Is anyone getting this? It's being released for both Switch and PS4. I'm getting the Switch version myself

Is anyone getting this? It's being released for both Switch and PS4. I'm getting the Switch version myself.

I emulated the SNES original a while back. I didn't get very far but it was pretty decent.

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>Only one
>Not a double pack with 2

Fucking lazy. they're just porting over the vita remakes.

There were Vita remakes?


This is just a lazy port of the PSP remake of Star Ocean 1, yes. You can play it right now without waiting.

Most likely, although not at launch.
Wonder if they'll keep the same VAs, they were the usual suspects but i thought they were solid for what they were supposed to do. Considering dual audio has been a thing for a while, i'm confident they'll put that too to please everyone.

I'm buying it the second it comes out - Star Ocean 2 is my favorite game of all time, i really hope they release that too.

I can't enjoy 1 because its a sub-par phantasia. Literally everything about it is aped, the sound effects, the menu UI, Even some of the enemy sprites are directly lifted. I get that Tri-ace was Ex-phantasia team but the fact they couldnt make it different enough bothers me.

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No, but if they release SO2 with Enami's art instead of the shitty art it got in 2nd Evolution, I would. But seeing how that means they would have to redo all the cutscenes, they won't, so no.

No shit, the whole creative part of Wolf Team went on to become Tri Ace, if anything Star Ocean 1 and 2 are the true Tales of sequels.

Well I hope you're not getting it because you think the blonde guy looks cool or anything

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I played a bit of SO3 Till the End of Time way back and enjoyed it. I thought the concept of planets that are too underdeveloped and have space travel and so on kept a secret from them was pretty neat.

It allowed for good contrasts like futuristic planets and more sticks and stones basic planets.

Do all the Star Ocean games have that theme?

I wonder if they'll uncensor them

Yes, except for SO4.
SO5 doesn't exist.
Timeline wise it's SO4 -> SO1 -> SO2 -> SO3

What was censored in the PSP remakes?

SO is basically Star Trek with Tales of, the latests games have even stopped hiding the similarities.

>shitty art it got in 2nd Evolution
Loli Rena is cute.

Yes. SO1 differs from SO3 in that because the main character is from an underdeveloped planet himself.

They removed the crosses in some spells, changed all the alcohol beverages into juice or soda, and removed from SO2 scene where a little girl dies in a pool of blood

Fucking wew, glad I didn't play that remake shit, I hated the art style which is main reason why I didn't bother.

Yes but ill wait for a sale on ps4. If its physical then im buying at launch on ps4.

Indeed she is, but everyone else didn't deserve it.

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For precision, they were removed in the localization, the JP version of the remakes still has all of that.

Why not remake it in 3D with the gacha game assets?

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I dunno, man. Star Ocean has always been a garbage series for me. I'd rather a decent Wild Arms come out instead. Or shit, a Suikoden that wraps everything up.

I keep getting reminded of the great potential EX had that was squandered by stopping at the halfway point. Were they planning a second season that was cancelled?

Between this and Final Fantasy Unlimited, Square and Enix had terrible anime adaptation management before the merging.

No thank you. Passing from 2D to 3D was a terrible idea, they couldn't even bother to go the Tales of route with cel-shade.

I still need to see the screenshots, if this is just psp version without at least a big upgrade in the visual I'm not getting it.

3 was the only good Star Ocean.

>with the gacha game assets?
You deserve to be drug out onto the street and shot

The promotional art seems to indicate at least character portraits/designs have changed in some kind of way. Wich makes me wonder if they're gonna redo the anime cutscenes with these changed in mind.

The first game pretty much happen completely in one planet that is in its middle ages, them the final dungeon is in another one.

ITT: Fuck You I Like It

I love all of it.The cliches, the hyperspergy Welch, the fact that Edge is the least edgy character, the caricature of a space opera. Even the verbal ticks, k?

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Soul VS Soulless

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I can't be bothered to. I've already played both PSP/SNES versions. Maybe if it was an overhaul.

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What bothers me most in this redesign is that Roddick is literally Cless.

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It was fine for the most part to me, the only point i couldn't stand was the entire portion where Edge becomes this emotionless spineless depressed sod right on the nostalgia level. Bad timing to say the least, especially since it's also the point where Faize has his first major hint of villany.

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