Calling minions "adds"

>calling minions "adds"

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>SpongeBob reaction image
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>calling cannon fodder "minions"

SPONGEbob may not be cool anymore but Spingebill still is.

Spengbab or gtfo

>calling adds "minions"

>calling your in-game character "toon"

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This. Fucking subhuman identifier right here.

I call them minions if I'm playing moba shit and adds if I'm playing an RPG or MMO

when you destroy adds on your main DD toon

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Is this some zoomer lingo? Why adds??

wtf? never heard this before, where did it come from?

I thought they were only technically “adds” if they interrupted / jumped into a fight that was already happening.

Like if you’re fighting a group and a bunch of patrolling minions spot you and also start attacking, THEN they’re “adds”.

Based and Correctpilled

>zoomer lingo
It was used in vanilla wow

Standard enemies that attack you during a boss fight are adds because they're "added" to the fight.

I don't know why you'd call them that outside of that situation.

its sponge robert you cretins

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>zoomer shit
I was calling them adds in the '90's

>tranny sponge
Go back to twitter you nigger

have sex

Adds have been the terminology since forever, they're just MMO only.

is toon short for cartoon?

Adds stems from "additional", as in enemies that attacked you after you engaged some other enemy.
