Here's the link to the fix bro

>Here's the link to the fix bro
>7 viruses detected

Attached: 1558460012811.png (680x687, 424K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>click link
>10 unblockable pop-ups appear

>it's a false positive bro

>here's the link to the fix bro
>drags you by force in the middle of the night and burns you alive like it's nothing after years of loyal serving

>you have to disable your anti-virus for the CS:GO hacks to work

Attached: 1557923349056.jpg (1000x1102, 261K)

>all pop-ups are about:blank

Attached: 1554809340155.jpg (1920x2560, 862K)

>Here's a link to download my game bro

>just block the files from the your anti-virus bro
>won't work otherwise bro

Attached: LszVboV.jpg (500x333, 24K)

>just verify the game integrity bro
>It actually works
What I wanna know is why the fuck my computer will randomly delete critical game files.

Probably corruption, not spontaneous deletion of files

>anyone have a fix for [extremely specific problem not mentioned anywhere else online]?
>yeah I do, sent you a PM bro :)

>CS:GO hacks
because you're a third worlder with 80 IQ

>fiddling with mod
>hey, I can't manage to do thing, can you guys point me in the right direction?
>Why do you want to do thing? You shouldn't want to do thing?
Applies to Unix forums as well.

Attached: 1471071311642.png (501x445, 192K)

>Contact the dude who was PM'd the fix
>Spend 5 years social engineering him until you become his best friend
>Know everything about him, like you're his brother almost
>Finally get him to share his PW to that account after a tearful call at midnight
>He gives it up because you're his best bro
>Search through his PMs and finally find the fix
>Ghost the dude once you've fixed your game

>having antivirus on your pc

also fuck this guy

Attached: 1558886661236.jpg (750x703, 95K)

>ayo here's the fix m8
>adfly dot ru/d9ct7uceibcd5ibseyo

Attached: 1522617559133.jpg (508x508, 89K)

>loading L4D2
>somehow crash the game
>verify the files
>need to redownload the whole game

Attached: 1557315253991.jpg (680x451, 58K)

>because you're a third worlder with 80 IQ
is that what you tell yourself when i destroy you with my walls? do you get butthurt when you get headshot by a pistol when you're fully kitted out as I calmly walk over and take the rifle you had to save 2 for (because you can't get kills)?

Attached: 1539874627477.png (800x894, 41K)

>unironically being a proud cheater
Nothing more pathetic

hey your link doesn't work

Attached: 1556861918413.gif (170x247, 1017K)

>there's a problem with the game, i already tried the fix people usually recommend
>retard: have you tried the fix people usually recommend?

Attached: 1400998021888.jpg (446x599, 85K)

no as matter of fact i don't play Counter Strike, nor am i so retarded to download obvious "free" hacks contraining malware
>reddit frog
yikes, go back

What's the GoT Season 8 of vidya?

>Create a thread asking a question
>"Please use the search function, there are already threads about this"
>Post in existing thread
>"Friendly reminder that necro-bumping is not allowed. I am locking this thread."
>t. banned

half life 2 episode 2

how old is this fucking gif

>"Friendly reminder that necro-bumping is not allowed. I am locking this thread."
But... why?

Dark Souls 2

It's hard to believe people like you exist.

Funny thing is who ever did adfly.
Was a kid who don't have credit card

Duke Nukem Forever

Have fun paying for the game again every 5 days

>please do not make threads for questions use the dedicated question thread
>said thread is full of questions but nobody answers any of them because the only people in the thread are the ones asking for help

Attached: 1528337775072.gif (540x540, 1.18M)

You just confirmed everything he said was true.

>Make new thread on forum F95
>"Tell me, can all of the dead be called upon?"
>"That is a question you must answer for yourself"

No one will ever be as mad at hackers in games as you were when you got hacked from being a retarded monkey.

Maybe they're just getting pm'd the fix

Attached: 1549160770257.png (200x193, 30K)

CS:GO is f2p now

It's the worst thing about going to a long-running forum. RPGcodex is the most egregious offender.

>Best Blue Screen Of Death Fixer Software, fix PC errors in 3 Steps!
>Download FREE LINK


>actually happened to a friend of mine
>the tech who fixed it blamed the antivirus I got him since the virus embedded in its files
>his family refused to talk to me for a month
>all of this after I warned him about shady PM downloads and helped get him a new wireless card

Attached: 1557962063604.png (519x508, 455K)

>Make new thread
>Hey, I finished the game 15 years ago, I was wondering if there was a cheat to skip this one obnoxious level on my current playthrough
>Why do you want to cheat? Half the fun is figuring it out for yourself. What's the point in playing the game if you're not going to play it fair?

Attached: 1470949227308.jpg (600x602, 79K)


>hear stories about this
>determined that I'm not going tobe *that* guy
>Post the fix publicly
>post gets deleted and I get banned for helping pirates

At last I truly see.

>that only happens on pirated copies :) reported for illegal activities

>I'm getting a CTD in this area of the game consistently, not sure why, don't have any mods installed.
>Asshat: You will always get crashes when playing with mods... Blah blah blah.

git gud

>New porn game
>You need to lost to see lewd screen

Sometimes you actually do since antiviruses will detect things as viruses even if they have no actual virus in them, just code in them that viruses use, or even if they came from a website that is known to host a lot of viruses.

I'd still never fall for that line unless I know from other third parties that the file is clean though.


>Mod is only Nexus
>4 GB

Attached: 1558769925391.png (687x849, 685K)

>find decade old link to fix buried in the ass end of the internet on a dead forum
>link is still live and the fix works

Attached: 1526571780829.jpg (523x634, 179K)

Install common sense in your brain.
Run Malwarebytes before running stuff or Virustotal.

This is such a fucking bullshit thing. Nigger I'll post if I want to, either delete the thread or fucking answer my question. Pretentious fags only have an issue with "necro-posting". Even Steamforums suffer from these absolute fags.

and you can't make a burner account because...?

>it's actually the only game you have acquired legally

Attached: 1489249033180.jpg (500x500, 53K)

You should go play the lottery, user.

Is he still your friend after that event?

>not 3,6GB
missed opportunity, comrade

does anyone have the image of the post where the guy posts how he went through a ton of shit for a fix and it actually worked?

>you still don't learn who this 'blank' is

Attached: in_shock.jpg (864x720, 126K)

Arcanum all the way

the terra-arcanum forums are a godsend

It's a holdover from when people didn't understand how forums worked and thought month/year long conversations were currently happening. So they'd post a reply to dead threads where all the conversation participants had long since left or forgotten what they were talking about, which did nothing but clog the main page up with "zombie" threads that bumped active discussions off of it and pissed everyone off.

The problem arises when people consider every bump of a dead thread to be "necroposting" and not someone using an old thread for its intended purpose, or someone bringing in new information to restart the conversation.

>Try the recommended fix bro
>It doesn't work
>You're delusional yes it does

Attached: 1558769694847.jpg (1920x1080, 977K)

>You have to be valued member of the community before you can get these mods
Fucking gunmettle

Attached: 1558297704976.gif (480x200, 350K)

>game has crashed to desktop
>can you explain me how game can CTD?
>I-I can't
>Are you stupid?

Attached: 1557267907939.png (315x274, 169K)

Chernobyl-themed memes are my favorite memes for a long time

>sorry, you can not post questions before having answered at least 6 open questions

>Find fix on forum
>only members can download access the link
>make account
>have to verify and shit
>try to download
>you need X amount of days before you can download files
>after all of that the link is expired

Attached: 1556820043173.jpg (800x450, 42K)

>Go to forum to download mods for game
>"Users must register to see links"
>"Users must lose newbie status to download links"
>Find out you need 50 posts to lose newbie status
>"Warning: Users posting frivolous responses to inflate post count will be banned"
>Spend 30 minutes browsing random sections of the forum and typing out long drawn out responses like I actually give a shit about people's problems until I reach 50
>Download my shit
>Never post again

Attached: 1773857449778.jpg (500x500, 79K)

>link expired two hours ago

>The link works trust me bro

Attached: 1558766043829.jpg (1440x952, 371K)

Me too brother

>Sir, the game is rising the core temp to 80 degrees C
>That's just the directx 10 effect, I've seen this happen before.

Attached: 1557319423456.jpg (1303x834, 231K)

Fuck I love Chernobyl memes.

>game company folded long time ago
>their game still has some issues with fixes on their old forums
>forums go down for good, no more fixes
>ask for help on another forum
>"Go look in their official forums, the forums are still up and running"

Attached: graphite.png (1251x1096, 2.2M)

>Anti-miner software to protect you from bitcoin miners actively mines bitcoins

Attached: dudewhat.jpg (342x344, 9K)

>Recently playing Fallout 3 for a refresher of how awful the balance is among other things
>Remember when I played previously I ended up getting a house in both Megaton and Tenpenny Tower
>"I wonder how that worked, I should look it up so I know and can do it again in the future"
>All I can find is posts of people saying it happened to them with no other info, posts of people saying it's impossible, and one post of someone asking on Reddit how it works and all the replies are about how it's cheating
I will never ever know how it works.

Resident Evil 6.

>Hey I keep getting error saying files are missing.What do I do
>It there bro just unpack some of the zip files

Attached: 1558770106693.jpg (480x851, 82K)

from gamefaqs:
>You can do the quest to get your Megaton house. This renders the Tenpenny house door unusable. However, some ppl have said you can go through Tenpenny's suite, go to the balcony, go around the building, and pick the outside door to the Tenpenny suite. Those who have reported on it have said it behaves just like if you were supposed to have the house (IE: butler, bobblehead stand, stuff doesn't disappear. However, you don't get the option to buy accessories for your Tenpenny apartment.

>Hey, the crack is missing, can you upload it?
>What are you talking about bro? Its there in the files, just unzip the files bro.

Attached: this_user.png (900x676, 410K)

>move from page to page
>fix is on last page
>you need to register to view links because some asshole thought more accounts = more traffic
>finish registration
>need to verify email
>verification email refuses to arrive
>"resend email"
>both arrive at the same time
>use first one
>its invalid
>use second one
>go back to link

Attached: 1542921713750.png (420x420, 9K)

>have trouble installing a mod
>go to the official modpage on nexus
>"My mod will NOT work with a pirated copy. If you are using a trainer/crack to run your game, you should consider supporting the devs and purchasing the game by legal means"
Fuck you pal

Were you actually using a pirated copy?

>>verification email refuses to arrive
>>"resend email"
>>both arrive at the same time
Relatable. Cheeky bastards lulling me into a false sense of security


It's not that simple unfortunately, there's something specific that triggers that door being unlocked and nobody knows what it is.

>Hey I just downloaded the mod and keep getting a black screen what do?
>Hey bro it doesn't say it but you're gonna some the main game files so it works
>Already done bro

Attached: 1558767384727.jpg (1600x1246, 872K)

>you now remember megavideo had a "you can only watch 72 minutes of content per day"

>you're gonna some the main game files so it works
why do we allow europeans on this site?

>>"My mod will NOT work with a pirated copy"
>Mod works in anyways
Most mod authors are lying faggots, especially when it comes to piracy, unless it has some sort of script it will likely work or you can update it yourself

Attached: aGjxqPG_700b.png (700x583, 330K)

So comerade I had a rough day at work and now I'm feeling a little sick

Attached: 1558768406994.jpg (732x792, 130K)

someone get this man to the infirmary, everything he needs

Attached: 1.jpg (814x903, 88K)

Alien: Colonial Marines

>Game shuts down the moment I start playing
>Ask for a fix
>Just change the shadow resulution to medium bro
>It fucking works

Sometimes I'm just amazed on how weirdly easy a fix can be.

Attached: 1505741582383.jpg (647x622, 18K)

>missing the point
nexus downloads are capped at 1mb/s if you don't give them money

Don't worry bro I'm all good :)

Attached: 1558769168819.jpg (1292x1262, 809K)

>have game
>some guy makes a cool mod
>stop updating it after some time, says won't update it anymore
>"hey bro, can I take over your mod to update it for the new versions of the game?"
>"no, I won't update the mod anymore"

Attached: 1546853361350.jpg (638x1000, 86K)

pretty much, the only time I had trouble with it, I just had to update the link and all was swell (it was Europa Barbarorum, incidentally)


>download is a 17 part archive
>part 11 of 17 link is down

Attached: 1557802229908.jpg (246x205, 7K)

>forum actually has a step by step guide on fixing YOUR issue
>the guide is in pictures that were hosted on imageshack or photobucket 9 years ago and aren't there anymore

Attached: 321.jpg (680x719, 39K)

Privateer 2: The Darkening

>CMD.exe flashes and disappears within half a second

Attached: 1557656995048.jpg (1280x720, 330K)

>Spend an hour looking for a fix for problem X
>Finally find youtube video
>"How to fix X, detailed guide!"
>Video is literally the guy clicking through the install wizard and double clicking the shortcut at the end before cut to black.

Attached: 1516823681699.jpg (1200x798, 257K)

Mass Effect Andromeda

>windows error sound plays, no window gets displayed
>error sound continues to play with no window popup
>screen is actually frozen

Attached: only3_6.png (1303x867, 1.48M)

>and then the game gets a GoG release

Attached: 1537249424311.png (476x592, 172K)

re6 was fun though

>fix only works with the american version of the game
>nothing for europoors

>crash to desktop
>there's nothing but an empty error box
>"Ok" is greyed out

Attached: 1513626898066.jpg (250x232, 18K)

>tfw less than 24h till next episode

Attached: 1557657955745.webm (632x612, 95K)

My wife :)

Attached: 1553293371898.png (1920x798, 1.36M)

>yfw task manager has stopped responding

Attached: 1546913266543.jpg (854x480, 64K)

>WARNING: This mod only works with v1.12a!
>"This patch went live on June 17th, 2008."

Attached: 1557182229383.jpg (792x792, 365K)

Post X final fantasy

>Force restart PC
>Windows boots up normally
>error box pops up after a few seconds, "Ok" is still greyed out
get out

Attached: how_bad.png (1133x1058, 1.73M)

>this mod will not work with steam version

Attached: 1558885723366.jpg (392x495, 120K)

>90 instances of "svchost.exe"

Attached: 1480835123666.jpg (225x225, 9K)

lol, what a retard not checking if there crack inside archive if its seem to be missing?

who taught you to write?

You have problem reading it?

this show has no right to be this fucking KINO

Attached: 1558056175420.jpg (1920x1080, 862K)

you're alright, don't go to the roof tomorrow

Attached: 1558810006036.gif (480x270, 3.38M)

Yes, I do.


fallout 4

Who thaut to read lamo.

>Guy is making a sweet ass mod
>Refuses to upload it anywhere until it's "Complete"
>Keeps uploading a video every two or so months for over a year, the mod always looks perfectly polished
>Disappears without a trace without having posted his mod anywhere

>next week is the last episode

Attached: 1531645219504.gif (287x270, 3.9M)

fuck sake, user

Attached: 1470906654877.jpg (540x388, 37K)

>search for fix for a problem on youtube

every fucking time. Fucking pajeets

Attached: 1552993282134.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Fucking hell user

Attached: 8E1ZpwL.gif (500x368, 2.98M)

poor Legasov

Attached: bromir.png (410x368, 436K)


Attached: 1558044321155.jpg (900x546, 327K)

>Searching for a fix
>Game has a completelyt non unique name so most of the results on google are about pudding or whatever

>get wind of a great atmospheric mod in 2010
>play the demo
>this is the best shit ever
>wait eagerly for the release
>mod creator drags on, says he wants to make it "true to his vision"
>five years pass, forget all about the mod and the disappointments
>suddenly, hear from the mod creator again
>apparently, they revamped the whole thing
>more "ambitious", more "immersive" than ever
>mod finally comes out after 8 years
>it's an shitfest of edgy shit and nothing like the demo promised it to be
Fuck you, project brazil, from the bottom of my heart.

Attached: 1475029707466.jpg (1200x799, 247K)

>modder gets upset about some SJW shit
>delete his mod from the "official" source
>act like a complete cunt

>game crashes on start
>go to official forums to ask for help
>"lol that's what you get for pirating, should have bought the game :^))"
>thread locked
>pirate the game
>works perfectly
And this is why I haven't bought a single game since 2008.

Attached: reaction.jpg (250x250, 34K)

That was a mod for New vegas, wasn't it?

>You need to like and write a comment to see the download link
I fucking hate attention whores

Attached: 1343892136148.jpg (436x348, 52K)

It's either them or 12 yo kids with a shitty mic

>replace dll in game files
>anti-virus quarantines it as a trojan
>forum full of people saying just trust it bro

I was thinking of a Skyrim one but I know of a couple that did this.

>post rating system on forum
>you can either "like" a post, or "respectfully disagree"
Not that rating systems aren't gay to begin with, mind.

probably the same guy, to be honest

>there's a problem with the game, can anyone recommend a fix?
>cunt: the fix is uninstalling and playing (game of a completely different genre)
>thread devolves into a fanboy war


>you trust it
>for once the forum didn't lie

Attached: 1467348171089.jpg (229x231, 27K)

>Because of the pressing issues regarding slavery in our society, I have decided to remove my mod about adding leather straps outfits in the game

do you also rely on your mother for everything?

>modders create a grest mod
>for some reason they set it to lock and not be playable past 2013
>have to change the date if you want to play it

Attached: cylon00_cover.jpg (519x600, 62K)

>download trainer for single player fuckery
>its made in china
>have to allow it past anti-virus to work

>it actually works
now I'm just worried if it also installed some sketchy shit in the background. I haven't noticed anything, but...

>accepting that answer
if the mod ceases development but you want it updated and can do it then reverse engineer it and take it over. fuck that cunt.

>I'm getting CTD in this area of the game consistently. I even re-purchased it on GOG and I'm still getting the bug
>Mod (Retarded): maybe you shouldn't have pirated it. [THREAD: LOCKED]
>pirated version has the CTD fixed

>crack version is for the 3.6 version

If I had the skills I would do it, but I don't, and "modders" usually accept that fucking answer

>popular mod is laced with malware

Attached: 1553600570640.jpg (688x792, 29K)

>have recurrent problem with mod
>go post about on it on the forum
>"We could fix it, but it would require us to change the excutable, which would be against the ToS"

Attached: 1473268838297.jpg (602x655, 122K)

>10 minute long video of a guy opening notepad and typing in a link to a .rar file with the fix hosted on a website that no longer exists

I remember setting up a Windows VM just to see what kind of crazy fucking shit I could end up with by going online and downloading shit like "Minecraft Free Cheats.exe" on the fifth page of results on google.
Oddly enough most of them didn't work, and the only one that worked just installed some random media player.

Attached: 7nTnr.png (600x569, 187K)

>search for fix on youtube
>it's someone who writes it in notepad, has to correct his spelling errors every 3 words and types as fast as a granny
>some shitty rap or dubstep as background music

Attached: 1475585628013.jpg (300x222, 9K)

most mods are surprisingly simple if you read about how to create your own mod and dig around the files with whatever mod tools are popular.

generally if you know how to create a mod you'll know what you need to reverse engineer one enough to update it.

>letting google tell you who to trust

Halo 5

>10 minute video of a guy telling you to Google it and click the first result

Makes sense since the goal for most fake software makers is less about fucking up people's computers for laughs and more about getting people to click on links to their sites to get ad revenue. I'm sure if your website hosts really heinous virus shit it'll get taken down quicker too.

The majority of stuff like that are old exploits that everyone has already created patches for

I've thought about putting viruses in my hacks that wait until you back up your computer before they start fucking around with things. Just to laugh at the retards who can't make their own shit.

But I don't want to deal with the legal shit that might come up because some kid's dad is a lawyer and is angry I bricked their computer.

>Didn't know the name so I typed "Shitty Tutorial Music" and it was the first result.
>tfw the song you worked on will be remembered as just that 'shitty tutorial music'

Just bundle it with a cryptominer.

3.6 was alright
Not great, not terrible


Attached: 1558775592860.jpg (1125x1102, 668K)

At one point I also ended up installing a firefox extension that periodically opened this in a new tab, but that's about it.

Attached: unknown2.png (768x477, 161K)

definitely this

episode 2 was amazing

Maybe if the only game you've played is Orange Box.

>game issue involves clients crashing when in vehicles
>only get results for insurance companies

>click link
>cmd flashes on the screen fro a second

Let me guess, windows XP?