Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1558845824738.png (925x800, 327K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rapier


Attached: 2d8fbffbbdc9fc516de120d0088a242e928da25a.png (1000x1200, 613K)

nice pratty!

Is this Dogyd? The eyes look familliar

Requesting my MMO character from the game World of Warcraft, getting attacked by tentacles, either mechanical from a machine or from a slime monster. Make the picture PG-13 please.

Attached: muhgobbo.jpg (434x436, 50K)

Requesting the Blind Prince's clothes getting caught on a branch and ripping tearing it up revealing his body. Would prefer if it showed his crotch a little. Feel free to add the Princess and her reacting if you want.

Attached: image.jpg (1018x633, 586K)

Requesting either Sonia Strumm (left) or her Harp Note alt (right) as the comfy guy

Attached: SoniaStrumm.jpg (850x604, 151K)

this looks creepy
do not want

Requesting this Spatsune from Monster Girl Quest sitting in a throne and wearing a crown with a smug grin her on her face.

Attached: Spats Queen.png (1200x750, 1.34M)

Requesting Apni (yokai watch) ghost blowjob

Attached: Apni reference.png (838x1521, 1.09M)

Requesting pic related but with this girl from the pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm and with Lillith or user(god I wish that were me) as the victim. Draw the girl wearing their own clothes, not wearing bunnysuit, and try to draw both characters on model. Please and thanks!

Attached: God I wish that were me.jpg (1358x1136, 302K)

Requesting someone to color this it's louie from pikmin

Attached: image.jpg (768x768, 45K)

Requesting Vivian from Paladins tied up like in the reference.

Attached: 155747645745745.jpg (1718x646, 225K)

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch.

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Requesting this comic, with Miriam as Pharah, Aradia as Mercy, and Shanoa as Ana.

Attached: mommy.png (1581x2526, 3.47M)

Requesting this image with Raven from Gravity Rush.

Attached: Raven.png (649x748, 538K)

Requesting pregnant Alice with even bigger breasts.

Attached: 1463454020216.png (369x601, 171K)

Requesting girls wearing skirts/dresses bending over like pic related with clearly visible pantylines as well.

Attached: Pantyline.jpg (1223x522, 271K)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

Update on this Tifa drawing


Requesting cute Ada pits

Attached: chinese spy.png (2404x1652, 1.9M)

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: x69mik.png (928x1723, 727K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegent fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: Gentleman's_Battle.png (349x488, 164K)

hey ishiki, pretty nice update. Details on her chest are definetly improving, but how did she get more beat up?
Either way nice.

Requesting any girl from the pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm posing and wearing a bikini as any girl from the references(left side) That or any girl doing any of these other things(right side): [1] Doing an ahegao face as this gamer girl; [2] Lifting her skirt and showing her panties(bottom, middle). Try to draw her on model. Please and thank you

Attached: e32r.jpg (7944x1432, 2.26M)

Looking for some cute thicc girl to draw.

Attached: kanna and nuru breast docking.png (2000x2000, 836K)

Hello, it seems you are ignoring my delivery and it makes me sad. Maybe you've forgotten your collection, seeing it's already been 22 days since you've gotten a delivery here. The link you're looking for is at

Could you please add my drawing to your 160 drawing collection? I'd love to be part of your amazing album.

Alternatively, you could stop requesting.

Thanks and please!

Attached: untitled (2).png (3225x3990, 1.48M)


Hey ishik can you draw this woman from the pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm getting anally fucked like in the reference: ? Please and thank you!

Attached: shy.gif (220x220, 34K)

Is this what autism is like?

Requesting cute confused Heather

Attached: confused.png (1562x2640, 1.87M)

He's poor and obnoxious just like mariel, so yes

Attached: 1486510190271.gif (640x360, 155K)

What a greedy faggot. This piece is perfect.

>tfw he doesn't want my coloring
I thought I did alright.

Attached: Knightess.png (1773x2333, 1.17M)

Requesting Monica from Dark Cloud 2 reenacting the "Poor Little White Girl" meme with a group of whatever vidya villains you'd prefer.

Attached: 14134245.png (1194x1316, 2.4M)

Holy shit, dem tiddies, nice job

Requesting Axem Pink X lewds

Attached: df13091f6GA4l.jpg (1312x446, 169K)

Some user asked for /fit/ May from Pokemon, here she is. Whoever you are, you didn't tell me anything about a pose so I just did her waking up. I realise I made her A) significantly more muscular than you asked for and B) not really in the Pokemon artstyle. I apologise, I could try and do another if you'd like. If not, the guy who asked for anything of Mini Princess is up next.

Attached: IMG_0742.jpg (2048x1536, 450K)

Requesting Darli Dagger sitting on the side of a ship like pick related, with her signature sly smile.

Attached: Darli Draw Request.png (1080x2220, 1.45M)

Mitsuru femdom teasing please
fat_mons with some peach fuzz

Attached: mitsy.jpg (900x1440, 198K)

Requesting Ridley doing the same pose as Frieza

Attached: Ridley Frieza pose.png (1800x1200, 1.21M)

Claire Redfield doing the Kamen Rider Wizard henshin pose

Attached: ClaireRider.jpg (2461x1593, 693K)

Requesting the iconic ending scene of Dynasty Warriors 7 where Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Quan unite their swords, but with the Three Kingdoms: Total War aspect of the three legendary warlords.

Attached: three kingdoms.png (1770x1480, 3.74M)

Kasumi transforming into a Pretty Cure

Attached: KasumiCure.jpg (2234x2100, 835K)

Requesting your favorite monster from Monster Hunter piloting a giant robot/Gundam.

you know your spam is a lot more obvious when you're the only one posting

0-4 video games
5-9 draw


Attached: 1558834357468.png (480x647, 287K)

Highness Bump!

Requesting Katerina from Croixleur Sigma.
In this outfit and/or situations or as any of these summer Gudakos
Or this
Also requesting any of these reaction images with her

Attached: best genki collage.jpg (3953x3128, 1.61M)

Attached: buump.png (450x171, 22K)

nice nice
also anchoring

Requesting this tank commander Elizabeth(Persona 3)sitting on the cannon of a tank in this lewd way please(more details into the picture) Here you can see a 3D model of this tank in case you need more references: Please and thanks!

Attached: puffy vulva.jpg (2564x1832, 1024K)

Bullying Satania and making her cry!

Which requests here aren't spam?

Requesting a thick, curvy Fran wearing Ashe's clothes. Maybe showing some pubes

Attached: 1558285825228.png (2773x1414, 3M)

Requesting Z1 from kancolle(left) dressed as Elizabeth from persona(right). She should look cute since she's so small compared to Liz. Here's a few pictures of her holding things like she'd be holding Elizabeth's compendium book.

Attached: lebe and liz.png (1774x1480, 1.27M)

Requesting Futa Len like

Attached: character_u01.jpg (721x584, 212K)

Every post that isnt yours and the anchor post.

I wish anything that had Elizabeth wasn't that fucking Nazi spamming fuck.

The ones you like.

Requesting a Golden Fi based off the Master Sword Lvl 3 from LttP and LBW with F-H cup sized breasts simply saying 'Upgrade complete Master'. Optionally include a Red Fi based off the Level 2 before the Lvl 3 with D-DD breasts, saying the same thing. Also optional. have their hair longer than each previous Fi than before.

Attached: UpgradedFi.png (1886x1236, 1.43M)


Attached: 1496357382592.jpg (1125x850, 610K)

Got a mail?

Requesting Justine, Caroline and Elizabeth having a happy Sabbath. Draw the twins wearing this beautiful dress and Elizabeth wearing a Kippah(one of those little jewish hats) and wearing a Tallit on their shoulders. Draw Elizabeth breaking the bread in two.

Any antisemit reply it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Bruh, you already got this.

Attached: 0435.jpg (1462x2328, 706K)


Requesting the first zombie scene from classic Resident Evil 1 but with Rumia (role as zombie) and Rin Satsuki (role as victim) the scrapped Touhou character.

Attached: Rumia&RinSatsuki.png (626x500, 382K)

Requesting a Marie doll riding a bald eagle.

Attached: 1558240676801.png (583x405, 164K)

Why you forcing me to get Erection

Dude ded thred

I would like these two (Pit from Kid Icarus and Nino from Fire Emblem) to have a failure date in a restaurant because neither of them can read a menu without pictures on it. They look condescended.

PIT: Wanna go see a movie instead..?
NINO: I'd love to.

Attached: illiterates.png (2340x1756, 1.82M)

Requesting a deep, passionate kiss between Alicia and Rudy. Both characters are from the game Brave Soul.

Attached: alicia and rudy.jpg (850x1008, 143K)

Requesting badass and scary Ta-class art, anything that would make her look menacing is welcome. For example her laughing with a villanous smile while her eyes glow.

Attached: ta class kc reference.png (1548x1944, 2.84M)


Give me something to draw, Yea Forums.
No lewd and no literal thots, please.

Requesting a Cucco from Zelda picking on Kirby with the Ball ability.

Attached: Cock and ball torture.png (768x440, 183K)

Baking a cake. She doesn't breathe so she's not a thot

Attached: roll.jpg (702x800, 63K)

Requesting any canonically flexible girl laying on her back and doing a split while someone's boot stomps on her cunt

Draw a padoru of a character you like

Attached: 71e.gif (640x640, 464K)

no I got it the other way around

Requesting this (see link) but with a vidya girl.

Requesting Beastmaster Raha receiving belly rubs.

I was expecting something fun. I'm disappointed.

Why not just flat out tell people that you want giant bushes?

Attached: 1546994720282.png (200x217, 59K)

Looking at that image the bush makes no fucking sense, you can see the lines up there indicating where the crotch would be, these hairs seem to sprout from her legs.
Also why does she have fucking tits.

Requesting a summer Seraphina from Disgaea 5 with water guns, or with nice tanlines

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (3047x2650, 1.08M)

Because people will just ignore the post. That's what happens when you request disgusting shit like that.

>Also why does she have fucking tits.
Mature Tatsumaki version.

To pique people's curiosity and trick them by showing them something disgusting

Attached: 3F63FAEF-0CEB-4D35-A88C-E8738114FB69.png (1430x1439, 1.14M)

She's almost 30 years old.
You're just some faggot with a gross fetish.

>disgusting shit
Come on, it's just hair. Back then it was normal. See 80s and retro stuff.

From the thumbnail i thought she had brusies on her eyes still cute work.

Pretty damn good, blog?

Armpit hair and leg hair are also just "hair". Don't pretend you don't gag at the sight of those.

is she ok?

For the user who asked for a Mini picture, here you go. Best looked at while listening to

Attached: IMG_0743.jpg (2048x1536, 435K)

Requesting Beastmaster Raha receiving belly rubs

Holy shit. Other people know about Summon Knight?

bushfag is an enigma

You obviously missed mishafag spamming Summon Knight requests years ago

It's not an enigma. It's just shit taste.
Saying "haha what if you drew this girl if she didn't shave" is the equivalent of saying "haha what if you drew this girl that doesn't wipe her butthole?"
It's just someone ignoring basic hygiene.
tldr; bushfag likes scat

lmao based

>literal shit taste

Attached: 303601.jpg (225x350, 30K)


Comfy as fuck.

Requesting Glover fused with the Infinity Gauntlet

Attached: Infinity Glover .jpg (1278x966, 323K)

You gonna do the may drawing or nah?

Did it, see Or do you mean the less muscular one?

Requesting Serene sunbathing

Attached: DBB1D8A9-36C2-4164-A01B-15FB5593B6BD.jpg (997x932, 269K)

Requesting her skin burning off.

I want Glover with five fingers.

There you go, son. Now get out of here, you bother me.

Still taking requests.

Attached: never forget.png (623x1239, 534K)

Requesting Infinity Glover snapping this user into dust

Attached: thanos-snaps-his-fingers.jpg (600x446, 97K)

Ah sorry man missed it thanks i like it.
i guess you could make the less muscular one with this pose and art style but it's down to you.

Attached: 1558817295164.png (640x480, 480K)


Attached: itsfuckingmay.gif (316x450, 142K)

With a vacuum cleaner, please

This but it's actually her canon breast size for once.

>He already got a delivery
>Frst thing that he do is request another one.

What did you expect from a pokefag?


Attached: a88cbe739d059f9f9d0644ca9c87c855.png (356x111, 5K)

It's less than a minute between both posts though

Requesting Lea(Highschool Romance) dresse up as Tifa. Also requesting her in her normal outfit pulling the top down a bit revealing her breasts
with her skirt down revealing lacey underwear pulled down as well.

Attached: lea tifa.png (1472x1464, 1.35M)

Requesting Rebecca Chambers trying to appear threatening while wearing this alt costume.

Hypocrisy alert


>"Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

Attached: wowww.jpg (324x387, 73K)

big mouth

for big cocks

Give simple requests

no furry shit plz

His parents at least managed to take that away from him.

draw a waifu using only circles, rectangles and triangles

Requesting Mr Domino with a pope hat

Attached: Official_US_PlayStation_Magazine_Volume_2_Issue_4_1999-01_Ziff_Davis_US_0050.jpg (571x781, 86K)


Attached: 9034fa5ff3957cfa89340ef42f61dcdd248ae64b07a695d8e20f30e28d1474ee.jpg (309x336, 11K)

What is wrong with his eyes?!
This is NOT the Mr Domino I know...

Dude, don't be mean to Klonoa. His mouth is very average in size.

Requesting user apologizing to Klonoa.

Attached: 1546314121605.png (348x431, 9K)


Pac man in pokeball cosplay

requesting sheena in a fishnet bunnysuit trying and failing to keep her tits from popping out

Attached: sh.jpg (526x832, 93K)

That's the American Box Art Mr Domino

wonderful work. Thanks friendo

Late quick animated delivery

Ugly as hell! Here, this is better.

Attached: J+SU67.jpg (500x495, 126K)

He is creepy!

Awesome! Jack sucks and I love it!

Give me your brush

Attached: 1474784110955.jpg (839x835, 119K)

Requesting a homeless Adeleine being forced to eat her paintings

Attached: Starving Artist.jpg (1278x525, 115K)

It just looks like a paper texture brush.


>Astolfo's horny face not visible
Too bad but ok.

gonna draw

Attached: rabbit ani.gif (880x655, 45K)

>god i wish that were me

Which of the two

Jack of course

Nice, me too

Cursed request, do not want.

BOTH! I want a blowjob by Jack and suck Astolfo's cock in the same time.

That sounds pretty good too.
How about getting spitroasted by Astolfo and Jack?

UNF No that's hot

Requesting a slain Nakoruru being peacefully laid onto the straw bed on the right

Attached: Nako.jpg (1609x1024, 275K)

I want sex with Jack and Astolfo together. ;_;

Draw Mimi and Nyami

Attached: image.jpg (1000x674, 675K)

I want to service the both of them

Mimi and Nyami lewds please.

Requesting an attractive and seductive Shulk!

Thank you in advance!

Attached: FA2C832C-68A7-4661-94CC-34491B9EDC99.jpg (3218x1536, 787K)

Did you sleep in?

Idk requesting princess peach in her outfit on the left being shocked by some amps (thing on the right)

Attached: PicsArt_05-25-01.23.53.png (2048x675, 1.21M)

Weird fetish dude

gtfo bully

Requesting Nazifag sucks! And it will be Trap-Justine's dick!
Represent him as typical user with nazi hat or helmet and D.S.K.V shirt.

Attached: 1535935551134.png (512x512, 83K)

Shulkfag means no harm.

Requesting the left pic with Coco

Attached: 3576634.jpg (850x600, 151K)

electroshock is hot, shulkfag
unlike just making a character fat for no reason


Requesting death to all bullies.

Attached: 1556500742187.png (200x200, 63K)

But I'm not Shulkfag.

Requesting an ice cold Esna with a more squarish ice cube shape for her round hips and icicle hair/tail.
To make her look more solid than liquid.
Give her a frosty white chilled effect, like she just came out of the refrigerator.

Attached: 1466017201859.jpg (4022x4500, 869K)

actually I'm shulkfag

If you bully bullies, that still makes you a bully...

Attached: knowing.jpg (200x200, 8K)

I'm already Shulkfag.

Requesting art of poor Shion eating and being offered food from every direction, because she to be treated well

Attached: 25f58fa30b061d8866909826390dcbf1.png (3444x3444, 670K)

No, I am Shulkfag!


Attached: AppropriateParchedBlackfootedferret-small.gif (435x250, 1.19M)

>it's an everyone obsesses about a namefag episode
I cry

We’re all shulkfag down here, n*gger.

Attached: CEC7AF6A-4E19-467C-9038-55975DDE15A2.jpg (275x183, 4K)

>new Pratty art
I just came here to say that whoever requested and delivered are fucking swell guys.

Attached: 1550618406165m.jpg (955x1024, 172K)

Attached: 1558902176714.png (200x200, 90K)

Maybe I'll be Shulkfag.

Robo-Ky is silly.


Attached: meta shit.png (999x976, 341K)

Maybe the real Shulkfag was the friends we made along the way.


No, he is cute.

Requesting cute Mr Domino art

>posting filthy frank memes

Requesting this girl from the pc videogame D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm removing and showing to the viewer her panties as pic related. Draw the girl on model. Please and thanks!

Attached: Das Höschen Inspektor.jpg (1132x1458, 356K)

Like in some anime series???

Taking oppai loli requests.


Formerly chucks

Why not normal loli? Oppai + loli = disgusting. :(

Requesting oppai loli Shulkfag


Extreme autism

Someone requested that girl wearing those stuff so here's a wip

Attached: Eleanor Hume v req.png (1200x1600, 311K)


Requesting Chihiro Fujisaki lifting up his skirt, smugly showing off the bulge in his panties.

Attached: 342342345.png (1080x1080, 547K)

Requesting this guy and marielz to die

Big tiddy uncle Cag, boasting how she finally reached peak female form.

Requesting Pio laying on a bale of hay and reading a Children's book about Alchemy.

Attached: Pio outfits.jpg (2435x3035, 819K)

This Flat chest is the real patrician taste.

Nazifag is at least entertaining. Mariel is just annoying.

Oppai loli Sherry Birkin's huge titties alerting the zombies.

Requesting someone offering some soup to her, and in the next panel they pour it on her head.

I love flat chest on loli and trap bodies.
Big breasts are only good for mature girls and adult women.

If only both of them were gunned down on the 1st of June.

Rerequest all of these

Attached: 190526v.png (1060x815, 172K)

>it's bushfag
of course

why do people hate Marielx again?

Why can't Arisu reach far enough?



Basic bitch
Ban evades here and on 4+4chans Yea Forums

creepy and cute

Attached: cool cat takes the law into his own hands.png (860x638, 17K)

Requesting Oppai demandi asking if you want this cake

Attached: demandi beachwear reference.png (1303x633, 634K)

He behaves like a mod. But he is not.

Purah only aging up certain parts of herself

Attached: Purah_-_Breath_of_the_Wild.png (173x354, 73K)

Is cool cat now the true villain???

Requesting Claire taking a dump in the police station restroom.

Attached: 1558827610541.jpg (631x1267, 78K)

don't forget
>virtue signalling all the time
>can't get off his high horse
>lives in favela with his parents
>rejects deliveries
>thinks artists are subhuman
Didn't know he uses VIIIchan and Yea Forums at the same time, that's enough of a red flag by itself.

Good thing this isn't canon

This is a girl...r-right?

Yes thou faggot

>thinks artists are subhuman
Why? D:

Requesting Ly getting big tiddy bullied by Betilla (or any other Origins nymph or even Barbara).

Attached: 1548365412289.png (845x554, 659K)

Because he's mad he was born with no talent and cried here for years while posting about mlp

Because artists are supposed to give him art of his OC/toon/waifu for free, without complaint, at excellent quality and out of not even the goodness of their heart, but because they should be obligated to do so. Commissions are a no-no though, because on top of all this, they don't deserve money.

Requesting Burnin' Leo humanized as an athletic girl

Attached: 0000000.png (222x129, 35K)


Requesting Tethu hugging an Esna dakimakura

Attached: reference.jpg (1826x688, 264K)

>Commissions are a no-no though
He is too poor for commissions, yes?

Requesting an extra large Shygirl, all of the focus in her bosom

Attached: 67565792_p0.png (1000x1153, 246K)

Yea he even admits to commissioning in the mmo forums for in game currency


requesting this with Marielx

Attached: image.png (503x593, 507K)

/r/ your vidya waifu having her brains turn into dick

Attached: evolution.jpg (347x413, 87K)

Cute dinosaur and boat.

Yeah that’s what I’m asking for

Probably, I just recall him posting
>paying for art
a number of times.

On it famola

Just wanted to say thanks to all of you request fags who commission artists occasionally. Keep on rocking

Attached: 1558792439731.gif (540x304, 2.46M)

Didn't he send dickpics in exchange for shit one time?

Oh thanks a lot for drawing Ta-class, love how she looks.

Attached: __ta_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nagineko__a4156945b993d652c5038803707f09ec.png (1000x1000, 336K)

Yea, but he claims it's not him

Bitches love canons

Attached: Untitled.png (505x530, 166K)

They weren't even nice pics either.

Not really

Attached: image.gif (480x270, 1.32M)

t. pistol

>go to other websites drawthreads
>same niggas that spam funpost here post there as well
>realize there's no escape

Attached: rider.png (508x702, 111K)

Requesting a 10-year-old Morrigan Aensland doing this with the black part of her outift

Attached: m4664h54.jpg (1328x1408, 369K)



You're playing a dangerous game here Rider but nice job man


Begone pedo


No nipples so it should be fine

When will tourist newfags stop with this retarded term? Its shitpost you absolute retard, SHIT POST, YOU POST SHIT.

Hi, bocco.


Requesting Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney (left) dressed as Ema Skye from the same game (right), or vice versa

Attached: Kay and Ema.png (983x1099, 724K)

That abyssal is from mfag

Requesting Faris Nyannyan from Steins Gate either in a battle pose, like a kung-fu stance, or in a qipao(right), which goes down to the knees

Attached: Faris and Qipao.jpg (1218x1000, 183K)

Requesting Eleanor Hume from Tales of Berseria dressed as a police officer or a drill sergeant.

Attached: Eleanor_Model_Render.jpg (1200x1962, 270K)

Based mfag.

Requesting a light-orange Spartan from Halo wielding a Brute Shot from the same game like a normal axe.

Attached: Spartan and Brute Shot.png (1330x1015, 789K)

Nopon lewds

Red vs Blue has sucked for years

First time ever drawfagging on a Comp. Hope this is to your liking user.

Attached: cute hether.png (507x441, 105K)

Look, I'm a simple drawfag, I see abyssals, I draw them.
Maybe not all the time or all that well but whatever, I'm not losing anything drawing these.
Not like I had anything to start with.

This, both need a gangbang.

Licorice's true form.

Attached: image.png (843x391, 206K)

Well you're off to a good start if your first delivery is for something from Silent Hill 3.

Requesting this but with Undyne and Sans

Attached: yain't.png (500x461, 96K)

Give me something cute to draw!

Draw yourself!

Didn’t you asked this last night?

Does modern Yea Forums even still know what LOOMIS is? Or do you draw lads just never update the pasta

too hardcore
cute lewds would be better

Make the Orbs from Devil May Cry with a cute face.

Attached: blueorb.png (240x240, 75K)

tifa being birdkakked by birds pooping on her booty

Attached: Trust Nobody, Not Even Yourself.gif (500x500, 1.63M)

It is known what Loomis is but we have found more effectiwe ways of getting artists to stop drawing for these threads than laughing at their awful anatomy.

Requesting Azura dressed as Angewomon but without the helmet

Attached: Azura.png (2048x1304, 1.59M)

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

>too hardcore
Fucking casual!

Attached: Shulk_morgue_01.jpg (1280x1280, 1.95M)

Attached: nGMrD.gif (600x323, 1.55M)

Like what


the fucker is fake
never delivers anything

the nerve of this guy

Requesting Rule 63 StarMan.EXE art
Lewd or Not
Alternate design

Attached: 1499469331950.jpg (512x640, 69K)

Requesting the I see picture with Brighid from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 expect with her eyes closed instead of the bandages

Attached: XC2Brighid.png (798x714, 795K)


Requesting lactating gerudo titty queen

Attached: 8976fg786f54.png (993x702, 872K)

nice art, I want to fuck her thighs

Say no more bruh: Nina Cortex from Crash Twinsanity and this other goth girl as two great friends listening old heavy metal vinyl records. That or both girls sharing a strawberry milkshake.

Attached: They are not lesbians in the slighest.jpg (2062x838, 468K)

As expected.

well i drew a gobbo lackey from hearthstone since i didnt really see any requests that interested me.

Attached: gobbo lackey.png (2000x2000, 476K)

Saying that the artist did a spammer's request and bullying them about it.

could have drawn that wow gobbel tho

Cute gob.

Absolutely based.

Well i didnt really want to draw tentacle stuff so thats why i kinda just didnt bother with that. I just wanted to draw a cute gobbo with big boobs.

Requesting trap Wo-Class with erect dick (bulge)

Attached: Standard_Carrier_Wo-Class_Full.png (717x1050, 861K)

Attached: Eleanor Hume v req.png (1200x1600, 640K)

Her legs are slightly too short.

Requesting Perun from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 doing this pose with her spear.

Attached: XC2 Perun.jpg (1851x1269, 641K)

If you're looking to do more goblins, can you draw Assistant Greely with her shirt being too small for her big tits, causing her to expose delicious green underboob?

Attached: 191816-assistant-greely.jpg (558x524, 71K)

Attached: fatdoragon.png (957x896, 573K)

Is the fireden archive broken?

OR here, it does look pretty nice, and I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but it looks a little dissimilar from the reference image, hair and eye color aside, although that could just be your art style, or just some mental dissonance from me, a character like that being in more modern clothing.

It still hasn't been fixed

Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

I want to see you draw a vidya character of your choice in this pose

Attached: 1533765913087.jpg (1280x720, 460K)

Just oppai requests when

sure why not? Too many anime waifus in this thread so id be happy to draw more gobbo stuff. you have a ref pic for how you want the underboob to look like?

Your character is so cool and unique. I know someone else has colored it before, but he used the wrong colors. I can understand why you keep re-requesting this, so I learnt from that and here are the colors like you have pointed out in your reference.

Your welcome and no problem!

Attached: Untitled (4).png (1584x2516, 784K)

looks like it
use if you need to find something while they get their shit together

Didn't know Harry was skilled with a ping pong paddle as well as a wand.

+1 to the legs being a bit off but otherwise pretty cute nice tights

Okay well, got a girl in mind?

I was to late to reply to the other thread, so I hope Slowfag is here

I hope you can post it on the booru when you finish it. And do you have any place for that Link art?

Isn't that the one with popping ads?
I also recall nothing actually showing up in searches.

>fireden broken
>new accounts can't be made on boorus
>autismo spammer count at an all time high
Is this the end of drawthreads? ;_;

I think archived moe uses fireden as full sized image source though.
Not using an adblock isn't really a viable option on the internet anymore, sadly. Some boards have search disabled, I think Yea Forums is not one of them.

Nothing fancy, I suppose, just naturally hanging out the bottom of her shirt.

Poison with a crab in their bikini!

Attached: Poison.jpg (1451x1738, 200K)

ok thanks dude ill get on it soon.

ah you could be right about them cheaping out on image hosting like that

Requesting Lina (orange hair) stealing Serene’s (blue hair) bikini top.

Attached: 3A03B85A-C533-465C-9441-D67342845FBA.png (967x682, 1.02M)


Chihiro as a IT consultant trying to fix a computer saying "here's the problem, its on fire!"

Attached: IMG_5694.png (960x560, 218K)

Request again then

Requesting cune

What is this tumblr cringe

tumblr is dead

Oh I wish

Requesting a colorized version of the right image (Ibuki Mioda as a ballerina) using the left image as reference

Attached: Ibuki ballerina.png (1257x840, 612K)

It's one of local entitled spammers.

And thank you for drawing goblins. Came across this looking at underboob examples, if you were interested in porn as opposed to a pinup. Either way, looking forward to it.

Requesting nude version


Requesting Duke Nukem making bacon

Attached: 16ed8dd9a0a698c7d5cde3e692af31fc.jpg (600x500, 123K)

Requesting Blaze the Cat from Sonic as a pirate captain.

Attached: TSR_Blaze.png (295x540, 285K)

Requesting this but with Elizabeth from Persona 3.

Attached: u r dead.jpg (2112x1064, 424K)

calling them silly

it's just you upset that whichever artist you were trying to bait didnt draw it mishashit

Actually, I don't have a preference for any artist in particular here. I mean sure, some of my requests may have artstyles I possibly like more than others, but I don't know any specific artists here yet.

No problem i love drawing gobbos girls a lot
also dont know if youve seen this but i drew some lewd stuff with a gobbo showing some underboob recently so enjoy that for right now.

Gotta blast user. Other shit to do. I keep the references in there if you want to try and finish it.

Attached: SAnsdss.png (707x627, 117K)

tttt, could you do it?

Who the hell do you think you are? You’re any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? Maybe everybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in Yea Forums and who are you? Who are you? You miserable presumptuous no talent. You’re no artist. An artist respects the blank canvas, it serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to express yourself. In art or any form of creativity. And I’m an NYU film-school graduate. Sucka. And the School of Visual Art, and the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. You suck. You’re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a blog, instead of ruining the day for everybody in here. You disgrace. You are everything that’s gone wrong in this site. You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I’ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 2014, I showed CSR up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew Borvar from 2012. Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to draw. You’re flat. You can’t even draw a straight line. I don’t care about your thicc art style, it doesn’t mean you know how to draw. You’re flat. I’ve trained traditionally, I’ve trained digitally, and you suck.

t. nazifag

Seconded because the girl kind of looks like a kid Palutena.

Attached: lmeO114G_400x400.jpg (400x400, 39K)

Double time, and Double Size cup J

None of you need this shithole to draw

it's pretty obvious nobody needs to use these threads, they do so of their own free will

I need this shithole for attention. Drawing all by yourself is depressing.

Attached: 1557699735199.jpg (300x400, 21K)

the lack of good requests inspired him to draw, so he did need it despite needing nothing specific from it.

And Hearthstone has oodles of good goblins and gnomes, that have far too little art, like

There really has been like zero good requests lately.

Requesting Alice from the video game Kingdom Hearts wearing this(left) Feel free to use the suspenders to censor her nipples. Draw her doing the typical miltar salute. Full body shot preferred, and please draw her on model, following Disney's design. Please, thank you and God bless you!

Attached: Alice from kingdom hearts.jpg (2588x1700, 863K)


Define good. Lack of specificity? Dislike character choices, dislike situations, dislike content, request too complex, request too simple thus too boring, clothing too complex, doesn't work for a 3/4 perspective standing pose with hands and feet missing?

I could dig up some writing prompts.

Think of 2 people you know.
Now take the older of the two. What occasion do you most remember them from? Describe the lightning of the room. Was it light or dark outside at the time? Write and describe what the room smells like. Why did it smell like that?


is all of the above an option?

Well, pointing at something and saying 'this is bad' without specifying why is the same level as 'draw waifu with fetish' requests. Could do wonders if people actually understood what the difference between a request and a prompt is. Requests are specific and have the product in mind, prompts are vague and have the process in mind.

Or you could just develop a fetish for drawing other people's fetishes like one artist I know and get off to other people getting off to your lewd art, so you can have your cake and eat it too.

Attached: rin wearing one of those masks you wear when you're sick.jpg (248x236, 23K)

Could so wonders if you stopped posting

>one artist I know and get off to other people getting off to your lewd art


Attached: de40f.jpg (620x378, 18K)

Still better than /trash/

Requesting Samus kicking plumber Ridley out of her bathroom saying that she doesn't need her shithole remodeled again

it's borvar

I chew bacon and kick ass and I'm all outta ass

Attached: dook.png (477x577, 66K)

Requesting Hequet petting a froggo

Attached: 1459505868830.jpg (401x584, 35K)

Fucking awesome thanks man

someone give me an underrated nintendo girl to fatten up

Fukken nice.


Not him. But these threads got boring, when they lost their spontaneity. Back when the threads were only once a week, or only on the weekends, requests were flying like crazy, and people were happy with scribbles, and it was just spur of the moment chaos.

What is it now? A waiting room. Like a fucking doctor's office. All sterile and proper. With a formal method of requesting, and a formal method of delivering. People sticking with their requests for days, if not weeks. I mean every drawfag has seen your request already.
Imagine what that doesn't psychologically. Seeing that same request day in and day out. Until finally some drawfag is sick of seeing it, and completes it just to see it gone. But then the very next thread, it's replaced with something almost exact the same, in the same wording. And you just know it's the same drawfag autistically going down his queue of requests, seeing that they get fulfilled one by one.

The drawthread will never be as fun as it can be, until it's given a break. But that will never happen, because requestfags will make sure it stays open all week, in order to maximize their chances of getting their fulfilled. The drawthread is pretty much a gatcha at this point.

Borvar's not an artist, though.
He's a drawer

he's a filthy sex pervert who gets off to drawing fetishes

If you insist.

Attached: GSJenna[1].jpg (525x735, 47K)

You completely missed the joke and never even talked to him but okay, have a pity (you)

Any of the Oracle girls would be nice.

Attached: Maple[1].png (388x653, 342K)

you're talking to yourself now buddy

Attached: oracles.png (1141x539, 376K)

It's kind of sad seeing how the threads slowly degraded over time from a few years to now. Glad I'm not the only one that thought about this as there's fewer drawfags than before to actually deliver with. If it was a weekly thing like how Yea Forums and /vr/ did it then it would probably be much better but actually trying to do it would just be impossible.

Attached: 463CF75E-CD44-474B-8F5D-4F4062E0CC5F.png (1668x2224, 1015K)


Give me someone to laugh at




honestly id only draw girls over 18. sorry bros i need someone different

it was inevitable when people realized they could get free porn here

these threads are propped up by a handful of autists and its obvious because every time they're gone the thread 404s. and its only gotten worse

Attached: image.png (410x76, 4K)


Okay, you should have specified.

Attached: 221995-wariolandshake_character_03[1].jpg (960x960, 49K)

Requesting Phantoon from Super Metroid whispering to Mario to wake up.

actually you just reminded me why i dont take requests anymore

Requesting a nude Kitana hiding herself with her fans

Attached: MK11 Kitana.png (1304x736, 1.36M)

Are you stupid? They are just fictional characters.

>If it was a weekly thing like how Yea Forums and /vr/ did it
At one point, the Yea Forums drawthread was only a daily thing. Friday, if I'm not mistaken. Then it was expanded throughout the weekend. But even then, those threads were started by a drawfag willing to get the ball rolling. Unlike today, where a requestfag makes the threads in hopes drawfags show up.

>hey draw something you dont like
>no thanks
>wtf just do it, its just a drawing!

Can they be dragons?

Attached: GSMenardi.jpg (586x600, 58K)

Stop shitposting.

Attached: 53FAEDCE-0039-441C-9180-982164AFFA3B.png (431x431, 93K)

I'm sorry.

Attached: image.png (1333x900, 498K)

doing gods work

Can't make me shulkfag

I love being a monster

Attached: 1486346746432.gif (544x560, 438K)

Does this artist have a gallery? I want to metaphorically suck your dick through all my likes and reblogs.

Apparently, it's Chrom's birthday today. Give me a simple birthday idea please.

Attached: chrom art.jpg (1620x1200, 242K)

requesting buttjobs

I’m not shulkfag.

Please, just stop being retards. Please.

This with Daisy.

Maybe I'll be Shulkfag.

But I’m already shulkfag

Tomorrow, I'll

Can I be Mondo Boi?

Requesting Serval as an OL but doing something silly, like covering herself in post-it notes or spinning on a swivel chair.

Attached: 1494104827694.jpg (1174x1507, 165K)

Attached: burn everything you love then burn the ashes.png (1000x1000, 47K)


Someone make naked Mr Mime sexy.

What game?

Beautiful, thank you so much for the delivery.

Lucina or Robin (or both) giving him a present or cake

Based. Rest in peace sunbathing girl

Kemono Friends

What would the present be?


Attached: Ah I see.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Serval is stupid.

Rad tan


Requesting Robin giving him a basket of oranges!

Attached: Robin_(female).png (2309x2309, 2.6M)


Attached: HOSHI NO PING PONG.png (3000x2500, 3.28M)

Cooking Mama drawn as a reaction image of the artists choice

Attached: mama.png (454x485, 46K)

Cute Amy Rose


Mad man

Kirby is shit.


Their virginities.

Seconding lewd Histy
Or her being a slutty tease in sexy lingerie

Requesting melons
b i g melons

Attached: Grace.jpg (491x674, 41K)

Man I want to ask you for a FGO animation but it doesn't involve a trap
Rather, size difference.

You faggots are trying to kill the thread, aren’t you?

Attached: Transfors.png (400x332, 238K)

here you go

Attached: trip is gonna be so mad.jpg (639x477, 39K)

Swimsuit Robin singing "happy birthday" to him with a microphone like Marilyn Monroe did to President Kennedy.

Attached: Robin F Summer Full.png (1600x1920, 1.85M)

It's working again but old threads during it's outage haven't been archived it seems (last thread for example).

Oh well. At least it's in the booru.

Got an official image that shows much better her great oppai

Attached: Katerina pjs.jpg (500x471, 78K)

The real talent probably has shit planned over the Holidays. Too bad for you guys.

No point getting sad about these threads.

Requesting as an oppai loli giving paizuri and fellatio.

Attached: rosaref.png (2911x1501, 3.56M)

What holidays

Who's The real talent

Burgerfats have Memorial Day.

Glorious memorial day weekend.


Attached: REACTION.png (3000x2500, 3.97M)

Now that's the good stuff

I doubt amerishart drawfags care about Memorial Day. BDF, what do you do on Memorial Day?

Nice. I like how that's coming along. Did you ever finish that comic with Tifa and Garnet? I don't think I ever saw the completed version posted anywhere.

Pio requester here, this is so very cute!
She looks happy and comfy reading on that bed of hay.
I love the black and white contrast.
It works great with that outfit.
Thanks so much for drawing Pio, she's so adorable in your style!

Taking requests to draw again soon maybe later
t. Best to not do random requests I guess


Turn R. Mika into an oppai loli.

Attached: dd0w5rx-49623d0a-7a72-441e-bdce-c3825caf7e13.jpg (1000x1000, 746K)

Do you have a name mysterious starman with gun?

in a little black dress please

Attached: coco.jpg (300x589, 51K)

Best drawfags are not American anyway.

starman with gun and happy face

Jack is a good girl.

for what it's worth there's a lot of things I like about your last delivery
can't be helped if OR's a bit of a shit though

Quick, draw Doom Guy doing snugglecuddies with Daisy

Attached: f49.jpg (760x900, 434K)

Yeah but I'd rather do a request for someone who's expecting lower quality and is cool with

Made this by giving there reference sheets lineart and color + shading/lighting. How do they look?

Attached: DAB5FE9A-D74F-4028-9799-44035C5BB568.png (881x1448, 314K)

Give what you to find to be the top 5 best and/or worst requests in this thread right now.

Requesting an inebriated Kong.

Attached: 1554269965360.png (826x1200, 584K)

The threads feel more mindless and chaotic than usual lately.

Why is she being swarmed by the little fluttering things?

It's Sunday. Most of everyone is off and bored.

>tfw you stuff mama's turkey just right

Attached: mama reaction.png (462x414, 99K)

I said lately, not just today.


Nice shitpost fag

Are you doing these with a mouse or don't you know what the stabilizer does?

Post full image

that's fair
and to your credit you've been steadily improving, so keep it up



>someone who's expecting lower quality and is cool with
That's me every day but my requests suck so oh well

sure buddy

I'm not even mad, well played.

You’re welcome, she’s cute

Attached: F94BFA07-D26E-43B6-99A6-6FE2FC144AA6.png (1272x1422, 1.39M)

Iggy is so funny


Iggy is GOD!
