GTA is Rockstar's ball and chain

If money weren't an issue, Rockstar should just stop making GTA. It's their ball and chain as a development studio:

>Series evolved out of a joke game the main appeal of which was its edginess and humor
>Any attempt at a serious story, world, character-development etc clashes with the omnipresent "satire"
>Cumbersome mix of RPG and TPS elements

RDR2 is an example of what R* can do if they're not hobbled partly by GTA. The only issues with RDR2 anyway were the clunky controls and dated mission design, both of which are GTA legacies.

GTA is an overrated franchise. It's mediocre. It always has been. It's more of a tech demo than anything enjoyable to play at this point. It was always something that appealed out of edginess primarily - believe me - I'm 31 years old and I remember the first games. There's a reason it is mainly enjoyed by niggers.

Imagine a Rockstar fantasy or sci-fi RPG with the same technology and the good mechanics from RDR2.

Attached: Rockstar_Games_Logo.svg.png (2000x1840, 100K)

Rockstar should make a new Thrasher

Lemmings: The Return when?

>The only issues with RDR2 anyway were the clunky controls and dated mission design, both of which are GTA legacies.
The only issue with it now is that they've completely left single player by the wayside and are focusing everything on the shitty online that nobody plays rather than working on more single player content to make the main game feel richer

>Imagine a Rockstar fantasy or sci-fi RPG with the same technology and the good mechanics from RDR2.
I'd like it if the controls were snappier and didn't take 30 seconds to pick up a box of assorted biscuits off the ground.

RDR2 is a boring, linear movie game with little replay value.
GTA may limit their creativity, but it's also their bread and butter. Rockstar deviated little from the formula, Bully being a straight up clone, and Manhunt being edgy Splinter Cell on GTA Renderware.

That's another huge problem.

It's a problem with adapting the engine they're using for GTA5 to a game that really, by all rights, should be a fully fledged RPG.

Rockstar doesn't love making games any more, they just love making money.

>with little replay value.

Who cares about replay value if the the first playthrough is dozens of hours long?

This is what got us to what described, with multiplayer coming first for every major franchise.

>RDR2 is a boring, linear movie game with little replay value.
I've beaten it four times now and have probably 500 hours in it

that's fine, but it still leads you down a beaten path during missions.
You have very little room to deviate.

>It was always something that appealed out of edginess primarily

I'm glad someone else recognizes this. 4 was the best game for this reason. It was the only one that didn't feel like a mix of r*ddit-tier satire and novelty value shit like "lol i just ran that person over".

The missions themselves are usually 10-20 minutes long, then you can do whatever the fuck you want before and after

They should make a murder simulator where you spend time killing people like game journalists from polygon, waypoint, kotaku, and forum member of resetera, etc.

Not him but I find RDR2's slow pace makes it the sort of game you need to be in a specific mindset to enjoy, if that makes any sense. It can feel incredibly cumbersome and weighty at times. And the cheap way in which you die and are rezzed with a hit to your $$$ is frustrating enough to make me want to just turn off the PS4 sometimes.

it's good, but I feel as if it would have made a better movie or mini-series than it is a game.

So basically a game about killing communists.

They wouldn't do that since their games, especially RDR2, have blatant generic liberal overtones unfortunately (discrimination bad, multiculturalism good etc). I wouldn't even mind this broader message if the shitty writers didn't use it to ham fistedly telegraph that X guy is a baddy because he used the word negro or whatever.

I find the open world really relaxing, probably half my time in the game has been spent just wandering around the map looking for shit to explore, hunting, or just goofing around with npcs. A lot of people have complained about the horse riding but I absolutely love it

Are you implying that game journos and resetera tards are the same as human rights groups?

Why does every game need to be fucking updated? When did 3, VC, SA, IV, EFLC get updates?

RDR is just GTA set in another century. Rockstar has the freedom to create other games. They kinda have to keep making GTAs but it's not like people will get pissed off if they create something new as well. Btw I don't appreciate your language. You're 31 years old. Grow up.

All of them are liberals with a small "l", yes. They all believe that the fundamental moral axioms a man/woman can follow are equality and individual freedom. Hence why you're supposed to not feel bad about shooting someone for saying racist wrongthink in RDR2 while empathizing with Arthur and Dutch, who are mass murderers in a very literal sense.

>Btw I don't appreciate your language. You're 31 years old. Grow up.

Not even OP but fuck off nigger.

I think you're wrong. They are all puritans like christfags, soccermoms who spend all their time trying to censor works of fiction because they think a game can brainwash people and copying what they play.

It's just obnoxious that they keeping adding shit like guns, horses, clothes, etc to the multiplayer but not to the single player, there's literally no reason not to pit them in the main game too. Aside from that there are a ton of side thing that were left open or unexplained in the main game that could easily be turned into new sidequests or something, if they end up never doing anything with that fucking glowing pentagram I'll lose my shit

>When did 3, VC, SA, IV, EFLC get updates?

When the contracts for the music expired. At least IV/EFLC got a few new tracks in exchange.


The fundamental thing puritans believed in was the Christian God and its teachings. They most assuredly did not believe in individual freedom as a moral axiom.

If you're referring to their censoring, they don't see anything inconsistent between censorship and individual freedom because their idea of liberty is divided between positive and negative liberties. In their mind, dignity, self-esteem and ability to avoid racial/sex-based discrimination are in fact "freedoms", hence why they censor while also being hyper-individualistic.

The idea that Americans are puritanical is laughable. They're the most sexually degenerate people on the planet, perhaps besides Swedes. A society that unironically calls camming on MFC "real work" and lashes out at those who don't agree is not puritanical in any sense of the term.

>They're the most sexually degenerate people on the planet, perhaps besides Swedes.
Imagine actually thinking this

Redditstar should just stop making games.

They don't believe in freedom. Game journos, restera scumbags.... they want control over video games, not freedom.

Name a more sexually degenerate country. Name a single country that went from normalizing gay marriage to giving 10 year old children hormone blockers and mutilating their genitals in the space of a single decade. Name a single non-western country where a girl's parents will "support her decision to build a """"career"""" in the porn industry".

Name just one.

>RDR2 is an example of what R* can do if they're not hobbled partly by GTA.
if "input lag: the movie" is the best they can do without gta, then they should just stick to gta.


They believe freedom is conceptually and pragmatically impossible while essentialist notions like sexism and racism still exist. That's why they censor. There's nothing inconsistent about this. Freedom is one of the most stupid abstract ideas you can believe in because it means absolutely nothing. The actual root of the word in antique times simply meant freedom from being under a foreign yolk, nothing more.

who cares. go pick up a foot ball

>Getting to decide what games they can and can't make
>Getting to decide not to make new entries in the most profitable vidya franchise in history

Most of Thailand is still a very conservative place. People in Bangkok's suburbs don't think their daughters spreading their legs for 10 men before she's hit her 20th birthday is normal, trust me.

Name 1 lewd japanese game that game journos and resetera supported the sexual degeneracy of during the last 10 years.

Thai shemales are a massive and celebrated part of their culture and the country is famous around the world for child prostitution

Because most Japanese eroge still uphold fairly normal and conservative ideas of sexuality (dominant man, submissive woman for example). Also western libs get assmad at seeing women presented in a typically feminine, cutesy way. Hence all the manjaws in western gaming.

You realize chastity is an almost uniquely western value, right? Asians, africans, south americans, pretty much everyone else in the world other than muslims think promiscuity is completely normal and it's not uncommon for their women to have several children by multiple different men by their 20s

>Because most Japanese eroge still uphold fairly normal and conservative ideas of sexuality (dominant man, submissive woman for example)
Holy christ this delusion

That stuff isn't degenerate. It's good for society to grow. Homosexuality and trans has no growth or benifits to a nation, that is why it's degenerate.

RDR is shit. It's literally an outdated GTA.

Who the fuck wants to ride around in a desert with ancient technology when you can zoom around a megacity in a ferrari with an Uzi?

Is it all the brokeback mountain style buggery that attracts you to westerns?

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This is completely wrong. They believe it's normal for men to be promiscuous. Which is absolutely right. Contrary to what daddy issues feminists say, women's sex drives are not as strong as men's and that's why we hold them to a higher standard of virginity.

what are you niggas' thoughts on chinatown wars the psp version?

He's right though? Every h-game I've played has been pretty normal in its depiction of men as sexually dominant. Rance is a good example.

None of this is true

Reminder that every GTA game is great including V

You don't think men have higher sex drives than women?

There are loads of them that revolve around male characters getting dominated or raped by females

Is GTA 3 worth playing or should I skip it? I only got 3 and vice city right now

RDR2 is unironically the worst game I've played this or last gen

Women have more incentive to be sexually selective, that doesn't mean they have weaker sex drives

god i fucking hate zoomers

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Are you sure about this? I mean have they said there will be no additional singleplayer content? I mean yeah obviously the focus here lately has been on multiplayer since it was really bad and needed to at least get somewhat playable.. hell its just leaving the beta isnt it? Regardless i find it hard to believe there will be no singleplayer content. R* received flak for not doing it in GTA V and shit like the first RDR remastered in RDR2 and another undead nightmare seem like fucking no brainers.

>31 years old
maybe you are the problem

This isn't up for debate. It's a matter of fact in dimorphic hormonal research. Mens sex drives are stronger. Give it a rest shitlib.

If they're too lazy to add the evans repeater or the lemat revolver, or the red chestnut arabian which is literally just a palette swap, I don't have high hopes

kys boomer

>I'm right because I say so, now shut up buzzword

>movie game
This meme seriously needs to fucking die already. Beyond that sure there isnt a TON of replay value. I mean ig at most i can imagine 1 other playthrough after the original to go full on bandit/good guy (depending on what you did first) and see the differences (i think its mostly dialog and ending shit). But when one playthrough is already as long as it is, is this really that big of a negative?

All of Rockstar's franchises are overrated. Especially RDR. I'd say RDR ruined the studio because they fell for their own bullshit and started to genuinely think they could create good stories.

They're good at making visually astounding and technically impressive games and have a decent sense of humour. Every time they try to get serious with their stories and characters, or try to make anything that's not cheap satire, it's pure cringe.

If you unironically enjoy the story in any Rockstar game you need to stop playing games and read a fucking book.

4 is stuck in the middle of the San Andreas and V. It's not over-the-top and exaggerated enough to be memorable like San Andreas, but it's also not as down-to-earth as V.

no videogame has a good story, but many have enjoyable stories
gta san andreas story is enjoyable because the characters are funny and taking out that fat fuck felt good
also kys if you meant genre literature

>The only issues with RDR2 anyway were the clunky controls and dated mission design
Thanks for the laugh user.

>but it's also not as down-to-earth as V.
in gta V you literally hijack a military cargo plane in flight with a fucking crop duster

>If you unironically enjoy the story in any Rockstar game you need to stop playing games and read a fucking book

No one compares video game stories to books you fucking retard, they compare them to other video games

Why? Despite Yea Forums memes they are one of the few AAA game devs who actually seem to care about their products. Go be a contrarian faggot in some other thread.

You're arguing with a mental featherweight, your ideas are lost on this fuckin' retard. Don't waste your time with this dumb ass.

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Back to R*ddit/Twitter with you.

Men and women are biologically different and these differences are reflected in behaviour as well as physiology

GTA is cringe when it attempts anything other than satire

>no videogame has a good story, but many have enjoyable stories
I'd say there are a couple exceptions, but generally yes. Rockstar is best when they just make dumb characters and braindead satire. RDR2 (hell pretty much all of their games since around LA Noire) does not have an entertaining story because they thought they could make a good story.

My point is that people who think Rockstar stories are good have literally no concept of what makes a good story.

>fast gameplay, makes bad controls okay
>fun missions
>tons of weapons
>tons of activities
>tons of detail
>great music
>great characters (not necessarily main characters)
>etc etc

>slow as FUCK gameplay
>AIDS controls
>boring as fuck "missions"
>tons of detail but zero reason to interact with it
>overrated, nonsense story
>zero player input
>good voice acting
>good characters
>decent shooting

>Men and women are biologically different and these differences are reflected in behaviour as well as physiology
No shit. Women's sex drives explode during puberty and stay extremely high through their teens and 20s since that's when they're the most fertile, until their early 30s when their fertility drops, while men maintain about the same level of libido until around their 50s when it starts to decline. I don't know what MGTOW site you're getting your information from but it's comically inaccurate

>decent sense of humor
Imagine actually thinking parodies that are outdated by the time the game comes out & "take real world brand but replace a word with something dick related" are decent humor. Bully was funny but it's one game out of their entire library

That's the only reason it works, it feels comfy. They were funny because they didn't try too hard. Their characters were likable because they were just idiots and weren't designed to be likable. As soon as they started taking their story and world-building seriously they turned to total shit.

Idk. Hoping maybe they are keeping some of that shit for when they release singleplayer content?

>shit thing is le comfy
Should disregard your entire post for that but I won't, you said the humor was decent(assuming you're that guy), being "comfy" doesn't make it decent & not trying only works if you're naturally funny, which I don't think the Housers or however it's spelled are. How often do you actually laugh playing these games? Every time I laughed it was because of something I did in-game, not because of that classic Houser satire.

Rockstar's ball in chain will always be the dated control scheme that's enslaved to in-game gravity and inertia. The fact that they're still happy to build missions around shitty soft-lock aim and sluggish inputs just speaks volumes about lazy they've gotten.

When the fuck did 'decent' become high praise? It's decent. It gets the job done. It didn't make me laugh out loud, but it didn't make me cringe. It was fine.

You want to talk cringe, let's talk about a huge theatre packed to the brim with people applauding fucking Rockstar for creating the best video game story of the year. That is fucking cringe.

>GTA is their ball and chain

No its the other way around.

"gets the job done" isn't what I'd call decent, especially since it fucking doesn't. To me, humor "getting the job done" would be humor being humorous, aka it makes me at least chortle or smirk. It doesn't take a lot, my dog farting makes me laugh, but Bully is literally the only game in the entire library to make me laugh because of the writing. Fucking Saints Row has made me laugh more & it's humor isn't different from GTA.

I don't give a shit about that second part, people squealing & clapping because of RDR2's writing means nothing to me, R* is one of the biggest multimedia companies almost exclusively because of GTA, of course normslfags are gonna gobble it up. People hoot & holler about Marvel movies too, the mainstreams got no standards, why let it get to you?

>Even thinking the world would consider calling GTA trash
I agree though. R* games died long ago.

Red Dead has always had more creativity.

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>they believe in freedoms
>they don't believe in freedoms

can you make up your mind?

I'm talking about two separate groups. Puritan Christians and liberals with a small l.

>In their mind, dignity, self-esteem and ability to avoid racial/sex-based discrimination are in fact "freedoms", hence why they censor while also being hyper-individualistic.
>They believe freedom is conceptually and pragmatically impossible while essentialist notions like sexism and racism still exist
do you?

Money isn't an issue for Rockstar at all RDR2 is probably the biggest budget game ever and they haven't made a GTA for 6 years. Other companies would've made multiple GTAs since V to cash in.

>Money isn't an issue for Rockstar at all RDR2 is probably the biggest budget game ever and they haven't made a GTA for 6 years. Other companies would've made multiple GTAs since V to cash in.

But they are starting to doing it

Nintendo with Zelda BoTW
Sony with Horizon Zero Dawn
SE with XV and Just Cause

I guess that creating open world games isn't easy but most of them are successful

RDR2 is trash and probably the worst game rockstar has ever made. Their worst controls and most boring missions.

It's owned by Sony.

I think it had more to do with the departure of Leslie Benzies.

I just want another Smuggler's Run

The main issue is their dated mission design and outdated gameplay mechanics

I enjoyed BoTW more than GTA V, GTA V didn't innovate at all, it just felt like GTA IV but with more of the same.

>Imagine a Rockstar fantasy or sci-fi RPG with the same technology and the good mechanics from RDR2.
Houser brothers said multiple times they grew up watching mainly gangster movies, so that's what their games have always been. Still I think they could tackle some more interesting genres, like the dead Agent game which was supposedly inspired by Bond movies. Too bad it's very much dead, unless some kind of miracle happens.

Attached: Agent_video_game_cover.jpg (220x271, 4K)

It's not for everyone, just people with taste

>>fun missions
>>tons of weapons
>>tons of activities
>>tons of detail
>>great music
>>great characters (not necessarily main characters)
None of this but the ton of guns and activities are true and even those pros are still cons considering how awl they are.

I'm not convinced Rockstar is actually capable of doing anything other than rehashing GTA3 for all eternity.

They need to make more brawler/beat-em-up style games, like The Warriors.

RDR2 has more of everything you mentioned GTA V having, it even has more ways to rob people than V does

I'm worried the next GTA is going to pants on head retarded like Saints Row went OR its gonna mainly focus on online thanks to all the retards that actually bought shark cards and spent hours grinding. GTA is supposed to be a singleplayer game, online is a fucking mess with infinite loading screens no matter how you do it.

If anything GTA VI will be more realistic and gritty like RDR2 instead of like Saints Row, that's the direction they've been going since IV and it hasn't reversed.

I've always thought GTA 3 was shit. The games looked like shit and controlled even worse. Looking at my 150 game PS2 collection I dont think there is any debate GTA 3 is the worst of the lot.

So why does everybody pretend otherwise. Now people say "it looks bad because PS2" but what kind of shit ass defense is this? The PS2 gave us beautiful games. Final Fantasy X, Silent Hill 2, Okami, Killer 7, Rez, Metal Gear Solid 3 etc. Most of these played great too. Rule of Rose didnt play so great, but its definitely pretty. The PS2 was pumping out 1080i in a few games. It didnt have Xbox specs but it was more than enough for beautiful, responsive games.

I honestly thought I was being taken for a ruse when people would jerk off over this game. I finally sat down to play the "greatest technical achievement in gaming" (I had just finished the recently released Silent Hill 2 at this point) and everybody is running around with box heads and the screen looks like its covered in vaseline. Then I had to actually shoot and move and fuck me it feels so bad. Winback on N64 shits on this. This is it? The final form of gaming?

Smash that bell.

People were just taken in with all the civilian manslaughter they could perform.

V was much more silly/crazy than IV but obviously not to the degree of SA/VC