ITT: Games that you were not hyped for but ended up loving

ITT: Games that you were not hyped for but ended up loving.

Just bought this bad boy last friday and I'm having a fucking blast, way better than previous AC games imo, 10/10

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Same here, the atmosphere was top notch, the music especially, I felt stranded that far back in time

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Got it on sale and was pleasantly surprised. Although the story was meh and you had to set it the highest difficulty for the gameplay to be even halfway challenging. Really wish they worked on the side quest stories. Some were set up interesting but just devolved to go and kill everyone in a base

I haven't really played any asscreed since 3, but Origins has had me tempted a few times. Plus it always goes on sale.

Bayek needed a proper send off. The curse of the pharoahs ending just had Bayek wander off to do more medjay/assassins stuff which was unsatisfying

Odyssey is even better

Loot boxes
pay to win
$60 game with microtransactions

And with that we end this update on Assassin's Creed. And before you go please consider donating to my Patreon, for just on dollar you can support independent media. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG OUT

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Sort of been interested to try these new ass creeds. the second one was the last i played. but i've feeling that it's not worth it for me

>come on dude, origins are not like prev AS games, it's miles better
>fine, i'll try it
>wooptee fucking do it's the same shit with a fucking levels now
>yeah I know Origins was pretty hit or miss, but that greek one is soooo good, man
>wooptee fucking do it's the same shit but in gaylands and even more stretched
What a waste

The RPG elements that Ubisoft has implemented on the recent ACs did really refresh and save the franchise.

All that parkour only, multi hidden blade with arrows, tiny map with boring cities stuff got really saturated. I uninstalled Unity because it was a clusterfuck of a game.

I was really surprised that during the beggining of the game you didnt really had to parkour much.

They're fun auto pilot games if you don't want to think too hard while playing

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No it’s not, Odyssey is fucking boring, soulless and ugly in comparisom.

>AC 2 fan buttblasted that he didn't get his dual hidden blades with

Nah Odyssey went too far in the wrong direction. Too much copy paste empty shit with mmo tier missions and parkour is downgraded as fuck

Probably the best game/surprise I have ever gotten from the Humble Bundle Monthly program.

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Imagine having such bad opinions. Odyssey improved on everything. Kys.

Get outta here, every creed game is a fucking waste and even your beloved 2.

Like what?
It has worse graphics, story, music.
Gameplay is worse too because of the shitty level scaling.

Not only do you have shit taste but you are apparently blind. Yikes.

Odyssey had the most boring generic overworld, and a totally soulless robotic protagonist

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Prove me wrong then you fat soý slurping tranny.

They need to scale the fuck down on all the pointless padding scattered around a giant copy pasted world.
Also the multiple protagonist and multiple quest dialogue choice is extremely bad and watered down. Feels like a boring parody of games like Witcher 3.

The only big issues I had with Origins were the level scaling and that Bayek was a boring protagonist that didn't really have much of an arc. I just started Odyssey and it seems the same way so far

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The level scaling is much worse unless they fixed it. Also the protagonist(s) are even more boring.
You will grow to hate the ship combat as it’s a pale garbage imitation of Black Flag.

I liked the RPG elements but I do miss the sheer breadth of gameplay options we had around the middle of the series. I'd love to repair cities, buy property, manage organizations, etc.

Didn't like the combat as much in Odyssey either. Same with the quippy protagonist. The best AC MCs are the gritty ones IMO. For all his humor Kenway was still a bit of a bastard.

>I'd love to repair cities, buy property, manage organizations, etc.
Mah nigga, I love that shit.

good god no

The new games are sorely missing a headquarter with visual progression and upgrades.
Hopefully we’ll soon we over with this origins/before the assassins shit and actually get to play an assassin again(or templar)

>I liked the RPG elements
You fuckers are kidding right? My one experience with this game was at my friend's house and after 30 minutes all he had done was ride a horse and sift through a menu with a bunch of arbitrary 'blue' and 'purple' rarity swords that hardly did anything to the one brute/armor guy he fought.
It was mind numbingly boring and really showed me how much normies need validation through numbers, he was so excited to get that +0.25 purple sword that did nothing

Origins or Odyssey?

I liked it at first, then it wore down on me.

I think it had big potential though, I might try Odyssey just to see if anything improved.

Origins, and he was halfway through the story but I observed no meaningful dialogue or cutscenes, just riding across an open desert then taking 15 minutes to fuck with his +nothing swords and equipment and shit.

I litterally could not give less of a shit of how the AC games play, I just want more interesting settings.

Egypt and Ancient Greece needed to be gotten out of the way eventually, and while they are some of the more common non-europena/japanese settings in vidya, they are still underused so it's cool.

But defaulting to fucking vikings is such a waste. Not only is it overused as fuck, but they didn't even have large cities. There's so much better shit to go with

>Bronze Age mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylon, etc)
>Ancient Persia
>A newer game set in the Medieval Islamic world
>Ancient or Medieval India, enough shit here for like 3 games
>Medivial Southeast asian kingdoms (Khmer, Sukhothai etc
>Ancient or Medivial China, like India you could do 3 fucking mainline games in China alone
>Fuedal Japan
>Postclassical Mesoamerica (Aztec, Purepecha, etc)
>Classical Mesoamerica (Maya, Teotihuacan, etc)
>Late Horizon Andes (Inca Empire); an early intermediate or middle horizon with Moche city-states or the Wari and Tiwanku empires would also work, if not for the lack of historical sources)

Even if they are overused relative to all these, i'd still gladly take Rome or Medivial Europe over viking shit. For fucks sake, even Africa and Native Americans would work better then vikings, since there's a number of kingdoms and empires in West Africa that were formal states with cities and shit even if they weren't super vertical, and the Mississipians had a ton of viking tier settlements and even a city in Cahokia (pic related), and would at least be more underused then vikings are.

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Odyssey is even worse in those aspects

90% of the game is parkour but they made it completely brainless and still people somehow manage to have fun with it, i don't understand

As I allude to in , I just enjoy the game as detailed recreations of historical cities and envoirments, basically.

For all the shit people gave origins for the female students; generally speaking the AC games actually are pretty damn accurate when it comes to the cities and general society itself. That was notable precisely because it waa an exception.

Noted, this is why I prefer games like Borderlands; at least they made their loot system fun like Diablo

It's pretty comfy, I spent way more time in it than I should have.

Playing Odyssey, and it just feels really comfy, again. Just mucking about on the ship, looking at islands.

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You don't actually for one minute believe these aren't shill posts, right? Only shills and game bloggers actually like nu-AC's "RPG mechanics" replacing core AC gameplay. They're not even real RPG mechanics, it's just the most vapid lootgrind type you find in stuff like Anthem to keep players hooked while they wait for a halfway interesting mission to come along.

Someone post webm's of the garbage cutscenes that make ME: A look like a masterpiece

Played about 30 hours worth and it's as bad as syndicate. It's like the good developers left after unity because it was the last passion project

Yeah I agree, this loot system has no place in games like Assassins Creed.
I hated it in Nioh too.

If you honestly thing a company like ubisoft would waste money shilling games on Yea Forums you are delusional, especially since Origins isn't even the most recent AC release

AC is ubi biggest franchise. They'll do anything to defend it new microtransation feeding systems

sadly it really isn't.

Origins was the first AC game I played.
I was liking it and played for like 20-30 hours until I uninstalled it because it got stale and repetitive.
I got Odyssey at 50% like 2-3 days ago and started playing it, but I didn't play even 1 hour.
I don't know, I feel like the protagonists are too boring, I can't feel any connection with them, they're pretty generic.
Also, those cutscenes about that woman exploring or investigating shit feels way too forced.
If I wanted to play as a girl I'd go to any MMO, you just get tired of them shoving females down your throat just for the sake of it.

>Depict a man who beat Cicero at politics, Pompeii at warfare, the entire Roman senate multiple times and fucked Cleopatra IN HIS FUCKING PRIME as a bumbling fool

Am I missing something here? Do people hate the arguably greatest human being who has ever lived?

There should've been a quest where you try to assassinate him and before you can even get into the room he's like "you get 5 seconds to fuck off before I call the roman guard on your ass"

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fair enough, I like that aspect too but id rather explore something a bit more creative. It doesn't help when when all the characters suck

White men and white culture are wrong and needs to be deconstructed and removed.

>protagonists are too boring
This has been a problem with AC for too long. It feels like the games just start without really introducing you to the protagonist. The writing is so shit, but people pretend it's good.


No really; what's the reason?

>play as a badass assassin during the last egpytian dynasty, fuck year
>suddenly I'm some college girl doing her thesis on egyptian history
>try to skip the segment
>Can't skip the segment
>have to go dialate for a while before you can go back to egypt
>this happens multiple times


>I don't know, I feel like the protagonists are too boring, I can't feel any connection with them, they're pretty generic.
Honestly, I had to start Odyssey like 4 times before finally getting into it.
The game makes the massive mistake of spending the first 3 hours doing chores that have nothing to do with Assassins, or even fighting, and the game doesn't get into the "hunt down these not-illuminati" part until what, 10 hours into it?

Meanwhile Origins start right at that part, it inmediatly gives you targets, it explains to you why you are hunting them down, and the story in general is about how the Assassins came to be.

Odyssey has pretty much nothing to do with the franchise.
It has a better customization system than Origins, but that's pretty much it.

I would be curious about a game set in the Balkans and Eastern Europe in the second half of the first millenium. Bulgarian Empire against Byzantine, Cuman, Pecheneg and Magyar migration/invasion, still existing remnants of Dacians and Avars.

Pirate it and you'll have everything unlocked.

I actually agree on this one. When they revealed it at E3 I was like
>"Egypt? That could be cool..."

Then they showed gameplay and it looked like the most bland shit ever, same as every other Asscreed. I was not impressed.

I bought it on a whim around half a year after it came out, and it really surprised me. The map was great, Bayek was a great character, and the new combat was fresh enough.

Then I played Odyssey when it came out and fuck I hated it. I guess I burnt myself out on origins but it just felt so much worse.

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It's what he would've wanted

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Loved this game.
Buggiest shit I've EVER played, but still very good.

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80 hours into Odyssey. New AC is solid 7/10.

They’re just throwing popular conventions into a kettle; it ends up being pretty good. It’s the Witcher model.