Game is 20% off on the switch, is it worth picking up?
Dead Cells
it's free on PC. fuck off shill.
it's fun.
don't ask me for any criticisms of the game because I don't have any.
It's alright. Maybe I'd pay $15 for it.
>lose every items you have
>rng dictates what items you get
It's a roguelike. Roguelite. Roguelikelike. Whatever you want to call it. What did you expect?
Yeah it's pretty fun.
No it isn't, it's 25 bux
it runs like total shit on switch, that's not to knock the switch the devs just don't care about the system.
It's also not a very good game, it has very little content compared to something like, say, rogue legacy. They released it out of early access out of greediness because they wanted more money while the game was popular, and it shows.
i think it's one of the better roguelikelite, the gameplay can be pretty addicting and the progression is cool, there is always a few things i'm working towards
How the fuck do you play it with controller?
I have around five hours in and I'm not a big fan. I'd give it away if I could.
I enjoy this game more
How the fuck do you play it on a keyboard?
Yet another game that would be better as a straight metroidvania than a roguelike, fuck RNG, fuck procedurally generated maps and most of all fuck the fact that this game makes my OCD cry because I cannot explore the entire map and completete the required time for the door at the same time.
The gameplay however is fun as fuck and frenetical, I've been looking for a long time that could give me the same "gotta go as fast as possible" feeling that the MM Zero games gave me.
Also this bueauty gets you hyped every single time.
Like a human being. With ten fingers, you know?
I'd say yes, but then again I'm addicted to it.
It's been my go-to for killing time on the Switch. LIke Binding of Isaac is on the 3DS, MHW is on PS4 (though RDR2 is gaining ground there), haven't had a decent time-sink for PC yet.
DC is good insofar as being a Metroidvania type of game packaged for 20-ish minute play sessions.
>rouge lites
it'd be a decent enough game if you didnt have to grind to unlock everything. Games like this live and die by the variety of content and this games starts you out with zero variety. As it stands now you just keep grinding in hopes of finally getting something cool and by the time you do youre burnt out because youve been running the same levels over and over and they never really change even though its supposed to be a "roguelike". They also say its supposed to be a metroidvania but it certainly isnt that either. I think its tagged as roguelike just as an excuse for how badly designed the levels are. Its hilarious they actually took the time to make levels "generate" and then theyre 99% the same every time.
I guess its a nice-feeling combat system that failed to find a proper game to be put in.
The price is 25 dollars, whether you pirate it or not is irrelevant.
Yes, but at $25 its more expensive than most other rogue-likes on the Switch, and offers less content than other established games. Like others have said, its an "early access" game with no real ending or post game content other than grinding, although they just released an large free update. Dead Cells is polished, but doesn't really do anything new, and is not as challenging as everyone says.
You may be better off getting some others first (Issac, Rogue legacy, etc) and then picking up dead cells after you've tried those.
First post worst post.
This low-effort shit could be posted in any thread about any game, and thus you've contributed nothing. Yes, we know piracy exists. Fuck off.
Actually the switch port has been updated and runs very smoothly now
my man