Manlets have shorter nerves meaning less lag basically meaning they are superior gamers, your thoughts?

manlets have shorter nerves meaning less lag basically meaning they are superior gamers, your thoughts?

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My thoughts are that you have MANLET COPE

There are many (other) factors that influence your proficiency and skill in video games.



5'4 here.

I suck at games.

Have sex

The only actual advantage of being a MANLET COPE is that you can be a dyel and look swole.

5'7 here
I don't suck at games

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What is manlet height? I'm 5'9.

5'7 here, I'm just okay at videogames

This is true when I was a below 6 feet I was a really sick FPS player. Suddenly I got slower and taller, now I'm just playing autistic games like factorio or starsector.


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Is this the new manlet coping mechanism?

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people on here will say manlet but that's about average height in places like america

correct. Optimum human height performance-wise is 5'8-6'0.
Tall people are more attractive, but they suffer from joint pain, and die of early heart failure because it fights gravity more than usual.
Most high kill count soldiers and professional combatants are manlets or manlet kings.

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SEETHING skeletons
Cope stretch Armstrong.

But I'm swole.

>die early
Is this supposed to be a negative? You know you aren't supposed to live that long, right?


anything beyond 5'8" is overgrown subhuman tier


I'm 5'1
Am i fucked?

Not until you're 18.

Ive dunked a basketball before.

The boondock saints 2.

according to OP you have godlike gaming skills

yes but your young years are shorter too if your lifespan is shorter dumby

manlet cope threads are pathetic
jannies do your fucking job

>i-i didn't wanna live a long, happy life anyway!


5'11 and where i live I'm a fucking manlet

I seriously don't want to live into my 70's and will gladly kill myself before ever reaching that point.

I'm fucking godlike but half of the women I talk to are taller than me

Are you retarded?

You have 0.1ms faster reaction times, but also 0.1 times the number of girls interested in you.


you wouldn't have to kneel to suck me off

I don't think you know what edge is.

You’d be surprised how far self deprecating humor can get you with normies as a manlet.

>tfw 6'2 and manly

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Nigger I'm 30 and my life has been shit since I was 12, the sooner this is over the better

you don't belong here

yes I do
kys gnome

I'm so glad this image keeps getting updated to this day

The fact you posted a smug anime image makes me seriously doubt that.

anime shitposting is manly now?

>tfw 6'2 and effeminate

>im gonna kill myself and enjoy it
>not edgy
you won't be killing yourself you soft cunt


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Some people are pretty well off mentally in their 80s but those are rare cases, most people are just killing time after hitting 60.

Depends on where you live. Go check the average height of your contry in wikipedia and compare it with yours, I would say that if you're 10 cm or more below it you're a manlet

t. King of manlets 5'3


Is that why asians are good at games?

It is, only a Chad would make others seethe without even trying to be masculine.

sorry for the gnome thing
height doesn't matter my friend

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it does when teenagers and women are taller than you

Where do I find a manlet like you?

claiming you're manly is a pretty masculine thing to do.


True if big.

Manlets are cute. Embrace it.

>Tfw younger family members are to get taller than me
I changed your fucking diapers you fucks! stop growing!

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6 foot here, I rock at video games

Washington state

>t. someone that’s never been to a Six Flags

>im manly
>im not even trying to be masculine

Do you even read what you write, autismo ?

6,3 here, gtfo you pathetic attention whore

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>Manlets are cute
maybe for old homos

I'm already suicidal you fucking idiot, lmao. I'm not living into my 70's so that I can be a frail stick that needs assistance just to take a shit. I'd rather die young.

But I'm young.

A notably more powerful brain is more important for gaming than a negligible difference in reaction time.

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>ESL thinks using "gladly" in relation to doing something means they will actually enjoy it
Go back to your English classes, pablo.

Serious question: why hasn’t every male under the height of 5’8 killed them self yet? You will literally never have a woman love you unless you are a billionaire.

Stop bullying manlets.

do you have a daddy-son fetish or what

The truth isn’t bullying.

And think of the positives, like they don’t even have to buy a lot of rope to hang themselves!

coping is for the midgets who think there is no such thing as a tall old person