Suda is a fucking traitor. I’m never buying one of his games again

Suda is a fucking traitor. I’m never buying one of his games again.

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Other urls found in this thread: switch/start/2018-12-06/end/2019-04-25/order/asc/

don't you want more money for them to fund NMH3?

This is obviously shitposting but
>Killer7 PS2
And all the other grasshopper games which were never on Nintendo.

The only Nintendo exclusive Grasshopper Manufacture has ever developed was Contact for the DS.

What happened?

OP sounds like someone who wasn't here when they released a "Greatest Hits" version of NMH on PS3.

>I’m never buying one of his games again
You have to at least buy one before you can stop.

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OP is mad more people will get to experience this amazing game.

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Nobody cares about console wars. If it's on PS4 who cares, it's on switch too.

So Travis Strikes Again got a Port?


I will be buying it again to fun NMH3

I bought all the dlc on the switch as well.

Was the Siren shirt a hint? Did Sony demand a port if Suda wanted that game's representation?

What would a collab between the two of them be like?

Have you played TSA? Theyre already working on it, the "funding" they needed were nothing but filthy lies

300 replies guaranteed

Sony always wins

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wouldn't you want them to have more money though? these games have a poor as fuck budget most of the time.

Probably pretty good, since it would be overly stylish and actually have good gameplay. In all honesty, they should just merge studios anyways. Neither of them are keeping their heads above water.

I heard this was awful and Suda was basically telling fans if they didnt buy this there wouldnt be another mainline NMH game. Watched a lets play of this on youtube and it looked unbearably awful. Hard pass.

Suda 51 craziness but with actually good gameplay

potential to be one of the greatest games of all time

Nice. Millions of others including myself can finally play the game now it isn't on yesterday's child toy tech.

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OP went full retard. More people have access to a niche title and op is a console war faggot.


I haven't finished it yet but I think it's alright. Suda games aren't known for having great gameplay anyways.

>If a game namedrops a sequel then it's confirmed happening
Are you underage?

I guess you didn't see the "we're in development" scene

as in, we're in development of nmh3

Not to incite a war but he might be pissed because Nintendo lost an exclusive.

Like how people were pissed when Octopath got a steam port

Yeah probably why MK8 Deluxe, (a port of a Wii U game) is the highest selling exclusive this generation.

the fact that it has outsold every s(n)oy exclusive with a PORT on a system with half the install base is quite embarassing for S(n)oy.

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Falsa flag sonygro

So should I buy Wii U for NMH or just play it on my PS3?
Which version is the best?

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The game is coming to pc and PlayStation so op decided he wanted to false flag as a nintendofag.

>he might be pissed because Nintendo lost an exclusive.
aren't these the same faggots who were begging for Persona 5 and taunting Sony fans about it?
seems pretty hypocritical

again, did you fucking play TSA?
They literally mention and say "we're in development" right before showing the NMH logo you fucking dumbass

I really can't see modern Sony actively pursuing a Japanese game.

I can't wait to play this on my PS4

best girl is back on the menu

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Why is that girl pooping in her dress?

I wish Suda would keep his games on the Switch, its a nice containment room for that crap

Suda got permission from Sony to use Siren. Plus there's no Xbox port in sight.

Suda literally disowned the PS3 version, and the sequel is a Wii exclusive so take that as you will

I'm just happy he's getting more visibility
Between Killer7 on Steam and this, hopefully his fanbase grows bigger.
Just finished TSA for Switch, doing the DLC now. I wonder if the DLC will be available at launch for the other versions

Xbox won

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>because Nintendo lost an exclusive
Why does anyone care about stupid petty shit like this? The more people that get to play a game, the better.

The soundtrack for this game was weirdly good
I really liked all the background tunes. The one where you complete a house in Killer is Dead was really chill

Is it actually good? All the gameplay I've seen looks incredibly bland.

if you guys really like this game as much as you claim to, wouldn't you want as many people as possible to enjoy it too?
Sounds like you're just being petty because you can't say you have to own a Switch to play it anymore

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>TSA releases on switch
>"OMG this game is AMAZING, the gameplay is great I don't understand the shitty review scores, sudaverse confirmed another great exclusive for nintendo switch :^)"
>TSA announced for PS4 and Steam
"Never buying a suda game again, thank god the game was shit anyway, enjoy the scrapes!"

>if they namedrop the sequel then it's confirmed happening
Hows Banjo Threeie going again?

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You could just go for the PS3 version.
NMH2 is miles better though.

What does that matter? I can't wrap my brain around how more people getting to play a game you like is bad for you. How does this honestly effect anyone negatively?

It's console war faggots aka a bunch of fucking zoomers who can only afford one console per gen and have no gaming PC.

>in development
What a hilariously empty term. You truly are underage. "In development" can mean anything, and 9/10 games that start development get canned

If youre a die hard grasshopper/Suda fan you'll love the game for the references and fanservice alone as it's basically a celebration of the past 20 years of his games

if youre not or just a casual fan of his work, the gameplay at it's core is incredibly repetitive and bland. The game is only about 10 hours long, but it honestly feels too lobg with how monotonous it is.

>Shinobu's conversations are all about how much she hates games and gamers
>"Gamers are the natural enemy of girls"
It's pretty good, especially if you're doing a bitter run.
The levels are pretty enjoyable but the actual aesthetic is pretty barebones since it was designed to run at 60 fps on Switch.
Basically you have a light, heavy and jump and dodge-roll variants.
You also can equip up to 4 skill chips that are basically special moves.
The enemy visual variety is pretty basic but the mechanical variety is pretty strong. The bosses are also really fun. The whole thing might take you 15-20 hours to beat
But really, you come to TSA for the writing, which mixes other Suda titles with a lot of rumination on Suda's career and how the industry has changed

So we all agree that Travis will NEVER be in Smash right? You all told me he was a Bayo situation but he's going to PC and PS4 sooooo

>if youre not or just a casual fan of his work, the gameplay at it's core is incredibly repetitive and bland
I've only played NMH, NMH2, and Killer7, so I guess I should just wait for NMH3.

Suda makes arthouse games. You enjoy them as satirical pieces, not as genuine video games. The game part is utter garbage.

>feels too lobg with how monotonous it is.
I'm glad I couch-cooped this from the start. It was fun although not remarkable. Kinda thought that it may be rather boring when played alone.

What a nothing announcement.

Budget game gets port, still nothing about NMH3.

Grasshopper is on the edge of closure. Why would they make NMH3, a game that wouldn't sell for shit?

mk8 deluxe sold that much because nintendo fans have nothing else to play on the system

Bayo 1 is on Steam and 360 and PS3, she still ended up in Smash.
Cloud's main game has never actually been on a Nintendo platform before the Switch but he got into Smash on the Wii U.
Turns out the only determining factors on whether a character gets into Smash is whether Sakurai wants them and Nintendo can negotiate for them

>The levels are pretty enjoyable but the actual aesthetic is pretty barebones since it was designed to run at 60 fps on Switch
Its not barebones because if that, it's actually because it was made on a shoestring budget. Plus Suda is a fucking dumbass and literally spent $4000 on a pair of pocket knives that are only seen for 2 seconds in a cutscene

Suda literally said that it is nothing big but burgers had to hooooyyyyype it up since their 44% jungle blood went crazy again.

But TSA isn't meant to be satirical, it's incredibly earnest
Really, the only satirical game Suda ever made was NMH1

Bayo 2 and 3 are on steam, right?

Cloud is the single most iconic JRPG character to ever exist.

>determining factors on whether a character gets into Smash is whether Sakurai wants them and Nintendo can negotiate for them
And why would Sakurai want random multiplat shovelware? Bayo got in because she's a pseudo-nintendo character now

maybe because a ton of familes buy nintendo just for mario kart
not impressive

>"GAMERS this GAMERS that lemme just namedrop some epic GAMER references like metacritic"
Are you on crack?

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Well that too.
>Plus Suda is a fucking dumbass and literally spent $4000 on a pair of pocket knives that are only seen for 2 seconds in a cutscene
I saw that yesterday, what a good guy.
I hope he gets some more use out of them.
Bayo got in because Sakurai wanted to put her in, same with Ryu, Cloud and Joker.
It's literally just whatever Sakurai wants, man. There aren't any rules or formula or pattern beyond that.

>dude references lmao
That's not earnest

you're gonna have to give context

balls on fire

>Suda literally said that it is nothing big
He only said that during the actual panel, but when he first announced his momocon panel he hyped up the announcment.

The character of Travis is a gamer, and the whole game is about Travis as a stand in for Suda as a gamer, whereas Juvenile is a stand in for Suda as a developer.
It's a game about the medium of video games. That can be earnest.
Just referencing shit doesn't make it a satire. Because it would have to be satirizing something to be a satire. And you can compare the story and Travis' character in TSA to NMH1 (which was a satirical critique on gamers and otaku culture) to see the difference

Bayo got in because she's a nintendo exclusive franchise.

Ryu and Cloud got in because of their legacy. Sakurai didn't even want Cloud he wanted Terra but he couldn't do that because he knew people would just go "where's Cloud?"

Joker got in to shill his shitty re-release and musou and because Nintendo execs are targeting flavor of the month for DLC

You really need to learn how things work.

Being mad a game series you like will get additional audience, exposure, funding, and hype? Yeah god damnit. I'm a child who gets upsets easy.

>I think the references basically stop at Electro Triple Star 2
After that, it's way more straightforward

source, google doesn't bring up anything about them closing

pretty much this, sakurai basically confirmed most of this in his most recent interview

What's your excuse for Joker being in the game dumbass

>Sakurai didn't even want Cloud he wanted Terra but he couldn't do that because he knew people would just go "where's Cloud?"
You got a source on that?
Because every indicator suggests that all those characters got in because Sakurai asked for them and Nintendo negotiated for them.
Because, and here's the thing, Sakurai can just choose not to work on a character if he doesn't want to. Nintendo has some sway but Sakurai does get the final call, ultimately.
Any speculation about some secret motives or formula or pattern to the picks is just that, speculation

>The character of Travis is a gamer
No he's just a nerdy fucking tryhard. Also Suda jerking his mediocre ass career off isn't earnest. It's just obnoxious.

go spoonfeed yourself but they literally downsized and moved to a smaller office

>games that make references can't be earnest
lmaoing at your critical reading ability

Nomura: “When we first talked, I asked “are you sure you’re okay with Cloud?” He’s not a character from a new game, after all.”

Sakurai: “But on the other hand, if you think about who to add from Final Fantasy, it’s hard to come up with a choice that’s not Cloud. We could have used Terra or Bartz, protagonists in their own right, but I feel like there would be some people who wouldn’t know who those characters are.”

>Because every indicator

You being retarded is not an indicator

>No he's just a nerdy fucking tryhard
In NMH1, yes. In TSA, he's basically disconnected from all that shit entirely and becomes a mouthpiece for Suda's feelings.
>Also Suda jerking his mediocre ass career off isn't earnest. It's just obnoxious.
>something obnoxious to the audience can't be earnest from the creator
I think you don't understand what the word 'earnest' means

Post YFW the "big Suda E3 news" is a release date for TSA on PS4

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Bayonetta 1 is the only one on steam. 2 is never going on steam or neither is 3. Nintendo own the rights to both of those games (with Sega) and fully fund those games making them Nintendo exclusive.

Nintendo execs trying to get their piece of a hot flavor of the month pie

why are nintendo fans like this

so what you meant to say is they downsized not that they're on the verge of closing

>Travis will finally fuck off from Smash threads

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That quote is saying that Square offered Sakurai Cloud, Terra and Bartz. Sakurai was just surprised they offered Cloud because he's not from anything new.
So Sakurai basically chose Cloud OVER Terra and Bartz, at least assuming this translation is accurate.

>Nintendo put in a character to promote a game that's not even coming to their system

considering all his "reveals" were literal non news and dussapointments so far

that seems way too optimistic

trailer make givep psychonauts vibe with different worlds /gameplay mechanics.
Can anons confirm if it is a masterpiece like that or just a boring mess?

I mean, there is Persona Q

it's called falseflagging and bait you dumbass

Wow you actually can't read. Sakurai didn't want Cloud, but he had no choice.

Imagine being such a retard that you have loyalty for a corporate brand
The more people get to enjoy NMH the better

the NMH games on ps3 are straight up trash

Its inbetween
Some of the worlds really overstay their welcome, like Killer is Dead and the last world.
Some are actually pretty interesting and weird, like the Third and Fourth worlds. And some are just normal Beat-em-up levels like the first and sixth.
It's a beat-em-up game with above-average writing. It'd be better if your skill chips' cooldown time was brought down by hitting enemies

OP is very obviously a false flagging shitposter
and almost certainly a snoyboy on top of it

>We could have used Terra or Bartz,
This implies that Square offered them along with Cloud.
Point out to me where Sakurai says they were ONLY allowed to use Cloud.

It's not about shilling it, it's about trying to attract PS4 persona 5 owners to switch with the DLC

>This implies that Square offered them along with Cloud.
They did, as the quote clearly says. Sakurai could've had anyone but it had to be Cloud because of the legacy.

>Point out to me where Sakurai says they were ONLY allowed to use Cloud.

Sakurai: “But on the other hand, if you think about who to add from Final Fantasy, it’s hard to come up with a choice that’s not Cloud. We could have used Terra or Bartz, protagonists in their own right, but I feel like there would be some people who wouldn’t know who those characters are.”

Happened with Ryu and Cloud on the Wii U.

Ryu literally has an attack that represents Street Fighter V

>Sakurai could've had anyone but it had to be Cloud because of the legacy.
That implies that Sakurai wanted him in because of Legacy, not that it was Square Enix mandate that it HAD to be Cloud.
So Sakurai DID want Cloud in, because of his Legacy and recognizability. That's he's saying.
Assuming the translation is accurate, Sakurai is saying that, while they had other options available, they went with Cloud for his popularity and recognizability. Sakurai literally chose him OVER other Square Enix choices

is this game good?

>wii u port
choose one.

Literally Persona 5 The Royal. Sakurai just loved P5 that much.

PS3 version is pretty but has serious frame rate issues

>That implies that Sakurai wanted him in because of Legacy
Which is what he flat out states

Wrong girl.

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>We could have used Terra or Bartz
Indicates Sakurai had other options other than Cloud offered from Square Enix
>but I feel like there would be some people who wouldn’t know who those characters are
Indicates it was Sakurai's choice to go with cloud since more people would know who he was.
there is nothing in this that indicates that sakurai wanted somebody else other than cloud, there is no indicator that he wanted terra or bartz more, just that they were on the table with cloud

>nintendo fans think sony is going to lose an exclusive
>months of shitposting and premature celebration: switch/start/2018-12-06/end/2019-04-25/order/asc/
>nintendo actually loses an exclusive
>"who cares about this? more people get to play the game, right?"

Persona 5 is still coming to switch

So the ps4 and steam version will be the superior ones with all the DLC in 1... fuck this. Of well the game was shit anyways.

Hahaha holy shit this travisfag is fucking seething. Let it go dude. Shovelware trash like Suda will never get a character into Smash

Yes MK8 Deluxe is a switch exclusive, and No it's not coming to s(n)oy.

One of the biggest reasons some people would say to get a Switch was to play the exclusive game Travis Strikes Again. But now, its on the PS4 and Steam too. So there is no longer a reason to buy it on the Switch since people accepted its condition cause it was portable. But now that its not portable, it will be a improvement graphics wise, so Nintendofags lost one of the reasons they would state to buy a Switch now. Nintendofags are mad they lost a exclusive.

While it does suck, the Switch already has so many exclusives that losing one won't hurt them too much. Its not like they are going to become Micro "ports all games to PC" soft.

P5r isn't coming to switch
Sakurai isn't picking the fighters

>arguing about how much sakurai did or did not want cloud in smash

what the fuck are you talking about

which move

This is why I never cave to exclusivity. I know in due time most games will eventually become available on good/all platforms and I will enjoy them just as much if not more than had I gotten them at launch. If they never do, then I don't care about them.

>Travisfag still trying to say that Sakurai can put anyone he wants in

Suda said PS4/Steam are getting platform tees. What do you want to see?
>PaRappa the Rapper
>Gravity Rush
>World of Warcraft
>Sam & Max

Switch one already comes with the dlc shitpostersama

half-life, tf2, portal

>All the DLC in 1
Literally the same for those who bought physical though

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To be fair, Killer7 on PS2 was not Suda's choice and it was terrible. PC is the definitive version of this game now.

Its not on the cart.

>implying im gonna buy it on ps4
lmao no
NMH games ports on playstation are ALWAYS worse then the original. The either ruin the art-style or censor the fuck out of everything

Ill just wait until I buy a switch to play it.

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That Steam graphic will probably change in a couple weeks.

>What were the Sony N*ggers reactions? THis basically confirmed Persona 5 Golden on the Switch lmao

you're not selling it to me

>Give switch ports! Epic! Epic! Epic!
>Wtf bros? Another system got one of our games? Frowning face emojicon!

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the NMH on ps3 is so fucking horrible Suda disowned it

enjoy it snoys and master race. I only played the one on Wii once and hated it, and the new one on the switch is meant to be worse.

lol @ retards pushing console wars

based sudafags don't care about this shit


Everything was bad with it. The game was easy mode on bitter too. It was shit.

NMH 3 on PS4. Get fucked, Nintenogs.

Portal is valves go-to crossover IP for whatever reason. That's 100% getting one

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whens the port releasing?

Left 4 Dead, Patapon, Myst, Disruptor, and God of War.

>he is literally braging about a port
my sides have left me

Oh shit, it's coming on PS4? Nice

It just wouldn't feel right with a DS4 controller.

this is the most forced console warring I have ever seen. This game was shat on from the second gameplay was shown and had detractors since it's come out because critics hated it. All the Suda fans don't give a shit that it's on other systems since most of them are going to triple dip anyway because they want to make sure GHM has money for NMH3, it's like you retards don't give a shit about video games and just see "Nintendo exclusive no longer exclusive" and some autistic part of your brain decided that you literally would not be able to live unless you spent hours of your day shitposting about it. For real, fuck off, brand loyalty is a fucking cult.

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This didn't age well

It was the right decision I’m here googling Terra and Bartz thinking to myself “Who the fuck are these faggots?”

user you won't understand shit to nmh3.
TSA use elements from nmh. Silver eyes and killer7. And a little of sotd and killer is dead.

It comes with it regardless

>some people think nmh3 won't happen
Did they even played tsa and the dlc2? Suda also teased a ubisoft logo. It's going to be announce at e3 for sure.

being real here, I doubt it's going to look much different, GHM isn't a big studio, I doubt they're going to be able to put substantial changes between each version, even performance wise I feel like not much is gonna change because of this.

The game didn't confirm shit.

the ending of TSA literally put you into a 3rd person traditional action game perspective and Travis stops and says "We're in development" and then it switches to the NMH logo

It kinda will break the dialogue or silver face tho. Unless they do some changes in those version.

This one will probably be not like the "HD" NMH1 port. It'll be a straight port and if you watched the momocon stream Garcia bit off his hand to save johnson, but Nintendo said censor that cause it's too violent, so PC or PS4 won't have that.

Did you even played dlc2 that teased a fucking story. New characters. Shinobu talking about nmh3, a "to be continued" at the end. There's also a shitload of tease in the base game. There's also the ubisoft tease from Suda.

I bet he did this because he's pissed Travis still didn't make into Smash.

>Nintendo said censor that cause it's too violent
Japan bans games with dismemberment, Nintendo as a publisher knows that and told Suda to do that so the game would actually be able to sell. PS4 version will be like that too, PC will probably be the director cut version since PC is unregulated in Japan.

I played all nmh games/flower, sun and rain but not the silver case games, should I buy them for understating travis strikes again?

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Thanks for betatesting.

I bought the first two NMH on bingbingwahoo consoles, but I grew up since then.

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It's not even just nintendo games either, shitposters will take news and do their assembly line memes without caring a bit for the games in question.

>Still no news of FSR port
This is what I would've wanted. Fuck playing the slow, ugly DS version.

>sfr without playing silver case
You fucking donkey.
TSA have elements from Nmh1/2, silver case, shadow of the damned, killer is dead, killer 7...almost Lal the games from suda have a role in it.

That's means nothing though. It wasn't a traditional action game it was a fucking camera shift. The game did it for the entire playthrough. Name dropping a sequel doesn't confirm anything

Other then one character, TSA fucks with the story and at worst you'll miss out on some homages or references here and there, so you won't miss much. Surprised you played flower, sun and rain though

future Suda threads will now be filled with console war faggotry

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shut up bitch boi, suda making more money is only a good thing.

shit, forgot to quote you To be fair, we didn't get a Silver case release until way later.

>in response Suda adds a surprise update to TSA on all systems that adds a scene where they make fun of console warriors

why is suda handsome as fuck though?

Don't worry user. The classic thread are still comfy. This thread was made purposely for console war shit.

Uh, Phil... Where's the geimu?

>people itt take the OP's bait to fuel consolewars so they can use it for later reference to pretend people are seething about TSA going multiplat
literally 0 actual Suda fans are upset about this and those are the only people who even remembered this game exists. Heck in the literal panel where this was revealed every person there said they already played the game and would probably get it again on other systems...

My point is that it's stupid when all sides do it. Console war shit is the worst thing about video games.

After defeating Grunty at the end of Tooie she yells "I'll see you in Banjo-Threeie!" or something along those lines

Handsome enough to lose his virginity to one of his friend's mother. What a fucking madman.

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>To be fair, we didn't get a Silver case release until way later.
This, FSR was the ds version

>Suda had sex with a mommy for his first time
holy shit fucking based

I just don't want this retarded faggot to waste a Smash slot.

Can't wait wait till Nintendo just makes cell phone trash

From some angles he looks like a 50-year old jap guy.

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because he literally is a 51 year old Japanese guy

I was personally disappointed by the reveal because it could've been Moonlight Syndrome or FSR ;_;

No shit?

No More Heroes VR when?

Joke with that but there's a nmh mobile game already'

What game

There are lots of swordfighting VR games, no? Though I don't know if any of them could be characterized as hack and slash arcade games.

Where the fuck is my Moonlight Syndrome

He can though, assuming Nintendo can negotiate for them
I personally doubt that Sakurai wants to put Travis in though

>Travis is Suda
>Juvenile is Suda
>Kamui is Suda
>Suda wants to be Kusabi
>Digital Grandpa is Suda

How many Sudas?

Suda last game will be a game about his life.

There's a ratio of 2 Sudas for every Sumio and Kamui

Are you implying that he's retiring after TSA?

>beer obsessed ramen critic (Bad Man?) is also Suda

did you ACTUALLY expect them to bring up something big about NMH3 or another project at momocon when they're going to E3

Dude, he kind of started on the PS systems.

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Whats the point of this? Why would i ever care about a mediocre spin off, when i cant even play the main games on pc

People thought Suda was going to announce Silver Case, NMH 1&2, and killer7 ports for the Switch and an FSR remake. Instead, the "big news" was just that TSA is being ported to the Switch and PS4 sans the Zelda shirts. This also puts into question if Nintendo is still helping to support the fledgling GHM or if this port is indicative of (and made by possible by) their association coming to an end.

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>no announcement of a TSA OST release

Fuckity fuck.

Nintennig detected. This isn't your board little soi. Go back to soiddit

Actually his first game was Fire Pro Wrestling on the SNES but that was before he went by Suda51/Grasshopper was a thing

Now announce proper ports of NMH 1&2 for Steam/PS4.

>People thought Suda was going to announce Silver Case, NMH 1&2, and killer7 ports for the Switch and an FSR remake.
Yeah, and people were expecting that Suda would go down on every attendant there too and give them a 100$ bill after, LOL. The most popular theories were either NMH1-2 for Switch, Moonlight Syndrome or FSR (on PC). Not everything all together.

It's also pretty unlikely that he has cut ties with Nintendo.

>This also puts into question if Nintendo is still helping to support the fledgling GHM or if this port is indicative of (and made by possible by) their association coming to an end.
They only helped with the physical distribution IIRC. Plus this game was made on a shoe string budget that only had 5 game designers working on it while the rest were art and music collab. I don't think there were any statements on the stream that Suda asked for funding from Nintendo.

I want this so much

>game was made on a shoe string budget that only had 5 game designers working on it

So what's the rest of the studio (if that's not what's left of the whole studio) doing in the mean time? Are they still working on Let It Die?

All this reminds me is that I should've beat NMH2 years ago. I honestly don't find it as engaging as the first game, with combat feeling slower and the minigames being a straight downgrade. At least in NMH1 you could whittle away the grind with scorpion scooping or straight up slaughter.

Attached: nmh-mowing.jpg (854x480, 112K)

Well, from the comments he made, it seems that they collaborated in an editing position (don't put this, don't put that).

They're quite obviously working on NMH3. Also, I think the other user exagerates, while the designers are indeed 5 people, the first credits they show had more people.

I guess they didn't buy the game enough. Sad but this happens when you keep pushing devs to port games away. Don't be surprised.

>Travis adding all these flourishes to lawn mowing and the like in a vain attempt to spice up his mundane part-time jobs

I hate how relatable this became.

The studio is only 20 people now with most of them working on TSA all the others in the credits were other people (I forget the name of the company)/former GHM staff hired to help out.

Back to being a punk rock video game developer. But punk rock's a young man's game...

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nmh3 is multiplat, this is what I understand

so fuck that gook for making me support him only to get cucked by pc pirates

>game is now multiplat
>suddenly everyone loves it
>but it was a non game cringe yikes etc in switch threads



Music where better, just they straight up put songs from the remix disc

Counting from the first credits, there are two additional writers, one additional producer, a project manager, 3 programmers, and one person each in art direction, character design, enviroments, UI, VFX, animation (another contracted person for animation), sound direction... It's a very small production, but it's not the "everything else was contracted art and music" that the other user was painting.

No shitposting please.

Obviously he hasn't cut ties but it's clear that Suda has no actual special relationship with them

Well, no. It's business. Same with Platinum or Sega or S-E in the case of Dragon Quest, I expect them to collaborate but not have exclusive relationships or something like that if it doesn't involve direct funding.

ill buy the game for PS4 too only for support my boy SUDA

wait this is seen as based now? FUCK YEAAAH

>wanting NMH without motion controls
this is how I know you fags don't even know anything about this game

Everyone who isn’t Suda is Jeane

I think NMH could work perfectly with mouse and keyboard, you'd just need to do a few workarounds

>playing a 3D hack and slash with mouse and keyboard

Do you play Bayonetta like that too?

If PS4 TSA is anything like PS3 NMH, it would unironically be a downgrade.

It's done in Unreal Engine 4, user, they'd have to try to make it look worse.

I feel sorry for those getting the PS4 and Steam port because the Joy-Con shaking coup-de grace for the super moves helped spice up the combat.

I'm not bothered by more people getting to play the game. But I am upset that if it's not exclusive then the slim chance of Travis being Smash bound has faded.

>But I am upset that if it's not exclusive then the slim chance of Travis being Smash bound has faded.
My memory's hazy, who exactly was the first DLC character in the new Smash game?

the joker

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I don't know how you could live with getting so consistently BTFO but tenyearolds have found a way.

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>Switch third party exclusive flops
>japs now need to make back any money they can by releasing it on relevant platforms

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I've yet to see concrete proof that the game flopped or had average, low, below expected, good or anything in between sales.

TSA was on the Switch top sellers for the first couple months it was out user, it sold fine.

yeah it is pretty funny how a port is doing better then most games.

Why is Sumio such a cool guy? By "cool" I mean cute and a little retarded.

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The name's Andrei Ulmeyda.

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Thank you based Suda. I haven't bought a Nintendo console since the Wii and I refuse to give Nu-Nintendo anymore of my money.


>thinks creating an in-game tech demo is the same as a title drop.
and you call other people underaged?


what is NMH2?

You don't come up with a release date less than one month from the announcement. Think a little.

Shhh he in only a new fag

Fucking love that art. So glad I got the physical fanzine with the Travis keychain.
Oh yeah totally, just saying GHM doesn't have a lot of staff anymore and damn near everyone at GHM was working on it. Still sad Hudeyuki Shin left GHM

>real criticism
>d-dont shitpost my comfy thred uwu

fucking faggot face the truth he is a sellout and nmh 3 is gonna be on snoy and accomodate all their censorship trash fuck


Thank you Suda. I'm never giving Jewtendo another cent.


Flower Sun and Rain remaster never ever bros

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>wanting more sales to help NMH3 is betraying now

i would buy it instantly

*dabs respectfully in Suda's general direction*
Based. Already bought for the Shortch but haven't played yet though. Damn.

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Why no Xbone release?

And all the attention is on NMH now :(


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Did that guy from yesterday ever give us an update on what happened with his friend’s mom?

It's incredible how Suda made Dougie Jones a thing in his game years before Lynch

lmaoing at all the salty switchlet thread

Fuck yeah it is. Much better on co-op. Highest difficulty always, also.

Its a solid 6/10 Suda art house piece. He's Japanese Kevin Smith.

Awful comparison

Go back to the 90s where you belong

>He's Japanese Kevin Smith.
what does this even mean?

>implying hes kevin smith and not coyote smith

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Why would anyone be assmad about this? This isn't a real NMH game, it's a shitty spinoff nobody asked for. And the more people who purchase this gives Suda more dosh to fund the actual NMH game, which is exclusive.

Not that I care, but it's obviously going to be multiplat if they decided to port TSA.

You think the Ariana Grande guy was inspired by this?

>Kevin Smith
>6/10 art house

>bawwwwwww I don't like sharing bawwwwwwww

No More Exclusive


Platinum 51

Tiger Uppercut

t. nintendard

I pirated this on switch and now I can pirate it on PC and play in 4k

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>trash games like this get released on PC instead of EDF5

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51 lol
