Ugh..what could have been

Ugh..what could have been..

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Thank God that didn't happen.

why, you don't want more hot german women?

yea, balkanized Europe works well for everyone that's not in Europe. Divide and conquer is a great strat.

>implying the EU isn't the fourth reich and germans aren't again screaming over europe

Race literally does not matter. It's only an issue because humans can't let it go

It does matter, but intelligence and skill matter more.

blobbing as germans is so fucking gay

Enough Germans already in my country, don't really need them to take over the entire continent.

>not fascist

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>try to take over europe twice, disregarding national sovereignty
>get BTFO twice
>“f-fucking balkanizing kikes trying to conquer Europe and disregarding national sovereignty”
god wehraboos are pathetic

i want to go to your country and /blacked/ them.


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>get BTFO twice
i don't think so, the EU is as powerful as ever

give Europe to the English then so we can at least speak the same language


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genie mac

Germany is not the EU, the EU is Germany. If anything G*rmans got fucked 3 times, and now pretending that they have a tight grasp over continental politics. If anything those continental politics are what define modern Germany, not vice versa.


Nice try. Americans demonise their enemies by labelling them.

I just think even if they won Europe would be better under the control of a European entity rather than external influence.

Russia is always fun in these games


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if they won even just one more battle at any time in either world war odds are you wouldn't even be born. Literally everything that happened before you were conceived is the best case scenario for you

I don't really care for my own existence this much, and although it might be well and good for me now, my children and their children might suffer for it in later social periods.

Also, my parents are from the same former Axis country.

why would france, italy and balkans be in the reich ?

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Back to pol

your children and their children would not exist without you
>Also, my parents are from the same former Axis country.
which makes my point, like, undeniably true. Hell if Hitler went to a different cafe on any particular day there's a shot you wouldn't have been born

>be glad you live in a kike hellhole and that europe got BTFO otherwise you wouldn't exist

i'm not sure how this wishful thinking stuff works

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that's the joke retard

I personally just wonder what it would be like if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor and the US stayed Isolationist and never joined WWII regardless of the outcome for Europe.

except its not

you're not just a child of your parents, your a child of every event in time that took place to make your parents fuck at the exact right time in order to create your existence. You can fantasize about what could have been but you wouldn't have been there to see it, so i don't really understand the lamentation

i personally wonder if:

1. the germans didn't piss off the nips by signing the moletov-rippentrop pact
2. the germans held back and didn't declare war on usa

though on point 2 the usa pretty much already declared war on germany 7 months earlier

Yeah, I'm really going to take my history lessons from an "I AM SILLY!" comic.

Brainlet here. But how was a tiny little nation like germany able to fight so many nations (both smaller and much much larger) so effectively?

>The Catholics were good guys and we should have left them unopposed!
Nice comic for retards



yeah if all you do is blob like a faggot. austria is the patricians choice

Are grand strategy games the thinking mans genre? And so by extension the cuckolds genre?


This. catholics are bad goys

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>austria is the patricians choice
This desu.

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Do you think the US would be better off? i feel like they never would've became the world police or needed such a massive military because they wouldn't have cared about anything beyond the americas. modern NATO wouldn't exist.

>Yes, goy-er, I mean, faithful children, cast out those filthy Jews so that only WE can demand every last one of your coins for assurances of favors in heaven!
The Catholics only hated Jews because they were the competition in extorting the masses.

If only...

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>protestants like jews
Nani the fakku

Probably a lot different in asia, but Russia still did most of the work against Germany in WWII (still gets lend-lease, I assume). Europe would be less strongly aligned with the US in the following decades since US doesn't have a foothold and permanent ally in western germany. USSR stronger but eventually falls (more gently maybe?) since a lot of it's problems were internal.

If I had to speculate about asia I'd say Japan would pull out of china (since they essentially declared the war because US didn't give them oil to sustain the continental and naval efforts). They'd get what they can (a foothold, maybe, or Taiwan) and be bitter about it. They'd probably leave the germans to die and take on an anti-communist role for asia and butt heads with US about it but a stronger USSR means a pragmatic US-Japan bloc. Entering the war was a net win for the US, politically, so I can't see them getting as strong as OTL.

That's my impression of it, at least for 10-20 years you could speculate, I guess. Anything further is anyone's guess.

ugh what could have been

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Countries like France and Poland were still suffering hard from the Great Depression and their militaries were severely unprepared for any potential invasion from Germany. Britain was able to successfully hold off German invasion because of its superior navy, and although Russia was caught off guard at the start of the war, they quickly recovered and ended up producing munitions and tanks at lightning speed. Germany's Achilles Heel ended up being their inability to fuel their war machine, Germany lost the war when they failed to take the Caucasus oil fields.

Luther was pretty much the only major reformer who really hated jews, but boy, did he hate them.

the nips were deciding on weather to "go north" against ruskies or "south" against anglos, they chose the wrong path

Your life would be miserable if you lived under le based redpilled nazis since they'd send you to a work camp for being a NEET lmao. Not that it wouldn't have imploded anyway and let the USSR take most of Europe making the entire continent fucked when they implode too in reality.

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>not a blob

germany lost the war when

a. america signed lend-lease for commies
b. allies bombed out all their factories

i wonder how long ww2 would have gone on for if they were able to finger click and make all the allied bombers vanish

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>Germany reconstructed rapidly (west of the wall) because based Hitler promoted meritocracy, and not because USA pumped Germany (west of the wall) full of money to make the commies seethe and look bad because their part of Germany was a shithole apparently untouched by based Hitler’s philosophy, as seen from the fact they didn’t reconstruct rapidly, as commies not giving them money had no impact on that

Imagine the autism.

Lend-lease was also a big part of it, yes. Anyone who says America did nothing during the war is a bitter hater.

Nips had experienced skirmishes with Soviet Union during 30s, they always got BTFO. Attacking Russia to the north even with more military power would have been a sink of resources and lives of soldiers with little to gain, as attempting real invasion of Russia that way would have been beneath logistic hell.
Also, European colonies actually had shit they needed for their war machine.

proteskike cope
As the other guy said Luthero hated them but modern protestants are basically crypto jews

Why do people on this site act like Russians were the true heroes when the fact is they would have gotten btfo like everyone else without the lend lease?

The reason is unironically Russian propaganda

the japs should have joined germany and invade at that time

the small border skirmishes didn't put off them from invading

Because Hitler took literal shitloads of loan that he invested in military industry so he can wage war and not pay denbts, while normal countries that raped krauts back into the Stone Age didn’t really invest much in their military and kinda assumed krauts would not want to get raped again.

If the premise is 'Japan didn't do Pearl Harbor' it's not a given they would go against Russia instead. Since they had an economic incentive for war against US they would either do something else to solve that problem or accept the loss. Personally I think they would do the latter and be butthurt about it for decades.

western propaganda is pretty powerful

>muh infinite human wave resources
>big country

turns out when you big up russia as the bongs did for 5 years in ww2 that image lasts a long time

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It's a tired response to how americans portray themselves as the sole true heroes.

Delete this

>as the sole true heroes.

as a wherboo they pretty much are desu

I don't play that genre, but I recently bought Realpolitiks so... Remove kebab for starters?

reddit memes
>muh russian winter
the soviet war contribution is almost as overestimated as the US

>Hans, we need more ammunition for ze warr, who do we put in ze wurk kampz?
>Ja, put ze guyz dat don’t want to work, have no work egzperienze, work ethic, or ability to cooperate with oderz


i love these memes lol

As an Italian, give me a good reason why I should ever want Germany to succeed. All they've ever done is fucking rape and pillage Italian successes and claimed it as their own.

Fuck Germans. Swamp and snowniggers need to fucking go back to their shitholes.

A little forced labour would do this site good to be honest family


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I don't know, when you get to hell ask Mussolini

Why did Italy ever join the Axis Powers if Germany has done/did them wrong.

you get a bit of france and an african empire

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America could've stopped at lend-lease and Germany would have lost anyways. For decades later America would proclaim through it's media the monumental efforts their poor soldiers went through. The reality is that the americans had all of the resources and faced almost none of the hardships, the russians had almost none of the resources and faced all of the hardships. And won. America wasn't irrelevant, no, they weren't the heroes either. I'd put them on the level of european Britain, the asian side had a lot of fighting.

Someone post long Korea

Is the objective to fix my character to produce usable shit in usable quantities within a reasonable time?

mostly because hitler was a big fan of mussolinis and they ended up becoming best mates

though in hindsight it would have been better for both of them to not have become allies

Opportunism. Just some years prior Mussolini had objected German expansion in Europe and considered especially integrating Austria threat to Italian security.

This ugly tin can is beating Panzer divisions en masse and fucking hot German women and basically, you're fucking stupid.

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Ugh... Nani ga dekita no ka

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Britain and France each received more Marshal Plan funds than West Germany despite having suffered a much lower level of destruction. How come W.Germany was the 2nd most powerful economy in the 1950s again, while France and Britain weren't?

>the asian side had a lot of fighting.

... with american jeeps, tanks, trucks, fuel, bullets and half tracks

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Because Mussolini figured joining a quick blitzkrieg in 1940 would get him some territories around the mediterranean, he miscalculated that one

galaxy brain iq

britain was a shithole until about 1990

uuuh yeah... i'm thinking this is based desu

Are you illiterate?

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Who made this?
Because they obviously misunderstood what the state of Italy's armed forces was and why they joined the war.


it did happen, its called the EU you faggot

Delusional. If America doesnt provide in the form of the lend lease the USSR gets btfo. The US actually sending its own troops and making Germany fight a war on two fronts was just the cherry on top. Fucking Stalin even admitted that the lend lease kept the Russians from losing.

Monarchism is the superior ideology,kys

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Are you?
You too, really? Literally says 'America could've stopped at lend-lease', means, done that and nothing else.

Same reason Japan and China underwent such a monumental industrial growth compared to non-fucked countries.
When your country is a bombed out shithole with no opportunity for the average person to make money, you can make them work a lot harder for a lot less money, and when your currency is basically tied to another country’s economy, you can sustain price competitiveness in spite of industrial and economic growth.

>Not absolutism
Kys LARPer

Monarchism isn't an ideology.

>italian complaining about being cheated by allies

Woah... look who's talking...

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for me? It's Ethiopia

>superior ideology
>tried the same shit and got the same result

>leaving Kashmir and Indochina to be fought over by pajeets and browngooks

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>tried the same shit and got the same result

oh. probably should have phrased it differently

but without america direct fighting we have

1. less bombing germany
2. no d-day or western front
3. no operation torch

which would lengthen ww2 by at least 2 years if not stalemate or truce


They thought that was a typo obviously, because why in the fuck would you reply
>If they only provided lend lease
>If America hadn't of provided lend lease

>what is WWI

>Real monarchism has never been tried over 5,000 years of civilization!

>Nazism is Monarchy

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WW1 has to do with the imperialism of the time not with monarchism retard

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It literally is you dolt.

>i-it’s not REAL monarchism


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not an argument

the world wasn't ready for Catholic China Friendly reminder.

dumb krauts should have gone full total war in 1939 not 1943

My money is on a more drawn out war but still squarely Russian victory. Troubles in Italy, partisans in france, these factors would probably guarantee Germany doesn't displace western troops and send them eastwards at least until it's too late and the Russians have gained momentum. Do consider that resource constraints were a big part of the german defeat in the eastern front, while america is guaranteeing enough resources for the Russians.

Because americans keep hiding behind 'muh lend-lease' when they fail to realize it's the extent of their WWII impact in europe.

>make long term strategies for ethnic cleansing and population replacement
>literally industrialise genocide
>still worse at ethnic cleansing than literally everyone else playing by ear
Is there a “people” more pathetic than G*rmans and bargain bin G*rmans?

oh nonono

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Aw shit here we go again

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>Because americans keep hiding behind 'muh lend-lease' when they fail to realize it's the extent of their WWII impact in europe.
...Do you actually believe that?

>tfw beat the royal family
>tfw btfo germs in ww1
>tfw bfto germs even harder in ww2
>btfo jewSA to space
>went from shithole to greastest nation on earth in mere years
>even with burgers shitting out capitalist propaganda thousands take the red pill every day
Feels fucking good

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here, i fixed europe

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>btfo by capitalism

Imagine winning the war and still losing your empire ahaha imagine being british and fighting ttoth and nail just to live on a singular brownie infested island

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>its the extent of their impact
Even if i let you run with this narrative, its a fucking MASSIVE impact. Literally saves the war for the allies. Why are you trying to downplay it?

>btfo germs in ww1
Does somebody want to tell him?

Either capitalism isn’t actually any better than Communism, Communism isn’t any worse than Capitalism, or Capitalism is better than Communism, meaning Soviets btfo USA at every turn despite being burdened by a nonfunctional system that was doomed from the start.

Yes just remove the people funding the east dragging them over the second world line despite their incompetence

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>meanwhile, naval conflicts in the great European sea continued between Slovakia and Switzerland over fishing rights to the great Austrian seamount

>Soviets btfo USA

aaah, i remember when i also was a delusional tankie

If somebody declares war on you and doest win they are truly btfo

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>went from shithole to greastest nation on earth in mere years
Ah yes, started as a shithole and ended as an even bigger shithole

>gets btfo by finland

>what is the treaty of brest Litovsk
>what is two revolutions during wartime

>implying the Slovenian mountain Jews wouldn’t claim ownership first and sue anyone trying to use their ancestral sea territories without paying fees.

Obviously because the whole argument is wether or not american pride in their WWII role is justified. And I'm arguing no, since the most they helped was as a large, expensive vending machine, and anything beyond that was to secure influence in europe.

Would have been nice, actually.

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What's the reasoning behind people being fascinated, if not obsessed with WWII? That, and the alternate possibilities, all of which boil down to fantasizing -- as there's simply no way to know.

I unironically like German people
they seem nice

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>btfo germany


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It's an interesting time in history. There are a shit ton of stories, events, technologies, political events, etc, that you can learn from and study.
That or people are just being faggots and fantasizing about the Axis winning or gloating about a war they weren't in.
Its like, Grandpa fought the Germans in Normandy, that means I'm super tough too even though I shake and tremble buying a slushee at the Macs.

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Yeah, Bavarians are cool.

>tfw will never have a war like ww2 again

ignoring all the death and shit it was kino

tank battles, air campaigns, big naval pew pews, taken to different continents, endless strategy possibilities

ww3 will just be one tank battle and then nukes

>tfw will never fight to the last man defending a white europe

Again letting you run with this narrative. Why the fuck wouldn't it be warranted? Again its probably the single biggest contribution to war, at least in terms of actually winning the war for the allies.

ugh brudis, what could have been

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i think his point is that normie americans don't even know about lend lease and just think of american soldiers turning up in higgins boats and "liberating" europe

You're ignoring what the american WWII vanity actually is, and what I'm arguing against. D-day, the western front itself, and all the war movies that essentially created the myth (in the sense of mythology) that is america in europe. Some self-awareness on the part of americans would mean deference and respect to the europeans that actually fought the war with american guns, since they recognize they were more merchants and dealers than heroes. Not minor, nothing to be proud of to the level that americans do.

They lost the war when they studied the winter war and took "lol look at all those casualties" as the lesson they learned, not "look at how they never broke despite these insane casualties"

>wow that's incredible racist!

what a fucking faggot

>/pol/ threads

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finally smoewhere where i can dump this pictures

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>leftypol memes

tfw never got to phase 4

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God, I love CK2.