*GOTYs your path*

*GOTYs your path*

>story mode with over 100 levels made by Nintendo
>4 player online
>tons of new themes like desert, snow, jungle
>all themes become two themes thanks to the new night mode
>vertical levels
>a gazillion new blocks, enemies, obstacles and things to place from on/off blocks to seesaws to angry sun to snake blocks to clear pipes to swinging claws, rising water or lava, impossible to list it all
>many dozens of "level clear" conditions other than just reach the flag from collect x coins to kill y specific enemies etc.
>can now boo (downvote) courses that are just pure trash
>infinite mario challenge with global leaderboards depending on how far you get
>better level search system, creators can also use various and multiple tags to tag their levels so people can for example specifically search out "normal" stages or avoid auto-scroller ones etc.
>special sm3dw style with unique properties and features
>empty slot next to it hints at there being at least one more hidden special style

There's so much more and they'll have an Invitational tournament for SMM2 just ahead of E3 too where they'll no doubt reveal even more.

Attached: smm2.jpg (395x640, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope we see another moment like this

I'm so glad I was there to witness it live and together with Yea Forums
That event was a lot of fun.



I'm not sure, but I don't see why they wouldn't let you spawn as any of those four characters.
That said you might be Mario only in the story mode, if that is what you mean.

Personally I wish we'd get even more costumes/characters to spawn people as. Imagine if you could permanently spawn someone as Megaman, Sonic, Kirby or Donky Kong for levels. Would be absolutely based.

What on earth ever happened to those guys? Think they'll be back for the next invitational?

Oh ill be back...


Attached: lol.jpg (619x825, 46K)

Mario Maker will never be GOTY because 99.99% of levels are pic related

Attached: mario maker in a nutshell.png (633x275, 55K)

>sony releases a game that let's you build almost anything you want, including mario levels but nobody gives a shit
>nintendo releases inferior tool and it will sell millions

Attached: 1557218242301.jpg (329x329, 16K)

is this game worth buying for LEVEL DESIGN - learning?
im working on making my own games - simple platformers and i kind of want to get this to use Maker as my quick-build - tool of ideas for future platformers

Attached: 1557161191354.png (220x220, 20K)

cope snoy


Not yet

yes. the fast prototyping helps you tune in on the fun elements of your level

If you and a few other people boo that level it won't show up for anyone anymore really.

Also, the level search is now even better so it'll be easier to find good levels.

cringe nincel have sex

>story mode with over 100 levels made by Nintendo

You know the first mario maker had this too and it was literally nothing.

And before retards reply I'm talking about the 100 levels. Not the gay-ass "story" nonsense.

Frankly, yes.
There are even whole videos on youtube analyzing some user stages to showcase what makes good levels work and what doesn't and so on.

You're probably already aware of many of the basics behind good level design though. Talking about things like introducing obstacles in a safe environment first before making the player go through "without a safety net" so to say.

I just hope we can filter troll/autolevels

Also lazy levels should be gassed too

thanks! definitelly getting it on cartrige

Attached: D6zlzMVXkAAYjE2.jpg (1024x932, 146K)

If you don't do anything seen in this vid for example youtube.com/watch?v=WIh2sgREuh4 you're already ahead of most people I guess kek

>btfo'd so hard he switched genders

Attached: 1556456319619m.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

Attached: nwc2015png-bfd4a2_1280w.png (1280x720, 663K)


>a mediocre level builder, now with more auto levels or kazio shit
No thanks. Enjoy it though, I'm, sure its nice for autistic kids that enjoy repetition.

>What on earth ever happened to those guys?
No idea on John Numbers but if you're curious about what happened to Cosmo then look up Narcissa Wright and prepare to be horrified.
>Think they'll be back
We can only hope

It's kaizo, not kazio.

I'm legitimately fucking excited for this.
The little after-image feature is what makes its level creator way better for me over LBP1's (even though I fucking love that game)

Never liked Mario games desu. Mario 64 was the only one I ever really loved and completed.

That's why Nintendo is putting downvotes in 2.

He would be much better looking if he went to the fucking dentist.

Just filter that shit out, there's tags you can turn on and off while searching now.

This but Luigi

he's being saved for the new game plus

Attached: Reggie.jpg (618x555, 42K)

SMM1 definitely did not have 100 levels. It was 20 at most and many were tutorial levels showing off basic shit where the only non-basic ones were the Invitational four.

Attached: image0.jpg (240x240, 11K)

I'm excited for Mario Maker 2, but you know shitlords and kiddies will upvote shitty auto levels, streamer shit and garbage teir meme shit and downvote everything fun or clever.

Reminder that the desert theme in SMW becomes the chocolate island theme

Attached: themes.jpg (3840x2160, 2.94M)


Attached: 1555691749171.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

I had no trouble finding great levels in SMM1. Just gotta make use of community websites available to you. You can also follow good creators once you're on their page.

>4 difficulties
so few people talk about this but its huge. Hard mode 100 mario bordered on fun to impossible. sometimes some total shit ones but having it separate into 4 and hopefully the downvote system and tags will work in it and give a much more consistent play

Mario Maker 2 will be shit for the same reasons why Mario Maker 1 was shit.
Because most people shouldn't be level designers and you literally won't be able to find well designed levels among all the lazy auto-mario and music gimmick stages.
Unless they put in a filter option for certified "good level design."
I fell for the Mario Maker meme, and i made some authentic levels that good some pretty positive feedback, but a few days after each levels release they just disappeared into nothingness because they disappeared from the "new" section.

Like, i really want Mario Maker to be good but it just can't be because people are inherently retarded and are impressed by retarded things.

Attached: 1538636368182.jpg (251x242, 14K)

I played plenty of great levels in MM1 too, I'm just saying that the community rating system isn't going to help any.

>tfw Super Mario Maker 3D would be too complex for children so we will never get it

I guess I have to be satisfied with shit like 3D World being a theme because that's the closest I will ever get to designing 3D platforming levels.

Attached: 1376781907347.jpg (591x534, 24K)

Then don't buy it, but I know I'll be enjoying the hell out of it and with the new system finding decent levels will be better than ever.

Charge n Chuck's fucking when?

>Narcissia watching the death of Cosmo and crying in the corner

Literally read a few posts above dumbass.
Don't rely only on the ingame level search to find all great stages.

If you use out-of-game sites it's easy peasy.

Fair enough, i hadn't considered that.
Still it's a shame that 90% of the community will never be exposed to good levels because the actual game drowns them out.
The new Mario Maker has a few filter options like "themed" or "auto mario" but i feel like it's really missing an "authentic" option.

Mario Maker 1 had this for clear rate %
>Easy 100-35
>Normal 35-5
>Expert 5-0

Think SMM2 will make the new ultra expert or w/e it's called one like 2-0 or will they maybe change some percentages?
Either way I think we can all agree there's a huge difference between stages with a 5% clear rate and stages with a 0.0001% clear rate of which there are quite some.

>STILL barely any fucking power ups
>believing NIntendo won't cash in on a 3D Mario Maker game
>Believe Nintendo won't streamline a 3D Mario maker game for kiddies
>Believing Nintendo won't call SMM3 Super Mario 3(D)
It's definitely happening

That's the "normal" tag. It is meant for Mario stages that are normal and could actually be in any normal Mario game.

Also, SMM2 has "boo" aka downvotes so utter trash stages will quickly be boo'd out of sight and then they'll practically no longer show up for anyone.

Of course there's a risk of kids booing challenging stages just because they die on them but what can you do.

I've got a feeling super mario bros 2 is going to be in
I can't wait

I'm kinda concerned about downvoting actually. I'm worried that harder levels will get downvoted more often than not just on virtue of being hard. I bet expert and super expert levels will average more downvotes than likes.

I'm happy that this was 2D Mario's fate, cannot wait.

There is no theme comfier than SMW forest. Prove me wrong.

That will probably happen, yeah.

How will this work with piracy?

Why is this picture laid out in blocks instead of columns or rows?

Winter themes.
Night themes.


So comfy.

player online
Just so you know, this is gonna run like shit.


Snow Night levels will be peak comfy and you know it brotha.

>That bright night sky
>Those comfy snow vibes that makes you want to get a blanket and a hot chocolate
>Relaxing OST

If you can turn off the slippery and keep the aesthetics, these levels are going to be peak comfy.

Attached: Snowy Night.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

I hope someone remakes Duktales Moon level with sky night theme.

Just the idea that they're actually thinking about filters, tags, and curation this time means it will come out 1000x better.
At the E3 a year before SMM1 came out, they didn't even think you'd be able to share levels at all. That part of the game was rushed in based on response from critics.
Well, rushed compared to the timeframe Nintendo usually operates.

Switch online runs pretty shitty in general, and any amount of lag will turn a multiplayer platformer into a clusterfuck. I'm still looking forward to it, though.

Yeah desu based on everything else I've seen so far they really seem to have listened to community feedback and given people so many things they asked for.
So I'm sure they also listened to complaints about the level search and community.

>At the E3 a year before SMM1 came out, they didn't even think you'd be able to share levels at all. That part of the game was rushed in based on response from critics.
>trust me my dad works for Nintendo

>Switch online runs pretty shitty in general
Eh I guess quite some people do say that, but personally I've had no issues at all across MK8D, Arms, Smash, MHGU and Splatoon 2.

I don't think most people understand the depth of glitchiness of the original game. Like, there are glitches that happen only when certain object is placed on exactly the 9th OR 129th column from the beginning of the level.

There are some amazing things you can do in Mario Maker that people have figured out
His voice is aids but some of this shit is crazy and I would've never thought of it myself.

People have even made a calculator in the game. youtube.com/watch?v=pRrqK2LyHes

Attached: calculator.jpg (6736x751, 820K)

no >new music by Koji Kondo

y i k e s


I didn't want to overwhelm people with excitement, but yes. That too.

Anyone who watched their E3 2014 thing would have come away with the impression that online level sharing was a feature, but the people demoing the game acted confused when asked about it.
The second part is speculation, but that shit happens all the time and isn't a big stretch.

Yes, you can build complex contraptions, but I'm talking specifically glitches. Unintended interactions between objects that should not happen if the game worked logically.

God I might get it just for that cozy background

This unironically reads like a commercial. Fucking bots aren't even trying anymore.

>If you can turn off the slippery and keep the aesthetic
I'm worried you might not be able to do that.

This is the opposite of comfy. It induces melancholia.

Depends on how good the online is. It will probably a desyncing, input laggy mess.

Chargin' Sneeds

>This is the opposite of comfy. It induces melancholia
Seething sun worshipping cuck

I hate the night background are just a starlit background

I'd rather they use actual themes but set in the night

Attached: mariobrosthumb-1547229156675.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

i dunno if this will beat dmc 5 for me but im willing to give it a shot

>Something as cute as taking a walk through a snowy night with relaxing music
>It induces melancholia.
user, is there something you're not telling us?

Sooo uhhhhhhhh what theme is this supposed to be?

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-211208_1.jpg (1620x1080, 203K)

Which one is that?



$60 + $20 tip to make a game for Nintendo and play shitty levels made by 10 year olds. I'm gonna have to pass. Mario Maker 1 got boring after 2 weeks and this will be no different.

1. It's 70 for the game + a full year of line.
2. There are a metric ton of great stages, you just have to not be an idiot about it. If all you do is hit "random 10 courses" over and over, yeah, you'll get a lot of shit. If you put even the slightest of effort into using community sites though finding good creators and their courses is very simple.
2. Other people put 1k++ hours into SMM1 so that's clearly a very subjective statement to make.

It's unannounced though right? This is a new theme?

>paid online required to share and play levels
not even snoy does this

No, this is the SMW desert day theme

oh fuck yeah choco island is my favorite

It's not unannounced. It was literally shown in the recent trailers and direct.
It's the desert theme in SMW.

I put 1000 hours into MM1 from making levels. Playing levels will always be worse than just downloading some SMW ROM hacks no matter what you do. Mario levels that aren't connected to a world map feel pointless.

I know more than one person who bought SMM1 and put a ton of time into it while not making any stages themselves.
They just treated it as a nigh endless supply of cool levels by browsing around and following capable creators.

How many years before Nintendo is able to make a Super Mario Maker for 3D Mario games?

They are autistic then. No one actually enjoys playing levels in Mario Maker which is why MM1 is dead as fuck after a year.


Attached: WhatNightShouldlooklike.png (3716x1112, 3.79M)

unironically i expect that next gen

Still worse than the king

Attached: smbx.jpg (800x600, 169K)

I hope you're right anons, I hope you're right.

>It's 70 for the game + a full year of line.

Dreams is $30 and free forever and infinitely more complex.

Just because you're too brainlet to know how to find good courses doesn't mean everyone is.

Why do Dreamsfags always enter Mario Maker threads to shill their game that no one cares about?

The problem isn't the service but games shitty netcode.

Third party games ironically run pretty well.



I already found them, and they're free.


Cool, wish you lots of fun playing them

Attached: 1381008283925.png (612x567, 17K)

complexity is not the be all end all of the quality of a game or a level maker, you stupid fuck

I stand corrected.

Attached: Oh You.jpg (605x532, 83K)

Then go play Dreams. I am not saying Dreams is bad, I bought Dreams, I am currently enjoying Dreams, but Super Mario Maker is clearly a different beast trying to do something completely different, the only similarities beginning and ending on the fact both games rely on user created content for their main gimmick.

Alright. Enjoy your endless stream of shitty trial and error kaizo levels that use the same 4 tricks denoted by symbols made from tracks after all the kids gets bored of making their enemy spam levels and the normies get tired of making music and auto levels I guess.

I swear you fags excited for this game never played Mario Maker 1.

>$20 tip to make a game for Nintendo and play shitty levels made by 10 year olds.
Get the free year of online from Twitch Prime you baby.

I miss lunar magic, best normie gate ever

What do you mean "miss"?
It's free and there forever, is it not? Surely you can enjoy all the millions of stages and entire worlds people are making with it?

>I swear you fags excited for this game never played Mario Maker 1.

Isn't a hard thing to do considering nobody bought a fucking Wii U and Mario Maker on the 3DS was a travesty. But I have faith the new moderation tools will make things more bearable.

No, but it should be reflected in the price. You're paying $77 minimum for this game with tax and they haven't added much at all. The Mega Man Maker dev has added more to his game since release than this paid Mario Maker DLC adds.

>and they haven't added much at all.
Bad shitpost.

It's still there yes but since mario maker it hasn't been the same

you really, honestly think the complexity of the tools offered are what make people make shitty or pointlessly difficult games? I own dreams, have you played most of the levels recently? LOL

>no world building

jk but it hurts it's not in

complexity doesn't equal quality, the price reflects its quality and access to online service. I know the online stuff is annoying and stupid, but it's not actually the price of the game so stop peddling that horseshit

Ok, then I'll just throw the game in the trash after that I guess.

But they haven't. Slopes and on/off blocks are pretty much it. The themes change almost nothing. Water levels are nice, but the fuckers couldn't even bother to let you place water anywhere you want.

Have you played any level in Mario Maker? LOL

>Slopes and on/off blocks are pretty much it
You're not even worth talking to. Enjoy your evening.

nice deflection jackass, so smooth. Now, tell me, with words, how complexity of tools stops people from making shitty and frustrating levels. I am waiting!

Attached: 1557951855872.png (273x185, 11K)

Classic game right here

God this video made me so happy

People can leave feedback
It 99% shitposts but it’s better than nothing

I'm not sure when I ever said that. At least Media Molecule have a developer curated list of stuff instead of the main play mode being a endless challenge that picks crap 99.9% of the time.

Sorry, a sequel to a STAGE MAKER is never going to be GOTY, even with the Nintendo cult backing it.

It's SMM1 with 99% of all things people have asked for and wanted to see in SMM2.

It's GOTY boy.

>Not world championship.


Attached: 1553525353131.png (192x192, 42K)

Wont be this year maybe 2022 but you bet your pink asshole Mario Maker 3D or at least Mario Maker 64 is definitely coming will be steamlined for kiddies

I will knowing that I'm right. They barely added any new enemies or mechanics. You still can't even recreate most of Mario World's levels in Mario Maker. Does anyone really want 3D World? Everyone shit on that game, but now that it's in Mario Maker people are acting like it's amazing.

>I'm not sure when I ever said that.

lets take a trip back to the start of this discussion

>infinitely more complex.
My reply
>complexity is not the be all end all of the quality of a game or a level maker
your reply (try to keep up, now!)
>Enjoy your endless stream of shitty trial and error kaizo levels

to try to keep it simple for you, you replied to me saying complexity =/= quality, with "mario maker levels are shitty and difficult."

try to keep track of what you say next time. and please don't pretend that's not what you meant, it's really undignified to backpedal

Nigga it’s mario
You don’t need fiber internet to play an online Mario game


Attached: spy laugh.jpg (640x480, 150K)

Or amazon

Because world championship = multiple games

this invitational is all played out within just SMM2 (they also have an invitational for splatoon 2 and one for smash actually)

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that. It seems like they're taking literally everything that it seems like creators in the first game would want, and implementing it. 99% of levels with costumes work best if you have it the entire level, so why not just make it so you can spawn in as a costume and either have the costumes not work with power ups or, better yet, literally fucking design a power-upped version for each of the costumes.

Probably 2023 or an Exclusive for Switch X or Super Switch XL or whatever the fuck they call it

Seems Mario Maker’s superiority has controversy

>literally fucking design a power-upped version for each of the costumes.
Seems like a LOT of effort. If they do that, we likely won't get more than Mario/Luigi/Toad/Toadette.

Making them work across all styles and not just in SMB is a lot of effort too.

You said complexity doesn't make it better implying that Mario Maker will have high quality because it's simple, and then I told you that Mario Maker's simplicity makes every "hard" level exactly the same using the exact same tricks. I never said complex tools will stop people from making frustrating levels, but at least it won't be the same 4 frustrating things over and over.

Across all styles is not happening obviously but it's really not that much effort to just change a few pixels on each character, especially since you're having someone make the pixel art already. If it's just in SMB1 style, all you'd need is a small version (could just be a scaled down version of the sprite) and a fire power version (just change the color scheme to white or red).

Here's half the changelog from a single patch of Mega Maker, a free Mega Man Maker game made by a single guy. Keep in mind that this game has had many, many patches and this is only HALF of a single update, and one of the bullet points is still "too many to list".

Now go ahead and tell me Mario Maker 2 adds a lot again.

Attached: mega maker changelog.jpg (984x1674, 139K)

>Across all styles is not happening obviously
But it has to. You can 4 player online play any style, not just SM3DW.
They'll need to have a small Toad a powerup Toad a fire toad etc.

Yeah obviously they already have shown that they have designs for powered up versions of Toad, Toadette and Luigi, I'm talking about how costumes from SMM1 could be implemented.

>implying that Mario Maker will have high quality because it's simple
No. You have fundamentally misunderstood me.

(as an aside, I do not hate Dreams, I love it, I bought it as soon as early access was out, I was in the beta, I've been following before the beta, watched the twitch streams, on and on...)

I don't think complexity has any BEARING on the quality a level a person makes individually. Dreams has its strengths (3d, asset and logic customization, full audio and music creator), while Mario has its strengths (2d, polished true-to-form assets and piece behaviour). But saying "Dreams is better because it's cheaper and more complex" is ignoring that 1. complexity doesn't guarantee good design from a hobbyist creator 2. mario has stuff that would be hard to replicate in dreams - the exact assets, the exact behaviour of pieces, the 2d look (yes, yes, I know very well how easy it is to make a 2d game in dreams but it looks...not great out of the box)

What I've been trying to tell you is complexity is no GUARANTEE of quality, not that less complexity guarantees a good user-made level. Of course it fucking doesn't. Also for all that's good and holy stop shilling Dreams in these threads as it's a good game and you're making it look god awful by not getting all of this.

Well yeah. We were never going to get all those SMB-exclusive costumes that were just alternate mushroom forms back again I guess.

I'd take a much smaller roster of permanent (not bound to mushrooms) skins though if it meant they work in all styles and players don't "lose" it due to getting hit.
In my dreams, we'd get Sonic, Megaman, Kirby and such. Would be fucking great for making themed levels.

Attached: SMM_Costumes.jpg (592x645, 155K)


Okay okay lemme reformulate my idea since I think there's some trouble understanding here.

Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Toadette are playable normally. But, in the SMB1 style, you have the option of setting the character as any of those costumes in lieu of using the costume mushroom for it. They design small and fire versions of each of these.

I'd love it, I just don't think it'll happen.
And some costumes like freaking Baby Metal or w/e will not come back guaranteed.

>frog mario is still no longer a power up

mario maker 2 adds a lot

Attached: 1557020698253.png (1348x1172, 313K)

seething WiiU fag. Imagine buying a WiiU.

>he thinks a map maker is going to be GOTY

you are just as bad as the idiots calling for RE2 to be GOTY

I hate it because I'm dumb and can't build anything good.

t. "just give me a 6 hour long cinematic QTE story please, that's MY goty!"


It's such incompetence they won't have it setup to import old levels. They really don't give a fuck about WII U

>story mode with over 100 levels made by Nintendo
mostly too easy and can be beaten in less than 1 hour
>tons of new themes like desert, snow, jungle
still lacking more themes such beach,caves variations,volcano,tower and much others
>a gazillion new blocks, enemies, obstacles
a little few ones,still lacking more important obstacles/enemies
>special sm3dw style with unique properties and features
still lacking of more enemis/themes/objects
>empty slot next to it hints at there being at least one more hidden special style
or not.

jeez should be called super mario maker S or plus rather than a sequel.

Fan favourite enemy joe classic

>implying I want SMM2 cluttered right off the start with millions of shit trash levels


>because i dont want to see doom builder get GOTY means i want a shit game to get it

no i just want a mew originalp game to get it not a remaker or a map maker both are incorrect and highly inappropriate

you forgot:
>license to print ca$h

>he thinks printing cash means you have more value
it only devalues the cash that already exists

fucking retard holy shit

transfer all your money into my account then, seeing as you having it devalues it .I'll make sure to burn it for you.

They need to reward players for actually making fun levels.
Not auto-win levels, not technical levels, not bullshit kaizo levels.
Actually good Nintendo-tier levels.

Maybe some kind of reward system: 1 point for each live lost on your level but ONLY if a player completes it. Otherwise you gain 0.
Can't unlock/uploaded worlds without enough points.

Would encourage autists to make a level people will stick at to the (feasible) end.

>Wondering what in the hell a rocky valley has in common with deserts
>some smartass figures it out form me

Attached: simpsons2.jpg (946x648, 76K)

The reward for making good levels people enjoy is getting stars rather than boos which gives you ranks which makes you climb on the ranking list

Because it was compiled from the source by a retard

>Bing bing wahoo

Stars are bullshit.
People get stars for levels with Iron man statues badly made out of bricks.
Ranking should be based on the stats.

Stats can never detect a good level.

>economy is in the shit pits cause the government would just print more cash with nothing at all to back it

>here's your straw, bro

Jesus the autism. I'll put it another way: MM2 will make Nintendo very rich.

Just because one game adds more than another doesn't mean the game with less doesn't already have a lot.

Who will have their manhood sapped next?

Attached: JOHN NUMBERS.png (1155x673, 1.53M)

You can actually remake Mega Man games in Mega Maker. You can't even make SMB1 in Mario Maker.

Sony doesn't release a game. Naughty Dog did. And it's a damn good game. Stop giving Sony credit for paying other companies to do their work for them.

Attached: 1547318672301.png (403x381, 314K)

I'm going to make more Goomba themed escort levels AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!

Hopefully you have to actually beat a stage to vote.

It was shown that you are able to star or boo from the pause menu, so that seems unlikely.

I just hope you have to at least spend a bit of time in the level.
No one should star or boo anything after 5 seconds.

Attached: invitationalsmm-1170x610.jpg (1170x610, 58K)

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