well Yea Forums, how do you protect the vidya against these parasites?
Well Yea Forums, how do you protect the vidya against these parasites?
but those aren't bugs user, they're arachnids.
They are all filthy Buggers to me
how dare you depict the jewish people as bugs.
normally when people say "bug" they mean any kind of creepy crawlies, not just hemipterans
is the biology similar enough?
I'm pretty sure that bug spray doesn't kill bugs because it has some chemical makeup that specifically targets the genetics of bugs, and instead just kills them because it would be bad for any living thing to get exposed to in relatively large doses.
Poison kills all nigga
modern insecticides are enzymes, because enviromentalism and bees and shit.
Can't you just refuse investors?
There are bastard ants in my house. Last night they crawled in my smoke detector and set it off at 3 AM. I'm going to kill every ant
Bring it on bitch.
>people still believe it is investors bringing down game companies
In most cases, and you can ask every old westwood member on that - they'll tell you the same - companies aren't brought down because of "muh evul investors". They are glad they got the investors or they wouldn't have signed into the partnership! They are brought down because they can't handle the additional finances and the management overhead that comes with it.
They keep asking for cash (which they'll get) but they can't put out equivalent products (as in: a product that can actually rake in the cash they just spent) or set up the infrastructure and planning to manage it properly. You get all kinds of shit like feature creep and months wasted on useless experimental features that end up getting trashed.
And then time runs out and they gotta put some product on the table. And then they suddenly start to hire additional programmers and artists with their cash, as if that would fix the problem. But it only causes bloat.
It is hybris and incompetence that brings down game companies.
There are exceptions of course, but that's exactly what they are: Exceptions.
And then there are geniuses like Blizzard that "wanna break into a new market" but the market is absolute shit (who the fuck cares about e-sports?).
You know I had to do it to them user.
I had to pull the plug...
Oy vey, this is very antisemitic, goyim!
retarded jew
but only a third of them is jewish?
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
be sure to use a virus with a very unstable genome, like the cold or HIV. You don't want the ants to get immune, but you don't want to kill them too quickly. I'd suggest you give the queens Gonorrhea. we can have a world without ants, so meh.
forgot to add, gonorrhea causes infertility.
Human brains are too small to genocide ant-kind. Ants however have big heads FULL of brains.
I think that's because ants have hit the hard limit for a brain. smaller and they can't use their body. Ants got no personality or free will. they're literally dumber than the browser I use to communicate with you.
…. you were joking, weren't you?
I wonder who could be behind this post
my sides
sseth please
>Ants got no personality or free will
And this makes humans smarter? Humans are so stupid they literally kill themselves on purpose sometimes.
Yet they can't craft their own tool and have to use dirt to build their empire.
Dolphins actually may be smarter than humans. There is a real scientific debate about this: dolphins have much larger and more complex (more folds) brains compared to humans, but they lack thumbs, so the idea is that they can never progress past their "caveman" stage.
rape caves
Just because most people choose not to use their brains doesn't make them inherently stupider.
Arachnids count as bugs, but not as insects.
>Yet they can't craft their own tool
Oh yeah?
Puny humans btfo again
yeah, ant ants Always do that to other tribes. best thing to do with an anthill is to pour molten aluminum in. Bonus points if you fed them nitroglycerin and they are all full (nitro is a fat technically, yeah)
killing yourself on purpose is objectively better than killing yourself by following your buttbuddies diarrheatrail
I came for funny drawings of ludicrous plans. Instead, I got insects/arachnid shitposting, brain wankery, and dolphin rape caves.
I'm not even mad, just impressed
yeah, no
T. Seething humans that think they have free will
t. white phosphorus recipient
are these insects fast enough to return to your truck?
>are these insects fast enough to return to your truck?
bees can teleport retard
You've already been cut off, it's not like you're going anywhere.
why not an air pressure gun that loads lethargic hornets into a chamber? use cold to make them lethargic, and warm air to activate them. things are resilient as fuck. I once flattened one, crunch sound, green ooze spilled from her... she decided to simply leave. no limp or cripple, just go up and flown out my car.
which board was this btw?
Literally more christains in the 1%then jews
So can they consent?
>There are more adherents to the Jewish religion with a Jewish messiah and Jews as God's chosen people and Israel as the holy land in the 1%... than Jews in the 1%
that really made me think
they don't care user. Dolphins are worse than sharks so take a high powered pistol with you if you go to the sea.
unironically yes. Have you not read about the dolphin fucker?
There was a dolphin behavioral study by NASA where the dolphin manipulated the female trainer into jerking it off, by refusing to do the exercises until she would give him a handjob
can't you use negative training at that point? you know, rub salt in your hand and slap that faggot as hard you can. right on the blowhole, until he does what you say.
Unbelievable. There are even chads in other species.
They can already rape
what's it with incels? sex is madly overrated and uglier people than that guy got laid.
I mean I don't necessarily agree with what he's laying down here but that's really stupid reasoning when:
Christians represent 73.7% of the total population while Jews represent only 2.1%, and yet somehow 43% of the Jewish population are in the 1% financially.
>then jews
I'm a disgrace.
christianity was also made by jews
>Keeps investors away
>No money
>Place just closes down
he makes money selling vidya, idiot
the insects are gone
does this get rid of the jews too or do i need to use the other pasta
You put in more effort than most of us.
OP here, you actually animated my crappy shit, I love you.
based dsp saving the day
capitalism is unstoppable
don't investors buy such thing to corrupt it?