This is the superior controller.
This is the superior controller
Are they compatible with the Switch yet?
This is the worst controller I've ever gamed with. It was so shit, I played with the Wii Classic controller. When I had Smash Bros. on WiiU, my controller of choice was the 3DS.
And this is Segata Sanshiro's Serious Gaming (真剣遊戯) controller.
nah, this is
Through some 3rd party USB cable I think
>my controller of choice was the 3DS.
And I kicked ass with it too.
Here's your controller bro
>symmetrical sticks
>digital triggers
Better luck next time.
That felt flimsy, the Wii Classic Pro was better.
This is porn, isn't it?
You got a link?
it's not and it's called Ueno-san wa Bukiyou
I will never understand the analog trigger meme. If you care enough about the type of games that benefit from it, you’re going to use a dedicated peripheral anyway, and everywhere else it’s just annoying.
Never had one, but both of my switch pro controllers have drifting joysticks and fucked up d pads, so it would hard not to be superior
> Controller designed for the hands of a child.
Actually embarrassing if you can use this controller fine.
Shut the fuck up already, that's absolutely not the case. Plenty of games feature driving, that would be terrible with a "dedicated peripheral".
That's because you're in a buyer's remorse stupor and not thinking logically. Even nintendo understood their importance once. I mean, how the fuck are you supposed to play games like super mario sunshine without analog triggers?
You're a waste, nintendie.
Name one current gen game featuring driving that actually does driving well enough for analog triggers to matter.
You could drive with a saturn controller in gta and would be exactly the same.
Feels like a toy desu
You're already dismissing legitimate games, so you're clearly delusional. Literally impossible to drive slowly with digital buttons.
GTA does driving like it does gunplay, melee combat, flying, and literally every other thing it does. Mediocrely. If you’re claiming GTA needs to be played with analog triggers because of driving, you might as well claim it needs to be played on m&kb because of the shooting.
Both are so mediocre it literally doesn’t matter what input device you’re using.
>If you’re claiming GTA needs to be played with analog triggers because of driving, you might as well claim it needs to be played on m&kb because of the shooting.
I never claimed it needs it. Shut the fuck up.
GTA is fucking shit and analog triggers are a worthless meme. kys tranny
Just use an Atari joystick if you think every additional feature is worthless you fucking luddite.
I wish the right joy con's thumbstick was where the a-b-y-x buttons are
>every controller NEEDS this one thing
>no it doesn’t, that thing is stupid and serves no one
>hurr you think controllers shouldn’t have buttons durr
Who are you quoting?
No seriously, because I never said such things.