fuck you i liked it and its awesome
Tales of zestiria
In what way? Because the music, story, characters and gameplay were all extremely bad.
Decent graphics I guess.
Play any other tales game
They are better than zestiria
I liked it better than Berseria at least
Congrats on finishing your first tales of game.
>In what way
i love the music, story, characters, gameplay and the VAs
you all have shit taste
nah i finished vesperia (xbox) and nearly finished graces but droped it somewhere then they went to the other planet
Go away Baba.
I still never understood the hate for it, and it was my 11st tales game and I liked it more than about half of them.
Just wish that dumb PC port wasn't 30fps locked though.
how is the anime?
after playing the part this that fox i really want to watch it
pretty average, it tries to force Alisha all the way through and differs severely from the game in the 2nd half
I summon the fujoshis.
there is a fix for it tho
Well, there wasn't when I played it a long time ago.
i got the fitgirl version but i dont have the dlcs ingame?
how do i activate the dlc costumes?
IIRC there's a tab in the item menu for DLC stuff.
no, you undeniably do
It's horrible someone actually enjoys this crap when the series produced much better entries.
I don't want more of Zestiria and Berseria, I want good fucking games
Better music than Berseria, that's for sure. Therefore it's the better -game- albeit not the better cinematography
I liked it a lot. I initially wasn't impressed with the story and thought it may as well be any other game. But it became genuinely interesting if not a little clunky on the delivery. The way in which Sorey comes to terms with his ultimate decision is subtley foreshadowed throughout the game and it was only after I beat that I realized how well thought out the journey actually was.
Anyway, all of the characters were neat except Dezel who was understandably very poorly developed. For plot reasons obviously it makes sense.
I also really liked the normin system though I feel like that is one of the major drawbacks since it is too complex at times, especially if you're looking for a lighter RPG which ToZ is definitely not.
the guy who ruined Zesteria to have it please Rose's VA
I liked it, although maybe it was because everyone talked so much shit about it I had my expectations on the ground. Surprisingly decent and contrary to popular opinion Rose was actually nice.
I liked it so much that bought my personal replica of the celestial chronicles. The combat system was the only part i hated, fuck the haters, everyone was just angry that Fats/Lightning was not the center of attention for the whole game.
Terrible, if you liked the game, then avoid the anime. If you disliked the game, then still avoid the anime.
pro move, user
im jealous
is this a good place to start the series?
Absolutely not.
The good thing about Zestiria is this girl design.
Thats it i guess. Berseria is still way better
I found the characters to be very bland and boring. But it was better when i beat Bersaria first because i cared about the lore.
I want her to step on me
The only good thing is that it went full gay.
And showed off Rose's excellent tummy
Don't mind the Yea Forums hivemind, it was a decent game, but since retards on Yea Forums don't play video games they usually just reside to regurgitating the popular consensus on a game, so they only have a very surface level understanding as to what it's actually like.
Rose with long hair looks just like Luke.
And that's a good thing
there is?
Luke's design is really a 10/10 for a girl.
>redit spacing
but the 20th anniversary episode was nice
*unzips pants
*the only shit
fuck tyypo because i am a retard
Yeah, but that's because they didn't care about appeasing waifufags in it. It's sad but the best retellings of Zestiria are those without any waifufagging.
two words fucking water temple!
>mfw there were people who thought that anime Sorey was going to be heterosexual.
>using the NPC meme to defend a shit game
that is sad
Just pay attention to the floor user.
Zestiria was my first tales game.
Made me go by vesperia after.
I really liked the bromance with Mikleo and Sorey, thought their chemistry was great.
Guys I only played tales of Smphonia on Wii, what should I try on PC? I bought a PC port for symphonia but it was way different and I dropped it.
Rose's English VA is nowhere near as annoying as her Jap one, especially if you know the shitstorm with her and Baba beforehand. It's one of those rare instances where the English VA is actually more tolerable than the Nip.
How the fuck would you even know if you're not going there?
I don't go on reddit and I have no fucking idea how this shitty meme of yours caught on
the "reddit spacing" meme was pretty much invented to expose the newfags who think it's a thing, pretty ingenuous trap honestly
It's not trapping anything, it's only disrupting the conversation needlessly.
Nothing "ingenious" in that
Saying this as a person who doesn't give two shits about the "controversy". Rose's JP VA isn't bad, it makes sense for the role she plays. The voice is only intolerable if you buy into the crying of disappointed waifufags. If you don't care then the voices won't matter either way.
Not him, but you're reaction is proving his point.
>Previously played Vesperia and Graces
No wonder you loved this game. Just about any post Xillia game is better than that trash.
I do find it funny how Beseria fans love to make fun of Zesteria, when it's the exact same world building in both games.
I'm just tired of the genki Mary Sue role and voice she was given because Baba wanted her to have a bigger role. I didn't even give a shit about Alisha since Sorey is obviously gay.
Are the left 2 traps? If not, not playing.
but it isn't
The whole idea is for people to react over retarded things? That's the genius of it?
Let's say retarded crap which makes no sense so people react to it. I sure got tricked.
How does this contribute to anything?
yikes generic anime garbage
how do i upskirt this semen demon?
That's what happens when a character's story is removed for time. According to the original writer Rose's position in the party was an an executioner. In order to prevent Sorey from becoming malevolent Rose would kill those who purification had no effect on. Sorey realizes that it's unfair and learns by the end to do it himself, while Rose starts valuing purification over killing.
Rose's story in the game wasn't added in "because Baba wanted it to be" it was always there, it's just the remnants of a half completed story. Rose was just meant to be a sibling figure to Sorey.
not as sad as your inability to formulate your own opinion. stay brainless, you ai retard.
Baba pls. Just let it go.
>left 2
fuck off retard
Zestiria is for gaibois, only fags like it because it's for gays
>Because the music
The Go Shiina tracks were great.
your mom is also a gay
Then where should I start
Yeah, it's the last one to the right, IIRC. I think it looked like an antenna.
When will Go Shiina finally take over Sakuraba? he was great back then, but now I just can't listen to his music
Go Shiina left Bamco, because they aren't giving him enough work. So, never.
I liked the character designs, but the gameplay was really jarring for me, transitioning from Xillia 1. I never finished it.
Oh, I didn't know, is that why I see his name more and more in anime? This season he's on Kimetsu no Yaiba (though I haven't watched it yet. Is his music worth it there? Might pick it up right now if so)
It doesn't even have to be Go Shiina. I'll take any fucking composer over Sakuraba.
But he's still working with them. He worked on Code Vein and God Eater 3, and the God Eater orchestra concert this year.
The red-headed girl's design is wasted on this shit game
Her design is the lamest after Dezel.
Would you have preferred it if she showed off her thighs?
*great game
I liked the /y/ parts and hated everything else.
It's not a good game just because you masturbate to the characters