Holy shit, the intro is so boring. I'm in the Peragus mines. Does it pick up?
Holy shit, the intro is so boring. I'm in the Peragus mines. Does it pick up?
No, Peragus is the peak of the game. Also gas yourself.
No. Ignore the boomers. Play a modern console game.
Play SWTOR, it's way better. Play sith warrior.
True, start of 2 is garbo.
my casual as fuck adhd normalfag zoomer brother played this game and enjoyed the hell out of it, if he can do it so can you
Enjoy your first time in Peragus.
Its replayability value is pretty bad, but the first run can be eerie and fun.
It's ok to use a savefile/mod to skip it for your next runs
I have no idea how someone who got through Taris would have a problem with Peragus.
>sorry bro you missed having this exact party configuration at this exact point of the story for planet Xyzyablar so you cant get the influence to turn Ball-Sac in to a Jedi
>do good thing
>Kreia: "Fuck you, exile"
>do bad thing
>Kreia: "Fuck you, exile"
>do nothing
>Kreia: "Fuck you, exile"
>whoops forgot to have multiple saves and now you're stuck in an unwinnable combat situation on GOTO's ship with these characters you never used
Kotor II blows
>MMO shit
kill yourself
its just as if not worse than Talos. Does sort of pick up, but not really...the only real perks are that your dialogue choices actually have an effect on the game and its characters and can change them for the rest of the story
aside from Kreia who is just
>where is revan?
>revan is beyond reach of the galaxy
>so you don't know where he is
>he walks a path we cannot take
>you have no idea do you
also the villain is really well done and not just a saturday morning cartoon villain like Malak was
t. brainlet
i dropped this game twice, first when i was 12 or so when it came out, i was freshly after beating KotOR 1 and it was one of my favorite games ever, but i can't force myself to play 2.
Second time i dropped this game was few months ago, peragus was so fucking boring i can't force myself to play this game anymore.
>playing an rpg
>not having multiple saves
>willingly choosing what characters that go on GOTO's yacht and then complaining
not gonna make it
>wah why won’t Kreia like me
Stop being a sycophant and make your own decisions.
has its ups and downs Onderon and Korriban were really good but the other worlds were just alright
>Male sith warrior
yes it does, the beginning of both kotor games is widely considered the worst
Taris is unironically the best part of kotor 1 though. Get some taste
by mouthbreathers like u maybe
>Searching for a good Minecraft server
kill yourself
also, what parts of 2 are worse than peragus? you can't name them because they don't exist
Kreia literally says you're right and everyone else is retarded if you end up going light side.
i was refering to taris u pleb.
playing as a regular republic soldier behind enemy lines was intriguing and unique as fuck.
>Didn’t realize you could pick your weapons and items back up after you first arrived at citadel station
>had to trudge through the greenpeace alien storyline and Telos surface using nothing but unarmed and scavenged weapons
Really made me hate Peragus and the opening act of the game in general. The rest of the planets (outside of Korriban, the active academy was great) are miles ahead of Kotor 1 though.
Taris is fucking great, but Paragus and this shitty part where you pick up Baopoop is a nightmare.
It's so fucking boring after first 3 times.
Uh, wasn't he talking about the start on the ship?
Taris was really comfy, you're right. It's been 15 years and I still remember exploring and raiding those apartments.
Whatever you do don't do pure darkside choices on your first play through
I did and missed 70% of the content, basically just killed everyone before they had any other chance to say anything
Who does pure either side runs? I’m not going to abandon my useful companions because “it’s what a sigh would do”, or give that twilek fuck the other dragon pearl, he doesn’t even need it for a lightsaber.
>Did you look upon him with love?
If Peragus is boring for you then the segment that follows is going to put you to sleep
t. someone who loves the game
It's called minmaxing, retard.
Why the hate on Peragus? It's a pretty neat little level. Certainly better than Telos with its fucking Ithorians.
You sound mad.
from a narrative standpoint it is cool but fighting all the robots with shit tier weapons is really tiresome
Why you think so?
Fuck off dark side scum.
playing as Mira in NS is suck a pain.
it’s too long, needs to be trimmed down
is it more fun to appeal to Kreia, or piss her off?
i did make my own decision that kreia can get fucked
the character is literally there to pander to brainlets
"whoa... bro... did you think about XYZ? life be complicated" - yes, you stupid whore, I can fucking tell that my choices have implications, I accepted that when I made them
I like Peragus, it's the planet after that that I always found very boring
>people actually seriously think this
SWTOR might be good for the abysmally low standards of MMORPGs, but compared to it's predecessors(which are actual RPGs), they are god awful.
You don’t need to get every dark side point to reach max darkside alignment retard
Talos - green fields - armory - sister's academy without lightsaber. MEH
Sparring was fun
Depends if you love your grandma.
>not being a Light Side Sith Warrior and BTFO out of Jedi and Sith alike
god damn you're fucking stupid
It is better than KOTOR I and II that's for damn sure.
>can't have a kotor 1/2 thread anymore without swtorfags keep fucking them up
I mean yeah, i feel bad for you guys cause your general is nothing but waifu posting anymore but stop fucking ruining these thread already.
Embarrassing post
kreia being unpleasable is a meme based off her beggar conversation on nar shaada
You have the burden of proof dumbfuck.
It looks familiar.
>Davik KANG
Was he a nigger?
Na he was kangz n shieet
yes, he used the force to hide his true form
literally me
she spazzes out constantly. The part with the beggar just cements it in how there's literally nothing you can do to please her. Even if you just tell her to fuck off
I've played SWTOR at launch
it's definitely not the shitstorm people made it out to be, but it was extremely mediocre
KOTOR 1 & 2 are masterpieces
there's literally 0 chance to compare them
I found Talos pretty cosy
I mean the whole game has tedious stuff in it, much more so than KOTOR1
>>whoops forgot to have multiple saves
Isn't a loading screen tip to have multiple saves?
>whoops I forgot to click on things and now I'm dead wtf shit game
no it used to be Koenig
he was Jewish
>gr& b& m&
Kill yourself.
What fucking omega-autism reality did I wake up in today?
>exile why did you do that think things through next time
>i will consider what you have said
waow so hard
Just suck up to her.
>Yes granny I"ll think about it.
>I'll meditate upon your words
>Yes, you're right grandma
Influence gained
Influence gained
>it's definitely not the shitstorm
>he doesn't know
It deserves the hate solely for SoR
Yeah, the game tells you many times to save.
Too many steps for zoomers
>I'm in the Peragus mines
You've been playing for fifteen minutes. Keep going.
More like 1,5 hour. Fuck this shit. How do I proceed furhter? All I know that there was an intruder but I can't find him.
also atton directly states what you should do to gain influence in the prologue.
>She doesn't care about what I think, but she wants you to respect her and consider her opinion.
peragus fucking sucks,. yes it picks up
Breh, retrace your steps, look at your map for unexplored areas, check your mission log for clues on where to go or what to do. Just play the game bruh, stop whining on Yea Forums.
How is it that some people turn brainless when playing this game?
People are used to quest markers, I assume.
Why do people hate this type of RPG gameplay so much? These games likely won't ever get remade without the combat being completely overhauled into more action shit just like FFVII will be.