Star Trek Online is a fun video game

Star Trek Online is a fun video game

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It was before they diluted the factions even more and made finding someone to kill in pvp even more difficult.
The special snowflake magic ships also didn’t help.

>want to play it
>some issue with my ISP's internet makes it impossible
>no other game, just STO

any waifus this game

STO was cool in 2010 - 2012.
Right now, it is just a grind fest. They killed a somewhat balanced PVP after 2013 with more overpowered abilities, consoles, etc...

STO is dying a bit. I think.

Is it worth a download for just the single player content?

The stories are enjoyable, the bridge officer customization is a nice touch, and having a bunch of the actors voice their characters is pretty fun. But the ground gameplay is a joke, space gameplay mediocre at best, rewards are either a matter of time or money (which in turn is time for most who avoid buying it), there's not really any end-game and the limited factions makes playing together a hassle in a game with too few players for it to be a good thing.

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yes, if you don;t mind grinding a bit more... It has a good story. If you are a star trek fan and into RPG, you probably like it more.

You can make them yourself. Your bridge officers will be "talking" a lot to you during missions and will join you on missions, so you can make your science officer your prime waifu for example. Plenty of options for customizing them, though sadly hairstyles are the limiting factor.
There are a few characters you might like as well though, but none really stand out imo. Except maybe
>Kurland here

If you like Star Trek, yes

what kind of issue? never being able to load into the game fully, or only loading an extremely buggy player model on an empty map?

if you make science officer a waifu do you have to replace her for better stats

The second one, after about 10 minutes of loading

The ERP is middling to okay.

I still can't believe they decided to fuck Dukat's character because he was too popular as a villain

>want to get new ships
>have to grind forever to get them or wait for some event

Quite so. Requires little grinding to stay leveled for the content, and can be done entirely f2p, as buying shit only makes it even easier. You might want to buy a few things for convenience or for smoother mission completion later on (lvl 50+) but even then it's fairly cheap. You can even skip on buying a tier 6 (highest rank) ship sometimes because a handful of events yearly reward you one, and they are ALL good enough to finish the stories with.

And the stories add up to quite an amount of content, with varying styles from all the shows. Definitely worth it if you like Star Trek for this alone (and maybe only this, but you might like the gameplay enough to stick around?)

Just pretend the ending of Waltz didn't happen.
At least we got a good character out of Damar.

Even if you did the bridge crew are yours to customise however you want so you can just remake her. Make the whole lot into clones of your waifu.

i had both, and you wanna know how i fixed it? a massive ice storm knocked out half of the above ground cables in my area. once they were replaced, it worked fine.
sorry, i really have no idea how something like this even happens. just hope a tornado destroys your town or something.

Bridge Officers have abilities that they can all get, so all science officers can get all science abilities. It then just depends on which abilities you pick for ground and space (and what your ship allows).
They have traits, though, which slightly affect ground or space gameplay. Higher rarity have more traits, and special ones have better traits. However, they make a minimal difference.
And if you end up with a better officer of the same species, you can just copy over the looks and rename her.


Garak should have died instead of Damar. He's the only one who could lead Cardassia through a long and painful rebuild

You can't just ignore Waltz, it affects his character from then on. The Pah-Wraith cult, the fling with Kai Winn, the stupid Fire Caves ending, it's over from that moment on and pretending like you didn't see it doesn't salvage it

Garak had to live through it all so he could finally go home, only to find his home no longer existed when he got there

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has anyone played the console versions?

To be fair, they did expect to have an 8th season which would be the final season but it didn't get approved. The eighth season would have been a 20-30 year time jump. Nog is a captain in charge of the Defiant patrolling the Gamma quadrant. They make it past the wormhole back to DS9 when it explodes killing everyone. It's sabotage and Sisko and everyone else returns to DS9 to solve the mystery. I forgot the other specifics but I think Dukat also comes back and is the final baddie.


That all sounds remarkably silly

>At least we got a good character out of Damar.
From a bridge officer of a transporter to the most powerful Cardassian and leader of the rebellion. Dude had a pretty wild life.

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Isnt this Grand Muff Tarkin from Star Wars?

>the actor only took the role because the writers promised he'd become a much more important character as time went on

It's from a documentary where the showrunners talked what the plan was for an 8th season.

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killing Nog seems like an awful idea

And it's all remarkably silly.

>Bashir is in charge of Section 31
>Kira has a secret army of Jem Ha'dar

Cardie women are fucking hot. I bet the sex is intense.
No wonder the jemhadar were so on edge, they had no dicks.

I remember playing this. I was a Science officer and I flew some Atrox carrier. You were able to macro your abilities in such a way that you'd just instantly shit on everyone in PVP by slamming the space bar repeatedly. Reminded me of paladins from WoW WOTLK.

Section 31 did nothing wrong. The only good founder is a dead founder. Odo in the later seasons becomes such a shit character.

god the lightning looks shit.

pls respond

I used to enjoy playing STO but then they introduced TOS era ships and settings and I was permanently spoiled on it - I can no longer tolerate any Star Trek that isn't TOS era, problem is there's barely any content for it and most of what content there is requires you to pay additional real money to access. Agents of Yesterday really killed the game for me. All I want is TOS shenanigans but everyone's only interested in gay TNG/DS9/VOY shit, or else nutrek garbage

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Can we all agree that The 2800 was kino?
Apart from the usual MMO-esque sidequest shit. The attack, finding that Founder bitch from the show, and then literally boarding the station while battle rages around you.

Reminder that Odo is a race traitor who literally go what he wanted and then indoctrinated a child into reversing what he wanted by giving up its life for him,

>dump modern storyline for forced shitty STF garbage

not anymore

discovery crap ruined it

The TOS retro loading screen is fantastic and better than the rest

>when the story only mission on Bajor was first released and everyone bitched about how boring it was not having anything to shoot

Agreed. Shame they are doing STD content, so I have to ignore all new incoming new missions/ships for a good while.

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That's pretty much the only stuff worth playing. PvP used to be half-decent, but died off in the last few years.

Reminder that Bashir was a Changeling at that point in time and refused to help a dying, infant Changeling. Also that the baby goo was fucking dying and couldn't have done anything else except die in his hands. And, also, that Odo didn't really want to be a Solid at any point.

no its not haha
man it is so fucking terrible, if it werent star trek it woulda been flushed years ago


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I'd settle for a T6 Pioneer, honestly. That dinky little kitbash has no right to look as neat as it does.

>hey guys we made a new level of reputation
>oh it takes just as long to get to it as it took you to get to the previous max level

haha what if Zach Braff aborted a woman's pregnancy and ate the fetus, haha

Is it at least any good? I haven't played since they have killed off the DS9 season so that they can feature STD.

Can't wait for the inevitable Picard content

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Personally I think killing nogs is a wonderful idea.
But I agree that Nog doesn't deserve to die, especially after that PTSD/Wounded Warrior episode.
> Full Blown Real Spymaster Bashir
Based a.f, would love to watch
> Sultry ara-ara style Kira and her "retinue" of swole Jem Ha'dar
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>old man shakes fist at Borg: the mission

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