Sorry about your exodia dude

sorry about your exodia dude

Attached: 306505.jpg (315x450, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck plays exodia? But thanks for setting up my graveyard BRO.

good luck with that

Attached: MorphingJar2-SP14-EN-C-1E.png (309x450, 366K)

Exodia is a FTK deck doofus

Who the fuck has a graveyard? Thanks for setting up up my D.D.'s BRO.

D.D. is still played?

Yes, yes, very good Morphing Jar...

Attached: ExodiaNecross-LDK2-EN-C-1E.png (478x695, 847K)

you're gonna run out of cards before you win with that

thanks bro

Attached: Danger___Jackalope_.jpg (342x500, 71K)

I ran skill drain for years almost so I never had to learn the crazy effects of each new set of monsters. Let us battle like proper gentlemen, not with wacky JoJo stand powers.

Attached: 131705.jpg (308x450, 40K)

>no one with the og
just got a retrain too

Attached: NoblemanofCrossout-AP06-EN-C-UE.png (308x450, 358K)

>even getting to play skill drain nowadays
You better have some hand traps, cause its all about those turn 0 kills nowadays. You are not going to get a single turn.

get dabbed on

Attached: 94DCB565-4286-44DF-A3BD-B1068037DD57.jpg (740x1079, 136K)

nothing personal

Attached: SasukeSamurai-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png (446x652, 718K)

>time with BA and qlis
>True Dracos
>fucking spIals
last time you played?

I took a break after firewall dragon got banned.
FTKs really got blown off that badly?

Oh no, I never possibly could have built a deck around skill drain and forgotten to protect it in some way.

Attached: CurseofRoyal-DB2-EN-C-UE.png (343x501, 504K)

kind of, more about setting up the board again

I can do this all day

Attached: 81DD2445-38EA-4A9B-870D-AD2CC82A82C0.png (308x450, 342K)


step it up and play the new shit instead grandpa

Attached: MysticMine-DANE-EN-SR-1E.png (478x695, 767K)

1 ok tcg 2 ocg

I appreciate the challenge, but how long until you cut your own throat with Solemn Judgement?

Attached: dlg1en106__67028.1519947332.jpg (372x550, 40K)

Post based monsters

Attached: TotalDefenseShogun-DB2-EN-SR-UE.png (350x508, 455K)


i have
a very dumb friend who plays exodia a lot in spite of me and his other friends (who aren't too versed in YGO but have a passing interest via him) telling him that's fucking dumb

Morphing jar looks like a fun chaos deck. Should I get back into yugioh? Haven't played in over a decade.

>niggas here tryin to do the bs counters

Attached: chain.png (784x1250, 676K)

>chaos deck
>over a decade
well thunder dragons are a thing I suppose

Heart of the cards

Attached: 6B3C23F5-ECE0-4125-83B8-A63618FA0A59.jpg (332x480, 43K)

Looks neat, but I stopped playing years ago as you probably guessed. The fun for me was seeing the lengths people would go in order to protect their meme meta combos, while I stomped all over them with normal monsters.

oh shit don't do it to em

Attached: A6D79DA0-7A8F-4E3D-A00F-9A1F0FEBDBD0.jpg (340x480, 42K)


Attached: TrueExodia-YMAB-JP-OP.png (540x830, 839K)

I too, have a Dark Bribe

Attached: D7CCF1F4-2FE5-4236-AEDE-DB69AC8E7E47.png (482x700, 593K)

Hi, what video game is this?

>still going at it after

Attached: 5FD20C95-B7B2-4098-BACF-BD6A82B8666B.jpg (327x486, 44K)

The fuck is this? Toon Exodia?

Yugioh: Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution.

ygopro, duel links, legacy of the duelist link evolution

Meme Exodia
>If the only monsters on the field are this card and 4 "Forbidden One" Normal Monsters with different names, the opponent of this card's controller wins the Duel.

Attached: 97134E8D-973A-48BF-A3CA-DD5D8BAA5775.jpg (335x484, 49K)

>Kaz stating it's his form without the other parts
just ignore the literal faggot

Chemicritters are the best deck

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*Makes your read a book*

Attached: TDIL-EN046.jpg (820x1195, 327K)

Say goodbye to your spells, fag.

Attached: images (7).jpg (345x500, 36K)

video games

Attached: 3A42D36D-E3AC-47A8-8076-2C870FA0835D.jpg (1036x805, 99K)

Attached: 1558239230682.jpg (800x450, 134K)

*fries your brain*

Attached: 1188878.jpg (309x450, 54K)


I understand now....

Attached: 1449803565537.gif (371x331, 1.94M)

no don't do it.


Attached: 585F60BD-7DD4-4340-A33D-ABA9E1CCE95B.png (300x438, 281K)

*conveniently ignores the past*
>also still using an old one despite new being out
quit being a bitch

Attached: ToonDarkMagicianGirl-SP2-EN-UR-LE.jpg (400x580, 107K)

Attached: 1527242189216.png (832x868, 371K)

that aint saving the trash pile bud
hell saw more use in fucking RE
take the L pal

nothing wrong with geminis

Attached: GeminiSpark-AP02-EN-SR-UE.png (392x571, 498K)

so basically Soul Charge is banned forever?

this isn't the time of alius beatdown

Why is YGO text so fucking small? It's like I'm reading Oubliette, but it's every card.

Attached: Oubliette+%3CA%3E+%5BARN%5D.jpg (223x311, 114K)

Says you, pussy
I bet you only play tier 0 decks because you’re afraid of losing

I bet you are "having fun" losing to Strikers and Salamangreats with your tier 6 Aromage deck

>losing to Strikers and Salamangreats
Maybe if anyone but idiots played them

bruh Ballpark C and spIrals have a better chance than that. hell even shinobirds. why must you go into an inferiority complex like this every time

Because Konami assumes Yu-Gi-Oh players have passed the 6th grade
WotC knows their patrons haven't, so they don't even try

is there a recent-ish ygo game that doesn't have a huge focus on tag duels? I hate tag duels

The new Yugioh game on Switch, but that game has its own set of problems that brings it down.

>beating Striker and Salamangreat with Gemini
show me those YCS tops

I only play on YGOpro because no money

After all these years.
So that's what it was all about.

It doesn’t matter the chances
It’s the pilot of the deck that ultimately matters, not some bullshit numbers game

>not even Dueling Book
>thinks he's entitled to an opinion on the game
have fun losing with your geminishit

Not when you play tier 10 dogshit

I wouldn’t lose to you if you were playing Full-Power Nekroz, fag

hosting now
pass: gg

I can’t find you

check again

It isn’t coming up
Maybe I need to update something or something

maybe you're on the EU server?

I’ll try backing out and searching again


Attached: D917206B-0E95-445D-997A-7DC7FA9E6A82.jpg (300x435, 68K)

I can’t find it
Fucking shitty ass

Here's your boss monster for tonight.

Attached: Slushy.jpg (900x900, 125K)

yugioh archetypes good or bad?

Some good
Some bad

5DS era archetypes were cool and unique. Now they're all the same autoplay bullshit
Basically this

Outright lies

Turn 0 or 1 KOs are definitely a thing. This shit isn't even a card game anymore.

its banned. super fun to play with though. probably the deck that faces the highest rate of rage quits.

didn't say they were gone
>waa it's not the same except it is
your school days don't reflect the real game

Attached: CED yata.jpg (1024x576, 89K)


>This shit isn't even a card game anymore.
By that logic, it never was.

Attached: MakyuratheDestructor-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png (442x646, 713K)

damn, didn't know.

lmao go back to your tanny simulator faggot

Attached: 1558564559114.jpg (620x700, 53K)


Every major game has had turn 1 kills. Pokemon, Magic, you name it. Fuck off.

Archetypes would be fine if a lot of them weren't designed to go into the same generic extra deck monsters
The journey(main deck) doesn't matter when they all lead to the same destination(extra deck)

my deck:
monster reborn x3
change of heart x3
axe equip card thing x3
a bunch of STRONG monsters x20
morphing jarx3
pot of greed x3

With zero cards in hand it is your turn and you must draw one card to defeat me

Break my board Yea Forums

Attached: 123432432432.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)

Am i supposed to know what any of those cards do?

so because they have names it suddenly makes gudstuff.dek bad?

Attached: worlds.jpg (2046x1274, 1.18M)

Borrel load, unga, link kuri, Book of Moon, Neg if discard same type, evenly matched

:^) what a terrible board

Attached: 300px-NeedleCeiling-BPW2-NA-C-1E.png (300x437, 292K)

sylvans are the only one you should care about

I activate the effect of Green Baboon in the graveyard to special summon Flying Elephant from the graveyard
Because I summoned Flying Elephant last turn and it was on the field during the end phase, it’s effect still applies

I then play the card I drew, Shooting Star Bow - Ceal, to allow my Flying Elephant to attack directly
I win the duel

Attached: F6850F11-102E-4D92-8820-E13312D13004.png (480x698, 207K)

>discards the EM


Ever since Yugioh became about deck fishing it's sucked.

From left to right:

Purgario(gains 200 for every card you control), ball with eyes can tribute itself to make your monster's attack 0, 3000 blue dragon cant be targeted with effect also makes you lose 500 during either turn, 2200 monster during either players turn i can flip your monster face down, if you activate an effect i can discard the same type of card, negate the effect and destroy your card.

actually mechaba banishes the card doesn't destroy it

Attached: 1155840.jpg (307x450, 26K)

so from the start

Attached: sangan witch.jpg (480x360, 36K)

What deck will allow me to stretch the game on for as long as possible?
thinking 40+ turns

I banished Dark Velier from the Graveyard

>wants to play mystic mine
>but not have a wincon
the fucking worst kind of person

>look up best deck recipe
>print out cards on nice paper
>glue to cardboard
>put in card protector

Attached: 1530123308297.jpg (511x671, 33K)

season 0 was the shit

>Mystic Mine Burn
Cringe and bluepilled
>Mystic Mine Destiny Board
Based and redpilled

That may work in locals, depending on how competitive it is, but that would never work with anything competitive. Unless you have surgical precision, and somehow able to emulate the authenticator mark, you will get caught.

To be fair, my locals lets you proxy your whole deck as long as you're okay with all your matches counting as losses regardless of the outcome of the duel. Some guys do it just to get used to using a deck that they're still in the process of building and just want the practice with it.

>selling pieces of paper with 1000x markup
>later nerfing that paper to sell more paper
based konami

but those cards were among the first banned so they don't count as much

Reminder that Joey beat Odion fair and square because Odion used a cardboard cutout.

I'm convinced that activation timing was some bullshit Konami pulled out to justify buying new cards.
>"Oh destroying THAT monster to chain an effect? That doesn't count."
>"Buy THIS card. It does count. Only $4.99 for a booster pack!"

The best card.

Attached: luck.png (446x646, 747K)

Do people at tournaments actually use the cool arm things

>That may work in locals, depending on how competitive it is

Yes we also use those cool saw blades that cut off your ankles if you lose pretty dramatic.

>use graceful tear to give my opponent pot of desires
>opponent uses it every time
>trickstar reincarnation
>trickstar reincarnation
>trickstar reincarnation


Attached: 1548643412205.png (309x450, 334K)

I know. I was agreeing with your point.

>graceful tear them that one card that says when they draw they gain 500 lp
>chain bad reaction to simochi when they use it
is there ever a strategy of giving your opponent a card with knowledge that they will never play it?

It seems your monster can't be destroyed by battle or effects and can't be targeted by card effects but...

Attached: dbr2gqq-1d7209b6-cf2c-403e-a68e-12d545192adf.png (694x1012, 2.68M)

I'm still waiting for a machine Ojama branch based on Metal Gear

Attached: file.png (813x1185, 1.51M)

You mean send you to the shadow realm right?


Yugioh just seems like endless special effect / summon fuckery. Do you guys just memorize all of it? Do you need to explain every move you make in a normal match? I can't be fucked.

go back to twitter you youtube troglodyte

I just make a deck on YGOPro and mess with it online until I figure out how it works.

>Ojamas getting a new support card
>twitter shit
I'm sorry what?

>too dumb to learn the effects of fucking cards for kids

More like too lazy to learn the game. Most I'm willing to do these days is jump on csgo or gwent and just click shit. I just like Yugioh and Digimon's designs

I learnt to read at the age of 5 m8 it's not that hard.

Attached: 1557146611916.jpg (313x327, 18K)

>he's just a genuine fan of chazz
I'm sorry man but roddit has pretty much ruined them

>Do you need to explain every move you make in a normal match?
Not at all unless you perform a contact fusion, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum or Link Summon, and even then you can just say "[x] Summon" and then continue to perform said summon.

>When your opponent does x, do a backflip, and, if you do, negate x."

Attached: 1554955429452.jpg (478x523, 11K)

>Yugioh and Digimon
>when they've combo
step it the fuck up

Attached: darkdra thanos mon Phantazmay.jpg (1022x767, 300K)

Yo that looks dope. I have a soft spot for japanese monster collectibles

well then yeah you better get the japanese one since it'll cost ya 100 for english

I don't play YGO but couldn't maneater bug dab on this guy

That's what I meant when I said Yugioh is full of special effect fuckery. Seems like every monster has a special thing that would seem overpowered, I don't know.

>tfw missed the cyber dragon deck
a-at least I can always get yet another blue eyes deck h-haha

Yes, which is why it was never played.

Attached: 1558837944960.png (475x694, 723K)

if you would just read and break it down then you could see how simple things really are. People ree all the time about NHP but it does nothing

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

>Forbidden one is so powerful that isn't even in fireden

>tfw you can't build goodstuff.dek anymore and just fill it with cool monsters
>tfw you have to systematically on an archetype with ugly designs to even be halfway competitive

They literally getting top tier support one after another.

Attached: CyberDragonNachster-DUPO-EN-UR-1E.png (676x986, 1.64M)

What was his name again?

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh!.ZEXAL.full.1911299.jpg (1388x1289, 1.4M)

post your ace

Attached: FlameGhostLOB-NA-R-1E.jpg (400x580, 62K)

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Attached: EvigishkiGustkraken-HA06-EN-ScR-1E.png (371x540, 437K)

Attached: images (14).jpg (400x580, 48K)

anyone play the online in the newest yu gi oh game? links or whatever? how is it? is their ranks?

>respective Decks
Why will Yugioh rules text never be this comfy again? Fuck PSCT, fuck modern YGO.

pic related modern card text.

Attached: 1548376144553.png (300x426, 218K)

>Fuck PSCT
>when it's what cut down on the dreaded text he hates from "modern" YGO

Yugioh is the fucking worst paper tcg on the market

Where else are you gonna draw five cards from, your extra deck?

Attached: ChainMaterial-PTDN-EN-SP-1E.png (400x580, 504K)

Attached: Saffira, Queen of Dragons.webm (1280x1024, 1.19M)


Yugioh was good in 2003-2008

May not be the best deck, but man when I used to play yugioh this was the funnest deck to use.
Even with a bad hand you could still do a decent amount of stuff with it. Haven't played since links were introduced, so I have no idea how badly links affected it (especially since this was a good rank 4 xyz spam deck)

Attached: Geargia_1_50.png (960x540, 922K)

I like how one of the main card got immediately limited, and it fuck over a bunch of Card shops that bought these packs in loads.

I love when draw spammer retards get btfo with my man.

Attached: 51SAaw6ExKL.jpg (327x480, 63K)

>negate AND destroy
Say goodbye to your lvl unbased chicken

Attached: StardustDragon-DUPO-EN-UR-LE.png (676x985, 1.27M)

Attached: golgar.jpg (300x437, 47K)

>easy special summon
>attack/destruction effect pritection
>great continuous effect
This card is beautiful

Attached: 9EE80748-9D9E-4E9E-B7CA-43109F46DC38.jpg (345x500, 82K)

Attached: GreatGeneraloftheSixSamurai-LVP2-JP-SR.png (493x729, 935K)

I love this combo

Attached: S_605720-MLA29220153461_012019-O.jpg (341x500, 24K)

holy shit i forgot about the cancer that was six samurai

The achetype is still very viable to nowadays standards

i haven't played in years. last time i played was a bit after the whole six samurai/elemental dragons nonsense.

this isnt dlinks

OCG just got a Link monster that basically search out Gate of the Six.

Attached: GatewayoftheSix-SPWA-EN-SR-1E.png (472x694, 731K)



Attached: nice.png (1146x1190, 977K)

>he fell for the meme of thinking that a gimmicky combo works

>still care about yugioh
>on a videogame board
>by 30+ yos
maximum cringe.

What does the + stand for?

>Implying it doesn't work
I suggest you to play the game.

user it was hyped the shit up but never made an actual dent

Attached: ElementalHERONeos-SDHS-EN-C-1E.png (300x440, 282K)

oh i forgot
>by 30+ yo brainlets

Attached: MythicalBeastMasterCerberus-EXFO-EN-ScR-1E.png (1122x1600, 3.78M)

>mfw one time someone morph jarred me into a full exodia hand

One of the smuggest moments I ever had in YGO.

Attached: DE6F6766-A9E9-478C-8712-CE2D82B9CBA5.gif (250x241, 1.22M)

Sphere mode

Sorry I don't understand your ebin may-mays

patrician taste

Link Pendulum monsters when?

Attached: 6Fwo7HS.png (819x460, 134K)

what went right?

Attached: world championship winners.png (2048x5120, 2.13M)

Probably never. After all, how would you put it in your S/T Zone? Also the arrows could point to Monster Zones and people might be stupid enough to try to Extra Deck Summon to those zones.

I would think with modern "draw 30 cards on your first turn" style of gameplay, Exodia would be easy to play.

>That Trickstar list
I'm still mad

You are playing it wrong. The archetype is a powerful searcher/spam summoner. Just use your extra deck

exodia only benefits from universal generic draw power and not the archetype themed draw power. In general exodia is a litmus test of how much generic draw power is in the game. If it's ever up to tier 3 then there's too much and something is getting banned

Sorry user, but searching an exact card of an archetype from your deck is different from just picking whatever you want, they only appear similar. Also all of the Exodia cards are still Limited and anything that makes Exodia consistent hits the banlist too. You could try playing it with Dangers though, I guess.

Attached: MagicalAbductor-SR08-EN-C-1E.png (409x600, 490K)

I'm a do it

Attached: 1519855115138.png (476x695, 655K)

I use super poly with your card and one of the predaplants in my hand to summon this guy

Attached: StarvingVenomFusionDragon-LEDD-EN-UR-1E.png (474x694, 824K)

>that includes the effect of destroying 1

Attached: 1110785.jpg (311x450, 34K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1545652957861.png (535x795, 715K)

This card is way too complex for nostalgiafags

Based as fuck. Looks like you won here.

Behold,my true power.

Attached: 1516562317357.jpg (1434x1755, 1.03M)

I really need to get back to the switch game. Yakuza 0 and you fuckers put me in Mahjong purgatory for the past month.

I'm gonna do it bros

Attached: SpiritMessageN-LON-NA-R-1E.png (400x580, 534K)


Yu-Gi-Oh! series 7 will have dual-sided cards and will feature a new summoning method called the Inverse Summon.

Wrong thread bucko, also, better to have lost your mahjong addiction than to have it for enough time to actually do the retarded thing and spend money on the gacha shit. Always be glad your parents didn't raise a retard.

Attached: MessageI.png (476x695, 717K)

Dabbing on kids with 6 sams was great. Dropping this fat fuck for free was priceless every single time.

Attached: MessageG2.png (583x713, 448K)

Attached: MessageG.png (359x469, 201K)

You do know that the Spell\Trap zone only has room for 5 cards, right?


Attached: MessageE.jpg (419x610, 198K)

>only dual when duelmasters has triple
>implying darksynchro from 5ds isnt that
it'll be DM Super w/ red deckmasters for max tizm

Now it is all full, what is the next fase of your mastr plan?


Attached: r.jpg (800x450, 84K)

>not knowing about the field boost to 20
>or the proper in game one to count for others
just let the faggot have his spam

Dark Sanctuary.

He was supposed to post dark sanctuary

What the FUCK is their problem?

Attached: d785239f1036124f8ac0fef36ab929a5.jpg (456x810, 107K)

>One of these is not like the others

>Not Reiji
what were they thinking

MtG faggot go back to /tg/

Yeah, why is Kaito there and not Shark.

that's what I meant with the second one
they couldn't pay him for that either

Attached: sawa 4.png (673x378, 271K)

>Not The Chazz and Hipster Kaiba

Attached: Chazz it up!.png (687x1161, 544K)


Attached: chicken.jpg (640x358, 39K)

he was more of a Joey after awhile since syrus stepped up

No one in Japan cares about Chazz

What's thr best way to read the uncensored manga in English?

Japs have shit taste what else is new?

Attached: ChazzFusionSummon.gif (498x277, 1018K)

>He doesn't play an Arcana Force deck
the fates already determined the outcome before the match even started.

Attached: young-woman-in-meditation-lotus-position-upside-down-on-pole-KE34DK.jpg (867x1390, 80K)

The card censorship in the non-Japanese version of the game is a huge turn-off for me. I know Yu-Gi-Oh's for kids, but I had access to Japanese cards when I played, and I wasn't mentally scarred. lmao. Plus, since I'm an adult, and it's not my parents fronting the money for this shit, I can barely justify shucking money for cardboard, let alone censored cardboard.

Hey Yea Forums I'm playing a 2007 yugioh game on the DS
right now my stratagy is to use a lot of equip cards and stuff like ring of destruction along with effect monsters to kill my opponent in 1-2 turns.
Anyone know a good archetype that works well with this style?
should I just keep using generic cards that seem good?

>AI activates mirror force

Post the card that was edited to say words words words

not a single AI has had mirrorforce
I think it might be banned in this game

its at one, but I doubt many random duelists would have it anyways

Attached: SagittaMaverickFurHire-DASA-EN-ScR-1E.png (477x698, 777K)

*nukes your whole board*

Attached: 1557697918832.jpg (309x450, 44K)

>A setup requiring six cards to activate, five of them literally being the ones you can just win the game with if you draw them
>Relies on the idea that your opponent doesn't have any monster effects that can nuke you out of the sky or fuck with your GY