Post your favorite pokemon

Post your favorite pokemon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the best one

Attached: 1553819518918.jpg (1280x1444, 250K)

My favourite Pokemon is

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Attached: 025.png (475x475, 115K)

The cutest!

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Attached: 727.png (475x475, 94K)

Attached: Cutebone.jpg (300x306, 9K)

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Wish it was viable

Attached: 250px-235Smeargle.png (250x250, 52K)

Attached: dratini.gif (500x336, 389K)

wrong board

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Attached: Shedninja.jpg (1200x800, 127K)

Can never get this fucker to work



Attached: scolipede.jpg (900x846, 110K)

good pick

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Give him a mega evolution please

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Stop posting this, it's made by a porn artist.

Attached: eeveepet.gif (498x474, 1.34M)

there is an entire board dedicated to these kinds of threads

Attached: pokefags leak from containment.jpg (266x47, 13K)

Attached: file.png (1024x1221, 353K)

that Eeve's got nice hips

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Yeah, wtf, we could've had a Smash leak thread #3918 instead of this

Fluffy pokemon

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Weavile is a cute! CUTE!

Attached: 684234736e3e4dd1be8509dcadb1831e76b77fefdedf1ddc59d37cee335ebfd2.png (1000x923, 487K)

Its normalfag tier at this point but ever since I played red on gameboy color Ive liked this fucker and wanted to grow up to be strong as hell
now I just browse a fitness forum for closeted homosexuales on a mongolian fly fishing site

Attached: file.png (1200x1200, 905K)


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this plant

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Goofy as hell but I love everything about him being a walking tank.

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Is your favorite your favorite because you like the design or do you share a history with it? Or is there another reason?

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He's the most bro of all bromon.

Attached: thiscoolmoforighthere.png (1390x1390, 1019K)

i have a couple favourites

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Nothing contrarian about wanting bit fat Raichu paws

i like vultures and its a cute design

What Pokémon does Yea Forums have individual folders for?

Attached: poke me.png (1188x116, 84K)

My favorite Pokemon™ is Scorbunny from the upcoming Pokemon Sword™ and Pokemon Shield™ games.

How do you share a history with a fictional Pokemon?

Would you give him a brojob?

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user that doesn't look like a greninja

i have to sort my folder into degenerate pics and not degenerate pics

Alolan Meowth

Attached: Meowth Posin'.gif (600x338, 3.04M)

by being able to transfer Pokemon through generations

Don't worry about what's viable and what's meta
It's really admirable to just pick and play with who you love
Cute Smeargle btw

Eevee can't stand on two legs

Post your highest degeneracy


Attached: LitleoFlashfire18.jpg (600x832, 242K)

i don't save much obviously NSFW pics

Attached: 1556335064528.png (1029x755, 373K)

Then you are worthless to me

Attached: a (227).jpg (814x1024, 367K)

degeneracy comes in many flavours user

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mah niggas

Attached: 1449907-raichu_by_kitty_23.png (1024x757, 223K)

This little guy. I don't particularly like the evolutions, just the base form.

Attached: magnemite.png (300x197, 38K)

This slashy boy, his little brother, and their chilly cousins.

Attached: harmony with nature.jpg (500x308, 48K)

Pangoro at a close second

Attached: 1200px-009Blastoise.png (1200x1200, 1.05M)

Why does it matter who made it?

My favorite pokemon is Flygon.

Attached: kissclipart-flygon-pokemon-clipart-pokémon-go-flygon-pokémon-0d280822390dc2f2.png (800x1000, 920K)

>tfw no big magic space cat gf

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He has a nice knot

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Either Butterfree or Lilligant.

Attached: __lilligant_and_petilil_pokemon_drawn_by_drawfag__cc293f207dd099dda9acfae654ee7c61.png (600x600, 156K)

Make way for qt hermit crabs

Attached: giphy (2).gif (480x272, 1.25M)

I love Darkrai!

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will stat a new BW2 game during summer and this bad boy will be in it!

Attached: ampharos.png (498x750, 370K)

Look at the tweening on that Emolga.

good taste.

Attached: based.png (1090x1013, 950K)

Also this sweet child.

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Pancham if we can't count legendaries

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Based and dare i say redpilled

Do voltorbs and electrodes die when they self destruct in the anime?

I like the whole family. Couldn't even tell you why, the design has just stayed with me all these years.

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protip: every artist is a porn artist, most just don't share

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wait hold the fuck up
that's the same fucking thing

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my brother

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Zudomon>the other seven kid's digis
though Lilymon was also great, for other reasons

Ain't that the truth...

Best wife.

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Relaxed means your stress-free, Lax means you're chill. They're similar, but not the same personality-wise.

No, and they love to do it.

There are many Pokemon of such top-tier quality that I would be honored to call them my companion in battle.

But only one of those is a penguin with a motherfucking CRAVAT.

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I wish there was a version of eevee drawn in that style but waving around a big floppy cock during his dance.

>he doesn't know

man it must be embarassing outting yourself as a retard

Attached: newfags dont know what vp is.png (737x976, 122K)

Based taste

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What are you hiding from us?

Attached: zwei_wings_by_extvia.jpg (650x563, 199K)

You're right, I don't know. Enlighten me. I want big fat eevee cock.

there is none, sorry i lied

I want to hug this tiger

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Why are you such an insufferable faggot?

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Fat Rock

I have a picture of Onix with tits

shame about the human cocks though

Attached: c640f131690e8dfe6cdb587c66d701343b77a567_00.jpg (211x239, 14K)

well post it then

Post it homo


I was waiting for this!

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im waiting

>no penis

Fine, jeez

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You sir, are my nigga.

Attached: Mega Beedrill.png (1600x1000, 801K)

yeah i would fuck onix

Attached: fine.png (302x302, 132K)

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Attached: 463.png (640x478, 286K)

>Those hard nipples.


Attached: gr.jpg (268x268, 12K)

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Haunter will forever be the best Poke design.

Attached: Haunter.jpg (900x676, 137K)

This but Klefki

Attached: 250px-707Klefki.png (250x250, 42K)

*ting ting ting*

Attached: 1557874579105.png (628x468, 436K)

Attached: rattata_.png (400x423, 84K)

Good taste.

Attached: 1556168481787.jpg (500x500, 26K)

Damn that's a fat fucking Onix.


Attached: rattata.png (502x434, 221K)

Underrated mon desu

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if i can't post topics about my fighting game you shouldn't be able to break the rules too.

Them's Fighting Herds

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how am I even supposed to read that signature

Chansey is best :)

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Attached: Ratty.png (400x651, 172K)

>seething ponyfag

The lack of Feraligtr in this thread is shameful

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good taste

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Attached: flygon.png (397x517, 54K)

Never really liked Leafeon much until it started carrying me in my recent Nuzlock run of Platinum and was devastated when it died. RIP little buddy.

Attached: Leafeon_1.jpg (512x384, 149K)

Attached: THAT POSE.jpg (184x90, 4K)

I don't like gen 5

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Oh hey is this today's stealth furry thread?

lule moralfag

i cant believe Yea Forums has fallen so far that the jannies delete completely harmless pictures of pokemon now

the Torterra in Detective Pikachu were perfect tee bee aych

it's not on fireden, someone link it

The sails and auroras theme is super appealing

Attached: 61545581.png (1000x689, 770K)

What isn't?

that's the good shit

too bad mods are fags

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Mew is female so is Mewtwo


Attached: 1374782163623.jpg (500x500, 109K)

o shit it's not just me

Why would mods delete an innocent pokemon image?

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Yes, creatures with fur sweat as well.

Attached: hits pipe.jpg (768x1024, 138K)


>Fireden no longer saves deleted posts

Well, fucking hell.

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You're gonna be my partner?

Attached: ACOD4d.png (250x250, 5K)

syuro on e6

That's not the same artist.

my nigger

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>I want big fat eevee cock.
I'm fulfilling user's one wish

Have you been living under a rock for a month? Plague of Gripes - Select Your Partner

i don't browse Yea Forums as much anymore, thanks user

>vaporeon as OP
>"piss" 0 of 0 results
Times have changed.

Attached: 71092899_p0.jpg (1227x1043, 384K)

Too many people were using the search filter on fireden for deleted CP recovery. This is why we cannot have good things.

Gotchu f.a.m.

Attached: vaporeon blender.jpg (600x800, 296K)

The archive hasn't been saving any posts for the last several hours, as a matter of fact.


Why do people draw things like this?

Because torturing and killing cute critters is hot. Get with the times gramps.

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except they dont

t. retard

Is it Whimsicott or Audino?

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My absolute nigga

Attached: DJZ_7kwW0AAX9M1.jpg (848x1199, 167K)

Good taste.

Honourable mentions: Charizard, Ninetales, Umbreon and Persian

Attached: 314.png (367x319, 127K)

It really is the best

Attached: 1553735369500.gif (496x374, 1.97M)

Metagross bros, where you at? Best shiny as well.

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_insertcoin_files_2018_10_shiny-metagross-go.jpg (960x342, 24K)

Attached: 026a08d728fe211fafeeb3b958f419c7.png (2000x1500, 1.09M)

>most versatile OF ALL.
>not legend stats
>perfect adventure pal
>ambigous gender for the perverts

Attached: Mew-pokemon-image-mew-pokemon-36642382-800-731.png (800x731, 124K)

you know he's, just like Absol, totally unusable in fights?

it'll just get swirly eyes and require a bimbo to flash a light on it in a box to fix it.

Attached: vaporeonfuck.png (907x900, 296K)

>He judges his like and dislike of different pokemon solely based on how well they perform in battle
Shit trainer detected

Have fun with your soulless cookie cutter builds. Meanwhile I'll be having fun playing the games with my bromon.

t. pleb. All you need is to get a single nasty plot off and she becomes a decent sweeper.

Attached: 1492933116090.png (583x583, 348K)

>archive isn't working so I ca't tell what the deleted post were


Attached: D6X58mcUwAAiReP.png (650x900, 214K)

there is a diff between unusable and utter shit. I know it's an extreme example, but you can't make Luvdisc work for adventure

''all you need''

you're saying that like it's easy with that shitmon. the design is great, sure, so is Flareon, but I would rather go alone than take one of these 2 if I needed a bodyguard.


>He only cares about battle
I bet you don't even want to hug your pokemon

Attached: 866.png (578x676, 566K)

I do, my favorite Eevee is Jolteon because it's sharp shapes and it being a dog-hedgehog. Thing is Jolteon is just BAD, but some mons are useless. would you befriend a shitmon that can't even keep Fearowiggers / Raticatiggers at bay?

Although not a #1 favorite I like Zoroark as well for some reason, but I'm not sure if it's due to pity if anything.

Attached: 72bc36cb895c7459e3157dfb5208fbaa.png (432x600, 104K)

it's because Pokémon is for kids, else Zoroark would go from ''useless'' to ''go''. Disguises, high speed and sniper rifles are great. You can command her to get uh, ''free'' items from stores? I would if I had one.

Yes I would, Furret is one my favorite mons even though he is useless in battle

why would you befriend a verminmon? no offense, but it's literally a route 2 common.

if I could have any pokemon, I'd go with Steelix. i don't even like the thing but it's easy money if someone wants a pool, tunnel or prospect a rockwall? Then live the easy life and befriend more mons. Geodude and graveler is iron Tail on sight though.

Attached: 38.jpg (1000x531, 255K)

>Unisable in fight
What is Absol with Super Luck?

Zoroark is for big brain individuals who understand that their powers of illusion would let them best just about any Pokemon and that it's only a poor performer in the games because they're not really combat games. Also introducing team preview as soon as it was available.

Attached: 69039862_p0.jpg (1044x983, 245K)

post the full thing

I would befriend an vermin mon because I like it, besides he would be part of a team so he could be the moral support

Attached: 024.png (1000x1000, 228K)

Unreliable. Absol with the dark Z move can't even fucking 1HKO the mons a aether grunt threw at me. never boxed someone that fast. failure to perform is legitimate grounds for termination from a position.

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)


Ties with Vaporeon and Absol

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zoroark hater here, I tried to love the thing when it came out. I even clamped my DS down to run in that circle to hatch Zora eggs as the thing was super rare by then. I got every mon I wanted, some brainlet gave me a Kyogre. Yes. it worked, someone ACTUALLY PRESSED TRADE. It just was so shit in battle and never went back to the litter of Zoroa's I sitll have and ported over and over to sun.

Attached: spitfire.png (250x250, 61K)

well, I suppose your house will be Ratata free? Pokémon predation is canon.

>i don't even like the thing
this is a favorites thread, user

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My bros

Attached: ZygardeComplete.png (1000x888, 453K)

I like it too, but if you could pick ONE pokemon, shouldn't you pick one that lets you make mad dosh? Ultra beast and doing shows is the easiest bet, then get a furret.

Xurkitree poses like a demented Christmas tree when it channels power, like, on all legs, conical. I love it.

yeah but with that I can get all the mons I want, as it's easy money. I'm just thinking like the jew.

"easy money" means low barrier of entry means competition
you're also acting like Steelix isn't potentially dangerous/high maintenance to train
what's your favorite pokemon?

I wish this lil nigga had better stats like you wouldnt believe

Attached: D8E62ABD-3A7C-4359-902F-57D1CDA27EA9.png (250x250, 43K)

Mew, it can do anything but is gentle-natured, cute and playful. Perfect for a starter but it's as if only one of them exists. :^)

Giant downside with a Mew would be that I'd get alot of negative attention from criminals. Guess I need to find a 10 year old to keep ready for that.

Attached: mewmill.gif (320x240, 815K)

If I could pick only one mon it would be a different story, but other wise I would definitely travel with a shitmon just because of how cute it is
If I could pick only one I would go with Incineroar because I could battle with him and my other favorite Feraligatr would be harder to teach and way more aggressive, have you seen Feraligatr's Y dex entry?

Attached: 1549651902631.jpg (766x701, 74K)

>I'd get alot of negative attention from criminals
>not just letting it mind wipe everyone who tries anything
It'd count as self-defense so it's okay.

Hes a utility pokemon user. He doesn't need good stats.

Attached: Sableye.jpg (210x240, 18K)