Would you actually use it?
Would you actually use it?
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Not when I can download the games from their site.
I wish I could download all games from them too.
I signed up for the beta.
Sure, if it was available for Linux.
I used to buy stuff from GoG all the time until they fell so far behind in supporting current PC gaming platforms, wasting all their time on legacy ones with no future.
if its a launcher for launchers, no
Oh no I have no friends.
If it has good sorting/search then probably, steam library is a bit awkward when you have over 100 games on it.
Nah, seems like it'll feel kinda hacky. Steam works well enough, if I'd want to play a game from another launcher I'll use that once in a blue moon.
Yes. I signed up for the beta.
Can be interesting, but it won't run on Linux. So since that's the case, and Steam does run, most likely not.
I like them but doesn't Steam already do this? Also, do they have their own achievements database or do they grab steam's data? How about Origin's or Uplay's? Not that I care about achievements, it's just the announcement doesn't say anything about the tech.
GoD replacement when
and no, the outdated archive is not a replacement
>I like them but doesn't Steam already do this?
This will also download games from other clients, if you have those clients installed. And it automatically adds games from other clients, that's manual in Steam I think.
Sounds like slavic necromancy. I don't trust it.
Why is this? Why can't they peddle shit from more publishers?
Yes, GOG is unironically based for DRM free
I would if it they released it for linux and made a big picture-like mode.
>DRM-Free games
>spearheads an anti-DRM movement
>avoids 99% of modern AAA trash
>avoids 99% of the worse indie trash
>gives regional pricing rebates for games
>actually packages in community and pirate fixes
>same or better community features than its competitors
>nobody buys games because not muh steam and no denuvo-protected AAA trash
>get massive layoffs
>have to cancel regional rebates
>now betraying its vision by being a DRM-client launcher
why'd they have to get played like this
The client is optional you based retard.
The whole reason I use GoG is because I don't want to use launchers like Steam. There's no possibly reason I would use this. But I guess it's good for normalfags who have never launched a game not through a launcher
No shit, dumbass, but just because you're not sitting in the room and watching doesn't mean that GOG hasn't resorted to becoming a cock-gargling whore.
I'm not an autist who gets up in arms about multiple launchers so no, if I want to play a game I just open the launcher for that game normally.
I will still use galaxy for gog games though.
where's the linuxversion
It's not DRM if it's optional. Do you think folders and shortcuts are DRM too, you cantankerous turd juggler? Are you a woman by chance? Only a woman fit for kitchen duties would have a hard time understanding this.
>launcher to launch other launchers
>using a launcher
>specially when it's optional
I will keep supporting them, since they're the only ones that get DRM-free releases of AAA games, even if somewhat old. But I fucking hate launchers.
Playnite already exists.
With how many fucking launchers there are now needing something to manage them is kind of an untapped need.
I don't have games on anything other than Steam and GOG, so the whole launcher launcher thing isn't really of use to me.
You have the reading comprehension of a toddler. They're explicitly marketing GOG Galaxy 2 as a DRM-Client Launcher. Galaxy isn't DRM in its own right (aside from being needed for certain Multiplayer games), and nobody even said that you absolute mouthbreather, but the point is that Galaxy 2 is directly encouraging the proliferation of DRM-clients on systems by no longer advertising GOG as a competitor but as a companion. Anyone with half a brain can see this as a semen-driven heelturn for a company that previous wanted migration off of clients like Steam and pushed for a movement condemning DRM as a whole.
> no DRM
big nono from the kikes who want to forbid sharing games
I want to believe that it's just there for zoomers that are too braindead to download patches and play games without having a launcher.
>Japs are kikes now
Arc System Works refused to list the Guilty Gear games on GOG again and SEGA actually delisted any DRM-free version (a.k.a. DotEmu and GamersGate) of their Genesis games.
probably, yes, mostly because I want to incentivize competition against steam, you know GOOD competition.
You don't need to use the launcher to support them.
That makes them kikes, yes. DRM is anti consumer.
A launcher to launch launchers to launch games.
Truly amazing.
>yes you proved me wrong but just because i'm wrong doesn't mean i'm not right
holy fucking shit why there are so many retarded shills trying to push this narrative that gog has drm?
Sure, I already use Galaxy 1.0 because you can easily buy games off gog using a russian VPN and not get banned
It is just one literal autist, he is doing it for months if not years. For him literally everything is drm except if game will materialize in front of him free. Just don't bother with him
I'm glad they're iterating on it and trying to stay competitive with Steam on the client + community front, but I have no interest in those features.
It sure helps.
How so?
I see it more like a capitalization on the rise of stores and launchers and how most gamers are tired of having to manage every single one of them.
Im going to use it to manage my backlog.
If I had to suggest GOG.com some stuff, it would:
1. Separate DLC, demos and base games.
2. Add the function of searching by decade again.
3. Give an option to download a single installer for a bundle of games (like the Larry 1-6 ones). It makes back up way simpler.
They aren't right now and the others are. So I'm standing with GOG
OP isn't just asking about the client in general. He is referring to the upcoming feature which imports games from your accounts on other stores, effectively turning GOG Galaxy into a proprietary [with open-source extensions] version of Playnite.
I find no need. I just use Steam.
I'd never pay for either Blizzard garbage or Ubishit, and I don't give a single shit for anything on EGS, Bethesda launcher or Origin.
what a retard
>being proud of being a steam drone
Ever since I made an Origin account to claim the Origin keys that came with a Humble bundle several years ago, I've been grabbing every game that Origin gives away for free, but I've still never installed the client. I'm doing the same thing with the Epic Games Store — grabbing all of the free games, but never giving them money and never installing their client. It seems silly but I guess I see it as an insurance policy in case we one day live in some hellish dystopia where using Origin and/or Epic is the only choice. At least I'll have a few games to play if that happens. Not that it will. If market conditions are such that Steam would die, I'm sure Origin would die first, and Epic would run out of Fortnite and China money soon enough.
Maybe the real reason for this is that I just can't resist getting a free thing, even if I might never use it.
>ever runing out of money
>According to Tencent’s Q1 2017 financial release dated 17 May 2017, total online games revenue in the first quarter was 22,800 million RMB ($3,360 million). That’s $3 billion in one quarter alone, just from online games! The financial report says that PC client-based games revenue was 14,100 million RMB ($2,070 million) and mobile games revenue was 12,900 million RMB ($1,900 million) – and clearly this does not add up to 22,800 million. This caused confusion among financial and industry analysts following the Chinese games market and major game publishers: 14,100+12,900=27,000 ($3,980 million), but the total was only 22,800 ($3,360 million). Where was the additional $620 million?