ITT: Games with good foraging systems

ITT: Games with good foraging systems

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Crummy Pokemon creatures?

stardew valley

Cunny Pokemon Creatures

Boomers really have such a shit view of the world. No wonder they ruined America.

>Pocket monster creatures
Stupid ass kid.

Stardew valley

Boomer genocide when

Yo what the fuck

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20 to 30 years

They live like shit so they'll be dropping dead soon

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Who cares about crummy pokemon creatures when you could be getting a fresh pail of

Funny part of these is that most boomers haven’t read a book in 20 years

>oR-ASi call it... a book!
what did he mean by this?
who's oR-ASi?
did he invent books?


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God Bless Pailposting.

Please don't be like that

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Why did boomers seethe so much over Pokemon GO anyway?

the boomer fears what it cannot understand

Waterposters ww@

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Americans cant into calligraphy

I hope you waterniggas are staying hydrated
I'm enjoying a huge mug of water with mint leaves right fucking now

I actually see a lot of old people in my city playing Pokémon go. Like literal boomer aged

don't think too much about it

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There was too much water in it for them, the plebs.

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Are you a drawfag by any chance?

Pailpost everything you have, anons

My nigga, I fucking love mint with water.

Why is there a chair behind the head of his bed?
Its his uncles

What a HACK

Who else would play it, everyone else has moved on

Attached: I LOVE WATER.png (540x400, 221K)

i can't even tell if this is an edit

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i want a shirt that says i

He's a weaboo and is trying to tell her to shut up in Japanese

I chuckled

>tetris 99 bed
Consumerism is the addiction of the youth.

Why is she looking at a squid?

Attached: Cuteboye.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

You doofus, that's a cuttlefish!

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Fucking waterfags always talking about how much they love water

Based fellow mint poster

Need a Skub edit where the Skub container says "Water" instead

Because it was a huge cultural phenomenon that caused people to have their phones out. They viewed this as people losing touch and shutting themselves out from the world but it caused a bunch of kids to go outside.

Wouldn't you look if you saw a squid on land, user?

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Actually it's an octo

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I bet you go looking for crummy pokemon creatures you fag.

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It's a water bed

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Crummy perspective? Should've been fetching some colors


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Because it was a fad they didn't care about. They only remember that their kids wanted all this bullshit when it was just cartoon, and now they're all walking around pointing their phones (that keep them from interacting with anyone) at things and obsessing over pokemon again.

Pailchads rise the fuck up
He's fucking in

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While these images are quaint little things that poke fun at generational gaps, I think the undelying setting pits child against father, which is unhealthy. Please avoid posting these images in the future.

I love this meme

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Is this an edit? Can't quite understand what it's getting at.

It's an edit. Here's the original

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"Pokemon Creatures"?

Keep seething, boomer. True patricians know that water is essential for life, especially when it comes in pails. Maybe that's why your kind is dying out: because you don't drink enough water, even in pail form.

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Thank god, my dad was killed by cow tools. Glad to have those things off the streets.

Did Chris do this?

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what is he trying to say?

Oh no. Look at how those poor blacks are victimized by some guy playing video games

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N? What does the N stand for?

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Nobody knows. It looks like he's saying modern gaming is not as impressive, but he has said multiple times that he loves the Wii.

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Spooky water that kills people.

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wtf bros, give that thirsty man some water

I mean, when you play an Xbox 360, going to a Wii it will look kinda dated

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I'm more of a lemon kind of guy

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>Xbox 360 controller in 2002

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I don't get it. And why is the enlistment guy so confused?

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Everyone has stuck their dick in water. Water is the biggest slut there is.

In other words, it's only good when the world is at war and people are dying.
I don't think whoever did this thought much about it.

Can't unsee the Grinch.

>xbox 720/2
>in 2002

is dobson a time traveler?

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Because a 15 year old just showed up thinking he'll be shipped off to camp from the recruitment office instead of graduating high school

If it has 8 legs its a spider you dumb fuck

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I actually have always liked the art on this one. I also think it has pretty good composition - usually these cartoons want to show you the television screen. The artists was confident enough that you could identify the TV from the back.

I like how creepy the doctor is, and the kids gigantic forehead reminds me of Nina from Crash Twinsanity.

When is someone gonna tell these boomers that violence has been on a steady decline since videogames and the internet became a thing?

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I will never understand this mindset.
Why would you want to live in a world of war? My country has been involved in a civil war for the past 60 years and we want it to stop; there is nothing great on having your son getting his legs blow up by a mine.

For real, if you're gonna be a run of the mill sensationalist political comic you can at least go full overboard on the art

I agree, this is a good artist with a nice style
but minus 5 points for still going for the 'write what thing is on thing' trope

>ye olde meme

Real world violence good, fake violence bad. At least according to this one

>Boomers and Gen X inherited a much better economy
>Boomers call Millenials entitled yet Boomers refuse to retire and let a younger generation have a chance at running things
>Massive inflation due to a complete myriad of corporate greed makes starting families harder and harder
>Education is a scam to keep people in debt unless they choose the "right" degree (which no one will ever tell you what that is)
>Buying power for newer generations is non-existent compared to 40 years ago
>A single home income was enough to buy a home, raise a family with multiple children, save for retirement, and still have money to spare was enough
>Now most households with two working adults struggle to make ends meet

Do they ever wonder why escapism is so popular with the younger generations?
>"We fucked everything up beyond repair, now you have to deal with it."

okay this is lmfao

I got some old ones about Pac Man.

Attached: pacmanpiedpiper.jpg (700x552, 99K)

Was this made in the last two decades?

Attached: DuFN2pXWsAUhDXU.jpg (500x600, 70K)

Can't ship young boys over to get killed in 3rd world countries when they are busy playing those damn VIDEOGAMES


No, the ones about Pacman all seem to be from 1980-1982.

Attached: pacmanfevercartoon.jpg (700x616, 97K)

>Mario becomes link
Truly the deepest lore

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This one I like

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It's interesting that I rarely see that word anymore.