/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

Post your console or PC setups!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Please bully

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organize your cables a bit
too cluttered, a larger desk that allows the monitors to be spread out would be nicer

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Is that an apartment? Do your neighbours complain about the drums?

This has a lot of potential. I'd say get some curtains, a proper desk, a rug for the hardwood floors, and maybe bookshelves or endtables or something to put on either side of the window and this would be a very comfy room

condo, no. have even blasted music, games and movies and never heard a complaint. as long as it's not past 11pm it's all good
moving to nyc this year, so not gonna do much in here, but i do like the empty look. i have a bookshelf in the living room already seen here

i don't like the chinese virgin shit all over your room but i dig Commander keen so you get a pass

>condo, no. have even blasted music, games and movies and never heard a complaint. as long as it's not past 11pm it's all good
I'm jealous.

Attached: Battlestation.jpg (4160x3120, 3.7M)

Raise the painting up a little bit, it shouldn't be tucked behind your monitor. Otherwise, this setup is good

>why yes, my battlestation is a dusty PS2 I never play, a Lenovo Ideapad that hasn't been booted up in 5 years, and a Samsung Galaxy S8 with a burnt-in screen, my daily -- How did you know?

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Looks nice and comfy

After 26 years I finally have my own battlestation
and I still live with my parent

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your father is disappointed in you

What the fuck, how the hell it got upside down?

otaku-senpai notice me

How's Australia this time of year?

Nice station user! It's a damn shame you're in Australia though

Attached: 20190525_105911.jpg (4032x3024, 3.97M)

Learn to take a proper picture and rethink your life choices

Those are electric, most people with electric kits either play with headphones or you can just plug it into a speaker and not turn it up too high. There's no need to play an electric kit really loud unless you're playing with other people, but if you're playing live acoustic kits can be mic'd up and sound better anyway


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That is some plebian taste you have there user

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It's winter but the last week has been consistently pretty sunny and around 25 degrees celsius, I don't know what that is in burger units, probably around 80 I'd guess, I believe your 100 is pretty close to our 30

Who doesn't
Genuinely looks fine before it's posted
>rethink your life choices
In the middle of it. Don't worry.

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Hi straya

TVs kinda small but I don’t mind it

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Looks better from the side. Do your neighbors ever bitch at you about those speakers and sub?

Only once, during a house warming get together. But that was around 3am

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not giving out my stream link. wanna keep my normie life and my Yea Forums life separate.

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I wanna smoke durries on that

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I don't care if it's plebian or not, I just like a lot of things and would rather just enjoy things rather than be concerned about what the internet thinks of them



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Saving this image and archiving this post. If you ever leak this on your stream/youtube/social media and i catch wind of it, you better believe I'm exposing your ass you fucking bitch.

t. nolife that spends all day on twitch (in the background of course while i play video games)

which one is for your amazing chat

youre worse than him. consider death

you mean all those 7 afks?

Ah what the heck, I'll share.

Attached: battlestation pano.jpg (5411x1931, 2.69M)

i hope you do, that'd be great. might get a couple luls for about 30 seconds, then we'll all forget

the one on the right. i pull about 200-400 viewers a stream. it's okay though, I know you wanted me to be a bottom of the barrel streamers. everything in this image was paid for with stream money except for the monitors other than the main monitor, and some of the pc parts. i had that before i started a couple years ago.

t. normalfag

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which ones have you hotglued

Cringe consumerist cuck in his parents' house.

>all those toys and useless pricey plastic stuff
Consumerist cuck too.

Get a life.

Attached: bs209ed.jpg (2016x1512, 695K)

>Yea Forums now promotes watching twitch streamers


>not being a neet nolife with 0 friends who lives vicariously through cool streamers such as sodapoppin
>thinks he belongs on Yea Forums

the one in your mom's bedroom

i like money, friends and my gf. sorry broski

Boomer time

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stfu normalscum


Not much, but I'm happy with it.

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And my spot for VR. Planning to do some cable management...eventually.

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How do you keep everything from falling off your ceiling?

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>Consumerist cuck
Not everyone wants to live in a blank room with nothing but a chair and a small desk in the corner

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>buying furniture
Get this consumerist cuck

What does yours look like?

I bet he owns money too lol. What a cuck.

Imagine not living in a house you built by hand with nothing but decorations that you, your white wife and 3 white children hand crafted along with works of art your wife made and multiple bookshelves filled with masterpieces such as crime and punishment and to kill a mockingbird to display the vast wealth of knowledge you now posess. Fucking hell my dude, get a life.

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A bit messy but ok

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>dat PC

jesus christ it's a battlestation thread not gore you fuck.

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need to take better pics

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Comfiest ITT, ngl.

I live in a tiny basement suite alone and get no guests so I surround myself with escapism crap. Kill me

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Eh, why not?

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Nice physical copies

>Stones fan

Where’s the fat fuck who has the shitty pizza in every post

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we're gonna make it bro..

Fuck off, Rust.

I still don't get the pig, where the fuck would you have to be to have a whole pig? A butcher shop with this many screens? A farm?

I almost missed you.

Sorry, I've been rather busy lately! I was on vacation and out with friends and a bunch of other stuff recently!

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been a while since I posted in a bst

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I plan on updating the monitors soon so I’ll do better cable management the .
Why soulless?

RIP your PC.

That sounds nice.

How many dicks did you suck on vacation .

It has been! Now I'm at home playing video games as usual.

well, was good while it lasted. bye

I call bullshit

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I love it.

Love you manga collection I use to have a good one and I got rid of it like an idiot.
The Castlevania Collection was so underwhelming
Nice view
for that view

its not ideal sure, but I clean it about every 1-2 months and she still holds up okay

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, there is a tear rolling down my cheek that is so beautiful.

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A lot of you motherfuckers have such bare walls. Get some art to put up there. Paintings, maps, ornaments, anything. Even shelves would be better than an entire room of bare walls.

I want all of that shelf space minus all the animu shit. I need a better place to put my GFs Sentai and Kamen Rider shit.

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What TV is that?

50 inches Chinese TV.
Insanely good value, 399 euros.

I'd kill for a view this good

Here's a picture for proof.

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I fucking love it

literal fag shit

Are you afraid of getting recorded?

It's offline

Wifi? Cellular?

Hey nice we have the same cacodemon plushie

>he doesn't know

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There is wifi on it yeah.
But I don't use it at all.
It only serves as a console display, not a TV per se.

Based and Christpilled

Attached: The Last Supper.jpg (1200x773, 469K)

10/10 effort

dat old ass 102 model M keyboard or is it 102 windows? hnnggngng

Proof of what?

That I'm playing video games like I said.

You can play video games with a dick in your mouth.

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pc gamers whats the best electric air blower to keep your pc dust free? I dont like the cans because you can't tilt them

All of that for 37 viewers streams

Oh, no. I didn't get to enjoy the delicious taste of Dicks in my mouth until I got back home. Linking offsite in case a mod gets anal about it...

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>monitors not height alligned
>having edge, search and multitasking on your taskbar
>desk going into the door way

Yes! you guessed It.

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Based as fuck


honestly doesn't look even that bad
also small monitors like that are nice

is your chair invisible
otherwise basic but rather comfy

nice desk

isn't it a bit awkward to sit at a round angle like that? otherwise nice shelves

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That room honestly looks comfy as fuck.

Thank you, thank you. I pour my soul into my humor.

No actually, plenty of arm space. I was surprised as well, since this was the only way I could get the keyboard and mouse to be in front of the monitor. Nice room and battlestation.
>nice shelves

How would you feel about a dicks burger flavored dick?

To be honest I thought it was just okay. It was good for the price, but I have to say I love the taste for the joke to work. I don't like burgers that much.

Monitors will get updated shortly.
I totally ignored that edge was there. It has bee removed now.
Its a double sized entry and I set my backpack for work against the wall so its not like im missing walking space.

>Dont like burgers

What are you a feminized soiboy?

I grew up eating too much beef and now I'm not fond of it.

Haven't bought anything gaming related in a while except for Dragon's Crown Pro edition for the PS4 since it was only 16.70 USD.

Before that I spent almost 200USD on Gloomhaven with an organizer kit.

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whats the keyboard?

Fucking soiboy

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Fuck you

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Why are you angry?
Did I say something insulting?

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still at it claiming youre poor, huh? fuck off bro

My income is well below the median income in California.
Mine is barely around 50k while the average is 62k.
So I am not even average on income.
But not having a gold digging wife or kids helps.

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shitty summer intern setup

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I'm trying to appreciate everything you have but the fuckyoupops are really making me frown op. You could literally esty better figs, and not just have generic shit. Overall though, pretty nice.

Damn dood, only post I felt a need to comment on. I'm a little jelly desu.

TV and playstation. Nothing too great.

Attached: my room.jpg (1162x800, 704K)

that is one hell of a luxurious palace for a college student, let alone a poor one

next level faggot

hey im watching south park right now too. The aspen episode

Good luck Masterbating
>have to turn down each photo before touching yourself.

Attached: Battlestation in progress.jpg (4028x3781, 2.4M)

>not masturbating to the pictures

>face cam
you're a faggot anyway

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ps4 is upside down

Desk and mousepad are too small really

Your room is nice and big bur the placement is terrible. move the PC to the middle so you don't hit your head on your ceiling.

maybe he is 5'4 and won't hit his head

Shit dude, when did you move in? Yesterday was it?

did you ever buy the spyder screen tuner?

Not enough space to use third monitor and idc about cable management

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How is that luxurious for a college student who had a full time job and only goes to college part time?

Any minimum wage job can afford that.

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Buy some monitor arms

Been a little over a year now, actually (though I did only set up the desk and such a few months ago).

Just have a list a mile long of other stuff to do, and I try to keep the clutter to a minimum..

based fellow chad, no need for fucking chairs.

At least your still idort


based third strike poster

Probably will soon

i had high hopes you off'd yourself already

Better luck next time user!

>Herman Hedning, Franken fran, Devilman, Vinland
Bra smak

youd better tap that ass while shes playing Pocket Camp user

Pics of the view? Seems comfy af...


"Hey watch this ep it's really funny"
>they sit on their phone the entire fucking time and miss every fucking joke then claim they watched it

You were so close


I do, don't worry. And keen eyes. She loves that fucking game. She goes back and forth between it and New Leaf all the time.

Nah. It's just on as background noise.


that's what my cousin says for every fucking show he has running on netflix while on his phone
"background noise" fuck you

Does it have a dick?

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>he's not dead
feels bad bros
hope you bite it soon

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>he doesn't put TV on for some sound in the room
What a fag.


Sorry user, you've gotta put up with me for a few more years unless my heart stops or something.

>he doesn't put TV on for some sound in the room
it's called music you cuck

Hopefully an user breaks into your house and kills you honestly, you're so fucking annoying

i want to buy figs/prints for my office but i can't imagine having bold and brash with video game shit, how can you guys mix and match stuff

Prove it

I don't tend to share my address with the sorts of people that'd kill me.

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is that a B&O crt?

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Sorry for the mess. Been sick all weekend.

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Yeah, MX7000.

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Oh, if the job was full time yeah that does make sense. When you say college student most people think no job or part time job that pays you three peanuts a month. A student room here in baguetteland is 9m2, or in the 16-20m2 range if you're lucky.


very nice setup user

You never know, some people are good at finding that stuff out

stop being annoying, you're almost 30 and all you do is attention whore on Yea Forums for money

Cheap ass with the costco table. Return that shit and grab something from craigslist or maybe from Ikea.

Uh, no. Not gonna post my girlfriend.
If you can't tell that's a female by her waist/ass alone, you're a sad person.

Thank you very much. Here's the newest addition, my friend won her for me out of a UFO catcher at an arcade nearby.
I've still a little less than five years before I'm 30, you gotta take it easy user...

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>changing what you previously said to make yourself sound younger
pathetic, hope you bite it soon

user is dating a tranny

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Higher chance of anons breaking to his house and hold him down a rape him.

I've been 25 for almost a year, I don't know where you heard otherwise.
I'm not for that.

I rent an apartment that is right next to my university.
It's a 2 bedroom with a den but it's really small for such a setup so it's only about 800 sq ft...if even that.

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whatever makes him stop being an arrogant obnoxious fuck spamming the board 30 times a day
bite it

Not user you are replying to but our apartment is 758 sq ft. 1 bedroom. Your kitchen must be horribly small.

Give me your critique, I can take it.

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30 years old was the first time I got heartburn.
don't look forward to being 30+ because that's when you start to realize your body is slowly dying and you are getting a sneak peek preview of it before shit hits the fan.

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on the bright side he probably won't live that long

I’m 35 and in good shape.

Arrogant? Obnoxious? user, you wound me...
I work out regularly and I'm pretty healthy aside from a minor issue, I'm sure I'll be fine at least a little longer than average.

How are the Ikea desks for stability and a mounted monitor?

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wow, we have a winner. amazing.

Is the minor issue the lack of dick up your ass?

I hope someone wounds you mortally

Yes. I'm sorry to say it but my body has been slowly shutting down because of this.

Well you see the kitchen in my pic...so yes it is small but I don't need a lot of space.
It's enough to seat my friends for a game of Gloomhaven.
The hallway leading to my two bedrooms also opens into a den where my computer stuff is so it make use of its small space well.
There is only one bathroom that is small which leave more space for other stuff.

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I'll volunteer to help you out.

Haha, good response that made me laugh. Why do people hate you again?

smart using the carpet so you know where the center is

>spam """porn""" of yourself for 3 years constantly
>mods don't ban you
>get people to donate money because you're a whore
worse than twitch sluts

That's not very kind or polite user.
No thank you, but I appreciate your kind offer.
I'm like the gay version of the boogieman or something.

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I can't just let you die.

>Are you dating a tranny, user?
>Prove it

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You can still be in good shape but it's a fact that after your mid 20s your bodies ability of cell reproduction starts to slow down.

Evolution only needs you to survive long enough to provide offspring and raise them until they can survive on their own.
Even if you can live longer your body will eventually betray you.
Some can hold it of longer but there will be some subtle telling signs like not being able to handle certain food as well or gaining weight faster when your diet is the same.
You might pull a muscle more often or take longer to get better from being sick.

Attached: Nvidia's best.jpg (1920x1418, 899K)

people that desperately chase trannies are worse than the trannies themselves, you should be ashamed

People who obsessively hate trannies are worse than trannies as well.

where did you get that poster?

nah, kill yourself

No don’t you have trannies to obsess over?


>ruin every thread they post in
>i'm the bad guy for calling a spade a spade
get checked, hopefully hung

It's okay user. Thank you for your kindness in my final moments.

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if only, you should go back and check the archives to see how many people noticed you were gone and were happy they thought you died

I won't let it end like this. I will sacrifice myself for the greater good of this image board and the world.

I find your obsessed faggots ruin more threads than the trannies. Hell this one itself is being ruined by you not by any tranny as there aren’t any trannies in here.

>as there aren’t any trannies in here.
samefag orbiter

At least take some new photos.

800 sq ft is only marginally larger than what a couple of relatively old people who make high wages can get here. Minimum wage is like 400 square feet in an inexpensive place at best here.

I could never leave my friends behind user, I'm not done here yet.
It's okay, I've lived a full and happy life.
I just did

not worth the effort when he can bait just as easily with old pics

even all the photos of himself are years old

You're too young. You aren't supposed to die before 30...

My setup is like an Ispy picture

how many things can you spot?

Attached: mega desk.jpg (4032x3024, 3.8M)

My old setup.

Attached: IMG_0176.jpg (1600x1200, 809K)


Nice Kagami

You already did post your """girl"""friend you stupid fuck.

Just got a new monitor but I'm too lazy to clean up

Attached: mychairhurts.jpg (1920x1920, 3.54M)

You got too many icons on your desktop

nice n64, got the same one

these things seem to be pretty rare I'm told, at least here in europe

Attached: Wz5rQfi.jpg (1620x1080, 267K)

those lamps dont work

My uncle just died a few days ago at the age of 66.
He drank way too much and none of my relatives could convince him to get help.

And even at 66 doctors did a thorough investigation on the cause because of his "young" age of death.
So if 66 is young for death then 20s is infant mortality.

RIP Uncle always remember you when I was a kid, giving me 20 bucks at carnival games and for when you said your line,"Hello Doctor!" when a pretty lady walked by.

My grandmother is still alive in her 90s and had to witness her child's death.

Sometimes living to be very old can be haunting.
A Parent should not out live their child.

Attached: disneyland shoe shiner polishing my uncles shoes.jpg (475x353, 49K)

...it's a lamp. Bulb goes in, light comes out.

fuck you and fuck your family

Looking good brother

>battle network pictures
>/fit/ posters
>konami rhythm games
>turbocharger behind the computer
>DJDAO IIDX controller underneath pikachu
>toonami promo materials
>old pokemon burgerking toys
>pokemon manga
>tokyo ghoul
>diablo 3 concept art backgrounds


where do I buy a crt like that one? (model name/#)

My condolences. Didn't expect a reply like that it honestly hit me pretty hard.


Attached: bs.png (2048x1152, 3.36M)

looks like hes aging the meat must be paranoid about quality or likes watching it age.

You shouldn't draw Kirby with fat tits like that user. That's gross.

Those are Shadow Kirbys arms...

I bought it off eBay for 80 bucks.
It's a Samsung TXP-1430 it has Component but no S-Video.

Attached: 20190403_152711.jpg (3024x4032, 3.7M)

New setup, pls rate.

Attached: 2019-05-26_19.11.16.png (1920x1017, 296K)

I am not so sad. My uncle lived his life the way he wanted.
He knew heavy drinking at such an age would be the end of him but he made his choice and stuck to it.

I just wish he realized he was giving a mother one of the worst outcomes they can think of.

I plan to outlive my parents at the very least.
They are in their 60s so they probably have another 20 or so years left and I think I can hang on for that long if I don't get killed in some freak accident.

On a gaming related topic my Uncle was the one who upgraded my grandfather's computer decades back so he could play flight sims.
My grandfather was a WWII pilot and loved flight sims.
He played them up into his 80s until he started getting dementia and passed on.

Attached: dad at disneyland.jpg (457x343, 46K)

What are you niggers expecting me to post?
Face? No.
Nudes? I don't have any. We're not idiots who send shit like that.

More body or what? Even if I do that, you won't believe me.

get a psychologist rich faggot no one really cares about your """troubles"""

They’re trying to fuck with you, dumbass. Just ignore them. What a retard.

Relax, no one is serious. Who cares that you bone trannies?

Attached: 5e2.jpg (554x439, 106K)

This. I mean what straight guy wouldn’t bone a guy with the ass and waist like the guy in your image.

Thank you for sharing all that. I really should be sleeping now though. Have a wonderful day.

Why do you think I am rich?
Just curious.

Not that user, but I'm looking into this kind of crt. Also, is it heavy?

Motherfucker I own gloomhaven and that table isnt even close to the right size!

I want to fuck your GF's socked soles

why does kirby have huge tits

>Judge Dredd

I am talking about my kitchen table not my coffee table which shows the game in the pic.

My kitchen table is 54 x 54 inches which is plenty space to play a 3 person game of Gloomhaven.

because of how you speak
you think your uncle who lived old somehow is inherently more valuable or important than anyone else despite being an alcoholic

ah ok I was going to say, I have a fucking 2 meter long deck table I need to play mine on, but we go pretty all out with the shop on display in a holder and the map ready to look at.

I didn't think he was valuable.
Only made the post to make a point that even doctors think 66 years old is still a younger age of death.

Only valuable people on this planet are those who are advancing society in one shape or form like Norman Borlaug.

Moved my desk out of the closet and in front of the window for a change. The drawback is I can't see shit in dark games with the windows open now. But it feels good with the windows open and you get a breeze.

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I'm going to replace my two monitors with an ultrawide. Having 2 monitors is a waste of electricity.

based retard

Modern monitors use very little electricity.
I leave my computer on 24/7 and if I don't use my air conditioner much then my electricity is only like 45 dollars at the end of the month.

Attached: dash.jpg (2235x1257, 305K)

I'm fairly strong so I can lift it with one arm while moving cables so I don't know.

Cute Alphinaud.

Are you an anti-vaccine person as well?
Maybe you think the Earth if flat, that the moon landing was faked and that the 9/11 attacked was a hoax with hologram airplanes.

Attached: DT770 Pro 80.jpg (1920x1424, 568K)

great strawman you stupid fuck, no wonder your uncle had shit genes like you

vaccines are good, earth is spheroid not round, moon landing happened, 9/11 wasn't a hoax

Holy shit how much of a jew shill can you be?

Attached: 1557809237607.jpg (632x632, 69K)

Not pictured: TV used as second monitor for Discord, which won't fit on the desk, and keyboard which is in a pull out drawer.

Attached: 1547387325710.jpg (4032x3024, 2.49M)

>earth is spheroid not round
This is the most pretentiously autistic thing I've read all weak. Nice job, user.

>i'm a jew because i think gmos are bad
based retard

For a 26-pound TV, I guess that's not hard to lift then.

Attached: Untitled.png (1073x450, 228K)

I didn't say you were wrong, you illiterate mong. From your image:
>The sphere is an approximation of the figure of the Earth that is satisfactory for many purposes
except user's because he wants people to think he's smart when instead he just seems like a gigantic, snooty asshole

Nah just proving a point about people who are scared of genetically modified crops.

Without it billions of more people would not be alive today.

And with the future issues in climate change we will need it more than ever.

If a group of crops all carry the same weakness then they can all be wiped out at once but if you genetically alter them so they have various resistances then you can avoid that.

Some people just get freaked out when they hear something is not natural.

Death is natural so go jump off a freakin bridge.

>billions of more people would not be alive today

Your sorry ass would probably not be here without it.

Based Voyagerbro

>that one ugly as sin josuke statue every fag and their brother gets
>no physical jojo
taste wasted

the dirtiest quick fix is opening this in paint and adding one black pixel and saving it. It's got to do with orientation data that gets lost along the way.

I have an electric set, and let me tell you, it's still not great when you live in an apartment.

bear down you lovable faggots

Screw it. I'm going to get drunk on Galveston beach. Anyone near, pick me up and feed me.

richfag seethe lmao

r8, h8, and masterb8 you cucks

Attached: battlestation.jpg (4000x3000, 1.05M)

nice sharks brah

you're a fucking gay

you're a fucking hoarder

you're a fucking poor who eats ramen and can't put it anywhere besides his fucking desk

you own something from the hunger games

overall you're the shittiest cuck in this thread.


UNLESS those sauce packets to the left of your keyboard are ranch


I own hunger games but I haven't read it.
In terms of hoarding, the shit on this desk is the extent of everything I own that isn't some sort of food or clothing.
Sorry, it's sns

Battlestation lads, I need thou guidance.

Basically, I'm getting a Fredde desk from IKEA and the thing that bothers me is that there's no easy way to manage cables. Is there any accessories you guys can recommend or are kino? And what's the name for basically just a trunk-like place to dumb a power strip in and cables so it's not all over the place?

this is basically my virgin battlestation so go easy on me since im a fucking retard who never got the luxury.
