What games let you be a gangstar?

What games let you be a gangstar?

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Stay effay

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GioGio's Bizarre Adventure PS2 bro

super mario

what is a gangstar?

FF Tactics Advance


The closest real life equivalent would be Tupac and Biggie, maybe 50 Cent and Jay Z. First you sell crack, and make rhymes about how cool you think you are, then once you get signed, you make rhymes about how you used to sell crack, and are still just as thug as you used to be, but are somehow still above all that, at the same time.


Whatever game I was playing after that Sopranos thread

The requiem game


Why does everybody dress so gay in part 5?

>implying JoJo isn't /fa/ as fuck

They're Italian.

What games let you be 89 years old?

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Good taste, I like 5 a lot more though.




more like "what games let you be as bland yet always capable of doing anything right as can be?"

It typically is, but vibrant chest-windows goes a step too far.

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What's the persona equivalent of pic related?

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>6 last
True sign of a pleb

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Six sucked cause of the constant prison environment. I'm not a nig so I couldn't immerse myself.

Don't blame them. Retards can't handle negative consequences and also didn't understand the ending so they think Part 6 invalidated everything that came before. The easiest way to find a peabrain is if they don't have Part 3 last

What are some videogames with a side character that's better than the main character?

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what games let you spam your attack for over 10 seconds with a unique sound effect?
let me start: God Hand.

>part 3 last
It was truly a pleb filter, and you were filtered.

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Atlus dabbing on Switchfags.

games like FFX where the way better character isn't Tidus but his bro Wakka.

If they don't play "What a Wonderful World" at the end of Stone Ocean I'm going to bomb DP.


he came off as creepy with that move but then you start to like him more than Giorno.
for me it was the train fight.
>unzips head
the hype was immeasurable.

>Most by the numbers bad guy of the week shounenshit
>Pleb filter
If anything 4 is the pleb filter because it switched from being generic trash to slower slice of life antics.


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>emporio gets into the car
>they start driving into the sunset
>what a wonderful world starts playing
>camera slowly points up

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Giorno just kinda ditched his personality to make room for the team's development. Still a great part. Fucking every part is great, though.
Grandest adventure, best cast.

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Why are you so obsesses?

The Goodfather (PS2)
GTA Liberty City Stories (PSP/PS2)
Scarface: The World is Yours (PS2/WII/PC)
Mafia (PC/PS2)
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble (PSP) even if here you actually are not a "gangstar" but a "school gangstar"

>Grandest adventure, best cast.
Nothing in the adventure matters until Egypt, and most of the cast is dogshit. Jotaro pt 3 is an awful protag until the very last fight.

8 isnt finished so I'm holding off but it's likely in the top half.

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>part 5
>introduce Giorno
>oh he's Dio son? cool
>He also says MUDA MUDA MUDA? cool
>Bruno ends up becoming the most interesting character

>Grandest adventure
>Not 7
Also it's called JoJos Bizarre Adventure not JoJos Grand Adventure. 6-8 are leak bizarre adventure

why do these look so shit?

worst part gets worst animation

giorno is a mary sue with no motive and exists to give the other characters development

He's also hotter.

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Meanwhile at hokuto...

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eeh the fight between metallica and autistic crimson king had fantastic animation and art direction


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He gets better fights and both his goal makes more sense than Giorno and he's more determined to reach goal Araki also did a very good job as writing him as charismatic leader


>3 volumes of maximum security fights blocks your path


Based prime numbers

So tell us user now that the dust has almost settled, what was the best part (anime only)?

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7 is overrated as fuck, there's a 90% chance any particular fucker in these threads put it first without reading it

Toughts on Lord DIO's daughter?

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Sasuga Yea Forums. Can't even understand a fucking shounen.

>Jojo garbage
Watch Mob

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4 so far

5 has the best fights

It's a manga you retard. Just because you're ESL doesn't mean the rest of us don't have a single afternoon to read through something

ah yes, here comes the stupid weeaboo that read too much into it and convinced itself that the author put more than ten seconds of thought into his character


Based prime number speaking the truth.

She's a cutie

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What are the two women and the black person doing there?

the entire series is a manga retard

who is that supposed to be?

O my Korean animators

Doppio vs Risotto
Bruno vs Pesci and Prosciutto and Pesci
Narancia vs Formaggio
Green Day and Oasis
Bruno vs King Crimson

Because muda scenes are dimmed and played at a slower fps in the television release to comply with laws regarding televisions causing seizures.

>ESL projection
>Anime watching projection

please please please ignore killer queen's TV reveal, the blu ray version is much better

So fugo just left? like that? what a fucking joke.

He stayed loyal

worth less than the dirt on my shoe

didn't his stand attacks made enemies go into "overdrive"?

araki forgot

imagine being an elitist weeb

The ESL thing was a joke but if such a simple point flew that far over your head maybe I wasn't far off.


Please read purple haze feedback

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>what a fucking joke
just like the entirety of part 5

Imagine being a cuck who can't read
Narancia dies by the way, Polnareff does too

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>yfw DP plays Mozart's Requiem when SCR awakens

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Why does the series have consistanly average final showdowns?
Was really hyped to watch everyone figure out how to beat King Crimson and it was just some fucking gay scramble for a meme arrow

how was the 7 page muda? I'm not watching the anime until it's over


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If prime number, reread part 6.
If composite, finish part 8.

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>old manga get's an anime adaptation
>more people become fans
>this upset the manchild
Fucking pathetic.
>dumb frogposter

part 6 final fight is kino of highest order

New FotNS was not good.

when you think it's over, it just keeps going

it was fine. i think the va needing to breathe kinda lowers its quality but his WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGH was good as fuck.


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>everyone loves the series so much that they read through and watch all 8 parts
>proceed to then attack anyone who doesnt like a list of things in the same order in which you both still enjoy everything on said list
What breed of retard does JoJo attract

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at least any sort of elitist, even weeb, is way better than the biggest of casual mouthbreathers like you apparantly are.
I am fully backing user.
the manga is the best experience for all the neat details that are always thrown out the window in the anime adaptation.
also, some scenes are executed badly.
checkmate retard.
Polnareff becomes a turtle, dies, Narancia is impaled, everyone switches bodies before Narancia dies. Giorno gets a powerup so stupid that Diavolo can't erase any instance where he should die anymore.
protip: read the manga to avoid spoilers.

>pol dies
He doesn't speedreader-kun

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Kinda shit honestly.
The VA is way better at single mudas

>being an elitist over fucking JOJO of all things
i think you need to re-evaluate yourself buddy

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Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row, any GTA clone with a rags-to-riches story.

>Female Jotaro
When's the last time Kurumi's been relevent in part 8?

pretty good taste

She's literally been erased from existence and people's memories by the stand of the true villain of Part 8.

>old manga gets an anime adaptation
>fanbase gets filled with memeing subhumans
ora ora XD muda muda muda wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry! Is that a Jojo reference?!?


7 had not just one, but two!

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The secret is jojo fans like all the parts.
It's just fun to bants and shitpost at each other because the parts all try new things.

>Someone points out you are a pathetic weeb elitist
>have a massive meltdown
Fucking embarassing man, try to keep some dignity.

I wish Bruno was a woman... now I’m gay.

Oh shit Part 8 has real villain now?
Was it jobin's mom?

>unironically thinking the jojo fanbase was some kind of big brain group
This is hilarious.

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It's some 89 years old fart

>not watching both

Doppio dying and all of GER was kino

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>these threads don't get deleted
>If you tried the same thing with a western property you'd be banned for making a thread that was off topic
Really makes me think

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OVA when

it's amazing how celebrated hokuto is in japan yet the only good anime was the 80s one, and even that's a bit stretching


there's a thing called not caring about a fanbase and just watching the thing

>A dozen no personality posts throwing together a random ordering of the numbers 1-8
>Replies calling that person a retard
Riveting stuff.

They do. The mods are just asleep

God I wish if Rohan got Fugo better get one too

I found the second season of Mob boring, I stopped watching towards the end. I've already read it so I know what happens, but I didn't care much to keep with the anime, even though I was right at the end of it.

People are like that with any series, especially series where each entry is fairly self-contained. You see it with things like Persona and Final Fantasy as well.

I miss when Speed King looked fearsome, his body looks better now but his face just makes him look silly.

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Joubin is and has clearly been the main villain for a while now. It's been made even more apparent recently, but I would be very, very surprised if he isn't the final boss of JJL. The head of the rock humans is the focus of the current arc, but I doubt he'll be the main villain.

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WRYYYY or the 7 pages of MUDA MUDA?

>God Tier
Great Days
Bloody Stream
>Great Tier
Stand Proud
Traitor's Requiem
>Good Tier
Sono Chi no Sadame
>OK Tier
the rest

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>god tier
great days
>good tier
everything else

>god tier
Roundabout, Walk Like an Egyptian, Last Train Home
>good tier
Everything else

>elder god tier
Oingo Boingo brothers

>Modern Crusaders not in god tier

Correct. Also, forgot:
>subpar tier
I Want You

Animeonly Chad here.

2 > 5 >>> 4 > 3 (Egypt) > 1 >>> 3 first half


>god tier
traitor's requiem
>amazing tier
everything else


7 pages

463569223 = 13 * 35659171

this message is directed to people who think part 6 ending is any less than atrocious.

Science Fiction canon:
if you teleport somewhere and are being rebuilt, your original died and there's a new you.
if you have a clone and a mind transfer you died and there's a new you.

now for part 6:
the universe is destroyed and then time reverses and a new different, similar universe is being "created".
now fucking tell me "it doesn't count they died because they're alive" or some other excuse. SHE LOST THE UNIVERSE because Araki wrote a shit ending. winning against gravity was still possible.

Then why is there no glistening chest hair on these Italian mobsters with open shirts?

Buccalati took his team's chest hair - he's using it all for himself.

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why are americans thinking that sad (or in this case not even sad, just bittersweet) ending means that it is a bad ending?

this taste is sublime

>if you teleport somewhere and are being rebuilt, your original died and there's a new you.
>if you have a clone and a mind transfer you died and there's a new you.
that has nothing to do with the part 6 ending, are you actually retarded?

because an ending that destroys the universe is bad.
not only does the enemy get several stands as a part of some evolution, his final one is too OP.
the true cast had no chance. you call that a worthy ending?
also nice American boogeyman, I'm from another country.

You are incapable of drawing lines from the nearest analogy possible. jesus.

all final fantasy, persona etc
actually most jrpg are like that since the mc must be the neet self insert so they cannot characterize it more than the absolute minimum thus making side characters stand out more

SBR>Part 2>3
The rest are trash

Joestar bloodline lives on, even in alternate universe.

Yeah that justifies all the boring characters and fights that occur in 2/3 of the part.

Living organisms were stated to not be under the influence of the time acceleration, so the universe is being recreated 'around' them without them actually dying or anything, somehow
Only those that died in the old timeline are replaced with 'new' copies in the new one

>you guys aren't murderers or anything, right?
That makes no sense

Literally why didn’t they just make Bruno the JoJo and Giorno the side character

I haven't played them but doesn't the Yakuza series fall under this?

6 loses several points for its bad protagonist.

Except that if that was the case people would consciously retain all their memories and it would be a recorded event but Pussy explicitly says this made people know their entire lives on a subconscious level instead.

yakuza obviously

animeonly here

2 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 3

Kiyru is technically retired in every game except like the first 2 hours of 0

This. Also recently translated too.

Yakuza series.

Mafia 1 and 2.

He literally just said he'd chill a little before killing a priest.

>finally get a female protag
>She’s the only one who fucks up and can’t beat the antagonist and fucks up the universe

You can’t make his up

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because they're compressed to fuck because they're using the original size.
if they scaled it down to 640x480 or so it looks a LOT better at the same filesize

based animeonlyhere

manlets, when will they learn?

Yes it does, it's fucking Florida

>Antagonidt is literally a black homossexual priest

Can't believe Araki went full sjw

Pretty accurate

Mangachad here.

1 is actually really good until Zeppeli shows up. But the action becomes boring and generic.

Nah, pretty much correct other than that though

Mista Trish Giorno and Polnareff with his soul inside of turtle are the only people who survive by the end

I know that friend

it's not about the result, it's about the journey ;)

Now I feel like a dick

Good, because you are

Just finished Jotarus story line
It was pretty good but joseph is still my favorite character
I hear the next part is on par with josephs story


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Part 4 is the best part, it's the 1 part where everyone can agree the anime is 100 times better than the manga


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You know, for all the bullshit flung at Funny Valentine, it really shows how selfless he is considering he's died and let another version of him take his place to ensure America's prosperity.

It's not
when it's still yourself

>America's prosperity

He only cared about the land. He kills several red blooded americans without remorse. He's just a power hungry asshole.

Except it's not.

Gotta crack a few eggshells to make an omelette, friend.
Let's not forget that Love Train was given to Valentine, or that Jesus was willing to let Lucy die as a result of shedding the corpse.

Mista is apparently pretty hairy, it's just not illustrated on him.

6 haters are true brainlets.

Remember when Anasui used to be a girl? Araki doesn't.

>jojo thread
>everybody posts their shitty rankings even though nobody cares

you are number 1 in my heart.

Unless we have a scene of Jesus rejecting someone, the whole "I'm approved by Jesus" thing is just a lie. If anything anyone at his place would get the powers

Faggot opinion of the highest caliber. Only autists don’t enjoy the road trip vibe of part3

>Funny Valentine
>when he only loses because he was such a cunt that he planned to betray Johnny even if was about to spare him

you are a dick. i'm up to date on the manga and i still think you're a cunt. let the anime only's experience the same shit we did reading.


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But it's decades old even though it only became mainstream now!

Steel Ball Run

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>1 below the shitshows that are 5 and 6

Based Gay Priest dropping truth bombs

Haven't read 8 yet beacuse I'm a retard that doesn't like getting into unfinished stuff.

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You act like Jesus would be above his methods.

>Selling drugs

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To be honest, SBR is unlike Golden Wind in the sense that the brotag doesn‘t overshadow the protag like Bruno does to Giorno. Gyro and Johnny feel like on single entity at all times.

Gyro is the master, Johnny the student. This hierarchy shows itself in most fights with Johnny acting as a support to Gyro, at least until Johnny starts going ham after learning the spin.

>Not watching both

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Based Prime Number priest

New as fuck.

Next year maybe

>Have a life so shitty you need to feel superior to animeonlys
>reveals himsef to be a dumb frogposter and a speedreader
you cant make this shit up

Reminder part 7 and 8 take place in the new universe

Part 1

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mostly good but
>above anything

If you mean the new universe that's in Part 6, then no they do not.

sources? Last I checked Eyes of heaven confirmed it


It was just jotarowank fanfiction.

2 but is also a based choice

>Science Fiction canon
imagine being such a 56%'er that you think all science fiction follows the same rules

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I miss Jonathan

>wrote partially by Araki
>new DIO design by Araki
>not canon

Eyes of Heaven isn't written by Araki so it can't confirm or deny anything to begin with, it's just a half-assed Part 3 jerkoff session. It doesn't deconfirm it anyway though, and even if it did, the Joestar and Higashikata family trees have already been shown in JJL and they don't line up with SO's ending. Even outside of that, for SO's new universe to be the same as SBR and JJL, Irene would have to be Josefumi's daughter, which she obviously is not.

Neither of those things are true. Araki just "supervised" it which is just a vague way of acting like he was involved so they could lend their half-assed story some legitimacy.

>>wrote partially by Araki
imagine believing this


>Outer God tier
Modern Crusaders

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Cock 'N Ball Torture?

>being retarded on so many different levels

>he likes color action overdrive

You on the right

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You're a gangster, technically speaking, but in reality you're a total moralfag who fights for your own heroic ideals and to protect the innocent, also while being super fucking stylish.

To which my answer is Yakuza.

>Supreme Entity tier
Voodoo Kingdom

>doesn't mention mafia 3

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>Tusk act 4 cant beat Dio
>GER can’t beat Dio
>Star Platinum punching really hard can beat him

Araki is a hack if he even had a part in this

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but user
same type of stand


Dead or alive

It's mildly amusing to me that Jonathan's great-great grandson 100 years time displaced got 'the same type of stand' rather than someone closely related like his literal son Giorno, grandson Joseph or even great grandson Josuke
hell Crazy Diamond even looks like The World but isn't 'the same type of stand'

Let's do something different, let us pretend the Jojo battle royale game is what we wanted it to be
>tfw getting punched by a Giorno player after he finds the stand arrow and constantly stay in place dying

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What if all the Joestar stands CAN freeze time and most of them just never realized it?

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Think about for a second on what would happen if GER froze time.

It would probably overwrite his ability

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i would assume it stays frozen till GER sees fit

>not posting the superior version