These are video game developers in 2019.
These are video game developers in 2019
not really, they just bitch on social media while men do the actual work
Looks like redditors
Kill yourself incel, no one loves you
I see nothing but doctors, scientists, and lawyers. Diversity is our greatest strength.
are you saying women cant be doctors scientist and lawyers?
At this point trannies wouldn't make it worse
Fuck ypipo
No wonder the industry went down the shitter.
What game did these people make?
why don't girls try and be pretty these days
[distant YAS]
>one dyke close to the camera
>one with blue hair but looks otherwise normal
>everybody else looks normal
yeah what a fucking tragedy
>head of social media
>Art assistant
>Head of diversity
>Human resources
>Diversity supervisor
0 programmers. Or you know.... Actual talent.
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition
What soon-to-be-closed company does that picture come from?
>and I'll be having part custody
This is where she dies
Well? Was it good? What's the Yea Forumserdict?
>opens tinder
>300 chads wanting to fuck any pig
That's why
Not video games
>announcing a sage
Eat shit, newfag. Enjoy the three-day holiday.
>plaid skirt
That's the HR department.
Hey user some of your favorite games had women on the dev team. Maybe even musilims or some other mud religion. Niggers too.
If they can put together a good game, I don't care about their race, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views, etc. I don't even mind a bit of SJWism in games, as long as it doesn't affect the story or gameplay.
>company full of western women
>sjw and trannies
>company full of Japanese women
>I will buy all your games now
why does this happen
Why dont people use the image search feature before posting?
The texts got her back in court and she now serving jail time now with zero chance at custody.
They are just game design college students. Though OP is not wrong. Look up Bioware's current dev team.
Give me 00 or give me death.
>no qt3.14 muslim hijabi
Hoping for 9
00 get
Would fuck everyone in that pic desu.
t. angry incel
I'm guessing it was the PC port
00 or 1 please
Y'all don't hire black people?
>/g/ tells woyman to learn2code not actually thinking they'd do it
>they did it
You're joking, right? Where do you live where girls aren't constantly getting filler jobs, plastic surgery, caking on makeup, wearing promiscuous clothes, and being an overall slut? All girls ever try to do nowadays is try and not feel insecure any way possible, and that means copious amounts of time and effort dedicated to their appearance
These Tumblrites are different than Roasties.
Hello newfag.
>community managers
There are 2 in that pic
I'm gonna shoot for 00 or 1. 0 and 4 maybe if I'm drunk.
no wonder western vidya sucks now
The 00 is a trick distracting you from the much more easily attainable 1.
>only 2
They should all be black. It's 2019, why are we still hiring white people?
Fucking newfags.
I thought those were white chicks in skin darkening makeup. Holy shit.
imagine being scared of women
they are the future
How the hell do their facial structures even resemble a white person?
imagine being a woman
How many genders are there in this pic?
lets a go
Videogames reflect it, and that's a good thing.
at least they put the prettiest at the front
>fucking landwhales
Why this whore didn't get time in jail is still beyond me
Gimme 1
Big gamble i'm taking here.
rolling for champagne socialist gf
haha fellow gamers i too am triggered by the fact women exist, and remain anally pained over gamergate in 2019
these threads just prove how retarded and incel Yea Forums is, no matter how stupid the tranny community is
I would fuck everyone in this picture.
if your a single guy and your goal is to fuck as many people as possible you might as well if you're chad
>that pic
Akshuly, fermented soja does not contain the phytoestrogens falsely accused of feminization.
These are game developers too.
How many of them have penises?
>Where do you live
Dallas, working as sysadmin
women work the same jobs as the guys, have the same productivity, and cause less drama
>a-a-anecdotes aren't evidence!
hearsay evidence is still evidence. my experience in the IT industry is that there is no difference between women and men in productivity or work ethic
have sex
Who is the cute blonde girl on the right?
Lucky for me I don't care about American games.
Are there any girls in that picture?
going for1, 0 or 00.
all true except cause less drama
women love talking shit
Why does it still turn people into faggots?
4 pls
A lot of artists unironically are female. I'd say it's not uncommon for an art team to be 50% female. Go to an art school, you'll see 80% female classrooms. No point seething about it, OP.
She's cute. I'd let her beat me up naked for not wanting to have sex.
well that explains why games are so shit now
>doesn't include the cutest one
I'm working on it.
I’d only fuck two girls out of that shit lot
>no blacks
one is better than doubles though.
>what is the iberian peninsula
Because vagina.
Some of the """people""" working on Telltale Games before they went bankrupt. In 1997 they were 6 people. By 2017 they were 450.
>tfw you will never be assaulted by a qt emo gf
life is pain. i don't think i'll manage it any longer
If you think the problem with Telltale was "women worked there", you're a retard
I'm glad I don't live where you live
Telltale Games work spaces
And now you know why modern gaming sucks.
Looks like the writing team to me.
Where are the people who actually make the game?
>that painful expression on the dude to the left
Jammies better not ban me
May chaos favor me.
What's even the point of posting this? She's an extremist and says stupid things. Stop giving her attention if you hate her so much. Screencap posting is the lowest hanging fruit.
Yeah about that...
Why did you reply so much to one post?
Americans are fucking retarded. Not everyone with a Spanish name is a Mexican mestizo. You can be white, black, Native American, with a Spanish name. Spanish is a European language and many people in Latin America are still mostly or fully European.
>those overweight dogs
Why can't women take proper care of their pets?
Japanese women aren't quite as cucked (yet). They still maintain traditional values for the most part.
>they put the only passable one right in the front of the pic
Lmfao like clay baked in an oven until it gets dry and hard.
>anal snarkeesian
i'm glad they went bankrupt now.
I'm not even going to pretend to understand the thought process of a guy who would reject sex to the degree of calling the police. All I know is I'm jealous of the guy.
Damn, they're cute
suck a tranny dick already you projecting faggot
But is the game good? That's all I care about.
Why can't I get a girlfriend?
I want these kinds of people back.
>many people in Latin America are still mostly or fully European.
Why there are two zeroes? And I'm not talking about dubs, but two girls are marked with zero.
The people in OPs photo have nothing to do with video games
well at least they got the skinnyfat nerd body down to a science. Probably couldn't even tell the difference from the back.
>These are video game developers I avoid in 2019.
welcome to the club
I thought Spain was pretty much part African
pic related is you, unable to comprehend that white people are still white when they leave europe
so do the guys
white/black guys will hook up with people from other teams/departments, or at specific retail locations in other states. its like high school with a ticketing system and broken printers.
the indian guys are all about office politics, and cause drama about who gets what project or task and what team accomplished what or who gets blamed for what.
women like to chat and take longer lunches, but they actually work. they don't like the office politics and they aren't trying to flirt with the other IT folks (most are either married or single with kids). we have had issues with women causing drama but far less then the guys on tier 1/2.
now post the guys who do the actual programming
in bad relationships the only thing u enjoy with each other is sex; this makes the woman a ticking time bomb if not given the proper amount of sex to keep her shut the fuck up. But this also makes sex a chore after the first time or two a day.
he probably told her to fuck off while he finished his ranked game or something.
Make at least a clever meme out of it instead just wanting to make people upset for her dumb opinions.
Would you date yourself? I wouldn't.
Please source, I've been burnt almost too many times to hope.
▶tfw madcatz is dead
im old
why don't you guys make your own games + support devs you like? it's so confusing being on Yea Forums so pointless
>the one on the top looks like my crush
>which actually liked me back when i had tinder
>tfw i didnt message her because i was still too scared to do so
how do i stop being autistic
Maybe you get both
no user, that doesn't matter anymore. what matters is to reee about trannies and niggers like it's 2015 again.
did you go to school in the south by any chance
The wrong side won WW2
0 or gtfo
please give me 0
>western vidya
>western women
Learn to deal with rejection, faggot. It's part of the game.
that doesn't matter to projecting faggots here. they would much rather scream about tranny dicks and discord
Britt are fugly so we should still make fun of them no matter their beliefs.
I want the girl in the yellow shirt though
it's not even rejection when i knew she liked me back, i was autistic to the point where i STILL was too scared to talk with her. there's no escape
and that is why piracy exists.
cope with it faggot
I just remember hearing something about medieval Spain being ruled over by muslims
This is a Sony "video game" writer.
gimme 9
They shouldn't.
Not him but rejection hurts, especially with girls you have active interest in. I wish we humans weren't built to feel such emotions after rejection.
Looks like the 90s.
Yeah, you just have to talk. Even if you're too scared. Even if you spaghetti it to hell. Even if you completely fuck it. Every failure is a lesson. Saying "y-you too" and failing will at least familiarize you more with this situation.
TL;DR you're scared because you haven't been there. Fail until you get there.
i like cute skirts
47% yourself faggot
except none of them are actual devs
community managers, diversity managers, HR, marketers, etc are not game developers
where is the twig boy who does the code? You can't make a game with "game designer" M.A.
I'm a lawyer and a lot of senior partners I worked under were lawyers and if I'm half as good as some of them were when I get to their level I'll be happy.
Honestly I find it difficult to believe you have much experience of these professions if you don't think there's many able females in them, you deal with them pretty much every day.
maybe because faggots are simply more likely to be vegetarians?
After all, onions is also really commonly eaten in societies that aren't nearly as bad as America
Do you try?
>were lawyers
Should have been were female, whoops
00 GO!
00 please
it is gratifying that the propaganda is now in the hands of very low-iq and unsubtle people, imagine if everything was written by diabolical scheming jews of like older hollywood movies. Now it's just hamfisted retard trash, which is so repetitive and formulaic even a teenager can point out the playbook they are using
i already fucked up with her. i mean i probably could still message her on tinder if she hasn't unmatched me, but it's been like 3 months since i've seen her (i graduated, she's younger). she's decent looking so i bet she already has someone.
i get a good amount of matches but i hated how i basically had one shot to make a good impression, i'm awful at starting conversations (especially with women). i would think for 1-2 hours on what to say, get tired and think "i'll try tomorrow", which repeated over and over again. then the regret comes in that i wasted an opportunity and i hate myself, so ultimately i stopped using dating apps altogether. thanks for subscribing to my blog
give gf
Nah those are diversity hires. They don't do shit.
There are two zeroes.
>everyone is fat
but most people are still dumb enough to fall for it
*restart router*
As long they aren't drama queens I'm ok.
It is what it is. I'm not a fan either.
project and cope
Exactly but i don't see Tim the one who codes in that pic.
Their minds have been corrupted into thinking looking like a tranny is attractive
you can't lose the game if you don't play it. i still hate myself though
Anything but 5.
dilate and rope
project and cope
I can fix her.
I acknowledge your skills.
dilate and rope
project and cope
Is the cheeto dust shopped?
I don't remember seeing it there
only the top 1% chads have standards
the next 19% will fuck any and all pussy, they don't care
then the bottom 80% betas get little to nothing
Japanese women don't pursue useless career choices like gender studies to become diversity officers and social media managers.
to grab your attention
I'm glad those faggots went out of business.
If you're thirsty and not getting any, I don't think that frustration can be called a victory. Also, you'd be surprised, you can meet some fun girls on Tinder.
Looks like a circus troupe.
Spinning the wheel.
What project is this sad excuse for a human being working on now? Is his sister still hot?
You just know that woman wearing a tie while holding her lapdog is a single wine aunt.
That's a dyke
except i won't since even 4/10 gets hundreds of matches every day and i won't be anyone first choice.
the truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
00, 0, 1, 3, 4 and 8 are all fine honestly.
I'm still rolling for 00 or 1.
rolling time
well, 6 and 4 exist so I guess I'm ok
Onions (not soja) actually do increase testosterone though.
what kind of garbage lawyer trolls on Yea Forums and can't even type right?
have sex and dilate
Well you need to get your fuckin eyes checked because these are video game developers
No they're not. Read the thread, dipshit.
The effect is minuscule, like pretty much all T-boosting methods other than lifting heavy weights with biggest muscles in your body.
Not him, but yes.
weird that first girl on the top step look like my first gf from high school
not gonna read the thread.
but has any game ever made by a girl without male help?
where's is the female version of Pixel?
The best thing you can do if you're a skinnyfat loser is getting the motivation to hit the gym and having testosterone aids in that. So, any T-boosts that push you in that direction so you can actually lift those heavy weights is ideal.
Having your sweat stink of onions surely won't help you get motivation.
That tiny bit of testosterone won't have a noticeable effect. The placebo from thinking it would work would be much more than the actual effect.
then stop telling people it won't have a noticeable effect and start lying to them that it will.
Oh, fug, I got two!
Telling people to eat stinky shit before lifting is a good way to make them hate the gym and be hated in the gym.
You get a bigger testosterone increase chopping wood or even mowing the lawn than working out in a gym.
Correlation doesn't imply causation
>mow the lawn, bucko
Sounds interesting
>fucking this you know everyone in the photo wouldn’t do crunch, it’s why they want to have a union so they are never asked to do actual work
u mad Jose lol, brownskin third world monkey
Unions don't work that way, only one worker does union link "work" (basically doing nothing),the rest still work
Rolling for a good one, let's see what we get.
As long as they make fun games, I don't care what they look like.
Just tell 'em to use deodorant and keep distant from cute girls until the results start rolling in (i.e. the habit forms) and they don't need onions anymore.
He wrote the Big Trouble in Little China comic.
>my sister
>her partner
shoulda paid attention to those red flags in the family