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Other urls found in this thread:




>eventually reach the age where can't even chuckle at this, it just makes you feel sorry for the parents and get sad

Not cool OP, that's someone's actual kid that God took with him just a little bit too early.

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god never played his role

>eventually reach the age where can't even chuckle at this, it just makes you feel sorry for the parents and get sad

You mean 15?

>Super Shame

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here's his family
you were saying?

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I want to see the Knack version of this

What a super shame.

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Why the fuck is one a shark?


Thank-a you for buying my coffin!

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sorry, here's a higher res

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and here's the proof

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>Holding up a 'V for victory' at a child's funeral.

Requesting the pic of Death whirring him into his ass

Come on Yea Forums stop making fun of a dead kid

What race are these people?

Poor kid. F

>little dude obviously had a passion for something before he croaked
>I can barely find such enthusiasm for anything any more

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Looks Indonasian

he's in a better place

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Master race.

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Make me


el ameriglobino

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Don't make me do it...

>some guy had to aprove this at the funeral home
>some guy made a custom coffin
>some guy dressed up a dead kid in mario costumes
>funeral director had to hold in his laughs when the family came to plan the funeral

do it faggot

The humour comes from the fact that the parents of this child though a mario funeral was a sensible idea. There's a similar themed joke in my family, some of my distantly related family members had a baby that miscarriaged, but they named it, put clothes on it, and took pictures with it. They took pictures and posed with a dead baby and thought that was a good way to show respect to a lost child. It's really fucking funny when you think about it, but you can't ever talk about it to stupid people because all they can understand is that "dead child = bad"

Imagine being so dead on the inside that you make fun of a kid's funeral.

>Imagine being so dead on the inside that you make fun of a kid's funeral.

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Good, the more children die, the better.

Imagine being such an attention seeker that you post photos of this stupid funeral shit on social media. They were asking for it, god damn they're fucking retarded.

Not as dead as the kid though, eh Luigi?

they dressed up a litreral abortion?

>implying the people here aren't jealous and wish for death everyday
okay fag
Imagine wanting to be alive
how could u not did u not look at these pics

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I bet your flesh is soft.

s󠛡o󠛡y doesn't even come close to the shame of targeting a dead child



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looks like a fat goomba from the Mario Movie

There are Somali nigger babies dying every minute, I'm guessing you're a depressed wreck 24/7?

What the hell? Who thinks this is a good idea?

Yes and they named it and they keep pictures of the whole family posing with it for a family photo


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that's fucked up.

those aren't human


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Ow the edge

They thought it was a respectable way of coping. Like the baby was still part of the family or something.

Don’t make me lmao at this pls

C'mon Yea Forumsro! It's a dead kid in a tacky casket! Just don't consider context or dying wishes or grief or anything and start cracking jokes to prove how much of a jaded internet faggot you are!


I have a four year old daughter. If she died she'd get Mario and TMNT everywhere for her funeral. Fuck your sense of respect. How is putting a kid in a suit they hated wearing better than surrounding them with things they loved?

You're trying to impress god. I'd make it about my child. Grow up.

cringe faggot
>imagine thinking death or dying is scary
ur so gay
i cant' beleive you could be that gay

There is a site for you

*shits on god's dick*

>not making it cunny themed

I laughed but I do feel bad for laughing.

I feel bad for laughing too but only because I drank too much last night and my whole body aches when I contort in glee.

>imagine caring about some dead kid with cringe ugly fucks at his funeral

That’s not the actual family you fucking moron. Do you take literally everything at face value?

>Turns out his death was a mercykill

Why haven't the mods deleted this thread yet? A kid died and everyone ITT is laughing. You heartless fucks are all going to hell.

Imagine sucking janny cock
Fuck off to reddit if you want moderation for your virgin eyes

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im going to choke your daughter to death on my cock, faggot

From 1 up to 6 down

>mfw I just noticed the coffin says "Super Shame"

For fuck sake I really feel bad for that kid

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Wonder what it's going to be like when 7-Tan dies next year. ;_;

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>being a moralfag on 4ch*n

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Thank god I am not weak minded enough to pretend to think this is funny just because I am on Yea Forums.



I know 4channel is a real twisted place, my mom would freak if she ever saw me on this site


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I feel fucking bad for this kid, not because he’s dead, but because his legacy is fucking SUPER SHANE.

>living with your mom
You're joking, right?

McFarlane must have a dog fetish or something, right? It seems like every other character on the show has had sex with a dog at one point or another.

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It comes pretty darn close


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Dammit man I feel sorry that he died and all but I can't stop laughing, they made it way too easy. It's a super shame he died


Fuck this thread, I'm holding my laugh

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>comes to the funeral as the black Yoshi
I shouldn’t laugh but there’s something so absurd about it

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the fuck

The father and child were both killed in the car accident, it was the mother/her family doing this.

That's an N

don't you mean your wife's daughter


>dying in a house fire
shiggy diggy


>"I-If I say fag enough that makes me right! T-Then Yea Forums will think I'm cool! Oh, b-but I better throw a 'cringe' in there so nu-Yea Forums will think I'm cool too. Ooooh man I'm gonna be sooooo popular!!"

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Fucking retard.

>women make it about attention whoring
imagine my shock

Why do Americans do this?

your being even more of a cringe faggot wow
like how could u even be so gay?
cringe master cringing it up
cringy cringeface faggy o faggot




my body is rigid

holy unkek, stop being such a bitch god fuck off you retarded normie like holy shit

underrated post

This actually makes me sad unlike Super Shame up there. It reminds me of my childhood and all the fun and dumb things I did on my first PC.

Why would you have a full size coffin for a four year old?


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Embryos are not human beings. Neither are babies.

His brother is inside the closed side of the coffin.

Why do people have kids? They're fucking annoying little creatures that will want to kill themselves when they grow up anyways

This kid was loved more than you faggots ever will be.

you just outed yourself
fucking faggot your really desperate to be seen as some ebin "outcast" aren't you fag
you should go back to whatever fag circlejerk suckbox you came from faggot

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clearly God didn't love him lol

god isn't real, its like being expected to be loved by mario.

God loved him enough He took him early

>not including the game over music

>be brought to life without been asked
>forced to go to school
>forced to follow silly rules
>forced to get a job
>forced to earn money so I can pay taxes and not go to jail
>be told I still have free will so I can suicide my way out of reality
>lol just kidding, you're going to shrink now


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beat me to it

That word is the linguistic equivalent of JRPG's reflect spells. Tempting but useless.

yes, killing a child is very loving

all these faggots missing the point that the funeral is for the kid, otherwise i'm sure the parents, family, or whatever they are wouldn't be parading around in there in mario costumes. it's something he would've liked. the subhumans in this thread cheering it on will probably get tumbled into a mass-grave later in their lives, or maybe just get cremated so they don't take up so much goddamned space

what's it been, like a year or two since the kid died? these niggers are beating a dead horse in more than a few ways

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Do christians realize how fucking damaging it is to try to sugarcoat death like this?
>no you see your sibling/parent/child was meant to die, it was always in god's plan

Why the hell are people so disrespectful to the dead nowadays?

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kill yourselves moralfags

god i cant wait for summer to be over

YOU are a KEK (cuck)

americans aren't human


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trying way too fucking hard, go back to encyclopedia dramatica

keep trying faggot

What are you implying...

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If god and the afterlife are real, why don't we just kill ourselves and reunite with him as soon as possible?
>it doesn't work like that because if you kill yourself you end up in hell or reincarnated
if god is so smart and so almighty, why did he came up with humanity and such stupid video gamey rules to begin with?

That it's fucked up to tell people that

because god is a divine manchild and he doesn't care if you think you're smarter than he is because he can send your soul tumbling into the abyss because he feels like it

but why? for what purpose? does he feel joy in doing all of this?

>mario funeral
>one's dressed as Ness

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Because? You need to rationalize your case, user.

:( this pic is sad

Mexico my dude

I don't believe in God, but if I were wrong and he actually existed, he would be either A) An evil entity, or B) Yet another natural force devoided of reason

Why am I not surprised


Because it's not true, for one. And because it instills a sort of hopeless nihilism in a person if they actually believe it.

Rebuild of Mushroom Kingdom 0.5 A Presses: You Can (not) Build Speed



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People got to remember that his sister was alive, and that she had lost her brother and her father in the fire. Everything was likely done to take her mind off the tragedy, I mean, her father was outright carbonized.

>Because it's not true, for one
A pointless arguement when it comes to religious debates.
>it instills a sort of hopeless nihilism
Do you have a source that backs up your claim that people who are told this all turn into "hopeless" nihilists? And if you do, in what way are they then worse off than if they hadn't been told that?


>The parents
Oh I have fun news for you.

>or whatever they are
already covered, faggot, quit drudging up old news for an epic kek

that's awful, user

who gives a shit about muh dead? that kid would have loved it

Why exactly are you defending this? Why do you think that it's a good thing to tell someone that their family member was meant to die?

>4yo daughter
>Mario and TMNT

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>muh muh

AFAIK the mom was a stepmother and I can't find any reference to the original mother, the dad died in the same fire that killed Shane, so its basically just Shane's older sister left (The miserable looking girl next to Luigi here )

it wasn't a babe it was a foetus

God is good thing, family member went to God, user not popular at family reunions for trying to ask what point of Christianity is

what? give story

he looks like sephen hawking

I'm not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with you, but if you wish to actually convince anyone of your claims it would help to answer these kinds of questions to a sufficent degree.

if you dont see whats wrong with that then you're too far gone

This kid died smug knowing that a bunch of twenty-somethings would have pissing contests to see who could be more edgy about his death.

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>God is good thing
I don't see how an entity who creates the flawed and orders them to be perfect is a good thing

Not a great argument, to be honest.

There is no story user, reverse google search leads you to the epitaph website for Shane, and in there it already said something like "A fire took him and his father from us", in that website you can see pictures of him playing Mario with his sister, which is in the pictures here. Searching for news on his full name you can get the full article talking about the deaths and how the father would have a closed casket funeral (take a guess why). Since both kids liked Mario, one can assume the Mario themed funeral was in part to ease it for the kid who survived.

imagine showing up to a funeral in a fucking fursuit and everyone there treats it as normal cause you're all fucking psychos. jesus christ.

>God gave me free will and ambition with virtues to strive for and that's stinky bad dumb, why am I not a robot wtf bugged deity mechanics


Since when did they put condolences on the casket?

I can't make an argument against this person because they are religious. All of my arguments are based around the fact that religion is irrational, which he will not accept. It's like trying to talk about space with a flat-earther.


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Except this is just fucking sad and mournful and shouldn't be mocked. My little brother was a HUGE fan of LEGO Dimensions (which if you remember is basically Amiibo but with Lego figures). he had loads of the little Lego dimensions figurines. When he died of cancer at age 8 it was too much for my mother to handle SO perfectly reasonably she kept his little corpse in a casket in the garden having had the body preserved for about 4 months until she was ready to bury it

>kept the casket in the garden
>on top of the casket had the little stand for LEGO dimensions figurines
>every day would put a new figurine on the top of the casket
>would then open the casket, and build a LEGO set corresponding to the figurine with the casket open, talking to my btoehr the whole time
>for example, put the lego ghostbusters figure then spent the day building LEGO ghostbusters figurines with his corpse
>really helped her through it
>the only time it got 'weird' were when she bought lego sets too big to fit in the casket and would need to be build around his corpse, so you'd go into the garden and the casket would have Lego Homer on the top and half a Lego Kwik E Mart built around the corpse and a little Lego Apu balancing in my brothers mouth
>only stopped when she decided to bury him

Only problem was my dad being a bit of an asshole because he thought she was spending too much money on Lego and supergluing the Lego Mr T from the LEGO Dimensions A Team pack onto the casket, because there aren't any A Team full Lego sets and he wanted to stop her buying new expensive sets.

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>that religion is irrational,
Your gray matter must have the density of a neutron star, tell me all about how you know better.

no, it's:
>God supposedly gave me free will and ambition, why am I supposedly to be punished for exercising it

Do you see that the photos on their shirts and in the casket its a cutout photo of Shane with his dad? Cause both died in a fire, Shane from inhalation only but his dad actually burned to death.

His name was Shane Wayne? That's not funny.

>Wtf I committed sin and got put into the lake of fire on judgment day, it wasn't my fault I gave into temptation with clearly laid-out rules and foreknowledge of what would happen beyond

why didn't he just farm lives on yoshi's island 2. god zoomers are cringe

>Open casket funerals
Why do Americans do this?

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>I have a four year old daughter

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It is irrational
>Christians can't ever lie, even if it's for a beneficial purpose and causes no harm to anyone (for example: "no we aren't having a surprise party for you")
>Jews and muslims can't eat pig, even though modern cooking makes it safe to do so


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This was funnier in your head

Why would God create temptation?

They are rules and strictures put forth by what is assumed to be a higher power or an emissary of a higher power, it's about as irrational as following any law

>god gives you free will
>he expects you to use it to do virtuous things and get you into heaven
>god knows all

>at the time of your creation god knows whether you're going to heaven or hell
>god sentences people to hell at the time of their creation

checkmate christheists
>inb4 god doesn't know
then he isn't all powerful and is therefor a fucking fraud

Choice is meaningless if you're not allowed to take the bad option

*tips fedora*

epic win my good sir. take all my upvotes!!

I don't think that either side appreciates posts like these.

>I can't make an argument against this person because they are religious
Religious conviction is a nonissue in this case. The question was if you can somehow show that telling people that death is a part of God's plan is detrimental to them, that's all.

Because they will believe it

No. There can be choices with no negative outcome.

And that has nothing to do with being able to willingly take a bad option, to say nothing of being able to comprehend the concept of a choice at all

>it's about as irrational as following any law
Laws usually have reasons to exist.
For example: I know that if I don't drive with a seatbelt, I could be seriously injured from even a minor crash.
I fail to see the negative effect of eating pork.

>Laws usually have reasons to exist.
And religious strictures have the reason that it pleases a divine power, lack of an immediate effect that pleases your ADHD or takes you out of immediate danger doesn't mean there's no reason behind it

>understanding consequence is ADHD

>If I'm not stricken by hellfire RIGHT NOW when I do this thing why shouldn't I do it
Please stop pretending long-term consequence doesn't exist

Based and second breakfast pilled.

But at the end of the day it's still just some arbitrary rule that some self-righteous faggot with a limited knowledge of the real world decided everyone had to follow.

why do retards fall for this bait everytime

No. Hell is the prison/fine equivalent here. Not the car crash equivalent. The punishment can not be the explanation.
>you will go to hell for telling a white lie
>because you will go to hell
Doesn't work as an argument.

>you will go to hell for telling a white lie
>because you will go to hell
Because God doesn't want you to lie and anything past that is nitpicking and searching for a deeper reason to a simple answer.

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Why does he not want me to do something purely beneficial? That's not rational.
Needing to wear a seatbelt is not arbitrary, cretin.

>god fags actually believe you will go to hell for eating pork
imagine believing in a magic sky fairy past the age of like 8
newsflash hell and god don't exist u fucking tard
>your not allowed to question it because then it makes my delusions fall part and makes me face reality

>Super Shane
Doesn't seem very super to me.

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Fucking yikes. You do it for yourself, because a dead person isn't going to give a shit about being dressed up in a big fat yoshi suit when they get tossed into the ground to rot.

White lies aren't virtuous, and even outside the lens of God nobody likes a fibber. You saying it's not rational doesn't make that the case.

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A lie that helps me and harms no one is purely beneficial.


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Someone post that imagine of Mario holding his hat like in this pic looking all sad. I think it's official artwork.

>that helps me and harms no one
That depends entirely on what it is you're lying about, even a lie meant to protect somebody's feelings will probably end up getting them pissed at you for, well, lying. White lies aren't black-and-white

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The afterlife:

You're an imbecile.
I don't care about pissing people off. They already piss me off by acting on their emotions instead of logic.

nicholas got spawncamped

God was recruiting for CoD pro team or something?

What video game theme do you want for your funeral? I'm thinking maybe Dota 2.

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You jumped the shark.


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Damn, Buckleys more fucked up than I thought

and this particular someone shanelessly used their dead fucking kid for Facebook likes.

and the op shanelessly started another thread about it years after the fact

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>posing with dead fetuses
>mario coffins
>retarded costumes at funerals

only white people

Its called a wake. Wakes are usually where family and friends go to(mostly at the funeral home). Wakes happen the day before the actual funeral.

Of course with funerals, they take the casket(with body) to the church and then to the graveyard to be buried.

I wondered, do they skip the church if its a non religious person that is being buried and go straight to the graveyard instead?


I don't think it was for facebook likes since it wasn't posted on facebook, just on the funeral page. Furthermore, the woman had just lost her husband, her son and had by luck not died in the same fire, who knows what is going on.

shut the fuck up and let me lie about it for Yea Forums cred

so long gay bowser ~

it is for leftists

>orders them to be perfect
t. ignorant of Christianity

>little brother is dead

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Honestly this doesn't make me feel sad even slightly and in fact made me laugh quite a lot. I would care if this was you know, a person of color? Indian, African American, take your pick. People who have actually been oppressed, tortured, killed and raped for thousands of years. But no, I'm not going to feel bad for some white kid whose ancestors likely killed my own people.


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Is his last name really Wayne? His parents had to be fucking with him with that rhyme.

I want to protect that smile.

itt Yea Forums grows increasingly desperate for things to feel superior over

that makes it even more fucked up

Attached: funeral.webm (854x480, 2.78M)

In general, as a psychologist, that's fucked innit lad.

What subreddit?

>There were emotional scenes today as the family and friends of a four-year-old boy who drowned after slipping from a jetty attended his church funeral.
>Dylan Cecil slipped into the sea off a jetty while on holiday with his family in Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset on Sunday August 19.

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I'm not laughing at the dead kid I'm laughing at the casket. Stop being such a tight ass

> open casket
> no glass
imagine the smell

Isn't this copyright infringement? Granted, no developer in their right mind would sue a maker of children's caskets, but the possibility is still there

Rent free

You're a pretty fucked person OP. I've been here a long time, long enough to see Yea Forums turn bitch made and Yea Forums tank in quality. But it never ceases to amaze me how much of a loser it takes to post this shit.

Inb4 reddit

he deserved it... didn't he?

His name was Shane Wayne?


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Poor kid. If I was him I'd come back to life just so I could kill myself.

Why is Hideki Kamiya dressed as Mario?

We're all meant to die. Otherwise we'd be immortal.

>people getting upset over this
man Yea Forums was doing worse things over a decade ago

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You haven't been here long enough to know that posting in a thread and pretending it's your first makes you a bitch.

Why are sonybros the absolute best posters on Yea Forums?

i remember seeing this kid's face and the phrase 'an hero' so much back in the day. yep *SIP*

they're insecure enough to have to constantly reaffirm they're the best

>says people are obsessed for just saying their nationality

I think you may be the one with an obsession, because, by your logic, I am obsessed with any word I am currently typing.

See how stupid you look?
Maybe your average American is just ugly?
Maybe your average person *not just Americans) is ugly)

Anyway, you're a faggot.

>Reddit spacing
>Punctuation and not typing a jumbled mess of words offends me! but fuck everyone else for being sensitive!

Yeah, yeah. Same old song and dance.

>no developer in their right mind would sue a maker of children's caskets
How can we use this?


Obsessed, it says as they (you) multiple comments.
You may want to medicate that extreme paranoia.

Have you seen those pictures of the Graves with cages around them?
Despite what you may have read online, it's not because they fear the dead rising, it was an extreme case of disrespecting the dead.

>underground theme