These are the faces of the gaming industry, say something mean about them
These are the faces of the gaming industry, say something mean about them
Other urls found in this thread:
Crash Bandicoot is more iconic than Samus
Crash 1 alone outsold every Metroid game before it
Not really. Should put some fortnite character and Steve in there instead of Link and Samus. I don't like it any more than you do but that's what's recognizable right now.
Nintendofags should be chemically castrated.
Facts are funny?
Cope, sales don't make something iconic. Critical acclaim does, none of those characters mentioned in this thread are iconic, beloved or memorable in any way
Nintendofag or not, he's not exactly wrong
Mario and Pikachu sure, but not sure about Link and Samus
He is wrong. Fortnite and League are more popular than Nintendo shit.
Imagine being this wrong. Zelda is literally the most popular thing on the entire internet, it's just as normalfag tier as Pokemon or Mario
>no sonic
> MUH Sales
Means nothing, they don't determine public perception & how things are viewed, critical acclaim does. Doom is more iconic than Fortnite & League will ever be
Nice cope. When a character is recognized by most, they are the face of something.
why dont you ask your parents if they know who zelda or samus is
Fuck off, nobody cares about Samus in this day and age, you are retarded to think she is bigger than Sonic or Crash
>muh flavor of the day meme games
Fucking zoomers
Public perception is exactly that: public. In this moment a great deal more people know abut Fortnite and League than DOOM. Why did you make a thread specifically to pretend to be retarded?
> Muh sales
Fucking zoomers
Fortnite & league aren’t respected, nor do they have any memorable characters
Isn’t Kirby about as much of a face of the gaming industry as Samus these days, or in other words, not a face of the gaming industry, I feel like sonic, Steve, Master chief, or 2B would all be way more fitting as the 4th face.
Fuck off Zoomer, none of those characters will ever be iconic, aside from Sonic.
>"muh critical acclaim"
Means fucking nothing if the character isn't popular or recognizable your nintendork. If that were the case, shit like bloodborne would be considered the 'face' of gaming, which it clearly isn't.
Faces of gaming:
Not faces:
You ask normalfags who the faces are, and they will be familiar with them. Ask them who fucking samus is and they will be clueless.
>old boomer faggot doesn't recognize that his gay characters aren't popular anymore
Minecraft is the highest selling game ever, Chief is the fact of xbox. Grow up nintendofag.
> Recognizability among people who don’t even play games matter
> Critical Acclaim & popular of an individual character does not
> Not having a single memorable character, but selling well makes a literal who iconic
Jesus christ, Zoomers are retarded
And yet Steve is a literal who that nobody cares about, people always replace him with skins of other characters
He’s a zoomer who bases all of his opinions on sales
Yes, recognizably does matter when you are claiming they are the FACE of something you big fucking idiot. That's the purpose of saying it's the face.
Take your meds boomer, you're becoming socially illiterate.
Listen, I’m just saying that samus isn’t much of a big name anymore, I’m not saying that the games are bad, but I mean, compared to other four, her series is treated like it’s nothing, even Kirby has gotten better treatment, prime 4 will probably make her popular again, but never the face of the gaming industry, that just seems like a bit of an overstatement.
Seethe more Zoomer, there isn’t a single gamer who hasn’t heard of Metroid.
Honestly, I forgot why I put her in, I probably shouldn’t have.
I never said that
>bundle with every other game and sell for pennies to the dollar
It's more iconic guys.
whose on the bottom right?
Oh, also I’m not this guy I’m this guy
>single gamer who hasn't heard of metroid
Oh, so it's about popularity now?
>Muh critical acclaim matters
>2b?, No not her, only muh tranny nintendo characters count
Even by your standards, Metroid and pokemon are irrelevant when it comes to people who consistently play games you fag. When was the last time any of those has gotten critical acclaim. Hell the same could even be said for mario.
Samus is literally more popular than Sonic & Cloud, mascots of two multi-billion dollar franchises that have made more revenue than any other literal who like Fortnite, Crash or MineCraft. Sales mean nothing & never have
>google stats
Are you seriously saying metroid is more known than sonic? If so, you are genuinely a low IQ retard.
I have a feeling that it might be because of the porn, but I guess popularity is popularity, and I’m probably wrong about the porn thing. Also, slightly unrelated, but isn’t there this thing now where if you search the word knuckles, you can only find the pics of Knuckles the echidna.
Cope, google is the most used application in the entire world
Mario: smelly Italian
Link: tranny
Pikachu: cute
Samus: OP pic looks like a tranny but otherwise Samus is pretty
>official art
>official art
>official art
>fan art
Doesn't mean everyone is looking up fucking video game characters. The average person will know who a character is an leave it at that with no further interest. There are multiple variables to take into account when you look at something like this.
Looking at sales alone should tell you that Sonic is in fact a much more popular franchise considering it absolutely crushes metroid.
Super Metroid is literally the 3rd highest rated game ever, and Metroid Prime is the 10th highest rated game ever. Samus is the face of the Platformer & FPS genres
> bbbut Sales
They have never meant anything, TLOU is the most iconic game of the decade & it didn't even sell that much
Okay, well what’s the first and second
I just realized, why has nobody brought pac man?
_ _______ __ ____ ___
Which, again, does not matter when looking at the face of something. Master Chief is much more of a face of FPS than samus ever will be, and Mario overshadows Metroid in the platformer genre for an eternity.
Call me when Metroid gets this kind of attention
Isn’t pac man the 4th face of gaming
> 1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Super Metroid
> 4. Final Fantasy VI
> 5. Super Mario World
> 6. Super Mario 64
> 7. Final Fantasy VII
> 8. Metroid Prime
> 9. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
> 10. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
> 11. Shadow of the Colossus
> 12. Resident Evil 4
> 13. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
> 14. Super Mario Bros 3
> 15. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
>toon link
should've used Skyward Sword or TP link
Critical acclaim = Iconic, no other factor means anything. People will remember the game that recieves the most praise from Journalists. Not the ones that sell the most
>Sales and popularity don't mean anything when looking at what is considered the face
>TLOU is the most iconic game of the decade
Is English your second language? You have a very weak grasp on these concepts.
Zelda botw is the most iconic game of the decade. TLOU is an irrelevant movie
Sales don't actually determine what games are the most popular, among people who play video games.
People will remember the one that sold the most because that is what the collective group has experienced the most. If a game gets 10 sales and is great, and a game gets 100 sales but is mediocre, people will remember the mediocre one because that is what the general population played and was familiar with.
Also, Iconic does not simply mean something with critical acclaim, it has to be well known and appreciated. The Mona Lisa is an iconic piece of art because not only is is a great work of art, but also because of its notoriety. Something can't become Iconic when only a few individuals know about it.
>zerda and metroid
Yep keep coping, this site gets 45 million viewers a month. So it's literally normalfag tier
I'd say:
No idea who's the true fourth one.
>among people who play video games
Which isn't important when you look at the Face of something. The Face is something recognized by everyone.You could argue for a lesser face, or a face within a dedicated group, but that would be a different thing from the primary face.
Tom Brady is a major face of football. Perhaps more dedicated sports fans have another face, but for the general population, he is the Face.
> Link - Most Acclaimed Franchise Ever
> Mario - Most Recognizable Franchise Ever
> Pikachu - Most Popular Franchise Ever
> Samus - Most Popular Female Character
So chrono is the 4th face
Wait, no, yu is the 4th face
Oh shit, no, dovahkiin
a blue furry creature is more recognisable than the most popular female character
Dude, you don't even have an argument right now, your just pointing at a websites total combined views for a month. By your logic, skyrim (lmao) is more popular than minecraft because of how well received it was despite minecraft being the #1 most sold game ever and having more of a reach than anything on that list. That is literally some brainlet logic man
>the Metroid series doesn’t even have the best Metroidvania
Sales don't matter, continue coping & seething
I think at this point, people just have to admit that Samus isn’t the fourth face of the gaming industry, a great game character from a great series, but not the 4th face of the gaming industry
This is the only metric we need, since all of the most popular gaming websites are on here, including Reddit & Yea Forums. The characters represented on here the most are objectively the most iconic
Pic related, it's you
> Bbbut Sales
If they are so important then why do Rockstar games always lose GOTY awards to Sony & Zelda every year?
>b-but muh sales! Muh popularity! The most iconic and culturally relevant movie of all time!
>moving the goalpost to a reward about a games quality
Anyway, GOTY is given by a small handful of people you tard. Also, Zelda is still a Face of gaming and extremely popular while also being well received.
> 1. Link
> 2. Mario
> 3. Solid Snake
> 4. Samus
> 5A. Cloud
> 5B. Sephiroth
> 6. Crono
> 7. Wander
> 8. Leon S. Kennedy
> 9. Alucard
> 10. GlaDoS
There, here are the most iconic characters. Most recognizable is a completely different discussion
>Metroid’s really popular, of course it’s the 4th face of gaming
>actually, it’s not, there are tons of games that are more popul-
the absolute state of Metroid fags
> Salesfags
Cope, Avatar by this logic is more iconic than Citizen Kane, Star Wars, Snow White, Shawshank, the MCU, The Godfather & Toy Story
I never said anything about sales, and even then, there are still more popular series than Metroid, like sonic or pac man.
No one even knows who bottom right is outside of hardcore gamer circles.
Avatar could have easily been an iconic series based on its popularity had it made sequels. Just look at the recent marvel movies.
I only know Star Wars, Marvel, and Toy Story out of the ones you listed. Snow White sounds like some off brand movie for kids.
Your right in claiming that Metroid isn't in the top 4, but it's still iconic as fuck
> Best Franchise contest (160,000 worldwide voters)
1. Legend of Zelda (Winner)
2. Final Fantasy (Lost to Zelda by 2,000 votes)
3. Metal Gear Solid (Lost to Zelda by 62,000 votes)
4. Super Mario (Lost to Final Fantasy by 12,000 votes)
5. Resident Evil (Lost to Final Fantasy by 70,000 votes)
6. Super Smash Bros (Lost to Mario by 29,000 votes)
7. Kingdom Hearts (Lost to Metal Gear by 22,000 votes)
8. Metroid (Lost to Zelda by 93,000 votes)
9. Castlevania (Lost to Kingdom Hearts by 3,000 votes)
10. Street Fighter (Lost to Resident Evil by 1,000 votes)
11. Pokemon (Lost to Metroid by 6,000 votes)
12. Sonic (Lost to Super Smash Bros by 19,000 votes)
13. Mega Man (Lost to Final Fantasy 65,000 votes)
14. Mega Man X (Lost to Zelda by 78,000 votes)
15. WarCraft (Lost to Mario by 75,000 votes)
16. Fire Emblem (Lost to Metal Gear by 35,000 votes)
17. Grand Theft Auto (Lost to Warcraft by 1,000 votes)