Let's discuss a good part of yakuza games, that is mahjong.
Let's discuss a good part of yakuza games, that is mahjong
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd rather discuss Yuki
You can only choose 1
Well that other thread has edition so that's dead on arrival
we should make this happen
Get in fags.
Majsoul Friends Room 34766(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
I'd love a team tournament Saki style
Ok so I understand han and fu. I know fu rounds to up to 10, so is it even worth it if I have a 2 han hand to make a wait harder for 2 fu?
1 place left guys, don't leave us waiting.
>the match in this room has started
fuck red dora lottery anyway
Majsoul Friends Room 68790(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
south standard hanchan, no red dora
room 68790
1 more
>no red dora
>he didn't play in the tournament yesterday
>he needs han that have absolutely no risk or requirements, just have the pretty red shiny
You just fear the dora. Pic related is you.
Dora is short for "dragon". Why did they name it "dragon" when there are already dragon tiles?
>have hand full of bamboos and pins
>single character tile
>discard it
>spend the next 10 turns drawing characters and honor tiles
depends on the situation. you'll increase your base points if that 2 fu pushes you into the next multiple of 10, but a two sided wait makes it more likely for you to tsumo, giving you an extra han if your hand is closed which will increase your base points more than 2 fu can.
>single crack tile
>spend the next 10 turns drawing cracks
Because the "dragon" tiles aren't actually dragons. "Dragons" is something white people came up with because it sounded oriental. In both the original chinese and Japanese versions of the game they are referred to as (三元) the three elements.
>gamergurl's barelegs
>austimo's pantyhose
Earth, Fire and Water, am i right?
I always thought "dragon" was a weird name for those tiles. That's so stupid.
I can't count fu anyway, but it's not a particularly large gain in points unless you have several han and/or the dealer seat. And then those 2 fu have to push you up to the next rounding. And you have to have less than 5 han for fu to even matter in the first place (and remember you might get free han from tsumo, ippatsu riichi, and ura-dora).
Any hand that doesn't even win is worth 0.
I want this to happen so bad holy fuck
>tfw a nyagger barely avoids being sent to the shadow realm
"element" as in something basic not a literal element, there isn't really a perfect translation but they refer to Confucian virtues.
White is piety. Red is muh Benevolence. Green is sincerity.
You can thank whitey.
Both cats look the same to me. Second one isn't worth the investments.
Post the yaku list, pleas.e
One year worth of mahjong for an extra tiddied hag!
which version
>one chance
>deal into chiitoitsu
The non-gay one.
>Doesn't even mention yaku that can be open but are worth more closed.
>San Ankou description is completely wrong.
>single rick
>spend the next 10 turns drawing ricks
there, fixed ya pussers bone mate.
>single pickle
>spend the next 10 turns drawing pickles
>top hole
>Doesn't even mention yaku that can be open but are worth more closed.
It does though. But I'll agree the san ankou is not accurate.
One spot opened up.
I wanted to start calling dots soccerballs to confuse people in the thread but I realized nobody would even react to it most likely
>bum nut
nah just an asshole
winning with pinzu chinitsu battle cry
Shit I got bad luck though I did a greedy move during the first hand that killed me for the whole game.
Top right is the only correct choice.
But of course, we're all f2p plebs, it's hard for us.
>First match of the day
>Right riichi's
>Reach tenpai
>Have perfect closed wait + suji trap on 5m
>Also riichi
>Immediately, right draws, then gets a closed kan for 5m, knocking out ALL of my winning tiles
>Next turn, deal directly into Right
>Wind up busting out completely later that round
Yeah, I think today is going to be a no Mahjong day for me.
but we have a tournament tonight
Mahjong Soul Game Log: mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Any advice on how I should have played that last hand?
I got lucky and it worked out but I feel like I could have played it better. Only outright mistake discarding the 2s cause I could have possibly ended in furiten because of the 1m and it didn't really improve my shape for the man tiles. Also should have gotten rid of the 7m sooner I guess.
It was a hand with lots of potential how would you have played it user.
>Play some 12 hands on south game
>Hit tempai in nearly every single hand
>Win the first hand, 2600 points
>Dont win any of the other hands
>Slowly tsumo'd to death into the last place
>we're all f2p plebs
There are at least a dozen people on my friends list with premium waifus and like 1/3 of them have already ascended, and I only add people from Yea Forums friendlies.
What time is that starting? I don't want to miss it and get replaced just cause you fags are too impatient to wait for 5 minutes for everyone to show up.
>hagascended.jpg looks clearly worse than her normal form
Feels good for her to be my main
I took a brief look at it, and it looks like you were playing perfectly fine. 2s was also a fine discard, because you wouldn't have been able to use it in that hand anyways, especially because the action for your bamboos were all happening in the upper range, and getting a 3s to connect would have slowed you down. Plus, you had ideal tenpai as well.
Also, you're wrong about the 7m. Having XYYZ shape is incredibly beneficial to you. Most people look at it like XYZ + Y, but in reality, you actually have XY + YZ. Strong building blocks for two tiles.
I think the only thing I would have changed was to riichi on the 8m instead of the 7m. You still have a 3-sided wait, but you also have pinfu on top of that.
Other than that, good job, Bob.
There's an IRC.
#yakuman/v/irgins on rizon.
should ask there
>I think the only thing I would have changed was to riichi on the 8m instead of the 7m. You still have a 3-sided wait, but you also have pinfu on top of that.
Me again, forgot to add, I would have still considered this even with the 1m furiten for the tsumo possibility. I don't think either is wrong.
No way, normal neesan's face is like the worst out of all 16 sprites. You can't deny the upgraded one has a cute face, and it's the face you'll see 95% of your ingame time.
Anyone give a fuck about the rolls I get from this? Before this I did 66 summons, got 3 characters. Hoping for drunk samurai or purple hag gifts.
Honestly I think even normal cat is better than ascended.
Maid is nice but her default face looks like she's fucking scared because she's looking at ascended maid scary-ass face.
I'd say only Miko is the only one where her default is bad but ascended looks good.
>did 40 rolls for drunk nee-san
>got 3 others characters
>dust two purple gifts, get a free summon
>get her
so this is the power of f2p... wow
but sure post your results
>I did 66 summons
Hm thanks user. I considered the Iitsu but felt like it wasn't the right choice and got kinda bent on a tanyao. Which is why I considered the 78m shape bad cause a 9m might complete it.
Same for the pinfu, the 1m might complete the hand and ruin the whole aesthetic and tanyao.
For the pinfu to have any benefit you'd have to tsumo a 4m or 7m.
user, you have to stop.
Majsoul Friends Room 53935(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
south standard
finally got to adept after 3 days
Honestly, you shouldn't worry too much about fighting your hand, especially when you're already first place in the last game, and a simple open tanyao would have given you the victory. Your hand has a shape it wants to be in. Just let it be that shape.
I just played in the same ranked room as a friend who I was teaching the game. There's really nobody playing south in bronze.
3/4 again
Good game, got to go.
New spot opened up, come play nya
God damn old man kiryu is so happy to win, I'm happy for him
thank you for paying for my copy user!
Ended up getting 2 copies of yui, no other characters. Some tile backs. Got enough dust out of it to make ascended hag though.
It's probably for the best, people gotta get games in as fast as they can and start learning.
I just started playing Kiwami, it's my first experience with a Yakuza game and I'm really confused about something.
When enemies and bosses go into that stun state they start glowing and regenerating health, how do I stop it?
on that note, if anyone wants to bully me:
Majsoul Friends Room 38094(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
south standard hanchan, no red dora
room 38094
what a fucking shitshow this was.
Earth Wind and Fire actually
2 more
If you're too lazy to click on it:
Some dude gets triple ron'd in the first round, and then the triple ron'd dude gets 13 orphans and sends another dude to the shadow realm, thus ending the match on round 1.
Sounds absolutely wild
sorry user, this is a nyagger thread
you gotta unlock the corresponding style's unique heat action, iirc
post in the thread or in the irc if you're available later today (3 hours from now perhaps? That's when it started yesterday)
irc is #yakuman/v/irgins at rizon
Just started watching Tetsuya. Those fuckers are cheating all the goddamn time and they're not even hiding it. It's worse than Akagi lmao.
>Bought Yakuza 0 like a month ago, but I'm finally getting around to playing it
Is there anything important I should know about the series before diving in?
What's so bad about the theme of cheating?
Wtf, is this drawing using the censored design ?
I'm stuck at doing the bingo challenge at golf for Haruka in Kiwami 2.
I'm going insane HELP
I've gotten 9/10 several times BUT I KEEP MISSING WHEN IT MATTERS AAAA
Nothing, I like it. It's just not what I was expecting. Boshu pulling 2 Tenhou following each other was ballsy.
gg lads, got a final ron and took back first place
But seriously, just play it. It's not a weird game where you need to know or setup things before enjoying it.
I was so close
I had a hand that would have easily taken first if that fucking 4th place shitter cat hadn't decided to win off of a dragon-only hand.
I haven't played mahjong seriously since like 2012 back when I hung around on Janryumon and Tenhou a lot. Theses threads motivated me to give it a try, but I thought to myself "I wonder if I still got it"
>Two hanemans later
in this seedy world, being the most skilled cheater you can be is their version of a pro
Whoops forgot my pic
Just git gud lmao.
Or follow this video.
it tells you in the tutorial, you have to get enough heat to do a heat move then go to the correct style and do it on them
also you should stop playing kiwami & play 0 first instead, since it's the most standalone, there's a lot of nods in kiwami & kiwami 2 to 0
They still have precog superpowers of reading discards.
please don't make posts like this, it makes it really seem like you're circlejerking
>here's my own predictions
but why
brainlet strike at the worst moment
i got lucky myself, actually threw away 2 tiles and drew 2 Isou
they're movie games, if you don't like those, you likely won't like yakuza. People will try to refute this but unless you go for 100% or really enjoy the dull street fights or whatever, you'll spend the majority of the time watching cutscenes or reading dialogue
This. I treated it mostly like I was watching a drama. Those final cutscenes in Zero were crazy though. I think it was seriously like 15 minutes, then a single 30 second fight, then 10 minutes, a two minute fight, then like 25 minutes straight to the finish.
New spot is open for business, nya
This, you must also really like the minigames and the special humor type.
This tournie is a one time thing. It most likely ends today so don't worry.
>but why
No reason.
Don't engage with him. If he gets a bite, he'll start samefagging and shitposting an argument like the last 6 times he's done this. If you ignore him, he'll go away.
the minigames are side content
you can complete all the yakuza games while only playing them very sparingly & even then it's usually very easy to do them & very short
of course if you don't like the crane game, don't do the crane game substories, if you don't like the disco, don't do the disco substories, if you don't like POCKET RACER, don't do the POCKET RACER substories
Well obviously you don't have to do all of them but you would be missing out not doing some.
>people voice their concerns
>they're all one person trying to start shit!
hate this meme
namedropping should be avoided at all costs
Never played mahjong but this mahjongsoul thing looks kinda interesting.
Is it p2w? Is it fun?
It's entirely f2p and it's very fun. Just read the in-game tutorial, pic related and the link at the bottom of this post and you're good to go.
Is not p2w but you're going to blame your loses on people that pay for .jpgs instead of blaming yourself.
It's very fun.
Money gets you cosmetics only.
>Is it p2w
nope, it is all cosmetic
even mahjong irl is only p2l
personally i just like playing it against other people because it is a bitch to do it irl
technically it's pay to win in that if you pay you can have more attempts to win rather than running out of cash & being forced to play shitter rooms :^)
it's very much p2w, what the poor people responding to you don't know is that the premium avatar characters have different internal luck mechanisms that make it more likely for them to draw high scoring hands
anybody know or try this?
and b4 people yell furries, i looked around and it looks like the only one that look decent
>Is it p2w?
What do you think this is? Saki?
>Is it fun?
Yes. It's addictive and extreme too once you get the hang of it.
>I have won against most of them
GIT GUD whales
>and b4 people yell furries
It's worse user.
It's furry gay.
Thanks for the info, doing the tutorial thing now.
You need currency to play?
>What do you think this is?
Yahoo games?
how is it possible to instantly notice from the app icon that it's furry bara shit
jesus fucking christ
>GROUP Yea Forums
CW here, I'm fine with starting at 22:00 GMT
Also, you will eat those words.
yes, i have it on my phone for a nice little offline mahjong game. the furries are fine, just head and neck jpgs/human voices to portray your AI opponents. the characters also have different playstyles which mixes it up a bit.
if it makes you feel better, they added an equivalent amount of furry grills. you can pick your opponents so you can make it no boys allowed if you really care about that.
At higher ranked games there are certain currency amounts required (pretty much like an entry fee in real tournaments). You'll never get locked out though, because past a certain rank they give you daily gibs if you run out.
You need ingame currency to play in silver+ rooms, you earn this currency by playing in silver+ rooms, but you gotta get out of bronze first
You also earn game currency by completing the daily mission (shit like play 2 games/win a round) and also there is a welfare system if you're really THAT bad that gives you free copper (ingame currency) once per day.
>You need currency to play?
friendly games, no
ranked games, for the shitter room no
every room past that requires tokens which you get from doing well in games or doing quests or paying $$$
Ya goofed up, you used up your sands and now you'll be last in the semis
>you can pick your opponents
So you're saying it's furry roleplaying? That's even worse!
>look at top 100
>over half of them are cat/hag
Sand is given and taken in massive quantities on a whim from the demons. They will possess me when they see fit.
you don't need any currency whatsoever to play, vs ai or people
here is the structure : you start out as novice and can play with other real people in bronze room (lowest), then after rank up 3 times you turned into adept rank and can play in silver room
silver room is when you can start winning and losing copper (the f2p currency, you can also gain them buy semi-daily quest)
and you use those currency to pimp your avatar and sound/ animation effect
and the paid currency is for gacha draw to get possible new avatar and other shit as well
the game is totally free to play if you just want to play mahjong, everything else is optional
join 57176
2 han
There is a non-furry one I used to play. It's now called Mahjong Mobile by Nutractor. AI only, only east round (have to pay for full hanchan but who cares).
Bottom row 2nd from left.
>Can't get a hand going because nyaggers keep getting shitty open 1fu hands
>Nearing the end of the game, double fucking riichi for chiitoitsu
>Can either wait on a 9-sou or a north tile (which is also the dora)
>Go big or go home
>Last go around, regretting my decision
>Nyagger discards a north
If someone walked into that trap on their first couple discards, I could buy it. Who would expect the guy sitting on west to need the north tile to win? But if literally no one has discarded the north tile by the end of the round with it being a dora, you'd have to assume someone is waiting for it...
As long as you remember the very basics you will do good in bronze even with terrible luck desu.
what anime to watch about richii mahjong beside the obvious akira and kaiji?
Greed is very tempting at all times in this game. If you don't feel that and give in to it sometimes, you'll never win anything
1 more
I fucking hate Mahjong.
There is legit no reason for you as a Westerner to learn how to play that shit, nobody else out there will know anything about it, you will never be able to actually play it IRL against anyone else, everyone will think of you as being weird for knowing how to play such a game that's consider obscure as fuck outside of the nippon lands.
Kaiji is not riichi mahjong
Seems fair, thanks.
The tutorial already makes me feel dumb af, only the last sentence makes sense. Very easy nyaa.
ah shit, this one is ios only
guess imma download it for the tablet then
also do we have any information about when majoh soul get the app for english?
is this a new fanart?
What would you rather have me do, take a course on the Art of Monopoly?
>they added an equivalent amount of furry grills
Got any examples? They're not showing any of them on the store page.
So this is the power of jade room... woah
But watch achiga-hen first.
The first season with the main cast starts slow and you only get to actual mahjong on ep11.
Achiga has the other main cast and it's nonstop mahjong fun with only 16 episodes. (s1+2 is over 30 episodes)
There are 2 main casts because there are two big brackets in the tournament they are going to play.
>furry grills
Man, pin & sou are the equivalent of suits with cards
man aka characters is the weird to symbol shit you can't read & the reason you hope tiles have indicators
sou aka bamboo is the green stick things
pin aka dots/circles/balls/whatever are the round things
wind tiles & dragon tiles are basically suitless equivalent of face cards
>late kanchan wins over early ryanmen
every fucking time
I want the wisdom one
thanks bro
I play this one but I haven't tried the online on it.
Mahjong is not that hard to learn. I watched some youtube videos and learned in two hours. What the harm in learning it?
No one fucking plays Monopoly because it has almost the same issues that Mahjong has: it's frustrating to lose and it takes too long to play. There's a lot less to learn, but holy shit do people around me hate that game still while I love it. It hurts.
riichi mahjong sure is a bit more obscure, but "normal" mahjong is not that obscure
also im asian so it is par for the course
Sounds like you skipped the first part of the tutorial.
Man, pin, and sou are the name of the type of suits for the 1-9 tiles. Man is the red ones, pin are the blue ones and sou are the green ones.
Winds are north, west, south, and east. The tiles with a big japanese character on them.
Dragons are the white, red and green tiles with a huge japanese character on them (the white is just a white tile)
The cat is telling you that all-simples is a yaku (name of one of the winning hands) that has tiles from 2-8 that don't include terminals (1-9 of any suit) or honors (winds termimals)
It's the beginner's favorite hand.
A fucking tanki hell wait and I deal into it
Fuck this kuso game
kaiji has mahjong in the manga form only, that's the 3rd part which goes immediately after where the anime ends. If you liked the ending of the anime, don't read it. Otherwise it's good enough for the people play part3 version of mahjong irl.
I'm playing with irl people, your argument is invalid. Check /jp/ pastebin for the worldwide riichi club map, it's a WIP so feel free to add yours.
Thanks for the games, chaps. Gotta sleep before work.
ggs catfriends
too many cat fights
we must unite against great evil
Thanks for the games lads, it was a fun time. Catbros managed to kill the hag but the whale was too strong.
nice, i tried meet up before but there was barely any groups, only old ladies playing american mahjong
welp, looked through the jp map and still nowhere near. europe map looks quite packed though
also there is asian community near me and i know they do play mahjong but it is probably hongkong version
Not him but unfortunately for britbongs, there's barely any clubs in UK and there hasn't been a single meet in the past few months.
Fuck this country.
oh no no no
I can feel the magical power leaving me
You must commit great nyagger genocide and go to hell, only to emerge unwinnable.
Europe has a nice rating system going, so it feels competitive, so people are more involved.
I'm free now or throughout most of today if anyone from group T is around
this was the only group image i could find
i think the voices have more effect in characterisation than the images since they are just static images with the occasional expression change, but i guess that depends on how you personally react to those
That works for me, thanks.
you own the app right? just boot it up and took some screenshot for us bro
I'm trying it, I just found how to play basic games but I'm not going to try to fuck with the options, everything's in chaiwanese.
I wish they'd just let you buy characters...
Legendary Gambler Tetsuya. It's really fun.
Or one could just play not furry riichi like maujong! or tengokuhai.
You can
It will cost you though
I wish they'd get Kana Ueda to be the CV for one. I'm honestly shocked she isn't in the opening lineup, given that she's in the twilight of her career making her cheaper than superstars and she's a legit mahjong player.
how much for each do you think is fair?
That's literally impossible for me to say without having insight into their bookkeeping.
How do you change the CPU difficulty ?
ok imma rephrase the question
how much (maximum) would you willing to pay for each of them? 10-20 dollars each?
Just fucking say it
I'd pay 20 bucks for Nadeshiko.
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing each match except getting the pairs and sequences I need and I just want to fuck Ichihime's tight cat pussy
I often wonder how do they handle mahjong cpu
do they just ramp up the "luck", probably not a good thing to do. will the cpu know what you have in your hand? that wouldn't be very fair
or it just rain man and memorize all the discard titles and calculate all of the odds to build the best possible hand / or to cuck your hands?
Read Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku, it's the most retarded over-the-top hypest shit you will ever read.
Well, Part 3 is about mahjong.
is there no way to sign up without linking a facebook or google account what the shit
Well in this game I'm trying on the phone, Lv1 CPU just can't get into tenpai. Or it's very rare.
How about a normal email account? Too hipster for those too?
when you got familiar with yaku hands you gonna start looking at the hand and tiles you got in a different ways because there are so much more possibilities now
and you will start paying attention more to the discard tiles. baby steps, right now focus on your hand first
Maybe I'm just retarded but I've read through the tutorial twice now and played some rounds VS the AI and I still have no idea what's going on.
The only time I thought I was getting somewhere the game suddenly started yelling "furiten" at me which apparently isn't a good thing at all.
It would be nice if there was more or unlimited thinking time if it's vs all AI.
And part 3 isn't animated outside of pachinko
Everyone from Group T besides Fausl is in the IRC, if you're reading this let us know what's up
bro you can adjust the rule and make thinking time to unlimited
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with mahjong lately?
Easy AI: Call everything, go for mostly tanyao or honors hands
Normal: Pursue decent tile efficiency, keep closed unless a good opportunity is there, don't pay much attention to defense
Hard: Pay full attention to discards, pursue balance of efficiency and hand value, know to fold if it looks bad
My guess would be that the CPU just checks what's in the hand, and what's in the discards. Then it just does some basic tile efficiency checking. Then you just ramp the difficulty of the bots by managing how likely they're to choose a bad tile to discard.
Chinks made a very good interface, then figured out how to monetize it without killing the actual game
Where do I do that? All I see are these options.
I somehow managed to win a round just now but desu most of what I did was call chii/pon/whatever on every opportunity..
oh my bad, i think 60+ is the max you can do
prob to prevent a person to just stall forever
this is an unironic shilling effort
We can have extra fun with this one in particular because of the interface and emotes
Yeah, right outta the oven
>3 people call Riichi
>Cat panics and starts calling pon non stop
>Didn't get Roned
I'd call it ballsy but i giving yourself more chances to get fucked seems retarded no matter what
Judge my starting stats.
are the ff14 mahjong rules different than majsoul? why is not dora 3?
Does anyone know what とぴ means ?
No idea, it should be dora 3 and akadora 1.
Not really if you have safe tiles
Play more
these are all the ones I have unlocked
New to this game, so I have a question. What is the difference between declaring Tsumo and Riichi in this situation? As I understand, if I'm to declare Tsumo then I'm winning on spot, but what happens if I go for Riichi?
>YMI finally agreed to replace my set with 16 cracked tiles
If you want a good app just download "Maujong"
because they show THE DORA not the indicator, so
>dora 4sou
for the total of 2
>Get a shitty inside wait
>Spam pic related
>Opponents think I have a big hand
>Two players visibly fold
>Only one in tenpai
Easy 3000 points
gamble to gain
Fucking Alice can go fuck herself she cucked me out of a yakuman
Finally not a yakuman virgin anymore.
only in bronze room
where the fuck did this term even come from
Dear god, they look so hideous they'd turn any guy gay.
But what is the risk? Do I have to discard a piece from my hand?
I'm new too, but if i'm understanding this right wouldn't that put you in Furiten and only be able to win by another later Tsumo?
FF14 labels it weird it present the dora and not the dora indicator so the 4-sou is your 1 dora
Tsumo means you win. Riichi is something you do when you're one tile away from winning that can give you extra points or make your hand legal. You should have been given the opportunity to riichi the turn prior to this.
JP server bronze is a decent place to play.
It's the best offline android mahjong game, so I hope you like cute animals
That guy playing the third dragon begs to differ.
Riichi will basically fuck you up at this point, so just Tsumo. You declare riichi when you're 1 tile away from winning but in this case, you already have the completed hand. Discarding any tile will result in furiten. Look that up.
>AROUSED mamiko
Your hand is finished.
You usually riichi when your hand can be completed with one more tile. You have to pay 1000 points but if you win you get them back. Riichi is 1 han worth so your hand becomes more valuable and you get more points. When you go riichi you can't change your hand though you just draw and discard until you draw your winning tile or someone discards it and you call ron.
You shouldn't riichi in this situation because it mean you have to discard a tile and then wait for a new tile to complete your hand meaning you'd be in furiten. You could have gone riichi last turn.
It's funny when a massive homo artist who's only ever drawn bara dudes tries to draw females for the first time and they look like fucking aliens
It's when someone goes into negative points, depending on rules it can mean the match ends instantly
Also it's とび not とぴ
vs AI that shouldn't really be an issue.
The 60s option is fine thou, much beter than the default 5+20. I can actually take some time to understand what's going on now.
Slowly starting to get the hang of it, it's pretty fun. You guys seem pretty friendly too. Will keep playing.
Barring some strange hand that I can't think of right now where you could add the drawn tile to your hand, discard a different tile, and have a new wait that doesn't include the discarded tile.
Ok thanks. So when I active this in the rule options, it means that someone going negative end the hanchan ?
user, you don't possibly mean to imply that if these anthro women were drawn in a more appealing way you'd want to spaff off to them?
I see
>Deal 3rd dragon
>Dude kans it
>He fucking kans the third dragon for no fucking at all
>You still have to pay
'Character' shortened I guess
Thanks. That explains it
>Literal Baby Boomer: lmao what the fuck are these squiggles, they look like sidewalk cracks.
that doesn't make any sense
My high school friends shortened 'Diamond' to 'Dimes' when we played Contract Bridge and I thought that was retarded as fuck
yo what the fuck is min han?
is this shit exclusive to soul mahjong because i can't find any other info for it
Ok, figured out how to do it but even level max CPU isn't really good.
Minimum han.
It's just that you need a minimum amount of han to declare ron/tsumo, so 1 han hands are not allowed.
There's a fairly common rule called ryanhan shibari that imposes a 2 han minimum when there are 5 or more honba counters.
4th place nyagger just ruined my game
fuck nyagger
don't fucking Kan you dipshit
join 88867
1 more
Seriously, what're the chances of this?
>they all became dora
the flow was trying to send gifts your way but you just neo-dodged every single one
>friend always bitches about shit taking forever
>decide to play 3+5 game for him
>kill my hand by panicing 24/7
>lose one of the games because I killed my shanten 1 hand's iipeikou with a random pon causing me to have no yaku
So what's the chad server?
And your friend got a kokushi?
So, will Yea Forums have at least one representative on the tournament?
nah but he did get this
killed the bot on fourth or fifth S1 round
There's a couple of people who have high enough rank to get a chance to get in.
I finally did it bros, my first Yakuman
Nyagger was kind enough to discard a white dragon after I already had two open dragon melds
>Nangou bringing Akagi into mahjong
can we stop censoring the cat's eyes?
The discord admin guy said 'the current cutoff is master 1', but there's already like 30 or more masters, 4x master-2s and 2x master-3s. I know of one master-2 lurking here, not sure whether anyone among 5 others are also ones of us
is there a responsibility payment in this game?
top 8 starting in 1 hour
Good question. While Tenhou had many retarded rules (not accepting closed kan chankan for kokushi, not allowing double yakumans), it did this part correctly. What about MJS? MJS does the two I listed correctly unlike Tenhou.
I would watch it if it isnt combo breaker weekend
>New quest unlocks in 20 minutes
>New quest unlocks in 24 hours
yo what the fuck happened to the server? every room drop to sub 150 people
How in-depth is the tutorial for Mahjong Souls? I'm fairly eager to get into it, but I know virtually jack.
it's the middle of the night in china, they're all mandated to sleep now
Not in depth at all but it teach you the basics.
Look here too
I use one called maujong by ishita company - occasional add, but its free and has east or south round and there's nothing to buy so its totally f2p
Odds distribution
1-1 Akari
3-2 VeggieSpider
2-1 Nipah, Catnip
5-2 Sjaalman, Fausl
4-1 Meido
10-1 CrazyWafel
Calculated through sophisticated measurements and formulaic considerations and definitely not through brainless addition of total scores
Someone should make a porn compilation with all thr yakuza girls.
jesus thats fast
Thanks user.
Hopefully I can do my grandfather proud and actually kick ass at this.
Majsoul has sekinin barai for 3 dragons and 4 winds.
Under what conditions would you even attempt getting Daisuushi? Having four wind pairs in your starting hand? One triplet and three pairs?
Is this true? Can i have the replay or the paying screen please?
>go for big dick hands every game
>don't get a single one
>end game with 25k points
>still lose ranking because third
I have a question about efficency that's been really bothering me.
When I start to form my pinfu hands, and assume I still don't have any melds yet but discarded all honors and winds do I discard single edged waits(12 or 89) or do I lonesome tiles(2 or 7)
I think if I had a shanpon wait (something something/wind wind) and would get the third wind for the fourth wind triplet somehow. Only if I'd be forced to do so, ryanmen all day erryday, can't be greedy in this gay ass game.
I think if you have at least 3 pairs and one last wind tile.
Well good luck and post rooms here when you want to play with anons.
You don't "go" for hands, retard
>going for big dick hands instead of riichi speed with dora.
>Surprised when you don't draw the 4 in 136 tile you need.
Is there a set time for today's tournament games yet? I'm already kill so I can't show my shameful self in the chat to ask.
piece of shit
1k ron
The otter looks okay I guess
5 minutes from now
4 minutes left I guess?
First time making a room. Didn't change any settings. Hope it's fine
if it's east you're gay
There's no room with such number
Brainlet here. What tile here do you even discard for riichi ?
It's going to be a long, long road to 5 Hearts f2p
And I want to 5 Hearts Cat too for her cute yaku voice.
is anyone from group u here?
other than CW who is there and meido who is me
2/3/4/5/6 pin would work, but there's no reason to since you can tsumo.
we're in the IRC
Some adjustments were made, so now everything should be working. If not, use rtmp, it is failproof.
Any tile will work. You'll just have to draw it again, which is pointless.
Post room.
I regret going for hag.
I should've gone for the cat. her yaku voice is way too cute with nyan everywhere.
but I'm too deep into hag to switch character now.
give me a quick tldr on how to play mahjong
Never too late to take the nyagger pill.
Always go kokushi
Room for the match.
I can't go on IRC for legal reasons.
what the fuck is a cockshi
>have 19k copper
>buy 15k item
>have 4k left
>claim 9k revive copper
>get to 13k
>do my quest
>back to 16k
Hur dur don't spend copper on items.
Joke on you I'm playing in a club at a 20 minute walk from were I live and there's another club at 30 minutes in train.
what we really should talk about is that kiwami 2 has the best colisseum in the series.
6's combat refined makes it a fucking blast to go into it every time, i've probably wasted 5 hours just going into the battle royales.
What bosses start showing up on them, If i beat the game, does Ryuji start showing up on the royales?
15k items are worthless
Because you can get a shitton more items by using those coppers to play games and get chests you retard
kiwami 2's combat struggles from one fatal flaw
anything that can get past your block is unbeatable
anything that can't is an absolute breeze
Shall I?
1 Stardust almost for free, why not go for it.
You can still play, retard.
Why are some of the purple gifts not locked?
Yeah, go collect 100 stardust and get a blue gift from gacha. smart.
They've made some ways counter your block that you can't break boss throws anymore.
But once you git gud on dodging it gets even easier
In Bronze room? Even in Silver the pure Copper:Dust ratio from Silver chests would be a lot better than buying green gifts with fucking 15k coppers when you can get at least 2 green gifts for like 4-5k, with a chance of getting blue too. And don't get me started on Gold and Jade chests, where blues are a lot more common.
>mfw recently figured out you can do combo heat moves with the other enemy fighters in the battle royale matches
Is Mahjong Soul the Dark Souls of Mahjong games?
But you get both that way.
You buy an item and still have plenty of coper to play, do you people just get 4th place too much or what.
Just entering a Jade Room game requires you to have about 15k Copper - compared to the 18k Copper Master welfare check. I don't remember how much it required in Gold, but in any room, the only way you're getting your Copper back is by getting at least 2nd. If you got 2nd, it provides a zero sum - you don't gain anything, you lose nothing. 3rd or 4th means losing coppers. But even 3rds and 4ths give your chest progress, and regardless of your room, playing games is always a net positive.
No, that's mahjong irl without scoring table, riichi calculator app and automatic table.
nice Saki moment there
First time I've seen someone pulling off a tsumo after a kan. Pretty nice.
Sorry I have to leave before finishing the match. Good game!
>Do a combo move with Komaki vs Majima
>Later on take out Komaki with the same combo move with Majima
Subara is Master rank
>tfw you're stuck between two (half) flush attempts & you're forced to fold your hand because you don't want to get ron'd for 8 han
Only event gifts are locked.
What do you even wanna pull? If you've got your girl, you should rather aim to get her on bond level 5.
I've done it once but it was with a less impressive hand.
Riichi mahjong is Dark Souls of Chinese dominoes.
Group U results.
2 favorites dead.
what a cute autist
>all those unsafe tiles and no ron
Rip Akari
catnip you fuck i thought we were friends
Is it a rule for every new piece of media featuring anime girls to have one bitch who looks like that other bitch from KanColle?
I don't have 3 of the spheres I need anyway. I decided that IF I get those 3 from Jade chests before I reach bond 5, I will use the gifts on her. But even so, I think by that point the 'locked' undustable gifts should be enough. Jade gives spheres really often and I have almost all of them at 10+, except for the one I need.
>decided by lesbian rinshan
Unsafe tiles are a meme. Fucking 2-pin wait lmao.
what did I do?
Group T results
still got free pitty points from exhaustive draw
Mahjong Soul Game Log: mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
you LOST
Holy shit what happened to Nipah?
I need 1 million coppers to buy all 20 spheres that I need.
>tfw the game gives you dora triple in opening hand but you can't form anything for the life of you
it's not fair
where are my free dora tanyao baimans
>paypig won
Just play Jade, they drop there with like 50% from chests
>just reach master dude lol
>rinshan in one room
>suu ankou in the other
I just want to play normal mahjong.
Shit is always going crazy when the stakes gets high, you should know that from watching anime.
Someone got Yakuman while I was dealer. My luck never recovered
I sincerely believe that even people with like 20% 1st place rate and 20% deal-in rate should be able to reach Master by the time they grind lvl5 favor in the first place, and you won't be needing spheres before that moment anyway
nani the fuck
That was seriously brutal
SOON ON STREAM (in like 3 minutes)
or rtmp link if stream doesn't work on your browser: rtmp://hand.holdings/rtmp/yakumanvirgins
>chinkshit get
imagine my yikes
nice get
You just wasted all your mahjong flow on a shitty quints
I don't even know how I managed to get this far
>tfw your magical sand affect your post numbers but not your mahjong draws
I'm swiss you piece of shit
>tfw we're in losers-hen again
Holy shit.
Quick rundown?
We bought
>He kan'd?
>Give a dora bomb for the cat and let her tanyao
>Activate permanent iishanten
>Since when were you under the impression that my dealer turn was over, Mr. Rothschild?
Now I want to read a Kubo mahjong manga
When are you guys playing the finals? I want to cheer for Meido
The call that saved mahjong
>Yakuza bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with lesbians
>Possess psychic-like reads
>Control china with an iron but fair fist
>Own mahjong parlors globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient pointy-chinned blood line
>Will bankroll the first parlors on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first)
>Own 99% of mahjong schools on Earth
>First mahjong babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Kabukicho.
>Ancient Chinese scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented yakuman with them
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Saki and Akagi, forwarding the word of Junichiro Koizumi to the Orthodox Church. who do you think set up the match between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent Japanese in under a week
>Nation states entrust their tile reserves with the twins. There's no tiles in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're not nyaggers.
once a month, calm your tits
I'd like to know this too. I seem to always end up waiting on those edge waits and getting Riichi only hands, would I be better just dismantling them in favour of random shit that might become two sided waits?
slavs won again
it's 20 June you faggit
So... you need 10 months to get 10 Wishing Stones...?
2. You get 5 tickets per month.
The hardest part is apparently spheres.
Purple Gifts. the only way to grind those is with Purple bag with Dust and then pray to god that you'll get the one that you need.
By the time you get 20 of the correct spheres from chests, you'll have such a shitton of gifts to dust you'll be able to grind the correct purples just fine, really. Spheres only start dropping well enough in Jade chests.
t. Master for a couple of weeks
You need 1000 Dust for 10 Wishing Stones first
and god knows how many hundreds or thousands more to get that purple gifts RNG from the purple bag. It's still tough even if you immediately dust the wrong purple gifts that you get.
I hope for the events with shops. I see no light in the end of this thunnel.
You should throw away an edge wait:
- When you have too many blocks (five block theory)
- When it's early in the hand and thus have more draws.
- If you have shapes that include excess tiles but could easily become good waits: A shape like 3-567 can become a decent wait if you draw a 2, 4, 6 (sorta), or 8. The excess middle number in a shape like 3445 is useful as you can take in 2, 3, 4 (getting a pair of 4's), 5, or 6 to improve it.
-When dropping the edge wait will let you start calling for tanyao (and the rest of your hand is close enough to completion that this is a good idea).
>use my very first summon scroll
>get two gifts worth one fucking dust each
Holy shit
It's really not worth it unless you really really really want a new character ASAP and don't care about your cat/hag. If you like your cat/hag, you should feed all your gifts until you max'd them. You'll get more gifts to turn into more dust that way.
it's not just 2 green shits, that's 2 green shits and one faith which is worth one wishing stone. Basically you try 10 times and if it's nothing you go the upgrading one of the free ones route which will use those 10 stones.
GREAT FINAL OF THE FIRST VIDYA MAHJONG TOURNAMENT - YAKUMAN VIRGINS EDITION (well, few of us managed to lose it on their way).
TEAM Yea Forums MATCH: CrazyWafel vs Meido vs Sjaalman vs VeggieSpider
Tune in at:hand.holdings
or rtmp link if stream doesn't work on your browser: rtmp://hand.holdings/rtmp/yakumanvirgins
Group W (Losers Match for 5th-8th place) Results.
hell yeah
Reposting replay for future reference on how demon sands can lead you to victory no matter how shitty your play is
Meido, the final room is almost ready, we are starting in about 5 minutes
Is there a yakuman for consecutive rounds won?
And does it not count if I got passed the combo sticks from a 4-way no tempai.
Catnip has lost all his flow
Paarenchan, but it's optional yakuman
Where are my Meidobros at
>absolutely dominates the room
500, not 1000 - a ticket costs 50. I don't know man, I got my 5 tickets this month and still have about ~500 dust (if I include dusting all the gifts I have right now).
let's go novice fuck these guys up
tfw I'm actually tenhou 4dan
blue raspberry!
They're so angry.
Mahjong is a game of skill.
>Obviously making Full Flush
>But it's bronze room
>idiot nyagger still throwing man tiles like nothing
>after 3 man discards, dealt right into my hand
>nyagger go straight to negative and lose the game
Such is life in bronze.
Should i even go for silver just for some gacha?
Or should i stay in bronze to bully noobs?
I'm only about 90 away from going to silver.
Nice, that's exactly the sort of info I was looking for. Thanks.
If you're still around, take a look at what this guy says:
Small delay in final room, we are about to start in 5-7 minutes. One of players had to do a quick errand.
Get to silver and start grinding those gifts and bond.
These ones are butterscotch!
>Be in last place without dealing-in once
>Tilting a bit, calling the literally first dealer's discard
>Well, gonna try going for a quick honitsu, perhaps this will slow down their hands
>...oh. Thanks toimen.
Mahjong? I LOVE mahjong!
Oh, that's my tile! Mah-jongg!!
Wow, really?
I swear I saw that both Summon scroll and Purple bag were 100 Dusts each.
was it just my eyes?
easy road to Jade, then. If you're tryharding with no risk, last-place avoidance play style of course.
Who are you gonna bet on during this final ?
This is a death match !
>was it just my eyes?
Maybe user, maybe. I'm 100% certain both of those were 50 dust since day one, 27 April. Jade room often drops 2 blue gifts, so it's like 10 dust in a matter of ~2-3 hours.
The only useful "mahjong" playstore app is Riichi Calculator.
Just played my first Gold level game, and JESUS CHRIST the hand values were through the roof. I got hit by a dealer mangan on the first turn and thought I was done for, turned out that was just par for the course, and I fully recovered in no time. I think there was only one hand that *wasn't* at least a mangan, and the guy that got me at the start ended with -14400 in the end at South 3.
Was this a fluke or are high value hands much more common Gold games, since people seem to be open tanyaoing less?
I'm betting on Sjaalman nya!
Honestly, Jade room is way below Tokujou level, much closer in overall skill level to Joukyuu.
Cool, if kinda ugly.
Fluke. you can't just make that kind of conclusion from 1 game.
Meido will lead cats to a new age of nyaggering
Get in here fags
A fluke. You'll quickly learn to see that Gold isn't that much different from Silver. The only difference is that the flukes who somehow got out of Bronze without understanding even the most basic concepts of the game are no longer present there.
Bakelite is neat
But yeah, the color it ages to isn't stellar
Expert 2 here I come.
Is this the power of a sand-fueled cat?
Thank god.
I felt like I was an inch away from the shadow realm the entire game, even when I had over 20K points. In fact I pretty much was, it was just luck that meant that the guy to my left got obliterated instead of me, even after getting a 12K safety net in round 1.
Cat literally cannot be stopped, someone please call the devs to end this massacre. SHUT IT DOWN@@
cat won the dora lottery
>east 1
>already over
Will this be the first time I see a single player shadow realm 3 at once?
even without red 5, mahjong is still a dora lottery game
You know you are in deep shit when you literally have to rush an open hand just to get the monster cat out of dealer seat.
The absolute state of Yea Forums mahjong
They're fucked.
royal cat looking down on peasants ron'ing each others with trash 2 fu hands.
Woo go cats
Meido has the spirit of the nyaggers on their side1
When in doubt always go full nyagger
Stop feeding his small dick hands you dinguses.
>transitioning your fold into an ippatsu tsumo
He coulda got chanta too if he had kept the 1sou
So these are the best players on Yea Forums
someone chi'd his tile, you mong.