Which game made you cry?

Which game made you cry?

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uh crying cause of a game is gay

only mentally unstable snowflakes cry due to a scene in media

I made your mum cry last night fucking faggot

Okami at the end. Perfect use of music for a final boss.

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A Hat in Time.

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A lack of empathy is a common sign of sociopathy. You sound like you can't understand why people feel emotions.

I'm a guy btw

>if you don’t cry over fake drama you’re mentally ill
Whatever helps you sleep at night, snowflake.

>if you do cry over fake drama you're mentally ill
Whoops, looks like you're both retarded.
Guess what, people are different.

I don't get how people can cry with books/movies/vidya. Only music made cry me if I'm in the mood for it.youtube.com/watch?v=6OFHXmiZP38

I hope you didn't give mustache girl a time piece


Look at this guy
He consumes media in suboptimal ways so he's incapable of becoming immersed
I feel bad for him


Use this next time.

Yea Forums.org/banned

Empathy != Crying
How does crying help someone who's suffering? It only proves you can't handle your emotions, which is unacceptable in a man.
And that goes quintuple if it's not even something real you're crying about.

I don't even know who that guy in the middle is.

^only non retard in here

Same. I myself dont. I just posted this because i was curious.

I think i should have put it as " sad / sentimental / cry "

ori is so trash honestly

Where penises cried

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Paul Walker from Furious 7

Why did faggots even cry about their vroom-vroom boom-boom zoom-zoom protag that much?

Why do you think so?

They realized they wasted their time with 7 mediocre movies.

He never said that he was a sociopath, he merely stated the fact that a lack of empathy is a common sign of sociopathy.
But it is true to say that people are different, and some cry while others don't even if they feel a similar amount of empathy.

My brain parsed this sentence to mean that you made his mom fuck a faggot last night until she cried

>actually crying in that Ori scene

Did you actually play the game, your caretaker wanted to Kill you

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You should use sad entertainment as catharsis so when real life tragedy hits you aren't as affected.

Who are you quoting, faggot?


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>Did you actually play the game

Evidently you did not

Ori spoiled this moment in the trailer.

FF15 when the bromance ended.

which is odd because I didn't even feel sad when the love interest died in the same game

When I realized Lee wouldn't make it but he was worried about Clementine safety until the bitter end.

The only nigger I ever cared about in 30+ years of existence.

Best character in the entire series comin' through

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Nier Gestalt

What games are these?

Please do not use neo-nazi terms on this board. We all know it means Far Right Ethno-Nationalist.

Empathy is one thing, but if you cry over this stupid bullshit you need to man the fuck up, you fucking faggot.

...close your eyes

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates I hate how needlessly long this title is
The entire epilogue is so depressing to me, for some reason. Speaking of, I really should replay it. Haven't done so in over 6 or 7 years.

Theo's substory in King's Raid.

>couldn't protect his smile

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Best mom.

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MGS4 microwave corridor

Fuck thy mother

Is gamer a gender now?

>You sound like you can't understand why people feel emotions.
Nah, sociopaths generally understand emotions, they just don't share them.

Probably only this for me.

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Why would I protect the smile of a fucking Nazi?

You sound mentally unstable

Didn't think it would end like this, huh Maria?

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>crying because of entertainment
god I shiggy diggy

He was just a lad having a milkshake. Milkshakes are very American

Dunno if bait or not but is Metro Exodus

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>I'm Nanaki, the son of brave Seto... I'm not afraid of Sephiroth...

I’ve cried reading books, but I never thought a video game would be enough to make me cry until rdr2 did it for me.

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OP is Ori and the Blind Forest : definitive edition

Mgs is the only game to make me cry. I cried playing 1, 3 and 4. 5 was pretty shit so I didn't care much.

Only other game that made me almost cry was Lisa. The end when he was begging for approval was rough man.