Once they unionize the sjws will never finish game ever again and gaming will become even more shit and sjw then usual
Im so glad i dont play new games
Whos ready for game unionization
chubby facesitting abduction femdom yandere Satanichia McDowell gf
Good that means only Japanese games will be left, foreign games suck ass anyway
if you're against unions you're literally a cuck and would probably let jeff bezos cum inside your wife
>playing W*stern games
Fucking kek, the W*st hasn't made a good game since like 2006.
>a world in only which shitty cliched jrpg's exist
i'd neck myself
Imagine giving your earned money to pay someone else in the company LMAO
what if you're talented and in demand for your skills?
There isn't a single word in this post I don't like.
if you're talented and in demand for your skills you join a fucking union to make sure you don't get ass raped by your employer, especially in an industry where your employer is a company like Activision, EA, etc
Always, always, always join a union if you can. You know why public sector employees live so well? It's because they held onto their fucking unions.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a useful idiot, or trying to scam you into accepting future decades of shitty pay, no job security and shit benefits.
More like without unions video games will continue to be shit because nobody takes risks anymore since they'll be fired without severance if their games don't make $5m for the CEO.
we have no unions, and it's resulted in rushed out barely functional bullshit like Fallout 76, Anthem, No Man's Sky, Mass Effect Andromeda, etc
but its not possible to be fucked by your employer if you're talented enough to just quit and get a better job right? I dont have a strong stance on this, im just not sure what a union would offer someone who doesn't struggle for or even want job security.
I'm ok with this. There's plenty of good indie games that aren't riding the SJW train, I can live without AAA titles. At least for the time it takes for big publishers to realize that pandering to people who don't play games is a losing strategy.
This presupposes that there's a better job that will hire you and remain "better" over the long term.
People in the games industry are generally seen as disposable across the board. If they were treated well to begin with, nobody would be talking about unionization.
Not only that. Specially in PC, there's a giant backlog and if we include emulation, there's literally no need to play new games again.
How so? If anything, AA studios that can't afford unionization will die and the AAA will be even more powerful.
real talent is always in demand, if the industry cares about quality there will be competition for those at the top and so not everyone is disposable.
A lot of guys in the industry find it pretty easy to move around and the work they do is high skill so experience is valuable, i guess if there's no major downsides i'd support unionization but from my perspective it wouldn't really change much for the people who are good at their job and would entrench shitty people in management positions.
Ill support unions the moment they stop throwing support behind corporate drones like Biden and similar, till then nah
>if the industry cares about quality
My daughter Satanichia is so cute
That's a great thing because people will give childish things up and narrow the path to improve themselves. Seek Jesus.
musty chubby fart Satanichia forced facesitting gf
soiled it
like she'll soil her pants on my face
user you're right, you've just been talking to a union shill.
If the game industry unionizes it'll be SJWs running the unions and only right-think employees will be able to unionize. A bunch of good devs will get fucked over at large studios.
If you're actually talented you don't need a union.
yeah I realise thats not always the case, but this industry has uncommonly savvy consumers, great games often do perform better and so there is a financial incentive to push for quality. The best studios do still care about making great games, if this stops being true then why even work in the industry.
yep, gonna be a yikes from me, buddy.
working in a union has been pretty eye opening desu
i work in audiovisual tech, used to work for PSAV but got sick of being treated like shit and joined my av union, shits cash now, and i still get on psav jobs from the union without having to be treated as shit as a psav employee
unions are great and speaking out against them outs you as either a greedy corporation or a retard who doesnt know how they work
>not chubby
>but this industry has uncommonly savvy consumers
>the same consumers that make lootboxes, day one patches, literally bare bones retail releases, DLC and DRM financially profitable
>The best studios do still care about making great games
The AAA publishers don't.
I work in an un-unioned industry and people with talent get shafted and untalented people are entrenched into management positions so I'm not sure what your point is, NEET
Who's this tomato-looking bitch
>uncommonly savvy consumers,
Is that why movie games do so well
The bestest girl of her show.
Real talent gets the boot if they speak up against the retarded management and corporate suits without a union, so I'm not sure that you made the point that you think you made
>being against unions
please tell me this is a joke
america can't be this retarded
This. there's a reason why moviegoers or sportsers aren't rising up...