So why did Microsoft buy Rare...

So why did Microsoft buy Rare? I remember hearing they wanted DK but I refuse to believe any company could be that incompetent.

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>Xbox reveal
>Microsoft spends money creating a Donkey Kong World Xbox launch title
>Only to be told a week before E3 that they don’t actually own DK

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They, almost by themselves, made the N64 a massive success. Imagine being a Western studio so good that could carry Nintendo through an entire generation.

Also I just grilled up the best fucking burger I've every eaten. Holy shit.

What’d you put on that burger?

What's the recipe?

>best fucking burger

what made it so good? post recipe/pics

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>Donkey Kong World Xbox launch title
No proof, just like the rumor that Gearbox made Half-Life not Valve.

That makes a lot of sense.

I was shitposting, idiot.

if you look this story up, it was just one upper management guy who was like "so, we own donkey kong now right?" not all of microsoft
still fun though

tell us more

Gave the patty a dusting with some salt and seasonings and let it sit for an hour. Slapped it on the grill and did one side on medium high for a bit of a slower cook. Flipped and put some worcester on it. Prepped the buns with a homemade special spicy sauce, ketchup and mrs dash. Grated a good amount of PR (parmesan) then put it on the burger and immedialtey topped that with a slice of american to seal in those based PR oils it sweats out when melting. When the cheese is done melting, bun that shit up and eat.

if it doesn't have carmelized onion, it's not perfect

the bun sauce has bits of ground carmelized onion in it.

Sounds pretty delicious desu
Hope you enjoyed that burger user

Fuck off, Banjo is not getting in Smash, you only want Nintendo to own him just to you can have autism bear in Smash, don't fool us.

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I bet Miyamoto was red with fury.

shut up you falseflagging autist and let us discuss burgers in peace

>PR (parmesan)
Why not just say parmesan?

Random question, but why was rare allowed to make diddy kong racing ds? At least I think it was rare who ported it