Does FFXII have the worst combat system ever

Does FFXII have the worst combat system ever

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Let me see

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Its fun and satisfying

Turn-based combat is just one of many ways that consoles have been destroying the video game industry for as long as it has existed.

Is OP a fag?

I liked it. Obviously they tried to take elements of FFXI and implement them in a more polished single player story.

Is it the best combat system? Probably not. But it was cool tinkering with the automation. I think it would have worked better if the game was grid-based rather than 3D open world, imagine getting FF Tactics to play itself.

If you think FXII "plays itself" and that it has awful combat, you're a brainlet who doesn't understand the point of the Gambit system and you won't enjoy the game.


I thought it worked well for what it was trying to be, a real time RPG on open maps without going full action RPG.

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Not even close

Change this guy's answer

It's too bad PA is all ghost written now, and they don't actually like games that much anymore. I remember they did that first 15 for a while, and only thing Gabe was interested in was things that his sons would enjoy. While he sounds like a good dad, he isn't funny anymore.

FFXII's combat is missing that extra layer that would make it interesting. It feels fundamentally unfinished. They basically literally translated ATB into real-time encounters, but presented in a much more mundane way. All the gambit system really did was expose the repetitiveness of the combat. It's just a symptom of a deeper problem.

Say what you want about FFXIII, but paradigm shift was its "extra layer". FFXIII still let the player automate a character's attacks like FFXII, but it didn't stop there. It changed the focus of the combat from individual actions to the larger party dynamic. It's just a shame the combat doesn't reach its full potential until you're already deep into the game. And unlike FFXII's gambits, there's no way to customize party member's AI. FFXII's strengths are FFXIII's weaknesses, and vice versa.

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Should I be dead?


isn't this the poker night guy?

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paradigm shift was literally just an extra button press to use other skills and you can configure gambits to work the same way XIII does

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No, it's the second best, but brainlets who can't into theorycrafting party gambit setups to do what they want will find it unfulfilling as they just set everyone to nearest: attack and hp

>Character 1
Self: Berserk
>Character 2
Self: Berserk
>Character 3
Ally 70%: Heal

Bravo you beat the game

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I fucking love bald


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>thing was just [simplification]
Why do brainlets think this is an argument?

Now when ff13 exist and kills the fanbase.

I guess that settles it

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Will I make some new friends today?

Literally kill yourself.

How come the worst games (13-2, 10-2) in the whole series have the best gameplay?

OP can you give an example of good JRPG combat systems?

It was honestly 5 to 10 years before its time, as almost every RPG since that's used the programmable AI wasn't done it as well as FFXII

Yes it's unironically worse than XV and XIII, the entire game can be beaten with like three gambits.
>attack nearest foe
>heal when under 30% hp
>revive when dead
And then just use an item every once and a while.

is this a cancer joke?

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All gambits do is automate the process, you the player still decide everything your characters will do. The challenging part in RPG isn't button input, only absolute brainlets could feel that way. Compare that to ff XIII where auto-attack is absolutely broken since it allows you to instantly queue up to 5 attacks in a fast-paced game. In ff XII, you can pause the game to decide your actions, but there you can't. So the only thing left to do is change paradigms every now and then.

In XII I only used gambits for the most basic shit like buffs. Everything else, well it depends on the ennemy you're facing so you won't have 100 different gambit setting for each and every type of foe. Also positioning plays a role in XII for AoE heals/buffs and attacks so that's another subtlety it has over XIII.

The gambit system makes it really hard to see what you are doing right and wrong in combat. And it’s very easy to ignore magic and status upkeep imo

I had to manual on the more difficult encounters, which kind of defeats the object of gambits

have sex?

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Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

>bald edits ending coincides with PA becoming complete shit
coincidence? Or conspiracy?

Some of the best WRPGs ever made have turn based combat. Kill yourself.

>not even the cursed image

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FFXII is the only good implementation of RTwP ever made. It's not a perfect system, but it is an entertaining version of a system that is typically not very fun.

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>which kind of defeats the object of gambits
They're optional user. I had a blast playing with almost no gambits.

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Lucky you

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I forgot, does the game do dynamic camera angles if you pick manual or was it just like if you use the gambits? It’s been so long

I don't know but I miss them both

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What's that stand for? I get that the RT is Real Time, but what's the wP?

FFXII's combat was the prototype for the shitty system in FFXIII, so yes. Its crap

with pause.

First OP that isn't a fag

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