814x854, 208K)

Sounds like you never played any of the pet classes competitively and if you did you probably cleared o9s at best while getting carried.

Fact: the more expansions a game has, the worse it gets

Diversion IS aggro management retard, and so are Smokescreen and Shadewalker. And now they will all be gone.

Mana Shift is gone, Palisade is gone, Refresh is gone, Erase, Apocatastasis, gone gone. And party buffs are weakened or removed.

Pet management was more than just using the skills, it was also keeping the pet from dying, which is now also gone, along with tanking as SMN to solo content.

Post logs

>tfw two of my best friends are going to be away until 3 days after early access
>don't want to progress without them
>plan to level gunbreaker so I can play that going forward when they get back
I could just go ahead without them but its just not the same

Attached: 1543127500753.jpg (563x563, 14K)

Pre order on sale anywhere?

>Identity and cosmetics are the driving motivation



gnb and war are going to be in the shed, screenshot this post
please don't repost it if i'm wrong though, that would be embarrassing and i won't like it

Just hit the dragonsong war quests, hope i can catch up in time for ShBs launch.

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Does SE actually catch people buying items from other sites? I don't even care about gil at this point. I just don't really feel like shelling out 10 shekels per fantasia when I could get them for 5

Attached: dingdongbannu.jpg (184x184, 7K)

user please stop pointing to embolden as an example of a party buff. it is one of the worst party buffs in the game if not THE worst. It starts off small and only gets smaller with every second that passes.

What he said was backed up by multiple people listing multiple direct examples in the previous thread, you fucking retard.

Clearing o12s in week 10 it's not an accomplishment, just saying


Attached: grandpa2.png (702x900, 778K)

I dabble with SMN and a SCH but i'm mainly a DRK but i do have SMN friends who i have cleared os12s who say SMNs are OP as fuck and by looking @ there dps numbers im obliged to believe them.

AOE dot

It is time.
Post your MCH glamour.

Attached: winter-gunner.png (340x570, 350K)

pets never die though. they have 90% damage reduction since ARR. titan tanking was never a viable thing either.

If you play a few hours every day you will and with good gear too probably.

That guy's autistic, putting aggro management to other roles was the worst thing they could have done.
They just made it so tanks didn't have to care about aggro management as long as they brought a NIN/BRD it was bad game design.
Same with weapon debuffs, if you add in slashing debuffs you have to give EVERY single class the ability to apply that debuff and add alternatives that can benefit.

i have inside information, that not a single tank will be in a shed

Pushing a button once MAYBE twice during a 10+ minute encounter is not mechanical management. Enmity is about as important as Protect was post-Stormblood.


Not him but I am a SMN who routinely clears savage week 1 and the pet changes are dumbing down the job. Pet management currently separates mediocre SMNs from great ones, and has a very high skill ceiling.

Sorry, it's 100% true. Or are you telling me you actually play MMOs for the riveting tab-target GCD hotbar combat? The thrill of challenging scripted bosses? What enjoyment do you get out of optimizing your class, if not comparing yourself to others? That's the whole reason why fflogs exists. It's all about identity and status.

That looks like it could be fun.

Reminder it's Yoshi's excuse that because of lalafel we can't have animations during cutscenes

What do you guys think? Lion face (1-2) or the Tiger face (3-4)?

I'm SMN main and you should fuck off with fake "pet management". Nobody ever managed shit. Garuda on auto works perfectly fine literally 99% of the time. And when not you just need to flick her auto on\off to line up bahamut with contagion or whatever. Shit was dumb af and ez. Doesn't mean new shit will be any better but it might be.. Nobody will miss old shitty "pet management"

The way armor fits makes it look much more different on hroths than I expected. Some stuff like Ironworks looks goofy where Alexandrian looks great.

120 days for me, started in June 2014 and took a year and a half break starting with 3.1 when I realized bowmage was never going to get better. Came back in 4.1 and have been subbed continually since

Was week 7 but i get you i'm not a crazy pro hence is why i find it crazy that I the guy who cleared o12s 7 weeks out is complaining about SE nerfing difficulty and diversity and i'm either an average player or above average player.

To be honest this is why this hearts so much i can't believe the game is being balanced around scrubs who i believe are in the minority.

why are they so cute lads?


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Quantum super-imposition of both

>summon fray, use delirium, and get darkside up during your opener
it's going to be a fucking mess but the class was always jank so i'll get used to it

I'm getting Kingdom Hearts vibes from this.

It probably adds a layer of difficulty, true, but doesn't mean that the difficulty is fair or fun. Specially the second in this case.
Like if they prolong the Ultimate fights to 50 minutes, yeah it's way harder now but fun? Not at all.
I'd rather have them "transfer" that difficulty in the class mechanics and its rotation, for example.

the only management part of the pet is using a cooldown at a specific moment. positioning and other pet aspects did not matter at all. even if it did then it's a 50dps difference at most which is minuscule when people are doing thousands.

Anyone on Lamia?

>very high skill ceiling
SMN literally has the least dps variance out of every DPS because 80% of your damage is automated and the punishment for using Ruin 2 over Ruin 3 due to bad positioning is 30 potency.

>First to 80?
MCH 100% The visuals look amazing but I did notice alot of set up and buffing in the job vid. Hopefully it's just for the showcase because the class looks to have gotten a tad bit faster and needing to more or less dark arts half your moves would kill the class.

>Wildfire can be cancelled at any time
>Gauss Barrel is gone
>Hot Shot gone?

Can't wait to play it

so, TBN saves you MP? we really need to see full tooltips on this shit already god damn

Hrothgar are going to suffer from sameface even more than most races. EVERYONE uses the lion face. No one is going to be using the Ronso or Leopard head.

Au Ra naming conventions were released like a week before launch.

>t. obvious non Savage players

Even as a very experienced SMN my pet died multiple times every day on some fights, notably clown Kefka and Exdeath. Making sure that doesn't happen was a skill check. And aggro management is very involved when your group is actually good and the tanks stay in dps stance the whole time.

TBN pays for itself since breaking it pays for the cost of a 3000 MP spell while TBN itself costs 3000 MP. The Shadow spells are used to start and refresh Darkside.

What does performance have to do with identity and cosmetics now?

Leak bro please, gimme something on SCH ;_;

Attached: Cry....jpg (539x1119, 324K)

It's at worst MP neutral since MP useage seems to have been standardized. It also rewards you with damage by allowing you put up Darkside for free.

son of a whore

Attached: gpose.jpg (1080x1629, 691K)

we already got art of war from him, just wait a few days for the whole reveal

You have no argument. There is no intricacy to aggro management. Lets say you click Diversion on cooldown in a raid. Does that make it deep and complex? Keep in mind swaps and Shirk are still in for tank management.

>my pet died multiple times every day on some fights
did you leave your pet infront of the boss and it got cleaved

Attached: god i wish that were me.png (400x396, 247K)

Yeah that make sense, but do we have more efficient MP spenders than that? I want to know the full toolkit

Sounds good, but in 4.X TBN>BS was DPS neutral as well over just spending the MP on a DA usage, the numbers will matter a lot

Quick survey:
Your age:
Your gender:
Your # of BA clears:
Your # of Ultimate clears:
# of times you've had sex:

Attached: 1557279749579.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>because of my class
The damage variance due to player skill has always been massive though. A good BRD without a DRG will outdamage 90% of PF players and stack up to most mid-tier DPS in raid.

Yes, SMN had low variance in numbers between mediocre and great ones. Which is exactly what Square Enix wants. But it still allowed for superior players to always have another level of skill mastery to strive for, even if it was just a 50 dps increase. That's what a high skill ceiling is for and why lowering it is always a mistake.

This is what we have to work with.

Attached: 1558552865770.png (496x215, 118K)

People let Titan-Egi tank in Ramuh EX when it was relevant due to the mechanics of that fight.

>That's the whole reason why fflogs exists. It's all about identity and status.
lmao is this what retards actually believe? the point of fflogs is to analyze fights to get better, not use it as a dick waiving leaderboard website.

Shadowbringer? More like Casualbringer!

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1 (i did it for ozma and haven't looked back.)

>be the only person on my server that chose Oronir as my surname for HW because I bothered to look up the lore
>SB happens and people send me tells about how "this tribe is named after you dude wtf"
read a fucking book


Attached: 1556306442878.png (686x1200, 774K)

>Your age:
Your gender:
Your # of BA clears:
>20 or 30 or so
Your # of Ultimate clears:
>I wanna say like 10
# of times you've had sex:
>Atleast 100?

Hot shot is still there according to that list of removed abilities. It probably just had its effect changed.

Really curious about them. FF XII Viera names were all 4 letter words and had a Nordic theme.
But now Hrothgar are the ones with the Nordic sounding name (Queen is called Gunnhildr).

You reveal that you don't do Savage when you don't take note of my examples and know what makes them tricky for pets, namely the fact that the boss ends up moving around unpredictably a lot while throwing out AoE tankbusters.

There's also some way to make Blood actions cost free since they were firing them off sitting on 20 blood in the trailer. Is it a side effect of Fray summoning?

That's what was created for, but people use it in the way he described.

yeah back when people were doing triple digit dps numbers instead quad digits and player enmity wasn't as strong as it is now.

Because it's all about who you see yourself as in the game. The persona you make for yourself in its community. Being "the best wizard on the server" or "the top ranked summoner on fflogs" or "the first team to kill the newest boss" is as much about identity as someone roleplaying as a bartender. It is the driving force behind why people play MMOs, to be the character they want to be. If this was not true, no one would play MMOs, they would play other games that have more engaging gameplay.

No, it has an extremely low skill ceiling buddy. SMN is by far the most flexible out of every dps role. Your DWT is flexible, bahamut can be delayed or accelerated. Every other class runs on a treadmill and has to adapt it per fight, often to their own detriment, with actual potential potency loss out the ass. SMN literally has a 1 minute grace period between aetherflows where they seriously start damaging their own dps. SMN can spam Ruin 2 10 times before it matches the same dps loss as an RDM/BLM losing a single cast.

>lvl 52 BLM
brehs funnel me some BLM memes for motivation

New effect of Delirium.

Bros... I thought they were both greylets..

Attached: file.png (746x1082, 157K)

Titan tanking is viable in roulettes when the tank DCs, and for soloing. I soloed fucking Titan EX on SMN as early as during Heavensward.

>ywn be mindbroken by Amal'jaa dickings daily

why even live, bros

Attached: FFXIV-7.jpg (1920x1080, 283K)

Probably. Some of the devs used their own time to port about a third of all headgear to Hrothgar and Viera, predominantly stuff like circlets, masks, glasses so probably the flower crowns too.

min maxing SMN shit for 50 more DPS is the most autistic shit. Fuck that. If new SMN rotation relies less on automated turret+dots and more skill and rotation dependent it'll be million times better than it is now

>boss ends up moving around unpredictably a lot
you should be using garuda so this isn't a problem

>throwing out AoE tankbusters
only way pets die is from frontal cleaves, not from aoe markers.

That makes sense.

>going to suffer from sameface even more than most races
i honestly don't think so, i think the ratio of faces will stay relatively the same as everyone else's, people are constantly memeing about how every race has 1 or 2 faces that look terrible and that very few people use, it's just that Hrothgar faces are by far the most different from each other, so at a glance it's more obvious, it also doesn't help that their hair is limited and obligatory, i was surprised that i couldn't select a head without any long hair

I'm predicting Dark Missionary's going to be made fun of on the level of Ceaseless Discharge.
Here you go, bro.

That isn't "never."

Quick survey:
>Your age:
>Your gender:
>Your # of BA clears:
10 for the Achievement
>Your # of Ultimate clears:
># of times you've had sex:

Attached: unknown (29).png (1080x608, 958K)

Attached: 1553648559183.jpg (1920x2140, 441K)

it used to be viable but not for years now. hence they're getting rid of titan's shit.

>that Red XIII

My sides are in fucking orbit.

Attached: 1335118465292.jpg (252x240, 8K)

>Flood of Darkness
>DRK gets Cloud of Darkness's ultimate ability

Son of a bitch. It's almost 2 in the morning so forgive me

Attached: 1558829056787.png (997x728, 1.06M)

It's time to stop.

Attached: gross patheticy lonely loners are the reason why you should not talk to anyone in this game.jpg (1293x82, 17K)

>it got used once in this fight five years ago and eventually got patched out so that isn't "never" technically!!!

Uh huh

To be fair, only clearing it once means that was his first clear and it's not uncommon for first clears to be gray.

it feels like they're really gonna emphasize slapping shields and heals and shit on yourself/other people for all the tank roles
yeah like you said drk already did this a lot, but it'd be nice to be rewarded more instead of not losing anything by playing well

SMN is the most flexible DPS job yes, and this is also part of why it has the highest skill ceiling. You have far more options to consider at any one time, while on most other jobs you just stick to your set in stone rotation at all times. Do you get it now? Skill ceiling isn't about how hard it is to do good DPS. That's what skill FLOOR is, and SMN has a high skill floor too.

Been trying to piece together something else during the wait for ShB. This is what I'm using in the meantime.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-26_14-25-06.png (526x906, 1.08M)

>Being "the best wizard on the server" or "the top ranked summoner on fflogs" or "the first team to kill the newest boss"
literally nobody in-game gives a shit about that. you're probably the same person that AFKs in town with a glowing weapon and think people care so much about you.

Attached: 1558412239140.png (500x375, 319K)

Post leaks. Put an end to the madness.

cute hat

I'm so fucking lonely that probably I'm starting to do that too

Why are you role playing?

Top level SMNs like me swap pets back and forth throughout the fight, smallbrains. And during Exdeath and Kefka, Ifrit was better than Garuda. Garuda was for hardcast summoning during downtime, casting Contagion when the boss returns, then swiftcasting Ifrit.

I tanked stormblood dungeons with titan.

congratulations for wasting GCD cycles for a minor DPS gain thats insignificant. post your logs if you think you're hot shit.

I need a leaked tooltip of whatever ability 0:45 is. It's the one piece we're missing for GNB.

post logs then bitchtits

And how much more DPS it gave you genius?

Attached: sxk30q3ta4gy.png (469x387, 407K)

Mr.Faggy has 12 ultima clear and he's still grey.

Yes. You can be banned. They're known for tracking RMTs to gather as many as possible from one seller and then ban everyone who had a transaction with them.

>do I ruin 2 or ruin 3
>oops the boss jumped
>good thing my bahamut/DWT are permanent
Literally, SMNs and MNKs are the only people who cannot view their class objectively in terms of actual difficulty. Adapting a treadmill rotation is the difficulty of playing any other role. There is no fight where you can just hit a dummy for longer than a minute. SMN is the one who plays the most staticly because their rotation is hardly affected by 90% of the mechanics in a raid.

It's not about logs or "significance", it's about personal achievement. Do you not feel the drive to improve no matter what? If not, then you are weak.

those runs must have been really slow then because any good DPS player in that party will pull aggro over titan. heck SAM generates so much enmity that they have a enmity reduction skill baked into one of their moves.

having more distinct jobs doesn't make the game more difficult the fuck

>Wasting GCD
>Minor Dps Gain

You gotta pick one or the other not both man these are the people SE are balancing the game around this is why SE thinks they can get away with getting rid of diversity, because people like fucking this do not think before they speak.

Holy fucking shit this post encompasses all that is wrong with alot of the FF14 community.

I've done RMT several times, botted for my botanist, and botted at least 7 classes up to 70 through PvP and I have yet to even get DM'd about it.
SE is really bad at tracking cheaters.

Bahamut and DWT are both on a timer though...

you're creating more APM work for yourself for something that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of clearing the content.

so i got a new computer after like seven years of using my old one, and the benchmark put me in extremely high. I reinstalled FFXIV, looking forward to how great it'll run and the damn game goe sfull black screen for me minutes into running the game. I can hear audio, but can't get rid of the black screen. Anyone know what I can do to fix it?

Attached: haurchefaunt.jpg (540x784, 166K)

Of course they were fucking slow, they were still faster than standing around waiting for a new tank, which is the entire point.

Ah the old "End anything in 'GER' and we'll photoshop 'NIG' on the front of it gag."

>To be honest this is why this hearts so much i can't believe the game is being balanced around scrubs who i believe are in the minority.
>who i believe are in the minority.
I think I've found the reason why everyone here is always so unhappy with XIV, they are delusional about who its audience is. They think the game is made for progression raiders.

if you're only gaining 5dps when everyone else is pumping out thousands then yes it's a waste.

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I'm all set for Shadowbringers, bros

Attached: ffxiv shadowbringers.png (2051x433, 29K)

Yeah it does and im not gonna explain why or how if you don't understand how making all the classes simplier to play and offer less to the able other then just numbers by now you never will.

And not only that your that scrub this expansion is aiming to pander to.




it's a shame that people have put hundreds of hours into the game already and don't have a couple of in-game friends already they can call upon to help in progress.

Where you buying from?

>degenerate FC takes over one of the benches in Limsa and idles there all day every day in slutglam and uses shout to talk to each other
is there anything worse in life

Attached: 1551493611572.jpg (513x373, 32K)

Kill yourself.

Monks looking really good again, though i'm to autistic to manage positionals during extremes

ok retard sure i am
it's not a thing you can generalize, if someone plays only one job then it doesn't change shit

Attached: dsjf.png (568x161, 16K)



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>someone cries about homogenization
>it's always a tank

Attached: 1364838253369.png (1095x859, 28K)

>been playing since 1.0
>still don't have a single friend and am completely unknown on my server
I just don't get along with people. I don't know why.

Attached: 1544539305216.png (744x687, 44K)

i'm sure you can get it for much cheaper on other servers right? just transfer the gil to another character and move it to yours. Surprised that 50 mil is 200$ though

>going anywhere near Limsa

Lol what....
I don't even think your understand what your posting holy shit.

There are folks this fucking dumb playing it now makes sense.

Who it made for then?

Attached: MrHappyDestroyerofhisownReputation.png (1902x395, 83K)

>frog poster has no friends
It checks out

>It's a two Miqo's sitting on a bench close enough to look like their hands are touching episode
Fucking cat nigs

Is this the gay face?

Is this the straight face?

Not only that but its probably a WAR to boot

They won't ever have to know, pawdner

This is every Limsa bench in every world.
These people have something wrong with them and need to advertise to the world just how great they are as much as possible.

does ffxiv still cost 15$ a month?

they're all the gay faces, user


>wah people are playing game in way i don't like
why are you people like this

$12 a month unless you want alts

notice how this shitter summoner hasn't post his logs yet because he's a green shitter that got carried.


no it's 10,99€ lol

You can hold them indefinitely? And there's no real penalty for using them out of the usual timer in your rotation, as long as you use it before Aetherflow comes up again. Aetherflow being off-cd and not being used is the only possible way for SMN to leak dps in any serious manner, but its literally impossible. It's like losing GL3 as a MNK, you'd literally have to stop thinking for over 30 seconds.

Yes. Poorfags are not allowed. Stick with Runescape bitch.

I'm the same, I've tried being in a guild but it just stresses me out. I don't understand how people make online "friends".

Also, I play games to escape from my shitty reality, but it seems like people ingame do nothing but talk about real life problems. There's always that one guildie who doesn't shut the fuck up.

There will be at least a couple of straight guys playing Hrothgar. I just want to know which face they'll use so I can avoid it getting awkward.

>someone has dared to have a negative opinion about my favorite activities so i must try and shame them into not speaking out against my degeneracy as if this is twitter
Why are you """people""" like this?

Welcome to the best class and remember to respect the content.

Attached: 1558721601746.jpg (1200x840, 251K)

But legit the tanks always get homogenized first because they are always low population and DEV think if we listen to all the shit tanks more people will come to play tanks. Not realizing tanks are always gonna be the lowest population due to the responsibly of the tank.

your opinion on SMN literally does not matter if you haven't cleared UCOB or UWU with it
stop arguing with idiots

>Who it made for then?
Casual players who want story, cosmetics and simple content they can do with friends like house decorating

I only pay $13 and since I use Steam I can use my steam market bucks I made from selling CSGO items.

retard mindset

What lazy faggots idle in Limsa in the first place? Ul'dah is much more interesting, and Gridania's nice and comfy.

nice projection, i autisticly sit in my house and stay as far away from other people as possible.

>tfw they won't stand up straight like this in-game

Attached: 1476474336571.jpg (1200x840, 242K)

I just started the 4.3 MSQ. How long until Tsuyu gets her memories back, acts evil and dies? I can only assume that happens

>literally opening photoshop and adding ffxiv copyright text to your image

Fucking pathetic. Gas all faggots who do this.

>What lazy faggots idle in the place where the market board is closest to the aetheryte?

>be bad at the game
>cant even clear content
>think what you think about pet management/how hard SMN is matters

not that long
it's a pretty good arc anyway so just enjoy it

Maybe like 20 minutes

What said. You don't honestly think this game is for hardcore raiders do you? They throw you a bone sometimes, sure, but XIV is about so much more casual shit than raiding. Glamour is the true endgame. Yoshi himself, as seen in quote-pic posts earlier, has said numerous times it's a game you don't play constantly, just for fun occasionally, and literally do the unsub-resub dance every time story comes out.

Deal with it, faggot.

I couldn't take their baawing seriously before, but when they cried until shake it off got turned into an aoe shield for no reason I lost all remaining respect for them. Actually pathetic.

What does it fucking matter? SMN plays literally the same in all content

that's why it's a retard mindset
you can be good and not do X content because of various reasons preventing you from doing it or just not wanting to

you hate fun don't you

Oh no, you have to walk slightly farther to buy and sell shit! How terrible!

The only way to play viera is to glamour the starting feet for the heels

Attached: bun42.jpg (963x981, 90K)

Yeah that's what's throwing me off. And though whether or not it;s canon, the FFTA games kinda go off the whole four-letter/nordic theme with Viera names too.

Just want something to read up on, and get ideas for my new retainers.

I think the lion face looks the most fitting, but I will probably use the leopard head. I think the main problem with the leopard head is that it doesn't really fit the bulky body that Hrothgars have, but if you increase the jaw size I think it looks nice. Pic related.

Attached: cute cat.jpg (686x943, 87K)

Based, fuck that shitty arc

How comes the people that raid and gloat about it in this game on this board all sound like cynical assholes?

SMN is easy shit. Everyone with a brain thinks the same thing.

Attached: g.jpg (1920x1017, 524K)

MrShitty is visibly a greylet in your screenshot, user. he's a cameraman that other players carry for clout.

Attached: disdain for martials.png (400x462, 197K)

sure thing user, your static is whats holding you back, not how unskilled you are

Because they know they're going to kill themselves in a few years.

Reminder to get your garo mounts now, because despite the event ending in 5.1 pvp will be dead once the expansion hits.

Attached: projection.jpg (372x323, 16K)

anyone know what this says

please tell me its size related

Attached: DWKTBzoU0AEBf59.jpg (571x1200, 115K)

So thats why there a tons of vacant house's in nearly all of the cities and very few people of AAR anima or HW anima or SB eureka's huh.

This is why most people have the same looking sets and no one has rare pvp sets or PoTD or Heaven on High unique hair sets or mounts huh.

This is why when you inspect most people in the game they have raid gear from either tokens or drops and not crafted huh, and most there stuff is transmogged from gear you can either buy with tokens or with gil huh.

This is why there are tons of treasure hunting parties in PF and people setting up PFs for fates that drop unique gear.

Yeah none of these things are happening dare i say your full of shit.

i've cleared both ultimates i'm not even a summoner dumbass
i'm speaking about real life circumstances

Have there been new leaks/tooltips for AST since the LL?

>buy an apartment
>have an extra storage spot for all the housing crap the msq/seasonal events dumps on you
>cheap teleport to a marketboard with little/no autists crowding around it
>yoshi will never take it away for inactivity (yet)
literally the best use of gil i've made in this game

I wanted to make something like this for my DNC glam
Is there any aiming gear even like this?

Attached: 7821d28853a312cb3db62e6ae22f79128551822b.png (544x544, 527K)

Fahros actually seems like a really cool dude, pls don't bullly.

Because when you're in a busy static in FFXV you have almost no social life outside it. And since every static has to pug a spot now and then, it exposes you to the dumbest/low skilled people this game has to offer.

I stopped chasing mounts when I got the witch broom. Never felt as much Schadenfreude as I did watching people grind the yokai event. Now I just use my unbarded chocobo.

Apartments are great. One of my all-time favorite updates to the game.


Put more filters in your shitty picture, I can still see the character

fahros is a moron lol just watch his stream for a day

Can I post the bunny I made here?

>paying 500k to do the same thing you can do for free in Limsa

Attached: 1551222643897.jpg (1078x1360, 116K)

It's not even projection. They all type in condescending writing style and feel the need to shit on anything that isn't raidlogging.

Game is made for raiders wether your hardcore or casual because everywhere else is vacant as fuck.

PVP is dead
Fates are dead
Eureka was DOA
PoTD is just for levels
HoH is just for levels
Gold Saucer is dead
Treasure Hunting is dead.
FC missions are mostly dead.

SO what are all these casuals doing afking in towns because i don't see them anywhere the fuck else.

Attached: project her the dick.png (640x480, 137K)

no, it's impossible. just go ahead and try. bet you can't

you can stop posting this now we've all seen it

In a vacuum you're not wrong. But raids aren't in a vacuum and the rotation is MUCH tighter than you think, in fact one of the tightest in the game when played optimally. To play SMN well you need to get every Bahamut, DWT, Fester spamchain and Tri-Disaster into both Trick Attack and Contagion every minute. Which, when factoring in Garuda's capriciousness and the fact that summoning Bahamut half a second too early puts Contagion on cooldown without actually applying the debuff, is a huge and constant struggle. Missing those windows is a significant DPS loss and hard to recover from.

>ever willingly going to the limsa aetherite
i refuse

get a clue

Give it to me straight lads.
How are BLM and PLD?

Yeeeah I saw some fucked up dumb statics. especially french ones.

fated circle

Attached: unknown.png (374x646, 333K)


virtually unchanged
cooler buttons, otherwise unchanged

What's the top?

PLD gonna be fine

What leaks do we have so far?

>DNC uses aiming gear
>has melee attacks
I don't mind it personally, but I figured it wouldn't have hurt to make them use scouting instead.
At least they can use the Amon set. I had better see a lot of you fags dancing in this set rather than slutgear or so help me god.

Attached: Amon_XIV_Artwork.png (1280x1885, 2.51M)

good thing I grab it from twitter you fucking moron

you're joking right? retard actively bans and deletes clips of whenever he fucks up

case and point

I'm ready

Attached: 0PUYGF7.png (750x923, 983K)

Sky pirate

He types like a raving lunatic on his twitter

Attached: 1497113049590.png (1880x247, 60K)

blm is pretty much the same, you get single target flare + foul and some quality of life shit
pld gets more aoe,a gap closer, and can remove cast times from its spells, so it's probably in the best shape it's ever been

"I'd probably get better if you gave me a hug."

"Hurry it up why don't you..."

My moonrunes are rusty.

>So thats why there a tons of vacant house's in nearly all of the cities and very few people of AAR anima or HW anima or SB eureka's huh.
>This is why most people have the same looking sets and no one has rare pvp sets or PoTD or Heaven on High unique hair sets or mounts huh.
>This is why when you inspect most people in the game they have raid gear from either tokens or drops and not crafted huh, and most there stuff is transmogged from gear you can either buy with tokens or with gil huh.
>Yeah none of these things are happening dare i say your full of shit.
>none of these things are happening
You're right, user! It is as you say, there are NOT lots of vacant houses, NOT everyone uses the same looking sets/hairs/mounts and NOT everyone uses raid gear.

The game has been getting dumber since Creator released. Just face it.

>"I'll feel better if you hug me", uh?
>Come on, hurry up!

Help me find this clue any hints or tips?
Cause atm anyone who says this game isn't made for raiders is full of shit and doesn't play the game.

ask me anything about smn

Attached: 5474577.png (114x805, 8K)


Its nice to be able to make a tall woman that isn't a Roe. Viera noses are bad tho

Attached: unknown.png (448x1016, 898K)

>pvp is dead
As someone who dislikes pvp and knows this is not a PVP game; somehow, it's not dead in this game.
>fates are dead
Yes, fates are shit.
>Eureka DOA
Yes, Eureka was and still is complete shit, anyone who says otherwise is lying to justify their wasted time
>PotD/HoH is just for levels
Pretty much. Doesn't make it any less of content though. Farmable for sellable shit and gear too.
>Gold Saucer is dead
Coulda fooled me, lots of people at mine. But then again I'm on Balmung where we actually have an active population everywhere
>Treasure Hunting is dead
Nigga please, I do that shit at least once a week for gil and fun and am in a linkshell dedicated to it. Just becauase you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Ask around.
>FC missions
Wat. FC Missions?

>casuals in town
That, mostly. But if YOU'RE always in town watching them, why the fuck are YOU sitting there instead of doing or organizing something?

Because you've got to be severely autistic to care that much about virtual achievements.

Nope, Yoshida uses Fated Circle in the LL and it looks different, also it consumes gauge while the one in the job action video doesn't.

Prepare to be doxed

that's not fated circle, it didn't use a shell

Can I waifu Sophia?

>niggers STILL can't understand that not everybody on this planet thinks that a raid in an anime mmo is more important than a real life
wew lad

Where's Mrhappy's guide to being a cuck?

Wow, raidloggers really are this delusional. I thought it was a joke.

Reminder only house cats have slit pupils

ay yo hol up lemme jus- *ignores valid reason because i don't like it*

BLM is mostly the same. Remember those issues you had with the job that you didn't really pay much attention to? Well we got some stuff to make our lives easier anyway. Freeze is now an aoe blizz3 you can cast out of flare and grants an umbral heart, we get a skill that lets us maintain umbral ice and build hearts between pulls, we get two polyglot stacks, we get a single target flare as an astral fire finisher, and an instant cast single target foul.

Reminder fuck you

actually the bun noses are cute and everything else about the face is bad, do not argue with this good and correct opinion


bro I'll sell you that much for half the price

What is the your favorite mount music Yea Forums?

>imagine still not knowing how pets function to apply Contagion on time
>waiting for the NIN who actually has to move around mechanics and use mudras properly the entire fight to apply Trick so you can press a few damage buttons
You forgot to mention 80% of your damage is still automated and the difference between ruin 3 and ruin 2 is still minuscule. You're making a big deal out of peanuts when every class has more to manage than you.

Attached: 06.png (892x591, 70K)

that's the only part and it barely makes up for everything else

Nigga please, that's why I called you lazy in the first post, because your only excuse for hanging out in the annoying shitter place is that you want to walk slightly less further to the boards, where you'll only spend a few minutes putting shit up anyways before you're going back somewhere else.
That, or you're one of the attention-whoring shitters that sits nearby and talks in /shout with people who would hear you in /say or /fc anyways. I'm betting it's the latter.

>360 potency
>spammable GCD
what in the actual FUCK. gunbreaker has better AoE than Red Mage's ""new AoE""

No? The story is just so predicable and bad I can see it from a mile away.

The car

Anyone have the tooltip for Inner Chaos?

>because your only excuse for hanging out in the annoying shitter place is that you want to walk slightly less further to the boards,
yo hol up jus-- *ignores the reason because i don't like it*

Raiders are the most pathetic people alive. Failures at everything in real life "making up for it" in a virtual world with no meaning. Games are supposed to be fun, they're not supposed to replace your life.

For the sake of the harmony, everyone should waifu her.

Attached: 1533055662177.jpg (1764x2616, 276K)

This. Been a BRD main since 3.0 but only started parsing in HW and 9/10 I'll be top dps for any dungeon/24 man.

I'm not sure about that and I'm not even talking about him getting butthurt when he gets corrected about something he said.

Attached: Capture.png (577x249, 18K)

It uses a Cartridge, so you get at max 4 consecutive uses if you burn a cooldown.

Savage is less than 5% of the overall content in this game. If you can't see that then you're one absolutely retarded jit.

It's hard to see but it says "Cartridge Cost: 1" so I don't think it's spammable

I just finished ARR bros. Should I worry about getting Ironworks gear now or later? I don't have a high enough ilvl for a lot of the lvl 50 content I unlocked. Should I just focus on the MSQ for now?

Attached: 1543184046747.png (519x426, 94K)

>BA Clears
>Ultimate Clears

I just started playing recently, still a free trial-let for the time being

Attached: 1558887546591.png (290x158, 57K)

> Our players have already greatly surpassed our expectations in many ways; they have taken the world of Final Fantasy 14 in as something that is both perpetual and natural. The reason I say it in this way is that players from around the world not only play the content we create, but also organize events and role-play on their own. One could say that many are taking residence in the world of FF14, which is changing what we need to provide — it is no longer just about creating content, but also simply providing a space to play within. I believe this is both a very strong and positive outcome for an MMORPG. The reaction toward battle mechanics and other specifics are a very small factor in comparison to this bigger picture.

Even he's starting to know where the real money is at

His favourite thing to do is starting ACT? That's amazing.

That's because only 10% at best actually read up on shit outside of the game, and I don't blame them. No one wants to play spreadsheet simulator except min/maxing autists.

NOT 80%But a fuckton. I hope it'll change

it costs meter, so it isn't exactly spammable
gnb also doesn't appear to have any sort of damage buff like war/drk so their potencies are pretty high as a baseline, especially for cartridge stuff

piss-poor edit user. enjoy your ban

lol what timing

>Should I worry about getting Ironworks gear now or later?
Pick some up if you have the tomes, but the MSQ will give you some i100 gear for free as you continue it. And if you have a friend that can get to Ishgard then they can buy you a i120 set from a vendor.


Attached: 1556159689637.jpg (1361x759, 122K)

>pink lips
whatever source

Yup. It's still a really nice AoE combo for a tank though.
100 -> 250 -> 360 oGCD


Attached: 1558787806191.jpg (438x447, 95K)

>play a game for 100+ hours
>don't know how to a basic rotation
S'because those people are clinically braindead.

I love The Goddess

Attached: 1558458791918.jpg (1203x899, 580K)

Source before i fall asleep, user

Thanks dude

every "high end raider" that i've come across is a smug asshole or consistent dickhead because they grow a literal superiority complex. They unironically think they are better than literally everyone else. When in reality the only thing they are better at is poopsocking slightly more complex dance dance revolution and then bragging for 6 months that they did it.

Because monster girls are a relatively rare niche, even Whizzards and their golden showers are more common

artists are too busy filling commissions for someone's OC futacat.

Fated Circle is on the GCD, but yeah.

If you don't mind sitting through the cutscenes again just do MSQ roulette. It will give you at least 500 poetics a day. Also make sure you get the weapon first. Weapons are by far the most important piece of gear in the game regardless of class.

you want a cookie or something?

Are you guys gonna do this event? I'm not sure I can handle running Tam-Tara 50+ fucking times.

Attached: moogle.png (640x640, 197K)

Oh yeah my bad, was thinking of Blasting Zone.

>feller cleave
wew lad

You don't sound butthurt at all, bro

>monster girls

Nigga you're getting ripped off.
I bought 40M gils for 55usd

Attached: Laughing man.jpg (500x333, 48K)

can you run it unsynced?

No. It's a valid critcism of a game which forces you to do a MSQ.

I could not fathom how people could literally get anxiety from playing this game. Are people that pathetic? Oh no i can't do big heals or pull more that 1 batch of mobs because of my meme mental disorder, oh noooooooooo

Attached: file.png (603x533, 519K)

Fuck no, this is the worst shit they've ever pulled

i'm glad i still have two jobs to level, otherwise i dont think i would


>burn yourself out before the expansion even launches!
Even if I cared about any of the rewards, I still wouldn't do it.

No, you can get anything on there except the meme necklace in much less time if you just grind the piece of content that normally drops it.

I have no reason to be butthurt its the reality of raidloggers. Any of them that you talk to act this way. They're doing it in this very thread. Raidloggers or Tigole-acolytes as they should be referred to as, are a pox on mmo's and should be deleted from existence.

It's mostly worthless.

You can get maps in like 7 hunts. HW or SB.
You can get the starting ones even easier since S rank ARR hunts happen often.

The only worthwhile thing is that earing if you're some hard core earingist or the pegasus mount because HOLY FUCK I'M NOT DOING DIADEM.

No, it says on the event page.

Everyone in my FC was hyping it up really hard, then I checked what I had to actually do and I almost became a mental vegetable right then and there.

Fuck no, I'm not gonna burn myself out just before the expansion for some shit earrings.

Not really, it's literally designed to be grindy for people to stay subbed. Just don't do it, all the rewards are old anyway.

Imagine being bad at pushing buttons and then getting upset that others are able to function on a basic level


Because they're autistic. They fail to comprehend the tone of their own voice and words.

Maybe the pegasus

then pass

You don't need to look outside the game at all to figure out how to play your class well and keep your gear updated. You can ignore materia completely for non raid content and more than pull your weight.

Only thing remotely worth it is Pegasus

the Garo Pegasus are better anyway

Im not bad though. I don't care if you can clear the content. Raidloggers act like petulant children and are cancerous. You're only proving my point further with your replies.

Have we gotten any MCH tooltips, other the WF one?

Just do Syrcus, it's completely brainless and takes like 10 minutes per run.

maybe for the demimateria if i want to make new flaming gunblades/frisbees for gil, assuming that those items will actually exist in shad

They're giant, not entirely human, so yes, they're more or less monster girls. You won't see them shopping at a limsa grocery market or wearing pants anytime soon, just wandering in their den/wilderness and attacking random passersby like trolls guarding their bridges. Deal with it.

that doesn't make it any less bad

>Speedrunning events are often done by autistic players
>Fast progression raiding are often done by _____ players

fill in the gap.

Post the WF tooltip.

Attached: big eyes emoji.jpg (1080x1066, 397K)

I'll do it for the bucket since I still need to get BRD and MCH to 70 anyway.

>I'm not bad
>I can't even push the buttons well enough to get carried to a clear

Attached: 1558718354125.png (589x459, 210K)

Attached: 1558807574070.png (558x422, 187K)

Are there official, or at least somewhat trustworthy stats on job spread? e.g. what is played most/least

Friends, how do I become good at this game... I want to play an MMO but WoW looks so fucking boring and I love FF. I have a SAM leveled to cap but I’ve never tried any of the hard content... please someone tell me what I should do/ learn before I try to find groups

I don't think it's bad I just think it's useless for people who play regularly.

Technically they're only giant so we can hit the positionals properly. There's no reason for humanoid primal to be gigantic unless the summoner wishes it.

>projection and assumption out the ass
>further proving raidlogger mentality is nothing more than being a cynical asshole with a superiority complex
fuck yourself. go suck tigoles cock more.

It'll take you much longer to get the Laurel Goobbue Horn doing it the original way because you're timegated by beast tribes.

For the sake of harmony, everyone should know the source, too.

Do Omegascape and get comfortable doing EX trials. After that you can do savage practice runs.

This is the best you're gonna get, but it's just a count of players who have that job at 70, not if they actively main/play it. So if someone has two jobs at 70 they count for both jobs.

Attached: 1558176081246.png (1808x931, 86K)

>tfw she will never tip back the balance on your dick

Attached: 1540689342379.jpg (900x900, 112K)

clearly this means only galaxy brains even play smn in the first place (shitters get scared away by the complexity). same reason week 1 dps deltas in 4th turn fights are way tighter than the 1st turn, only the best of the best show up.

Attached: 532543575.gif (128x128, 22K)

Fahros is cool, I enjoy his streams.


full song when

read up a guide, learn opener and rotations, hit the dummy until everything clicks
do seirju ex and learn how to adapt your optimal rotation to fights and when you shoudl do what

How will you maintain equilibrium after she tips the balance of your dick?

predictable =\= bad
unpredictable =\= good

>there are people who would rather spam Praetorium for a week straight than just do the beast tribe quests that unlock mounts, housing items, dyes, extremely useful crafting materials, and story

have you tried using google or actually practicing

SB>HW>ShB>ARR For boss theme

Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1557889113277.jpg (514x615, 50K)

Anyone have the image for Art of War?

SMN is not harder to optimize than Black Mage. Come on now my child, are you really trying with that? Peabrained Red Mages I main RDM and NIN btw get scared away, SMN definitely looks complicated but its really not that hard to do it well once you learn the ropes.

>potency is increased by a flat amount based on # of weaponskills landed during the window instead of a % of damage dealt
That's actually a really good change. This gives me a theoretical maximum WF damage that I should be looking for rather than just guessing whether or not a WF was good based on buffs and shit.


I fucking hate lalafells...

Attached: 1541286764010.jpg (2976x2976, 1.77M)

Damn so RDM really is the go-to casual job.

What does the pegasus look like?
And I don't plan to do diadem or ever touch the pvp in this, I don't even remember what garo is.

you can speedrun sycrus tower in like 10 mins. 15 runs is all you need.

I've been using this glam since 4.0

Attached: 1555053263282.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

Aura Tranny detected

Is this the full or just ripped from whatever?

Someone's compensating hard with that gun

Ripped from the benchmark

the rewards aren't?

ShB > HW > SB > ARR is the correct answer, you fucking weeaboo.

Attached: (long, sustained yelling).png (500x356, 278K)

i bounce between this and the makai gun alot, big friend little friend

Ripped from the benchmark, it's not full.

>draw CC
>give it horns but no face scales to pretend it's au ra
>draw onions sauce bottle pouring salt

This is purely for people who are coming back to the game after a break, or players who are coming in new in prep for the expansion.

It makes sense for a certain group of people.

>no lyrics
>feels weak as fuck
>no hype at all

Attached: 1558661957963.jpg (600x600, 59K)

Implying they're not 99% gay and viera won't be 99% futas

>projection and assumption
Irony, I'm sorry that you can't press some buttons and move out of the red spots
I'm truly sorry that squad AI is more functional than you
I sincerely hope one day you'll become a fully functional adult

Attached: 1539216663703.gif (500x282, 730K)

>yfw 0 leves

Attached: 1322904104472.gif (480x360, 387K)

Attached: edit.jpg (2976x2976, 2.92M)

So have there been any new leaks? Saw some tooltips be posted and the DRK gauge, so wondering if anything else has been posted.

Thanks frens.

that's a really big gun.

Any genuine rifles in XIV?

Attached: 52161_Henry-.22lr-Large-Loop-Lever-Action-H001L.jpg (1250x700, 45K)

Should see how goddamned huge it is in a male roe's hands, it's twice as big as when a hyur is using it

Are we talking base expansion? Because Revenge Twofold is the best boss theme

AIght, gonna wait for the full one to judge

Are you deaf? There are lyrics.

>onions sauce
Never thought I would to have to deal with this word filter.

Attached: 1539353616010.jpg (488x488, 24K)

Attached: 1551994727989.png (538x482, 359K)

no, it has two exclusive rewards you can't get from anything else. earring and that new map.

>no lyrics
so you're just deaf?

Attached: 1555359463850.jpg (628x753, 107K)

>spam we fall
how embarrassing

Attached: projared.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Sucks, but once you get into collectable level range its not to bad.

No, the stocks would clip so they just dropped all of them and call them carbines

Cat tranny and/or bandwagoning bunny detected. can't honestly tell.
I'm actually amused you bothered to do that though, nice one user

What mount will Gunbreaker get? Paladins already got lions.

Just gotta know where to look for it.

Or have your friends draw it for you when they're bored and need suggestions.

Attached: cropxd.jpg (466x419, 69K)

tigole orbiter

I'm doing it for the goobue mount. beast tribe way takes like 3 weeks. this new way only takes 1 day.

the MCH 5.X relic bears a lot of resemblance to a LAR.

>spam forward and back
how disappointing


Mechanical lions

A lion that's not ugly as fuck.

Do you think MCH will ever be as popular as Bard? Im thinking about leveling one of the two.

Attached: 1506211612658.jpg (421x452, 42K)

>western """"""""""artist""""""""""""" """"""""""""porn"""""""""""""
fucking pathetic

Griever (pls be Griever)

never ever
thank god
keep the bard shitters away from my job

Attached: dancerbuff.jpg (1080x1371, 154K)

how do i make my chocobo healer good? i got it up to the 5th healer ability, and it fucking barely does shit.

Post your Ronso

is chaos lagging for you as well?

Listen to the first fucking 30 seconds of the song you mongoloid

wolf is the only thing that will feel right


MCH will probably get a lot of love with it not being horrible to play and nobody knowing the extent of BRD's group-synergy changes.

MCH will, without a doubt, rocket in popularity when 5.0 drops.

Maybe, depends on how easy they make it during ShB

bard is always going to be more popular because you unlock it from ARR rather than HW.

Blame all the meme spouting faggots that spammed it constantly
Before the filters there were entire threads where the only response was so.y, I'm talking 20 replies in a row, just a single word, not quoting anyone

>doesn't hear anything else then we fall
So again you're just deaf?

Chocobo healing is shit, period. It buys you a little time solo but not much. Most fights shouldn't be lasting long enough that you need it, though, unless you're overpulling shit or just completely bad at your class

>Falling back right into the system of
>Falling back on all that's erased
>When fighting back right out of this system
>Means falling back right into this space
>Yes, falling back right in with this system
>Who'll see you falling back to the end
>When falling back is better then simply
>Falling back into pieces again

Nice try tranny!

>actual eyes
>not the soulless blank ones she has

>keep the bard shitters away from my job
The best at "your" job are also the best BRDs mate

set it to healer stance, if you haven't already. it spends too much time attacking if you don't

i know cause i'm both

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>SB at the top of the list

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

escape remix from the job trailer when?

Have they said anything about what animal are they using as the primals mounts this expansion?
Any guesses?

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na. defender and attacker is more worthless

true. maybe its that

That is completely impossible to know until the expansion comes out.

To give you an idea, basically Bard has been overpowered since 2.0 launched. This was excusable to an extent in ARR since the real reason every single raid group had one is because there was no alternative for MP/TP refresh which were essential utilities. Even so their damage was way too good and had to be brought down, double or even triple bard was a seriously viable strategy for a while. Along comes HW and the only reason you don't see the still-OP Bards all over the damn place is because Machinist was also overpowered. I want to say that excluding the very early parts of HW, Machinist was more popular throughout that expansion, but I played MCH so I am biased. Now in Stormblood, Bard is even more ridiculously powerful than it has ever been, and the new design of MCH which I like but certainly won't miss makes the job just feel awful to play - MCH never stood a chance.

My point is, people are shallow and whichever of those two is more powerful is going to be the more popular one. So if MCH turns out to be good in ShB, except to see it make a popularity comeback.

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better being a bunny or a cat tranny than being a meme dwarf with down's syndrome

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Why do I hear sirens?


various mechs. getting all of them gives you a megazord

Is Gunbreaker going to be a chad job? I feel like it's going to end up like prot paladin in WoW - 99% of players are trash but the 1% are highly skilled.

Looks like mmogah

I'm thinking Tigers.

based deaf poster trying his hardest

Stormblood should have been fish. The dogs are so fucking ugly, they don't even blink and always have their mouths open. The birds blinked and were actual entirely new skeletons, pretty sure the dogs are Fenrir with downs.

I got $1.60 and a dead sub but I don't get paid til Friday. How can I earn some cash that doesn't involve sucking a dick?

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we don't fucking know until the game comes out. descriptions and potency are all subject to change until release day.

You are dumb. An idiot. A cretin. As long as your bo knows Choco Cure (not even a little hard to get it to that point) it can basically heal you through anything your level 1v1 up to and including most boss FATEs.

>running MSQ roulette as DRK
>first pull of Castrum
>healers literally just stand there and let me die
>get back up
>they let the other tank die too
>check them
>both lalas
>one has the mentor crown and "The Legend" title
>he has the aggro
>running around trying not to die
>"DRK are you gonna tank or what?"
>check the other tank
>undergeared as fuck
>grab everything back
>everything goes relatively smoothly
>second big pull
>grab the claws and colossus outside the next boss arena
>mfw this motherfucker uses Rescue and says "These guys too" as I'm walking toward the next group
>mfw he calls me an SJW when I tell him he's obnoxious
I know you're here you useless sack of shit, kill yourself

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Why do you need to play so urgently?

draw furry porn

I literally don't have any birds because I don't want to join a farming party.
Is there any you can get solo yet or am I waiting for level 80?

Just use the Paladin mount as a base, make it purple/red with a white mane and slap on some wings.

Attached: Griever_Gunblade_FFVIII_Art.jpg (543x387, 70K)

Give plasma, shit takes forever if it's your first time though, lots of paperwork to fill out

sell your ass

First part's lyrics:

The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
We are proud of you paving
Our way through the blood

Deaf mongrel

Attached: 1448396488669.jpg (184x184, 7K)

>not wanting to suck dick
>not wanting to get paid for sucking dick
get a load of this faggot

Attached: mew.jpg (721x960, 40K)

Learn how to draw. The more degenerate shit you're willing to draw, the more you get paid.

there's a free login campaign going on for about another two weeks. if you haven't logged in for a month you can use that.

Use a credit card, they enable you to pay the next month.

You can solo Ravana and Bismarck easily. The others you won't be able to until 80.

You can kinda solo EX ravana and bismarck but it takes awhile and is risky. The others nope you need that farm party.

>BRD checks parse expecting to be top
>beaten by a former BRD on MCH

Attached: ybro.jpg (1280x544, 68K)

Griever should be a primal you shitters

Serious question, why don't you queue with your friends?
My tank always gives me a shout when he's queuing for something and I go running after him wagging my tail. I get good boy headpats for healing him well.

Just because they're more shit(and they are) doesn't mean it isn't shit too. It's a barely-there assistance. It helps, but doing most things, you don't need it unless you're terrible at killing things efficiently. Which judging by DF parties, at least 80% of players are.

>mfw Brute Justice

is this the peak of the alexander series or does it get better

Attached: burnt her tongue maybe.png (391x433, 131K)

>Western art
It's decent anyways. Thanks.

>finally got mch to 70
>no rifles
>no assault rifles
>no sniper rifles
>no engineer outfit
SHB better fix this

Have the said anything about what they are doing crafting wise? Easier to level? Consolidating skills?

I'm waiting for somebody to slip up and call a /g/ mod a tranny this time so that gets filtered out sitewide too. Or maybe filter "nigger" to "roodypoo" again and see how bad people freak out.

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>I don't want to join a farming party.
why? fights are done in less than 4 minutes.
>Is there any you can get solo yet or am I waiting for level 80?
you will never solo bismarck and sephirot because of their one shot mechanics.

nice blog

FC mates were offline, didn't think the easiest content in the game would pose an issue but god damn

MCH does more dps.

>Your age: 31
>Your gender: Male
>Your # of BA clears: what is this
>Your # of Ultimate clears: and this
># of times you've had sex: 40+ at least
don't you wanna know my in game hours and character levels and shit too?

Alexander Prime and Cruise Chaser are pretty based.

It can be both in different forms.

He still downed it, that's most likely better than most of you.

>Favorite Job
Fluff wise, either MCH or PLD/WAR. BLM is my favorite mechanically.

I'm pretty excited to see what happens, but apprehensive about the changes to tanks. I'd rather the game branch out towards expanding the available roles to each job than further streamlining them. DPS changes for the most part look good to me though, which is to say it looks like BLM plays exactly the same as before.

>Level first
I most likely will do a tank for the practicality and because I enjoy tanking, though I don't know if it'll be WAR, DRK, or PLD. WAR is usually my go-to, but I love PLD as well, and DRK certainly fits the theme of the expansion. BLM or MCH will most likely be the second I bring to max level. I'm gonna rush my professions to 80 as well to try and make bank when the time comes, I'm hoping I can have another heyday like mid-SB where I'm making 2m gil per day.

it would be stupid not to have it there while you're solo. sometimes i need it especially when i am a low level and i'm in a cramped fate that aggros everything in a small space. yeah i want my chocobo there, but it should be there at all times

Bismarck can only be solo'd on Warrior and you need 25% echo and high ilvl gear to kill the blue/green adds before they tether and cause bismarck to enrage quickly.

Snakes. It fits with the vague biblical theming and is a meme animal like ponies, birds, and dogs.

>people actually like this autotuned garbage of a ShB theme remix and want to hear it on every boss fight
What the fuck is wrong with you?

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How the fuck did you get that from that chart? you clearly see summoner and scholar are both more popular than red mage

Is that like Leviathans one shot mechanic that can be survived at level 70?

it stays about the same but if you like that kind of thing that's probably where your peak will be.

>anime meme image
>garbage opinion
Like pottery.

Not arguing that point, just saying if you "need" choco healing, you're either overdoing it or bad or both. You "should" have it out while levelling, yes, and it's still the better choice vs dps.

That is because they level simultaneously. Everyone who plays Summoner also has a 70 Scholar even if they never play Scholar. Everyone who plays Scholar has a level 70 Summoner even if they never play Summoner.

Remember that fag that kept denying Gunbreaker was partially based on Seifer as well as Squall?

Attached: Seifer-ffviii-battle.png (263x446, 65K)

Creator is alright. Cruise Chaser gives Brute Justice a serious run for his money in the cool department. Alexander Prime has 2 great musical pieces. Brute Justice is the peak for his difficulty though, unquestionably the hardest non-Ultimate fight the game ever saw.

Technically Brute Justice took longer to beat than the Ultimate fights (by a lot), but this is mostly due to QoL updates since Brute Justice, probably the most important being cooldowns resetting on wipe.

This game has never made me feel as amazing as it did the night we beat Brute Justice. That fight fucking rules my dude

You aren't looking hard enough.

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We don't even know if it's actually the boss theme

Looked like it attacks like fucking Fist of the North Star from all those oGCDs. It'll be fun to play as a pseudo-DPS if nothing else.

More like the WoWpill

I want that Omega remix in every fight

>A chicken tender!
>Is ready to fry!
>Prepare your dinner!
>Await the Thai!

Makes no difference really. Also the difference between red mage and white mage is pretty much minimal.

I just did my first full-party instance as a DPS. How do you know which tank is the MT/OT? Is it a meta thing that depends on their job? Do the healers also have their responsibilities split up the way the tanks do?

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My guess is he means you can't kill the boss before he destroys the platform? I'm not so sure though. When this expansion was brand-spanking new (i314 BiS) my friends and I almost duo'd Bismarck & Ravana so I reckon they could be solo'd at this point.

If you didn't know, every extreme primal in ARR can be soloed, even if you aren't geared. That was nice. I am fucking slapping myself because of Moggle Mog, turns out Momento Moogle always does 30k damage and if you survive it he'll just spend forever casting it again. If I had known this back in HW I would have just given myself a huge shield since I was on SCH anyway, but instead I had to do it the hard way. Fuck me

That remix is great. Too bad it's only on the trailer to promote the new album.

WHM is the only healer you can start as.

Why is auto-tune automatically garbage?
Like yeah I get it has a stigma because shitty singers use it to mask their awful voice, but autotune can be a viable tool if you're looking to create a very specific sound, and I think it sounds fine for the boss theme once you get over the initial surprise over how it sounds.

He was fucking weird, I dunno how you could look at GNB's artifact and not think it was Seifer. I recall he fervently denied that FF8's gunblade users were all guardian knights of some degree or another as well.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

if the adds in bismarck tether then bismarck enrage timer reduces drastically. if he enrages then you die regardless of hallowed ground and hp.

you can probably cheese sephirots tower/tether phase with hallowed ground but good luck on other jobs.

Why are there so many Elezen Samurai?

Lion makes sense with the final reward being a lion with wings

>job is popular
>that's a bad thing
Yea Forums....

in 99% of content with 2 tanks, the one that is in tank stance is the MT.

And there are very few times when healers divvy out roles. In high level play you'll coordinate cooldowns with them, but there's no MT healer, raid healer, etc