InFamous is 10 years old today. Say something nice about it.
InFamous is 10 years old today. Say something nice about it
Prototype was better
>Prototype was better
Said nobody that matters, game killed itself in one sequel and died last gen
I got the platinum and collecting the shards was a pain in the ass.
I actually loved this game, one of my favorites of all time. Much better than its sequeal imo
It's not hard if you used guides on YouTube.
FUck you dude lightning is way cooler
>tfw you have every infamous games but still haven't played any
then again I got them all for free in one way or another (lol psn hack) so I guess it doesn't really count
They're working on Ghost of Tsushima. To be honest, I think want them to work on another inFamous game. Second Son was a let down and felt like filler at this point.
2 ended the series perfectly.
I just picked up a copy of the first game for three bucks yesterday, interesting enough.
got the game from the PSN hack but never finished it because it was boring
I just opened a map of all of them and went to each one after beating the game.
Well now's the time to play them. You're missing out.
Imagine making a good game that could be improved with some polish, then making a seuqle more polished but with a worse plot, then making a third game that's pure garbage but with amazing graphics and gameplay only to bury the series because sony literally can't get more retarded.
It was electrifying for its time
>worse plot
2's story started strong, but the whole John was The Beast this whole time plotline was really dumb.
The only game that let me come close to role playing as Misaka
2 had pretty fun level maker.
Autism-level battles between ice and crab-people
>only to bury
Maybe just maybe the devs got tired of the series? You fags want devs to make the same game all the time then complain about it when they do shit like GOW where they reboot it and milk the series name
I liked the enemies skull hoodies
First game I got on my ps3 in highschool. Lotta great games and memories with this series and console.
Holy fuck I completely forgot about these. UGC missions on this game were great.
half as long...
Fuck you dude they didn't need to make second son and the first game ended on a cliffhanger leading up to the sequal. Stop being gay
I like both for different reasons. Prototype for giving me the option to just tear shit up and Infamous for letting me be a moralfag with lightning powers.
The factions were pretty cool and was a bit disappointed they never brought something like them again in 2.
Second sun was a needed tech demo for ps4
This was the first game I got on the ps3
Man I loved it
Prototype 1 was marginally better than inFamous but inFamous 2 was tremendously better than Prototype 2.
Twice as bright.
It's a good game, but I would like it more if it weren't just a third person shooter with electric powers instead of guns.
I wish infamous 2 got a 60fps remaster, the framerate tanking was frustrating in some of the missions
I loved infamous. Never played that last game on the ps4 though and I can't realy remember why. Was it good?
Bring Cole back
Check out SP's twitter. They just dumped a ton of inFAMOUS shit. Early productions, art work, game play mechanics. Great shit.
the story was shit and there was fuck all enemy variety but i really like the gameplay because its super mobile
you're constantly on the move and i think that's great
I liked it and even the stand alone expansion. Nothing too special, but I think it's worth for a playthrough if you like the series.
Not really. The MC was annoying, the story wasn't really engaging, the powers are all the same shit, only reference to the past games are a single side mission with Zeke's voice. It's only merit is that it looks pretty.
jesus my life is still exactly the same it was back then
Same. I'm still sitting around doing nothing
Best PS+ game ever
It's my favorite Sony franchise. I love urban capeshit vidya. We need more Infamous AND Prototype
I liked Second Son but the ending to the evil path is fucking garbage.
I don't get why people complain about the new game. I thought it was fun
Sequel is one of my favorite games of all time. Hope we get another installment after Ghost of Tsushima
A bit short but I liked it too.
Short, not as fun and was a step back gameplay wise. Delsin sucked compared to Cole as well.
I remember enjoying my first playthough. Got pretty close to platinuming it so I might go back.
I never played it because I was getting tired of sandbox games that were plaguing the market back then
J/k I was 13 at the time and was more into table top shit with my friends
Maybe, but I really like Delsin's Urban-punk design. Same goes for his friends.
One of my fav ps3 games and games of all time. Shame the sequels didnt stand up to the first one. 2 came the closest but it was just too much of a mess with all the new elements they added.
I've played it many times and wouldn't mind playing it again. But I'm pissed because I found every blast shard except for one and I spent hours looking for it but never did
Agreed, although I think Second Son was better than 2
I gotta try
It looked fantastic, some of the gimmicks fell cool back when PS4 had just come out, movement was very fluid and satisfying, you could spend a lot of time just moving through the city, the alternate powers were fine. Delsin had a good design and was pretty different to Cole too. That's it, I guess. Combat was average, game was short, story wasn't good, and a lot of small things that I can't recall since it's been years but bugged me a lot.
No, Cole had a great ending, let him rest.
This, Prototype 2 is shit.
Infamous 2 is one of my favourite games.
Weird how despite a lot of open world sandboxes coming out lately that it became overwhelming, none of them feel like infamous or prototype.
My issue with 2 is how half of the map is just a dull frozen swamp, just like that ice bitch.
I do think that SS was the right step in gameplay but the characters were much worse.
It was quite alright. I love early ps3 titles they have a certain vibe they give off that makes them comfy af.
Goddamn right he does.
I thought it was interesting that when you run out of lighting in Infamous 1 you can still shoot out lighting bolts, but in Infamous 2 they changed so when you run out you can't shoot out any bolts.
>This thread reminding me that at one point in time I REALLY liked InFamous. Especially when I found out Amon Tobin did stuff for it.
The gameplay is a marked improvement, especially the movement abilities. And the graphics were obviously a step up. But nearly every other aspect of the game was worse than the previous.
A game set around ordinary people getting superpowers and choosing how to use them is still a cool concept and it deserves more attempts at it.
However the name inFAMOUS looks stupid.
Ah yes, the days of the "action level -> stealth level -> action level"
Oh that's cool.
I remember I really liked Static Shock. It was a good superhero show that dealt with things like gang violence and other problems of teens back then.
>that sunrise in the final chapter right before the boss fight
I don't usually compliment skyboxes but fuck that one looked beautiful.
Same here. I loved watching that show as a kid.
>that crossover between Static and Batman Beyond
If we get a Beyond Arkham game I want him to be in there somewhere.
I think that was the other Hulk game.
That's because infamous, prototype, and sr4 give you superpowers, which makes exploring more fun.
Doesn't really matter.
Prototype is only ever brought up on IF threads.
IF manages to be more memorable and discussed by its own merit.
I dunno man, there’s been a ton of Prototype threads in the past few weeks or so.
Remember when Cole grew out his hair?
Literally what the fuck were they thinking with this?
Its because those games make traveling in a sandbox fun. A lot of sandbox games have you play as a regular guy travel in a car or any other vehicle you could find in any game. That's why I can play any spiderman game and have some fun just traversing the city with web swinging, no matter his shit the spiderman game is. I wish more devs would do this, or at least dedicate time to develop authentic feeling transport like RDRs horses
Last Light is the only infamous I've played.
It's clearly casual bamham normieshit but I'll admit that speed-zipping around and being able to actual grab and climb any surface is pretty cool.
How to the other games compare to it?
I didn't mind the look, but changing his gravely ass "I've seen some shit" voice would've been unforgivable
>If you save her, it turns out it was just some literal who and she was actually among the group of people you didn't save
>if you did save the random people, she was actually hanging alone by herself
this one always irked me the wrong way, regardless of which morality you were
not ape escape