Put your switch games in order of “Total play time” and rate each other’s taste

Put your switch games in order of “Total play time” and rate each other’s taste

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wait, first of all how do I zoom out? Had a switch for ages and didn't see this

>all those sloppy 5th's ports n scraps

LMAO ur life tranny


If you have enough games, go all the way to the right and hit “all software”. I think you need at least 11 or 12 games though

5th what? Not sure what you mean

>YouTube app and Fallout Shelter above all those actual games

That’s disgusting. Fuck you.

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>owning a switch

I only own zelda botw, mario odyssey and smash and played all of them for less than 10 hours. (botw I already played on wii u)

I don't have many Switch games.

This is mine:
Rocket League
Disgaea 5
Octopath Traveler
Stardew Valley
Mario Kart 8

what's wrong with owning a console that has games

>console warring cause youre poor

This is Yea Forums.

No Sonic Mania?

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>muh culture

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Enter the Gungeon
MK8 Deluxe

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>monster hunter psp quality
shit taste
trash kys
die already


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Just as an indication

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I'm seeing too much indie shit

Yeah, hating video games is an endemic part of Yea Forums.

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The Switch is an indie console.

I have like 5 games installed and I delete them when I don't play them anymore. If I would have to guess XB2 would be my game with the most playtime.

>psp quality
So a better game than world.

no i am talking about that shit 3ds port

On my original switch, BOTW was number one and ARMS, Splatoon, and DOOM was above some of these titles. I ended up giving it to my little brother and I got my own.

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Don’t use Youtube with your Switch. It works like this: the switch is charging at all times to keep itself at 100% while docked. If you use apps like this one, you’re making it do that and it will slowly eat away your switch’s battery life. This is exactly the reason while other Tv apps are not getting pushed on there yet. Nintendo knows it but they won’t issue a statement until they release a shinier switch. Then they’ll let you freely break your console.


You’re a sweetheart user but Fortnite being so high kind of makes me yikes a lil

>moving goalposts
Could have just outright said 3ds quality then dumbass. Either way still better than world.

Any other game or application will do the same thing so what's your point?

I worked in cellphones for six years, it’s basic knowledge. That’s how Lithium works and that’s how it will work until we find a new ressource on Mars or some shit

I understand your point but your games cannot be used on literally any other device so why waste it when you could just be watching youtube on your cellphone

I have a little brother and he plays on mine from time to time. He’s 5. I haven’t let him touch mine in a couple months though.

Oh I read the post wrong.
Anyway I forgot how battery systems work, not sure if they do that or the battery just sit idle and external power powers the system.

These are all my games with more than an hour of playtime, and also pretty much my whole library since pretty much everything else I have is f2p or a demo.

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no you piece of shit
the 3ds is garbage but devs still can give 3ds games textures that are not drawn in pixles
its just a lazy shit game and only subhumans like you defend it
pic related is also a 3ds game and looks perfectly fine
now go die you mongoloid

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>all these light themes
gross as fuck dawg

That's right. I don't see much of a reason to use YouTube on your Switch unless you don't own a smartphone or tablet already that can do the same thing. They even have the apps interconnected so you can cast directly to the screen so the usefulness of docking is diminished.

Fuck off there are two themes. When the Switch has the customization options of the Vita then you can criticize people for being basic bitches.

>all these goddamn normies with YouTube in their top game time

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>he doesnt have a hacked switch
wew lad

is this a leak?

When is the fucking Switch getting a fucking internet browser

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>customization options of the Vita
Did the Vita let you set custom backgrounds like the PS3?

I share with my brothers.So i will post my individual later,but my younger brother used my account to play fortnite

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Why the heck would I hack my Switch right now?

Where are the cool customers themes then? I've never seen one posted here. Also Im gainfully employed and want to play Crash with my friends so I'm not risking a ban to save a few bucks.

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yes, you ignorant fuck

i feel you. i dont play online on the switch so i didnt care about online play. and with the ability to do in-home streaming from pc to swithc, being able to play risk of rain 2 from my couch on the switch is worth of a hack

I used to chop up my own screen shots and and edit images to make Vita themes.

muh portability

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>yes, you ignorant fuck
Why so aggressive?

Labo was really fun but way to short imoGO BACK

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Every switch owner's game list looks exactly the same

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Snipper clips is last,five hours of play

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unsurprising I have like 350 hours in splatoon 2
180 in isaac

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I'm more surprised by the NES Online thing being so high. I must've left it on idle or something.

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What’s the expectation you have exactly?


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this guy action games

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Hey, retards. Press this button.

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and how do i transfer to my pc mr. smartypants, hmm?

Post it to a burner twitter account, duh

jesus fucking christ.

I own some of the games on other platforms as well so they're lower than they should be.

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You do have an SD card, don't you?

Did you miss the part where I said "burner"
No one is making you participate in social media, it's just a convenient way to upload your Switch screenshots/vids

I just post it on my Facebook, download the photo, then delete the post

When is Nintendo going to have some decent sales?
Shit's so fucking expensive.
Even shitty indie games regularly go for twice the price compared to PC.

What are some good switch store only games, that are not platforms?

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Never because Nintendo games always sell. Indies do go on sale, just wait for the right time

Fast RMX

You could do that, spend the minute or two that'll take you removing the SD card and inserting it in the computer, or fucking take a picture and upload it in 10 seconds. Alternatively, the Switch could finally get a fucking browser because why the fuck would it not have one?

At least try not to take a sideways picture so blurry you can't even tell what the fucking colorful blobs are supposed to represent.

Or you could just like, upload it to a social media account you made specially for posting screenshots on

Every previous Nintendo browser has had some exploit to it. Nintendo aren't playing that shit this time. No browser for you, even though the Switch already has all the infrastructure needed for one.

The only good one in this thread.

oh look its the big 5 big suprise that theyre my top 5

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It's already hacked, though. Besides, you could just exploit it through the youtube app if you really wanted to.

my switch is hacked (and i have a browser in it)

That's what makes it so mind boggling. The exploits are already there. What's a browser going to do, make it easier?

damn you got all the games OP. But where is mario kart 8?

I didn't know taking a minute to get a nice decent quality picture would be such a hassle you're rather have it look like shit from your cell phone. But then who am I to judge?

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who yo main?

I have it but it’s close to the bottom of the list. In my backlog to play later

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>FFXV Pocket Edition

Why is there two Minecrafts? It’s the same on my Xbox for some reason

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Better than regular one.

I know shitting on XV is a hot meme here but even you contrarian fucks can't actually believe that. XV sucks but the phone version is significantly worse.

This. I enjoyed it more. Step up.

do people play fast rmx online? I kinda want that game

Nigga I’m not digging my dell inspiron out of the closet, waiting 15 minutes for it to turn on, waiting for it to detect my sd card, finding this picture, waiting 10 minutes for this thread to load on google chrome, and waiting another 5 minutes for the picture to upload, just so I can get a slightly higher quality pic that you can clearly see my OP pic I took with my iPhone 6.

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Eh, rarely. Which is sad. I mean, I do play it... But that's it lol.
Well, for one, it's shorter. (which is good) Combat in pocket version looks better.

You need at least 13 games to get the option

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I only have 10 games right now. I'd consider DKC:TF but >$59.99 USD, and RE4 is still a little bit pricey for my tastes.

I've only really played Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on it. What else do you guys recommend?

Goat simulator

i never hide that i bought Switch for 3 purposes
1) Pokemon games
2) Sonic Mania
3) Retro collections

and i fucking love switch for that. pretty sure i will spend hundreds of hours during upcoming core pokemon game

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I'm not sure that it is accurate because there are things higher on the list that I haven't even played yet.

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Go away, Todd.

Because after Better Together update instead of updating the game they made a new version, it's most likely because of different engines.

good taste

holy shit based!
>sonic and hollow knight first
how much hours you have spent on Sonic Mania?

So can I delete the “Xbox one” edition off my console then? I have the game on disc so I’m not sure

Ah, I understand that then. Hope you enjoy it

Unless you have a shit phone, the picture is fine. Here is mine. >you could just do something more incovinient than the easiest method that produces the same results
Not a good excuse. The Switch hardware was hacked by a fucking paper clip; take steps to address the problem.

>taking a photo of a console with a screenshot function
It just makes you look like a retard, retard

I made it Studioopilis in one sitting and was really enjoying it but for some reason I haven’t played it since then. Maybe I’ll try it out some more later today

No it doesn’t. I’ve never blinked an eye at someone doing that.

>that blur
>considers this not shit on any level
You realize this just solidifies that you're one lazy motherfucker.

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Don't listen to nitpicking faggots. Nobody gives a fuck whether you posted your image from a phone or from a twitter account upload. You're fine.

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>420 hours

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The middle portion of the game is probably the best, so many good stages.

WHO WANTS TO PLAY STREET FIGHTER (30th anniversary) WITH ME ??????????????

Woe is me! You're doing a damn good job coming across as retarded, and you didn't even need a photo. Great job faggot, keep it up.
>wah it hurts my eyes
Fair enough, I do value ease a lot, so it makes sense to me to save two fucking minutes of my life for a goddamn photo, instead of thinking
>Oh no, but the elitists on Yea Forums might not like my photo. What am I to do!?
I know, insuferrable faggots will be insufferable.

Can I just jump in Atelier Lulua without playing the other three first? I'm not sure if the Arland games have any overarching stories or anything that might make me miss important stuff. Even if it's not story heavy I'd rather not be in the dark about major plot points.

Ain't playing that much actually.
Tough being a wageslave.

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>animated jigsaws japanese women

nobody likes starlink?

Tetris 99
Super Mario Odyssey
Kirby Star Allies

Found the Russian spy

No one will believe you.

I'll never understand why people watch Youtube on the Switch.
What's the fucking point? It's more practical if you use it in your phone or your PC.

420 hours of YouTube... this is what everyone talks about when they say “zoomer”.