Monster Hunter World

Why did it sell like crazy?
The game is a clunky ass.

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because it's apparently good, faggot

This is the least clunky monster hunter to date and that reason is why a) normies love it and 2. regular fans hate it

I played MH since the PS2 and dropped it after the WiiU, came back for World. I want to sit down to kill the monsters, enjoy the environments and bullshit with my friends. I've got a switch now and I'll considering giving the next game a shot, but I'm not touching anything from what I feel is the era of tryhard faggots that think the series is hard because the limiting control scheme of the 3ds.

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Will Zinogre and his BF Mizitsune be in Icebourne, bros?

Multiplayer, loot based, good graphics

World is dope. It is what it is in terms of being an mh gane and there being certain pitfalls associated with that eg repetitiveness, grinding etc. Otherwise great, visually stunning game.

>This is the least clunky monster hunter to date and that reason is why a) normies love it and 2. regular fans hate it
It's still clunky shit with unresponsive controls.

>good graphics
>visually stunning game.

Is this a fucking joke?

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I really home mizutsune is in

>previous consolewarring MH thread ended a couple hours ago
>new one just pops right back up with the exact same bait image
How about we just have a proper MH thread without trying to lower the level of discourse involved?

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being graphicfag is fucking disgusting but game can be visually stunning without good graphic.
Dark Souls 1 has quite bad graphic but some locations or enemies are beautiful, i adore seath, moonlight butterfly, anor londo or crystal cave, can't imagine prettier design

Monster hunter threads die if they don’t start with shitposting, it’s tradition, just like Rathalos!

you are just a zoomer faggot with adhd

Because Yea Forums's contrarian opinions on video games don't matter to anyone.

No. But if Barioth isn't in I'm slapping a bitch.

It looks very cool and fun. Much more than it actually is. Even having played it my mind plays tricks on me and tells me to go back and I need to remind myself of the eternal grind it is.

Yeah but the shitposting is normally about the whole series in general or on a specific weapon. Threads that are started THIS way just devolve into consolewars without any meaningful discussion happening, just armies of anons screaming with their fingers in their ears.

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MHW looks like a PS3 game with extremely soapy shitty graphics.
Hell, it's a challenge to make a good screenshot without insane amounts of blur, that's how terrible it is.

But Rathalos is boring and shit

I don't think even Bloodborne threads contained as much pure, concentrated seething as MH World threads do even a year/years after the releases.


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Sorry, console loser shitter, I'm used to video games with good and responsive controls as I played Quake before you were even born.

It's a typical console mess with extremely unresponsive controls, most of the times it doesn't even register the input. The engine is also garbage.
And on top of that it looks like complete ass by the modern standards despite being extremely poorly optimized.
It's actually so poorly optimized that you cannot even attack fast enough on consoles because of sub-30 fps dips.

Attached: PCHADS ATTACK FAST.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

What do I get?

Attached: 20190427101924_1.jpg (1680x1050, 318K)

Not to mention the inhuman loading times.

Attached: LOADING TIMES.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

You get my condolences if you actually believe that your blurry ass of a picture is a good representation of MHW.

Because it's casual

Is this FFXII?

i know, but i only tried to explain good graphic is not necessary for game to look great

Monster Hunter is life.

If it's casual then why all the MH "veterans" cry about how unfair and extremely difficult AT monsters are? Hell, the majority of so called "veterans" couldn't even kill Extreme Behemoth (or even normal Behemoth) because they are literally brainlet shitters.

Blame steam and it saving screenshots as jpgs by default and me not being assed to change it.

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Because it's got some QoL improvements and isn't being played on a tiny ass screen so I can actually see what's happening

Every MH is clunky shit, it's a shit series that only autismos enjoy.

>Blame steam and it saving screenshots as jpgs by default and me not being assed to change it.
Are you dumb or something?

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Actually you are for responding to two posts without looking at the resolution. That resolution will make any game blurry since it's only 'supported'.

They're jpg images too.

>Actually you are for responding to two posts without looking at the resolution. That resolution will make any game blurry since it's only 'supported'.
Both posts look like absolute fucking blurry garbage.
>They're jpg images too.
Which doesn't matter at all. Make it .png and it will look exactly the same blurry shit.

Okay you're actually retarded, both images are at 1680x1050, which is basically treated as 720p by most games.

You fucking retard, I play in 3440x1440 and it looks like the same dogshit garbage that you post here.
I understand that you have a serious brain problems but let me clarify it for you once and for all: IT LOOKS LIKE BLURRY SHIT BECAUSE OF THE ENGINE AND THE GAME, NOT BECAUSE OF THE RESOLUTION OR A FILE FORMAT.

Then post a screenshot faggot also not my posts

I can't find a straight answer for this question anywhere online: is every bosses' health scaled for multiplayer, even if you're by yourself? also, why the fuck am i forced to join some online lobby to play the game at all?

Is there any way underwater combat cancome back and not be ass so we can get Lagiacrus and Gobul again?

Why did Skyrim sell like crazy


I think you're just bad, user.

in World, the only monsters that have multiplayer health scaling while playing solo are Behemoth, A. Leshen, and Kulve, everything else has reduced health when you're fighting it alone. And Capcom is pushing the GaaS thing hard, so everything has to always be online.

I'm good at far more challenging and rapid games like BB, Sekiro and Nioh.

t.filtered by Kulu

The game still does work offline, you just can't access the event quests, which is less than desirable, but better than most. Here's to hoping they patch the game to allow the stuff like base Behemoth and Leshen to be offline. Those are permanent.

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>those blurry soapy visuals

My fucking eyes.

The game looks good. Quit making yourself look like a dumbass.

Base Behemoth and Leshen are offline.

Behemoth is an optional quest and Leshen is a special assignment that is always available.

you still can't just start the game offline without completely cutting off your internet while the game is in start-up, it makes you join or host an online room, and thank god for mods that let you have all the event quests offline, nobody liked the Tri system.

Why are you talking about this garbage while dauntless exsist?

Thanks for correcting me. Truth be told, I've only hunted Basehemoth once to unlock Extreme, so I wouldn't know and A.Leshen is the star of the show for the Witcher event.

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I'll give you a single (You) to use as a lube for Sweeney's dick.

I'm a fan and I loved it. Speak for yourself.

>The game looks good
Only if you are a console peasant who's used to extreme amounts of blur, shit tier textures, lighting, shaders, etc.

The Witcher 3 looks better in every single possible way and it's 2015 game.

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