Is Breath of the wild greatest game of all time?

Is Breath of the wild greatest game of all time?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Cock shock is the best fetish, prove me wrong.


Well games journalists love it, so no.

afrobull is pretty good!

post the other part.

>tfw a cute girl will never enthusiastically ask to see your dicc

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I would do it. I would pull out my dick without hesitation.

god i wish that were me

what if it's small

No, but a Top 5 Zelda game for sure.

Don't know about the game but the other stuff is pretty good

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Even if it was, women don't actually really care about dick size.

You can do it bro. I just started talking to girls recently and it's way easier than I thought. They shit piss and vomit like you and me too.

>Not letting you cum inside and asks you to pull out your dick.


I like Afrobull but why so many threads started with his art recently?

>women don't actually really care about dick size.
Oh user...

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How do you do it?

I prefer stage 5/6 myself

gain experience

What the fuck is stage 5/6?

Anxiety and resolve

>women don't actually really care about dick size.
Who fed you those lies?

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I can't

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No to both things

you want people to electrocute your penis? disgusting

Enthusiasm like this is better than any porn

literally me

I wish I was this good at lying to myself

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Maybe you shouldn't get your information from tinder thots

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How is it a lie if it's what women say?

Practice my boy. I had nothing left to lose and figured I might as well, whats the worst that could happen? Rejection is a part of life and I cna't be afraid of it forever. If I'm nervous, I give my self a three second mental countdown and at zero I just do it dude. There's literally nothing to it but being funny.

>muh pure hearted waifu girl exists and she loves me for me, I swear
user... I'm sorry.


Does cock shock have a proper, singular tag in various databases?

Have you never talked to a woman who wasn't a thot, Elliot-kun?

>everything women say is true and they never throw out mixed signals

>trusting a woman
I jest, but your reasoning is naïve. Dudes care more about dick size than girls do. FACT. They care more about how good you are at using it.

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Bi (male) user here
I like small and big dicks!
I like twinks too.

I think most places use "Penis_awe".

they lie

I could have been if it had more things on the map and dungeons instead of shrines

It makes me feel inadequate

Im a girl

Just don't have a micropenis, bro

Guess what user? Size directly correlates to "skill". It doesn't matter what position you're in and you need to stop lying to yourself.

I want to play it for the first time again honestly the game is fucking great with it's first playthrough but once you do everything and see all it has to offer there's nothing left to do. Even if you restart the game you already know where to go to get the best shit.

I'mma need a source on that. Searches return nothing.

have sex

another bisexual male here and i agree. big cocks are good because unf. and small cocks are good because cute.

uncut cocks are best regardless of size though

>not making the skin dark green

who's your favorite r34 artist?
i don't have a fav, as long as they can draw a good looking big throbbing dick, they're good

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It's not even the best Zelda game of all time. They were so consumed with making an open world they forgot to make the game fun.

This but literally. Have sex.

As long as you are in the 5-7.5 range you’re fine. 8 inches is way too large for most women and anything under 5 is just pathetic.

I like TheCon. Mainly for his exaggerated Midna shit.

one of the latest stuff on tsumino

most don't, some have it as a preference or fetish like giant tits, but for actual sex, 6 to 7 is ideal size.

here you go user

There is too much room for improvement and unfulfilled potential to give it that award. It is a damn fine game, but I have so much to nitpick about it that I can not with a good conscience call it one of the best games ever made.

>There's literally nothing to it but being funny

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My problem is that I just have no idea how to talk to girls. I've always been a bit of a loner so starting conversations in with anyone is difficult, but with girls it's even more intimidating.
Not him btw.

*sip* Yup Majora's mask was a good game.

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meant to quote

artist is "yellowroom"

it's not even a top 100 game

>This artist
Fucker makes some top tier asses my god

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No one's penis is that small

According to Yea Forums it's in the top 10 now, so anyone who disagrees is a contrarian faggot

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>tfw your cock will never shock anyone

yeah thats why all the most purchased dildos and vibrators are all around 8-10 inches right? Our dicks are fucking obsolete out the gate my guy

>He doesn't have a 3x3 for artist

Attached: Favorite hentai Artist.jpg (916x916, 417K)

>literally who waifu representing the game

Where the fuck is DMC?

>pierced nipples

yes, excellent

if you're less than the size of a monster energy drink can you're going to get cheated on for bigger cocks

who is that for the yugioh girl?

>literally who waifu
No one tell him

My girlfriend's roommate walked out on a guy once he whipped out his micropenis.

Like a small dick itself isnt a deal breaker but a micropenis is

That's why I said practice. The more you place yourself in uncomfortable situations, the better you adapt to them. You'll probably make a fool out of yourself the first couple of times but you get better. And when I say be funny I don't mean be a total clown, just talk to them like you would any guy and throw some humor in there.

I'll tell you this much: it's easier on the conscience to say you talked to a girl and got rejected but are taking the steps toward getting one, than to go to bed at night pissed at the world because you can't get over your fear. I used to be that guy but not anymore.

why is mommyNTR so hot

>all these insecure 15 year old virgins replying
like clockwork
>literal faggots also replying
right on schedule
>"btw im a grill ;)"
standard stuff

God that dick looks so tasty

If you're already getting banned, flood more

The real hero


Me on her face

The world would be a much better place if we all had dicks like that.

I wish the mods would just start to autodelete this shit.

There's like 5 porn threads up why the fucking hell is this board so God damn horny

I can't see you. Are you under the dick?

>Top middle
My man

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you'd still get called a small dick asshole if you got into an argument with your girlfriend, and they'd make dildos bigger than the average, we don't stand a chance

>all art is of glorious white cocks

god i wish that were me

I'm on the dick


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That's the secret, user.
We're always horny.

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I want to share that cock

iqdb isn't helping pls spoonfeed me

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Where do you even meet girls though? How do you just approach someone you don't know without it being awkward?

What kind of defeatist attitude is this lol, so glad I don't think like you

Ask if she want sum fucc


why is this thread full of faggots who belong on a cross?

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No. It's the least Zelda out of all the LoZ games and it's the epitome of piss-poor game design.

it's on yandex you fucking cretin

I just checked Korra on r34

thanks user

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>Middle left
>Japanese Shadman

this guy

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But what's the point of it all, it's all constant competition, you got a decent sized dick? well there's bigger out there and you can't work out to make your dick bigger, girls know this, they want more. You make decent money? make her laugh? good in bed? there's some one out there who can do it all better and it costs them nothing to seek them out

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Dude literally anywhere is good practice. Go to the mall and look for a girl sitting or shopping by herself. Go to the grocery store and ask their suggestions for making a recipe. At anywhere you have to wait in a lobby. There are girls everywhere.

But if you want to get some formal practice you can start by talking to girls at your job, just friendly talk as colleagues.

It's on there
> Continuing where the list left off in the picture
> 23. Final Fantasy VI
> 24. Portal
> 25. Donkey Kong Country 2
> 26. Super Mario Bros 3
> 27. Half-Life
> 28. Shadow of the Colossus
> 29. Devil May Cry 3
> 30. Bloodborne
> 31. Fallout New Vegas
> 32. Zelda: The Wind Waker
> 33. Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
> 34. Portal 2
> 35. System Shock 2
> 36. Final Fantasy VII
> 37. Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
> 38. Super Smash Bros Ultimate
> 39. Paper Mario TTYD
> 40. Persona 5
> 41. Super Mario Odyssey
> 42. Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 43. Donkey Kong Country
> 44. GTA: San Andreas
> 45. Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
> 46. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 47. Resident Evil 2 (2019)
> 48. Okami
> 49. Resident Evil (2002)
> 50. Bioshock

>but (a size only a minority of men have) is ideal for sex

you fucking retard, shut the fuck up, all this shit does is get you barred from establishments if you come off as creepy even if it wasn't your intention. Spend a year in the gym before even attempting this shit

Might as well kill yourself if you let all that stop you

Shut up fag

if seeing cocks bother you that much, might as well just cut off your own and eventually join the 40%

well luckily there's other things in life I can do that don't involve dating, otherwise I probably would off myself


Why is Melee ranked lower than Ultimate?

Lmao get the fuck out my face then loser. I answer your simple question and you spit in my face. Keep on being a disappointing your parents then. You're NEVER gonna make it.

Because Ultimate is better

god tier
not as good as him but optionaltypo is great too

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>lol why are you complaining about porn on a blue board
Consider killing yourself.

Maybe not the best ever but definitely in my Top 10. Maybe even Top 5.

I'm not even the guy that asked the question, your answer was just so fucking wrong I had to step in

I have a lot to pick from but I'm just going to pick Bluebreed.
>That moment shen Shgurr like their art and only removed the comment because people complained about seeing NSFW art

All women are basically pathological liars to one degree or another. They lie to everyone, especially themselves

After you.

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>complaining about what is pretty much staple on Yea Forums since forever
lmao this redditor seething

it’s better when she’s smug/excited while maintaining her composure

how is labo vr?

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Then shut up and stop poisoning his mind. If a man wants to chat up a female he can do it. If he uses proper judgement and doesn't relentlessly follow around and forcing conversations until they're obviously uncomfortable.

Pfft, your dumbass said "spend a year in the gym," how about you blow me in the gym faggot. Fatsos can do it too.

Excellent taste. Would fap with you Anons any time.

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Flat chested cutie

thank you, the feeling is mutual
through dick, unity

>Fatsos can do it too.
no they can't you absolute fucking shithead. If you want to just chat up random people you need to have good looks out the fucking gate. If a fat guy and a fit guy both come up to a girl and say the exact same words the fat guy will be told off and the fit guy will get allowed to get a few more words in before being deemed creepy or not.
If you want to talk to random or new people it relies almost ENTIRELY on how you look because if you don't give off a charismatic air everyone is going to assume you're some lunatic because no one makes small talk with strangers that frequently

We know it's redditors that use this website as their toilet while they suck mod dick on their normalfag website, since they have a name attached to their posts their.
You don't shit where you live.

Il try to fap today, maybe it could fix my shitty sunday :^(

Shut up talking to me bitch. You're never gonna make it.

>tfw when you can't relate to guys in porn with a small dick, so you're happy someone draws some fat cocks

You would be surprised, hoss.

stage 7 is great, obviously, but yeah 5 & 6 is good

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Why is Link’s skin so dark in that picture?

I want to commission rule34 of Zelda. Does anybody know any scat friendly artists?

it's not even the best legend of zelda

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>being this new

Looks like a flop to me.

he got burnt on an adventure, poor thing

I had a girl enthusiastically tell me to show her pictures of my dick when we got discussing about masturbation and i told her how much i love my cock and am glad i got one so nice. She ended up begging for me to show her and when I sent her pics she kept saying how it's the best cock she's ever seen. Nothing really came out of it though since she lives in a different state.

>Scat friendly
The only person that comes to mind is someone who makes a lot of degenerate art but I don't even know if they do commissions.

Through dick, unity!

Man of shad?

>thread still here

Faggot meme

No, he hasn't done scat in a long time. Modeseven.


>all the dicklet cope ITT
Never gets old.

No, it’s a good game but it’s not even the best in it’s own series

>Be born with a small dick
>Literally nothing you can do to change it
>Never gain any confidence because what if she laughs at my dick is always in the back of my mind

It's not fair bros
No one has a preference for tiny weiners

Are you trying to get people pepper sprayed?

Have you considered being a gay bottom?

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Wait, your penis isn't at least 6 inches?
Damn user, up your game

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Oh wow, this looks promising. Thanks user

Ever thought of growing up?
How small are you talking. You can totally work with a 4-5inch dick. Just learn to eat a girl out and how to use your dick. Get a gym membership to help you improve your confidence and don’t jump into anything insane. You’ll find the person who loves you for you and your penis, user. I know it

Is this the porn discussion thread?

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I knew a guy with a 4 inch penis. Super muscular and built like a tank. The women I knew said he knew how to use it apparently. So that has to be the cutoff.

>You can totally work with a 4-5inch dick.
you can work it, but you'll get left for better prospects in less than 6 months

lol just post it dude the thread is about to get deleted.


Don't be sad user. That only happens in anime.

omg pls source!

At least you're not me
>Be born with a small dick
>Or so you think
>Turns out you're a grower
>End up getting phimosis
>Dick is trapped in its own chastity
>Dick basically created its own limiter

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If a woman actually makes fun of your dick you probably legit have a micro penis.

>there’s actually people who think like this

yeah, of course if you’re a bitter paranoid person who’s unable to trust that the person they’re with doesn’t love them and doesn’t want to be with them, of course they’d leave you.

holy shit, no wonder you’re alone.

Void Nosferatu. Here's a warning though, everything he draws is girly boys getting fucked in the ass.

You know you can stretch it over time, right?

what was the picture she replied to?

No, but it's one of the few games where I won't judge anyone negatively for thinking that

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Get surgery. I had the same problem and now I’m smashing poon.

Yes, even a shit website like ESPN has it in their top 2 games
> 1. Zelda: OOT
> 2. Zelda: BOTW
> 3. Final Fantasy 7
> 4. Zelda: WW
> 5. Final Fantasy 6
> 6. Red Dead Redemption 2
> 7. SoulCalibur (1999)
> 8. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 9. Metroid Prime
> 10. Shadow of the Colossus
> 11. Metal Gear Solid 2
> 12. Resident Evil 4
> 13. Skies of Arcadia
> 14. Knights of the Old Republic
> 15. Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 16. The Last of Us
> 17. Bioshock

For you fat fucks crying over a small dick, there's some hidden under all that disappointment.

Just get that shit fixed at a doc pal. It aint hard.

>you can work it, but you'll get left for better prospects in less than 6 months
Jesus fuck. They aren't leaving you because of dick size you god damn idiot. They're probably leaving you because you're a fucking piece of shit that thinks stupid shit like dick size is extremely important in a relationship.

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I've been doing that for almost 5 years and it's still tight
I don't want to get the surgery but god damn am I debating it

Jesus, grow up.

>lol just trust other people :)))))
grow the fuck up. You can trust your bros but to women you're only as good to them as what you provide, and at any given moment there are multiple men who want to provide the same thing and maybe more. If you aren't constantly trying to improve you'll get your ass left on the curb

It hurts.

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Probably an autistic backer with buyer's remorse or Afrobull himself. You'd be REAL fucking surprised how often porn artists shill their stuff on Yea Forums.


This made me chuckle and then made me immediately upset because it took me .0001 seconds to know exactly what that’s for.

That's a good one, but once again they fuck up TP Zelda.

i dont get it

No prob.

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LoZ is adorable. Its probably the brown hair.

90% of them do

I thought it was a meme, but there really are incels on here.

2.5-3 inches hard
I wish I had a 4 inch, my baby dick is so embarassing

thanks bud, my dick wasn't prepared

stop projecting

Go to Asia

I'm terribly sorry for that. Better luck in the next lifetime, though. .

It's a tie between Ooyari and Urushihara.

if your entire basis of a relationship relies on sex then you are subhuman and i hope you die fag

Shadman unironically

You know, there’s this crazy thing out there called the real world. You know? Outside of the incel echo chamber in which you live in where all you talk about are the negative experiences you might have had or literal made up negative things that might happen if you’re with a women despite, you know, you never interacting with one.

How are so many people in happy, meaningful, and healthy relationships if women are as bad as you think they are?

>inb4 the guys they’re with are ‘normies’
>inb4 the guys aren’t actually happy and instead manipulated
>inb4 any other dumb bullshit you make up that only adheres to your shitty world view because you’re too pathetic of a person to go outside and try and undersatand people

stop living in a fucking fantasy, life is competition, dating is moreso. One slip up and any girl has leverage against you or reason to leave your ass and she will incur no negative penalty for it. I aint saying "never date don't even try" but don't be surprised when you get tossed aside for the next best thing

>Come for the porn
>Stay for the intriguing characters and worldbuilding
>But also the porn

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you're a fag

>answering your own question with the correct facts

It's settled, then.

Yeah, you have a disadvantage and it’s bullshit to say that you don’t
but despite that, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t someone out there for you. Don’t be an incel loser like others in this thread. There is someone out there for everyone and you just need to put yourself out there and find him or her. Have faith in yourself.

You might not be able to fix a small dick, but you can improve your fitness, lifestyle, etc etc etc

>Virgins wonder why they get no sex because of how insecure they are

Like pottery

>People mocking virgins on Yea Forums of all places
I can barely recognize this shithole anymore

70% of his art is hairy man ass and face

All she has to say in that one is "I see" or "That's it?"

You know you can still get a girl off with a clit like dick right? How do you think lesbians get each other off? Eating pussy, being skilled with your hands, and toys.

That's all homosexuals though.

source me on that link please

>One slip up and any girl has leverage against you
Seeing relationships as a competitive thing between men and women and not two people just being together has to be one of the most insane things to ever come out of the incel echo chamber.

Except it’s not. You’re the type of edgelord who looks at people and thinks they have them figured out and that you know how people work, but crazy thing, you don’t and really no one does.

Keep hating this strawman idea of the other gender.

Women don’t want to date you because they’re ‘horrible people.’
The don’t want to date you because you are genuinely insufferable and you make no clear attempt at improvement.

the entire basis of a relationship is providing something for your partner to warrant them staying with you, as a man you have to provide emotionally, financially, sexually, and in the long term provide a place to live as well along with being able to "keep it fresh" for as long as the relationship lasts. If you're good in bed but have no money she'll seek out a guy with both, if you have money and good looks but a small dick, she'll find a side-piece. You gotta grow up. If you wanna go fuck girls go ahead, but don't expect them to ever see you as anything more than a meat rod or an ATM machine

Thats nothing new you fucking virgin.

Hey there's a hard mode too
>prematurely retracted the skin by parents of myself at babby age
>Skin tears and fuses
>Figure this out as a teen
>Decide to tear the flesh apart at home because embarrassed and scared
>Midway theirs a bubble of pus trapped under that sprays a shot glass sprays out
>Literally ripped flesh off my dick and took weeks to heal

Flipside, I know what it's roughly like to be cut and uncut. Uncut is better

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Holy fuck. Maybe those discord trannies were onto something. You're a fucking incel.

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DJ Comps

there are no rules for a relationship
there are good and bad relationships though
the good ones arent based on sex and money

Jesus Christ that is not what I was expecting.

>Incase says he's not gay and just does trap comissions
>90% of his recent stuff is hairy man ass

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Still really hot

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Top kek

Explain why cheating is so common then

It's just so hard trying to be positive about it and to hold onto hope after failing every single time

Says fucking who?

You know there’s more to life than that.

Some girls like guys who make them laugh.
Some girls like guys who they can laze around with and be themselves.
Some girls like guys who are tough.
Some girls like guys who are meek.

You do realize that you’re just boxing in HALF the population of the earth into a horrible and shitty strawman, which to mention, is only supported by the retarded echochamber you hide in because you’re a pussy, right?

i cant look at any of his stuff
its like watching porn where they zoom in on the guy grunting every 2 minutes

I got circumcised at 19 because of the scarring and pain. This 'stretching' thing with cream didn't work after a year of trying.

I'm still a lil butthurt at how much sensitivity I lost. Being able to have sex for a long time is usually better for the other person not me.

People aren't satisfied with what they have, or they just want more.

>its not competitive at all you're just bonding!
shut up retard. Her friends will talk about their boyfriends and partners to her, say how great they are, she'll see the handsome new intern at her job, she'll see the handsome actors in the movies she watches and she'll watch porn in her own free time, its just as much "poison" for her brain as you think this stuff is for you. At all times you're being weighed against these things and you have to keep pushing yourself to be on that playing field.
but nah you're right "we're so happy together :)))" so you can become fat and complacent and wonder why she starts going on more trips with her girlfriends

because people are degenerate and more people talk about others cheating while nobody cares that people stay monogamous or virginal

Society is in shambles and the media is telling young women to be free and do whatever the fuck they want. Hookup culture and everyone being dissatisfied with their lives.

because women aren't built for relationships. back then the strongest male in the tribe would get all the girls. hence why we invented marriage. but the institution of marriage is crumbling with hook up culture, dating apps, oversocialization, and more importantly, christianity

t. atheist

i'm just angry that women won't fuck me and you can't take that away from me.

Oh user, you fucking jokester.

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His traps and twinks used to be top tier. Now it's ann hair everywhere and blatant bara shit
I don't mind a little bush but god damn InCase that's a fucking jungle

>a bunch of unabashed sluts
>intriguing characters
if he actually just committed to making a fantasy comic, it'd probably be pretty good
also his faces are obnoxious

Then focus on yourself. It’s incredibly cheesy, but the whole “you need to love yourself before you can love others” is pretty true.

I can’t blame you for feeling disheartend what so ever. Really, it’s only natural. Give yourself time. Focus on yourself.

One day, you’ll forget that you had these worries and you’ll truly be happy.

I genuinely believe in you.

no woman likes a "meek" man you basedboy

I''ll tell you a secret
i'ts mostly virgins mocking other virgins

women like guys who have all those aspects AT THE SAME TIME, you better lean to leapfrog between this shit
>Some girls like guys who are meek.
except for this one, real life isn't an anime where girls get a kick outta losers

the porn is alright.

The game sucks though. Prey 2017 is the better immersive sim type time.

i dont mind body hair but i dont want detailed manface on my porn

Why do normalfags like The Last of Us so much?

Well it is molten.

Used to date a girl who was really into reverse roles despite me being 6’1 and muscular.

She like when I acted submissive and meek in bed.

Reminder that if a girl cheats on you her friends won't care and will always support her and lay the blame on you for not doing enough

there are but they just dont like you

learning jap and moving to japan is your only choice
or become a faggot and get fucked in the ass

holy shit you're retarded
please tell me you aren't serious

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Finally, some says it
Seriously, what's with all this focus on manfaces and man ass and bara shit?

reminder that modeseven thinks loli is gross

Artist, please. When poop is unrealistic like that, it really hits my anal-play button hard.

im not meek you projecting basedboy

No they don’t?

You have certain tastes for women, similarly, women have certain tastes for men.

You know, it’s insane how everyone is actually different and you have literally no idea what they want until you actually interact with them, huh?
Or is it just easier to wallow in self pity and just assume what people want or just assume how they think?

then you literally just throw her out and cut all contact with her right as you find out

Look up

It always kills me that Mdeseven, the artist of a million fetishes, won't touch loli with a ten foot pole


>Roastie Defense Force(tm)

I really enjoy Facebo-I mean, 4channel dot org slash vee.

Yeah, and if you cheated on a girl, your friends also wouldn’t care.

It’s just how friends work, dumbass.

The reason: to get a hint of anger

what do you mean used to

just hope she doesn't tell your homeboy she was eyeballing while you were together that you "emotionally abused" her so she can get a taste of his dick

No, but it is pretty good.

I keep company with good men. Not miscreants.

>The guy who will make you discover feteishes that you didn't even know existed doesn't like loli
That's hilarious.

Meh, same story (but at 20). It doesn't change that much, overmasturbation is much worse.

>Yea Forums is mUH SEKRET CLUB
>I’m completely obvious to the fact that Yea Forums is a popular website

Go on other chans if you’re that upset, manbaby

no idea my friend
thats also why i find maledom to be the gayest shit ever
but that might also be for women now that i think about it

In order for a dick to actually shock someone its gotta be like 9-12 inches and be thick as well. Most actual people have 5-7 inch pencil dicks.

>DUDE who cares about statistics and the fact that 99% of all women prefer strong, tall, rich men? theres always that 1% you stupid incel!
pathetic lmao

>Girl cheats on you
>Dump her
>She fucks all your 'friends' to get back at you

Love this episode

Moved out of state and we broke up.

Nobody is defending roasties, one incel is describing ALL women as acting in a way where they will trade up on men if they have a bigger dick size. Which is obviously fucking retarded.

if you have such shitty friends then i dont know where you went wrong in life

Absolutely based and truthpilled

At least overmasturbation you can fix by just stopping for a while.

>Durr Yea Forums was always bad lol

Electionfags Out.


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it gets even funnier when you know that Shadman is scared of modeseven
two degenerates are each others kryptonite

True, but having skin it used to be much easier to cum by rubbing it against the glans.

Not even close

Attached: 1497555705756.png (635x661, 227K)

what do you mean by that?

i readed that a few days ago
it was ok

>6 to 7 inch
>only a monority of men
user, I...

have you tried showing it to strangers in a dark alley?

>i am completely obvious to the fact that I get all my ideas from an echochamber
>I fully expect someone to be absolutely perfect who me and love me for who I am despite the fact that I make literally no effort in both life and myself
>”why doesn’t anyone want to love a bitter and hating person like me?”

Any argument you bring up can literally be countered by “how are there so many people in happy, healthy, successful relationships then?”

Alot of artists get more and more degenerate as time goes on. 2D porn only sells on it's novelty, and the genre is as tired as they come.

Attached: 1558817812354.jpg (184x184, 13K)

Glue a tazer to it

Attached: the smuggest.png (1330x1080, 821K)

>Shad is afraid of ModeSeven
>He also said no to making art for the Wonderbread guy

>soijack #1289003
>claiming to be an authentic 4channer
leave any time

It weird since his stuff usually was good with everyone. he did femdom, traps, yuri, M/F
But now it's just hardcore maledom with these Sasquatch men. Even Alphie started shifting from "A shortstack slut that fucks good" to "A hairy ass bara and his shortstack. Guest starring Alphie and Dante from the DMC series"

Friction kills nerve endings, even rubbing against your underwear fucks them. Ever notice how the top end of your dong is less sensitive than the bottom?

Average male length is 5-5.5 inches. Sorry user you've been lied to.

do you know what an "average" is? the global average is 5~5.5 inches

>Been here for 8 years
>New people can’t come into the site
>Gatekeeping despite there literally being no way to verify who is who and how long they’ve been on here

I have it better in life because I’m not a crybaby incel like you, let that sink in.

Look at this cope

never said any of these things
as you're most likely pic related (as these types are the ones who vehemently defend women's shitty behaviour online), have sex

Attached: ohfkr4ijoo601.jpg (1280x960, 185K)

and most dildos are 8-12 inches and perfectly normal and liberating for women to purchase unlike onaholes which are for creeps and virgins.

also the art was nice and the concept was good, but the execution not so

no such thing as "readed", read is the correct form

Too much wankeri make your dick less sensitive

I guess, it just that, for me, eczema is much more bothersome for my dick

Loli is kinda shit honestly. It's one thing to consume it, it's quite another to actually draw it.

>Shadman fears M7 but does loli
>M7 fears loli but does basically everything else, scaring Shad
Shad has toned down on making loli too. M7 could kill Shad in a straight up art fight

>thinking there's anything wrong with a Yea Forums filename
>basedjack was specifically made to trigger soibois like yourself

Shad deleted the comic of the blonde loli cleaning her mom's asshole. Fuck shad

You can be a shitastic artist, but if you draw what artists with standards aren't willing to draw then you'll always have an audience.

>you can start by talking to girls at your job
>implying you aren't talking to a bunch of neets

>Shad is somewhat cleaning up his act
He's gone soft

>here’s another strawman
>oh, uhhh here’s one more strawman proving that i really don’t understand people and how different people can exist

you know, i really love BOTW, it's not even that good of a game. It was the first of like 3 games I have for my switch, and i've put a lot of hours into it. It's a good game, alright, but it lacks when compared to pretty much any open world rpg, ngl

*new people can't come in and try to radically change the website in order to appeal to their tastes

what cope, you knuckle dragger? im 6'1 tall and yet i admit that im above average height, sometimes well above

hmm.. now that you mention it..
but I don't know, not sure about it, gotta give a proper testing
been fapping _at least_ once nearly every day for the past few years

>This 'stretching' thing with cream didn't work after a year of trying
This. The stretching practice is a bunch of lies.

Now it's all gay shit.

>tfw 6 in
>but slender 1.5 in across

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sex. have it asap

Attached: 1558031788712.png (1080x1020, 512K)

>he doesn't even know why I pointed it out
congratulations you passed the test. you are a state certified newfag

Reminder that Yea Forums is one of the most sexually active boards on this entire site

Attached: Averages.png (1002x566, 34K)

>open world
it's shit

>once nearly every day for the past few years
And here I thought fapping 2-3 times a week was bad
You hear that penis, we're good!

>Some girls like guys who are meek.
only ad friends tho! they will be fucking chad in the mean time

It is really tragic if you think about it. He is so far in the hole with no way of coming out but he wants to tone down his content.

Between the two M7 is the far better artist, shame about his content though.

>average across the site is

>*new people can't come in and try to radically change the website in order to appeal to their tastes
except they can. that's the point. blame your shit mods for doing nothing about it

not even the greatest zelda game.

ive been since 2000 you idiot

Usually I hate NTR and avoid it like the plague but the art is too good not to get hard and fap. Someone just needs to edit it to make it less cucky

At least he sometimes draws straight shit
And thank god too. So many artists are drawing gay shit it's fucking with my equilibrium

Yall are fucking midgets I'm 6 foot 7 get dabbed on

mods won't do shit so that we have to, that's the point mate
purging newfags, one "YAAAAAAAAAAAS KWEEN SLAY!!!" at a time

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not him but you don't know how it is being fat and ugly. before you even speak a word any girl will already be sure to get away at the first sign of contact if you approach them anywhere that's not a party or something similar.
t. ugly dude who spent 5 years in the gym before things started working out
and no, clothes don't matter. I dress the same as ever, I just diminished the uglyness by losing weight.

and I've been here since 1997. I could count the unique IPs on my finger and you weren't one of them kiddo

He can't draw what he wants to anymore, he has an absurdly large audience for some reason and that will always subconsciously dictate his next work.

>% of virgins
>Yea Forums
Shocked I tell you. SHOCKED

Attached: 1543457496013.jpg (400x396, 29K)

i waas actually just fucking with you, im moot. stop being such a newfag ok?

I unironically like jlullaby

>Yea Forums 75
>/jp/ 77

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If shad wanted to tone down and clean up his act he should've done it years ago. Now, everyone just immediately recognizes him as >Shadman that no matter how hard he tries to clean up, he'll never get out of the hole
Meanwhile M7 embraces the madness to become the ultimate eldritch abomination. M7 doesn't tone it down because he actually is that fucked up

Why does popularity always ruin people

>Yea Forums
>18 avg age
you just know most people lie to not get banned. i would assume the avg age on Yea Forums is 15~16

>tfw 25
Guess it's time to leave

Attached: 1497581346598.png (443x485, 171K)

> Yea Forums is somehow healthier & has less virgins than /fit/

>Yea Forums
>user submitted statistics

Attached: nah.webm (470x412, 561K)

>M7's mystical gloss skill
Shad's selective but M7 is damn consistent in good shit. Even his more fetish shit looks good

Stop viewing pornography.

Attached: 1541624168056.jpg (720x900, 160K)

its good if you're in the mood for girls getting fucked without remorse that's for sure

oh shit i'm sorry

>Becoming popular eliminates free will and choice
He unfortunately brought it upon himself

Kingbang is also good for that.

tell women to start dressing modestly


But otherwise, I'll say that Yea Forums is normie central with Yea Forums while /fit/ attract fatties, autistic /pol/fags and autists.

He's fucking garbage, only some of his midna pics are ok and he draws too much of her which resulted into every other character he draws to have midna proportions.

>89% virgins
Oh my sweet fuck

Attached: 1542830746305.gif (360x270, 2.7M)

I mean, the right ones will if you pay them well.

I'm talking about prostitutes.

super deepthroat I think

This, most of Yea Forums is full of normalfags, Wagies & College students who rarely play video games

>you can totally work with a slightly below average to average sized penis
Yeah no shit. You idiots need to learn what "small" actually means. The national average in the U.S. is like 5.25 inches.

I'm always in the mood for that

Here’s some Urbosa

Attached: A1D8A642-1807-4AC9-8E08-5FDF0BAC5683.jpg (4096x4096, 770K)

meant for

Popularity isn't all bad. Having standards for yourself can lead to all sorts of interesting results. On the other hand, you're really putting yourself into a box and limiting yourself.

Rationally the best choice is always the one that makes you more money and it's the one most people are going to lean into unless they're die-hard creative types.

Attached: D7QRG-8UwAAyejk.jpg (1280x905, 199K)

well unlike the playstation 3

we've got game

>that gif

>Rationally the best choice is always the one that makes you more money and it's the one most people are going to lean into
I know many a artist that did this by catering to furries and they've never recovered from it

I love Kass!

Majora's Mask is the better game!

Attached: My Husband.jpg (2978x2978, 3.54M)

/fit/ has a lot of handsome fit guys who just haven't been able to engage the opposite sex yet or come to terms with their homosexuality.
They'll get there and be very happy, but it'll take a while.
Board of bloomers I tell ya.

That's the one aspect I love about M7. We live in a time where artist keep trying to justify what they make but M7 just straight up does it and doesn't really care about the outcome of what he makes. He knows what he is and the audience he brings and doesn't shy away from it.

Attached: ss+(2019-03-11+at+12.08.12).jpg (363x345, 38K)

thx gremblo
i find it hard to believe that such a bunch of degenerates are virgins

Does anyone have lewd BOTW Zelda?

Don't care

>no version with bird poop on her face
This artist is a hack fraud

Attached: 2479.jpg (736x802, 286K)

>patreon link

Attached: bab.jpg (821x1003, 71K)

>mfw 6'2
>but 6in dick looks small compared to my physique
I don't know how you do it, I'm insecure as fuck

Sinensian or Zheng

Love my Japanese futa artists. Western shits get out of my face.

Attached: 1555571376923.png (686x712, 304K)

This. Every artist always backpedals on what they say/do but M7 not only does fucked up shit but admits to it and stands up to it
Plus there's a lot of gems in his eldritch art pool. You just have to get to them

Hi, Afrobull, why don't you go start threads on /aco/ if you want to shill your art so badly?

Any decent artist as long as it's futa on futa. It's literally all I masturbate to

futa with balls are objectively best

Only if its lusty shock. Disgusted shock is shit tier

>Love my Japanese futa artists. Western shits get out of my face.

Attached: 1545913595337.png (640x480, 337K)

Modeseven is sort of nietzschean in that he flows from himself and not from anybody else. It's pretty admirable honestly.

>using global to make yourself feel better
seriously though, I just googled it and that is the answer that's cropping up in the first results. Legitimately confused because I remember reading it was around 6" but pleasantly surprised because >tfw 6.5"

>1. zelda
>2. mario
>3. mario
>4. zelda
>8. zelda
>10. zelda
>16. mario

Modeseven is one of those rarities where you might not like what he does, but you still respect him

>Love my Japanese ____ artists. Western shits get out of my face.
this is just true in general

>re4 instead of REmake
This list is factually incorrect

We're the normalfag board? That explains a lot fuck me, I'm 27, but also a good deal taller than most of you


I'm pretty it's HZD.


My nigga

Because Yea Forums is full of reddit faggots who heard about this place and came here to talk normie shit about mainstream entertainment. Just look at all those e-celeb and anti-anime posters.
I guarantee that Yea Forums has even better stats. Half of that board is infested with GoTards and Capeshitter

Attached: jorge.jpg (500x376, 46K)

I played it for 1 hour and got bored. Glad I didn't pay for it

I prefer “penis awe” as seen in most tags

I absolutely hate that we are in this era where artist can't just draw whatever they want because they will get slammed with cancel culture and possibly lost a bunch of their shit from that platform. Bardbot recently just got this because he made art of Pokemon characters and is still gong through this as we speak and it is frustrating to watch.


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Where is Sinensian even from anyways?

Dem Galkos

It's not, I think the skyrim crowd jumped on it because theyre all normies anyway. I had more fun with the in depth dungeons of older zeldas where the items actually mattered. I have high hopes for the next one to fix all of those problems.


>because he made art of Pokemon characters
What kind of art? Fanart proportions or real proportions? Honestly fuck lolifags, and if you really do want to draw that stuff make a separate account for it. I know it's just a durr hurr drawing but some people don't like seeing a 3 year old get penetrated

You mean like this?

Attached: 20190413_100621.png (800x756, 508K)

Anime is just a better vehicle for artistic expression than western art. Western art always looks kinda soulless imo.

Furry drawn in Don Bluth's artstyle still make my pp the big pp though.

Exactly that.

>cock shock
Is called penis_awe

cock shock is cringe like ahegao

Man, I fucking hate it too. Own up to your art. Don't backpedal because some fuck doesn't like it
It's what makes M7 great. He's a good artist. he's a good artist that draws weird shit. But his art is good so he gets a pass. But even when someone calls him out on it, he agrees.
he's a kinky bastard that knows he's a kinky bastard and he stands behind his kinky shit

Wrong, superior genes always wins.

Attached: fgvds.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Semantics, don't be faggots.

Joke art and fanart proportions of the female protag of SW/SH. At the same time some dude called out a bunch of artist and told them they needed to kill themselves over fucking art but unintentionally exposed attention to himself to point out he was indeed a predator.

Attached: 1558645911574.png (221x960, 251K)

its a shame i cant find any decent galko doujins

>artificial difficulty scaling
>shrines that remove content from open world
>barely any combat mechanics
I say this but BotW isn't really a combat game. It's an exploration game where you can fight stuff sometimes. Anybody that spends time playing it will realize that the majority of the content is just running around virtual hiking anywhere and everywhere running into stupid cute koroks in the most ridiculous places. If they tune up the combat mechanics, add some more depth to it, and try to phase out shrines whatever the sequel will be is already GotY.

Attached: 1557728395359.jpg (474x356, 19K)


>le anime girl holding sign with my opinions on it
>turns out to be a sex pest


Shut up nigger

never trust unsolicited virtue signaling, kids
they are the most guilty of us all

Attached: 1558246517103.jpg (1235x928, 262K)

Shrink the map and add dungeons, boom 10/10 GOTYAY

I'm a fucking freak myself, but what's with e-celebs and sending nude photos to people they'll never meet? I'm totally not above that, but I'd need to not publicly be in a relationship, be actually meeting that person at some point, and I'd be damn sure to at least know if they're 18 or not before doing it.

Nothing wrong with sexting your fans, but why are they always so retarded about it?

I dunno, maybe they think they're bullet proof once they get fans or something

>not above that
you're trash

>tfw over 195cm with smol 160cm gf
>tfw she was legit scared it wouldn't fit because I have a thicc dick

Attached: 1447771482910.jpg (617x475, 31K)

it's not like it's going to destroy their career in drawing smut. I can't speak for other people but when people tell me what to do and what not to do it only makes me do what they don't want even more.

Does he have a fetishist for everything or is he just a weirdo

If a girl wants your dick, what's wrong with showing her your dick?

I think it's both
I think. Nobody knows

turns out that most people are sex perverts and anonymity just amplifies this by 10fold.

Because you want to get that juicy social media clout but end up forgetting the fact you have did some shit in the past that you didn't properly bury. It is honestly the most entertaining aspect of Twitter.

>giving girls anything that could ever be used against you
lf you even have a bit of a following don't give them shit

Attached: 1558246366129.png (800x839, 317K)

being a pervert anywhere outside your head is wrong
kill yourself whore

>fit is 5'9

Attached: 1441049704566.jpg (218x265, 21K)

>not a single average above 5'9"

Attached: 1558489506494.png (700x700, 184K)

This site actually is full of angry manlets.
it all makes sense now.

would you prefer giant watermark?

>It's a "Yes, I fucked 10 guys while you were away on service, but the fact that you are paranoid and guilt-tripping me about my cheating means that you actually deserve it all along" episode.

Ippatsu Kaiketsu Onayami Soudan

You know Yea Forums is full of 15 year olds right, afro wouldnt even get a dime from this place.

This shit is old as fuck

>MY NEEDS (which i never vocalized to you) WERE NOT BEING MET SO I TOOK IT INTO MY OWN HANDS

Army dudes shouldn't get married if they're going on service desu.
Serves them right for being megagoys.

I mean anything that isn't being forced into a shrine so some old corpse can charge up Links JO crystal is better. Dungeons could be done in the open world even if it's just surrounded in unclimbable terrain. The DLC missions and Eventide island showed overworld scenarios could be done that are essentially dungeons. Just no more shrines

Yes. It isn't my fave, but it just is the best

That's fucking stupid. It's barely even old enough to be past the honeymoon phase. It's a good game that I enjoyed a lot but it doesn't revolutionize enough to be considered a best of all time.

You got here in 2011? Wow, so epic oldfag bro.

Can we stop with the obvious afrobull shilling already?

Fame and money makes a man think he is untouchable

You should probably re-read before posting next time.

>I'm 6' 2"
>I also have a 7"+ dick
>I have sex regularly
>My gf
>lol fukken virgins
This whole thread reeks of 12 year old on XBL

No, the GREATEST game of ALL time will always be Plok, for the SNES.

Who hurt you?

stop putting so much importance on what others do

Wow, you have extremely shit taste.
I cant even tell what artists those are from except for Asanagi.


>>I'm 6' 2"
This is the funniest.
Fucking manlets, I'm telling you

Why is botw Link so chad?

Attached: lozbotw_0007_Layer_10.jpg (1920x1080, 124K)

>Zelda wants his dick
>Mipha wants his dick
>Paya wants his dick
>Revali is jealous of his dick
Pure alpha

The Wild Breath of Zeldas mouth

He's fucking beautiful and he's a legendary hero.