any games where Part 4 has the best opening?
Great Days > Bloody Stream > Stand Proud > Chase > Sono Chi no Sadame > Fighting Gold > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
any games where Part 4 has the best opening?
Great Days > Bloody Stream > Stand Proud > Chase > Sono Chi no Sadame > Fighting Gold > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
>Chase that high
>Fighting Gold that low
>no Traitor’s Requiem
traitor's requiem is fucking ass
mgs4, those commercials were pretty sweet
i didn't like any of stardust crusaders' opening songs
and why is sono chi no sadame below chase
But Chase isn’t? Garbage taste.
I don't get the dislike for Chase. What's wrong with it?
>anything below chase
report and move on
Just looked up Great Days, it's fucking awful
to me personally
it sounds like it belongs with naruto or some new sonic game
the singing sounds like some guy who didn't take voice lessons so he's just singing "from the heart" but it sounds more like he's singing from the fart
i don't really care for the overall style of music as it is so the singing did not help
>7 pages MUDA
did the anime made it justice?
Great Days > Sono Chi > Fighting Gold > Bloody Stream > Crazy Noisy > Stand Proud > [Whatever the later Part 3 intro was] > Chase > Traitor's Snore
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Chase
what happened?
Based patrician
sono chi no sadame > great days > stand proud > crazy noisy bizarre town > bloody stream > traitor's requiem > fighting gold > end of the world > chase
But the stand rushes have always looked shit in the anime.
should've been longer
Yes, watch it now.
Not at all. The sound direction was shit and it was clearly several different takes of MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA stitched together instead of the entire thing being done in one take like Jotaro and Josuke would have had.
Can we just appreciate all these great openings for a second instead of picking favourites? What are some other cool anime openings?
Serial Experiments Lain
Mob Psycho 100
this was such a good breakdown breakdown of the 4th part jojo's ops
i also liked the baccano vs durarurarararararararararaururauraura op segment on their channel and why baccano succeeds where durrararurauruarauruaraueue9120ifdasjo;p fails opwise
FBFP Absolutely based and Josukepilled.
Dirty Pair: Project Eden has my favorite opening of all time
Bloody stream, fighting gold, stand proud
Crazy noisy bizarre town, traitor's requiem
Sono chi no sadame, end of the world
why are people not high on fighting gold? it's so good
>the singing sounds like some guy who didn't take voice lessons so he's just singing "from the heart" but it sounds more like he's singing from the fart
the opening after that one was a downgrade
People akin the song to be more like other shounen anime despite part 4 having a younger cast of characters, has a lighter tone, and some serial killer edge that is more in line with its target demographic. So they don't like it when an OP properly reflects that and reminds them that that they're watching a kids show.
They're just brainlets that let their first impression of it be their final impression without learning to appreciate it, so I wouldn't bother. Just point and laugh.
it sounds too grungy which makes people upset for some dumb reason
Excellent taste.
considering it didn't go on for the whole episode, no.
Preach it brother.
Behold, absolute kino.
The sound direction has been the best it's ever been, nigger. I couldn't stand that constant sound of bass-blowing explosions during past stand rushes and part 5 actually makes some effort into making different sounds for different intensities and saves the loud explosion sound for the ending punch. They even had a moment to make the punches more quiet toward the end to hear Cioccolata's voice. I appreciate that shit.
Still one of my favourites
wasn't the story behind this op the fact that the show aired super late at night so they wanted to wake people up so they could watch it?
No idea honestly.
3 > 4 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 7 > 6.
am I the only one that actally likes chase?
it fits pretty welll with the beginning of kira's arc
Samurai Champloo
call me pleb, but the monogatari series still has the best openings
but the best one of all time is ambigous from kill lal kill
Nope, I’d rank it pretty high on my list of JoJo openings.
Jojo is the MLP of anime