Starfield - The comeback of a superstar

400 new employees
Job postings confirming massive overhauls to the engine
Developed for next gen
Confirmed new tech including photogrammetry, Quixel's Megascans tech, third party tech for rendering massive landmasses
Bethesda knows their reputation has tanked with 76 so they have to knock this one out of the park and planet
Described as "The biggest, most epic science fiction thing you could possibly imagine" and just fucking crazy ambitious which they have never done for previous games

Yeah I'm thinking he's back

Attached: 1541859340763.jpg (870x894, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tell me lies, sweet sweet lies Todd, I need them.

>new engine
This is the only thing that can save Bethesda

Same engine aka "Creation Engine" aka "Modded engine made from older engine". Tell me more sweeeet lies, Todd!

>walk up to your ship
>My Spaceship (E)
>press E
>screen fades to black, lightspeed noises play
>screen fades back, you're on another planet in front of your spaceship

I wonder who's behind this post

>Will be made in the same Gamebryo engine as the rest of their games
You're making a huge mistake


Attached: todd-yakuza.png (1280x650, 635K)

>400 new employees
is that really a good thing? Working there must be a clusterfuck

I should probably get skyrim one of these days, I didn't care much for oblivion or morrowind but everyone always talks about how good skyrim is.

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What are the odds that entering interiors will still show up a loading screen and teleport you to a separate zone?

>Skyrim on space!
>With space dragons!
>Who needs a story when you can make it along your friend in our totally bug free online mode!
>Preorder now for limited alien horse armor!

Pretty high unless the open world is more barren and towns take the place of the houses loading zones.


Consoles still exist.

if the game truly looks next gen and blows you away on every level graphics wise, and todd howard says it is running on the creation engine, what will you say then?

Attached: 1556067541163.jpg (1070x1196, 467K)

I’ll wait for the reviews and gameplay footage to come out first before I buy it. 5 years ago I would’ve bought TES 6 day 1 without a second thought, but now I need to wait to confirm that the game isn’t shit like F4, or god forbid 76

Reminder: Fallout 76 was made by the Austin branch which has nothing to do with Todd's team. Todd wasn't even involved in the game so we can't blame him for it.
Starfield on the other hand is made by the original bethesda game studios so its gonna be kino.

oblivion is better than skyrim

Skyrim is nearly identical to Oblivion. Its just a more polished version.

>>walk up to your ship
>>My Spaceship (E)
>>press E
>>screen fades to black, lightspeed noises play
>>screen fades back, you're on another planet
>hey you, you're finally awake

>Todd wasn't even involved in the game so we can't blame him for it.
100% false
while it’s true that the smaller branch did make 76, saying “Todd had nothing to do with the game” is stupid, he is literally the games director, sure the same devs who made Skyrim and F4 didn’t work on 76 but your claim that Todd was not involved is idiotic. Todd was VERY involved, and for some fucking reason you’re just trying to save face for Todd


thats not true

Attached: 1442113832436.jpg (960x720, 94K)

I keep hearing this but dont see how.
Story is bad in both games, dungeons are terrible in Oblivion and the characters look like goblins. Also the open world is barren.

Sure, custom spells and the Shivering Isles DLC yadda yadda. but game is still bad

well at least one of them has to be a programmer, which increases their coding department by 50% so it can't be a bad thing

I'd say this is the outlook of most everyone who bought Beth games in the past. I dont care if it's on Creation engine - the bugs are not dealbreakers for me. F4 was fucking bland storywise and F76 was just a lazy "let's see if we can shit into their mouth and they will praise our latte macchiato".

probably just using an updated version of gamebryo

they probably wouldnt even bother to make their own or licence another engine because that would cut into their bottom line. THE ONLY THING THEY CARE ABOUT. their bottom line.

fuck everything else you think or know.

their bottom line is the only thing they care about.

if you didnt figure this one out from fallout 76, i guess there just isnt any helping you.

>yfw it's still running on gamebryo

Attached: 1554049383845.jpg (250x250, 21K)

Oblivion was also a massive overhaul to the engine.
Fallout 3 was also a massive overhaul to the engine.
Skyrim was also a massive overhaul to the engine.
Fallout 4 was also a massive overhaul to the engine.
Fallout 76 was also a massive overhaul to the engine.

How many times does this have to happen before you realise it's just words?

because we can see the differences in the games with our eyes?
oblivion looks nothing like fallout 76

>he thinks engine means graphics only
way to go, Todd

Can't wait to clip into a wall and die Todd

He’s obviously joking user

i believe him.

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You do realize todd works in Bethesda, Maryland, which is 1500 miles away from Austin right? Unless he moved 1500 miles away and left work on starfield to work on this shit online game, I'd say you are wrong.

try and make a fallout 4 worldspace in oblivion's editor then

The year is 2099.

NeoBethesda releases their newest game, Skyrim III: Revenge of the Altmer.

Picking an item up off a table still causes all other items on that table to float a couple of centimetres in the air.

it's time to stop posting, todd

fallout 4's map is slightly smaller than skyrim
which was smaller than oblivion's
your point is?

hot take: todd howard is fine, it's pete hines that shits everything up

>I dont have an argument

dubs and Todd Howard suffers an aneurysm and drops dead mid-presentation this E3.

This is the truth and people taking it out on Todd have fallen for Stinky Pete's stinky plan

Yes user because Important businessmen NEVER travel for work and there’s no such things as meeting held via phone or video chat. Yeah that NEVER happens

try and make a fallout 4 world space in oblivion's editor.
it has nothing to do with size. thanks for proving you are an idiot that has no idea what they are talking about.

>massive overhauls to the engine

Attached: bee.gif (740x555, 90K)

Didnt they say 76 was a new engine?
I distinctly recall that being a marketing focus for it

This was unironically true, with perhaps the exception of skyrim. Morrowind was the first 3D Elder Scrolls game, so that was a massive overhaul. Oblivion was their first game designed primarily for consoles (morrowind was ported to the xbox but it ran like shit), which was a big overhaul. Skyrim was just Oblivion engine with more detail, maybe that required an overhaul I dunno. Fallout 4 was the first time their engine could handle a dense urban environment, which required a big performance overhaul. Fallout 76 added multiplayer, obviously writing an entire networking system can be considered an overhaul.
Everyone says Todd is a liar but when you think about it, everything he claims is actually true.

lol you're seething because you have no more arguments
keep being assblasted, i told you already fallout 4's worldspace is abysmal compared to oblivion's
>hurr just try man
either you shit more arguments or the discussion is over
i win, you lose
get fucked :^)

>meeting via phone.
So you are saying a whole game can be designed on video chat? Ok man.
This is an entire multi year project not a fucking weekly meeting.

No they Baer famously used the same engine they’ve always used, this is one of the main complaints people have with the game

>Hiring 400 employees now

Can't wait for his return in 2025. Until then, the bad taste left by 76 will remain.

>give multiple examples
>you pick out only one
And Todd Howard never designed an entire game you moron, there are teams of people who design the game that he would have been in contact with, also when did I say “weekly meeting” chances are it was way more often, most companies have meetings every day. God you’re not only ignorant of standard business practice but game development. Are you really dumb enough to think that the guy who’s actually title is “game director of fallout 76” had nothing to do with the development of the game?

>muh size
you are a fucking brainless idiot. it has nothing to do with size. they can have as many cells making up a worldspace they want. it matters what they can do in each cell.
you can't do 90% of the things in oblivion that you can do in fallout 4's creation kit.

Yeah this philosophy worked out so well for all those Bethesda games

You do realize zenimax changed their name to bethesda to leech from bethesda game studios' fame right? And you think they cant do something like slap on a director's name on an unrelated game for free publicity?

>"whistles for magic spaceship"
>FTL jumps to quest marker
>*tricorder vision activates*
>"Mmmmh... laser wounds all over the victim... a Draugnorz™ gotta be"
>"Come on Chewbacca"
>*follows tricorder*
>guys in Dragunorz™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALAALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half*
>"Mmmmhhh... Space Pirates™ pretending to be Dragunorz™... better tell the settlers about this"
>*FTL jumps back to settlers*
>"Just some bastards posing as Dragunorz™, here's proof *shows tricorder*"
>"Dragunorz™ in Danger" Complete AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>10 space credits received

Sure, but I'd revise that to "everything he claims is TECHNICALLY true". All those games (post Morrowind, anyway) all still feel the same. They all still have the same bugs. Third person will still feel shitty, animations, AI and story progression will still glitch out, melee combat will be utterly ass, higher difficulties will just make every enemy a bullet/arrow sponge.

At least for the last three or four of their games Todd's come out all cocksure at events and been all "Yeah, I GUESS some people have said our games have had bugs, but this time, the engine is a total rework", only for them to suffer from the exact same issues.

Some fucking humility is all I'm asking for.


Wow I see you really decided to go full on retard in your post here user.
>ZeniMax changed their name to Bethesda to leech off of Bethesda’s fame
First of all ZeniMax did NOT change their name to Bethesda, Bethesda existed before ZeniMax studios ever existed and the owners of Bethesda made the company ZeniMax as a parent company to Bethesda in fucking 1999 when nobody knew who they were, everything you said about them changing their name for publicity is downright wrong and straight up pulled from your ass
>put on Todd’s name for publicity
Okay this is where you really start pulling shit from your ass. What would even make you say this? I could go on about how you have absolutely zero proof of this. But instead let’s just talk about how dumb of a concept that is to begin with, imagine that in other situations “yeah let’s put kojimas name as the director of a game he had nothing to do with to sell more copies.” I mean do you honestly think that they just slapped Todd’s name on there for publicity, how fucking stupid are you

That's false.

Attached: 1558473056808.gif (271x223, 659K)

Do research yourself then nigger, you’re saying that “Todd Howard wasn’t really the director and Bethesda just slapped his name on there’s for publicity” is a true statement?

You can't be the 'director' on a multi year project if you're 1500 miles away working at another company.

You’re a fucking moron m8, I’ve explained to you several times that you CAN in fact do this. You think fucking tech CEO’s and finance big wigs are unable to do business in places in other countries because it’s far away? Business is able to function across the entire fucking world, you think Todd doesn’t take business trips or regularly communicate with his staff in Austin?

why does this get me every time?
fucking kek

Sorry zoom zoom that's not how the real world works. Maybe in your fantasy world game directors can make games from 1500 miles away.

*blocks your path*

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Custom spells were in morrowind dick bird and there were MORE options then. They literally took Morrowind, made an obvious update to melee combat not being a dice roll and removed a bunch of spell options and updated the graphics.

Oblivion was essentially a downgrade to Morrowind. At least in Skyrim they revamped the dated spell system and revamped the downgraded skill system.

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>Quixel's Megascans tech

So they just bought a bunch of megascans and are going to pretend that they're working hard on the game. Got it.

Attached: Megascans.jpg (2560x2160, 1.43M)

>zoom zoom
Oh now I get it, you’re too fucking old to understand how a business operates in the 21st century. I’m 26 and a day trader And let me tell you something fagoid my office is in New York and I’m in constant contact with offices from Tokyo, Hong Kong, and London. I take regular buisiness trips places in lieu of my superiors and my bosses travel even more than I do. We regularly have meetings with people joining via conference from other offices across the world. And I’m not even a fucking boss, I know for a fact that the C-level people at my firm travel regularly and constantly contact people all over the world. At first I thought you were underage but now I see that you’re just too fucking old to comprehend how a modern day business runs. And it’s no different for game development, you know that it wasn’t JUST the Austin office that developed the game but several other Bethesda offices across the country. Your saying “Todd couldn’t have developed it” just goes to show how truly ignorant you are about how this process works






You're stupid.

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Attached: todd small.webm (910x942, 1.92M)

The issue with the engine isn't limited to just visuals, if the game looked indistinguishable from real life, it wouldn't matter if characters kept breaking apart and transforming into eldritch abominations

Absolutely BRUTAL

Attached: 1528681398647.jpg (1400x797, 302K)

Thats not new tech!

Attached: AH HAHAH FAGGOT.jpg (101x125, 3K)

Wow never knew Todd was this small. Suddenly my respect for Bethesda reached a new low.

Attached: 1553479898216.jpg (400x399, 93K)

>more quantity
>better graphics
fuck yeah this is exactly what bethesda needs to fix their games

Whatever, enjoy being irrelevant. Dumb frogposter

>massive overhauls to the engine
That's like polishing a turd
>these NPCs aren't scripted
>it just works
>over 300 endings

fuck off todd

>graphics are the only thing that engines do

No one dislikes Skyrim/Fallout 4 because of their graphics dude.

so like what?
just more asset clutter?
>it's s-smaller b-but more d-detailed!11!
this is what todd actually wants you to believe
keep sucking bethesda corporate cock, you worthless bethesdadrone lmfao

>massive overhauls to the engine

this game is gonna be fucking massive and full of automatically generated landmasses filled with automatically generated content for all that sweet radiant AI and radiant questing sign me the fuck up

16 times the detail

They can't even master the engine they were using for 20 years. and you want them to use something completely new?

Who's laughing now?

Todd jokes are the only jokes I will truly never tire of

Reminder that Gamebryo isn't the problem, Bethesda is
>most problems present in bethesda's use in gamebryo aren't present in others
>gamebryo has a history of MMO games created with its engine
>the PC version of skyrim/fallout 4 especially suffers from being bad console ports
>it wasn't long after Bethesa's buggy texture pack got fixed by the community, why is that? Bethesda sucks at their job

Attached: bagg.jpg (191x226, 37K)

I feel like they could make a glorified mod of Skyrim with sci-fi assets that is just a first person version of KotOR and it would probably please a lot of people and make a whole lot of money.
Instead I don't know exactly how, but I firmly believe they'll fuck it up.

Attached: Possessioner_0316.png (464x256, 33K)


wow imagine the pain in the ass adding all of that in that old engine they're using.
Because you don't want me to believe they're dropping it right? kek

Can't wait to be able to use the same nude mods I used in skyrim in starfield!


Attached: 1556490629219.gif (250x190, 1.84M)

I'm just excited for space sex mods.

post todds.

Attached: todd-moon.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

I will never ever get tired of Todd's lies. They are so soothing. I am ready to be lulled into a false sense of security by his warm words once again.

>Tell me lies, sweet sweet lies Todd, I need them.

Attached: Heresy Spotted.jpg (125x85, 2K)

Attached: subscribe to my game.png (420x619, 439K)

>>new engine

Attached: My sides have become one.gif (480x369, 3.03M)

>trusting Todd's little lies
Not this time

Attached: 1489710869486.jpg (1280x1062, 266K)

>walk up to your ship
>My Spaceship (E)
>press E
>screen fades to black, lightspeed noises play
>screen fades back, you're back to your computer desktop because the game crashed

Attached: 1554914625383.jpg (1024x1007, 60K)

>Thinks "better graphics" is the reason people want them to stop using their shitty, cobbled-together bastard of an engine thats just a shitter version of a 22 years old one
What an absolute fucking retard you are. Who gives a fuck about the quality of the writing if their games don't even work anymore?

>>"whistles for magic spaceship"
>>FTL jumps to quest marker
>>*tricorder vision activates*
>>"Mmmmh... laser wounds all over the victim... a Draugnorz™ gotta be"
>>"Come on Chewbacca"
>>*follows tricorder*
>>guys in Dragunorz™ costumes appear
>>"Shit you stink" ALALALAALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half*
>>"Mmmmhhh... Space Pirates™ pretending to be Dragunorz™... better tell the settlers about this"
>>*FTL jumps back to settlers*
>>"Just some bastards posing as Dragunorz™, here's proof *shows tricorder*"
>>"Dragunorz™ in Danger" Complete AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
space credits received
well fuck 10/10

Attached: Double KEK to U my friend.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

>walk up to your ship
>My Spaceship (E)
>press E
>screen fades to black, a still model of a man in armour slowly rotates on the screen along with some text in the corner
>"Nords are 50% resistant to cold damage. They can use Battlecry to make their enemies flee, for a short time."
>screen fades back, you're on another planet in front of your spaceship