Its been over a month and the anthem twitter has been completely silent, they don't even post retweets...

Its been over a month and the anthem twitter has been completely silent, they don't even post retweets. Why do people keep buying bioware games when it's the same shit over and over? Release a tech demo, hold content for ransom based on how well the game sells. Then pull out when the game doesn't meet expectations, so the people who did buy the game get an incomplete product.

Attached: anthe.jpg (500x500, 50K)

After two shit games in a row, even the normies will begin to catch on. Bioware is digging their grave a little deeper every day and after another failure or two, EA will take them out back just like all the other studios they buy

What's funnier is that their big event is scheduled to happen may 2019 according to the website. That's not happening and their whole road map got delayed

>no romances
>beta male virgin protagonist Freelancer
Shoulda had romances BioWare

>Try to create a new genre-defining game
>Aimless project eventually takes the shape of a looter-shooter
>Actively refuse to look at comtempories during development
>Try to do too much and end up failing at most of it

It's a project management disaster really.

>refuse to add romances
Big mistake BioWare

Same reason people keep buying EA and visual novel games, You can't stop shit taste

You posted this exact thread yesterday. Kill yourself.

I've been monitoring the game just to see how much worse it's gotten
Only the most deluded retards trying to justify spending 60+ shekels still play this abortion

Attached: 1522804918194.gif (200x150, 710K)

>being retarded enough to pay full price for any EA game when you can just pay half that for EA Access Preimere and get every game on Origins basically.

This is tortanic level failure, but what is really sad is that Yea Forums won't even bother wasting time mocking it, it's so apparent even to normalfags.
I seriously think that this time for sure Bioware is finished, but unironically. There's no way they can survive this many failures in a row.
I can only hope that it serves as some kind of catalyst to wake the game industry up that diversity hiring is just setting yourself up for failure, but I'm not actually that optimistic.

>I paid $34 for the Dawn Edition
>It's now $29.99
I feel cheated.

EA has already confirmed that Bioware is making a new Dragon Age game and that they fully support them on it 100%. But I imagine if that is a disaster on the level of Andromeda and Anthem that Bioware will actually face consequences

Don't feel cheated, feel stupid

it's the rebooted multiplayer live service dragon age 4

Yeah, after Andromeda and Anthem Bioware needs to actually make Dragon Age 4 be good. there's a tiny part of me that hopes they'll finally realize their open world resource gathering simulators are shit, but it's unlikely.

>those bland, droning, forced NPC interactions
>that dead ass town
It's flooring how much that game managed to do wrong not just as a whole but in many things when you break it down to specifics. Again, a massively money backed game by BioWare years in the making and it still came out with so little energy and care put into it

original single player joplin or whatever the fuck sounded good. the morrison shit they're doing now is games as a service dragon age.

You would think that EA would catch on that buying up game studios, gutting them of anybody creative, then letting their marketing department make the game isn't super sustainable.

>Actually bought it

There was a open beta, you deserve it

fifa money lets them fuck up as much as they want

Ya as much as everyone wants EA to finally fucking collapse it won't as long as Mexico, Brasil, Spain, etc. still exist

What said

EA doesn't need to care what they do with studios/games as long as they hold the rights to FIFA, NFL, NBA and NHL licences.

I read somewhere that EA isn't necessarily gutting them from creatives, it's more that talented creative types don't want to deal with large corporate culture that EA inevitably brings with them.
I think what EA truly needs to figure out and focus very huge efforts on regarding future buyouts is to take measures in identifying key people and doing their absolute best in in keeping them in the bought out studio. It's amazing that they still haven't figured it out that this is always where it goes wrong.

Did I? I wasn't even on this board yesterday user. Get a life you unemployed basement dweller.

Have sex.

Cynical western trash failing makes me happy.

Where's your mom at Jimmy? Tell her I'm on my way.