>gaming addiction is a mental disorder
>being a tranny completely normal
Gaming addiction is a mental disorder
Other urls found in this thread:
gamers are the most oppressed group of people on the planet
Addiction has always been a disorder
Actual trans communities talk about videogames more than Yea Forums does.
Technically, pedophiles are
I predict we will have a French Revolution esque violent overthrow of the system
Being a tranny is "gender dysphoria" and also a mental illness.
Have sex.
reckon criminals are
How do you know this?
fuck that thing is ugly
The worst part is that they felt the need to specify GAMING addiction when addiction is already a blanket disorder. It's like some pissed of tranny who probably thinks about GGate every day is on the WHO board.
Playing video games to excess can be hurtful to your life. Being a tranny only hurts frail alt-righters.
Is having sex the original bread and circuses?
Being transgender isn’t a mental disorder. It’s just the result of a mental disorder. Gender dysphoria is still a mental disorder.
As reflected by alt-right suicides rates being in the 40s
Do you cry about gambling addiction being specified?
when people are the circus, they need to double down on the rest
Am I late!?
It's not normal you idiot, they have a mental disorder
Every minute.
Every addiction is a mental disorder. Also this
Meanwhile, white boys kill themselves like there's no tomorrow. Maybe you should too if you can't take this world.
>gaming addiction gets added to the DSM
>Gender dysphoria gets removed
My worldview is backed up by statistics and not blanket ignoring trannies mental illness
Except gender dysphoria is considered a mental disorder in the same vein as depression. Just because medical professionals aren't going out of their way to push your political agenda doesn't mean there's some ridiculous bias against you
I actually laughed out loud.
That's a no according to the WHO - same organisation that released gaming addiction as a mental disorder. Classified under sexuality - primarily to reduce stigmas associated.
Don't bother countering "But it's in the DSM!" - being gay was in until 1974. So it's not like the DSM is going to survive much longer.
So yeah, WHO BTFOing your life.
It is
The original sex strike was incredibly successful
>cutting off your penis and balls and wearing dresses while shoving a piece of plastic into your literal gaping wound while also having suicidal tier meltdowns the moment someone misgenders you.
Totally normal
>Fragging some charlies in Halo 2
That boy needs therapy!
Ask me about the jews
From our discord
If you think people think being a tranny is normal then you spend WAY too much time in echo chambers and on the internet
now you can get funbux for disability
>being gay was in until 1974
Correct, until politics came in to override logic. Being gay is still a mental disorder you're just not allowed to say that because it hurts faggots' feelings
That's because you can stop playing games anytime. The only way to stop being tranny is to kill yourself, so of course being tranny is normal.
I'm sure you'll ignore all the facts in this article though because it goes against your feelings.
That's a shame but doesn't change the fact that you're all kinds of fucked up and I'm not.
People don't actually think this, right?
>on Yea Forums
this but unironically
That's probably a bit pointless as well, but I'm not crying about gaming being specified. The situation is just funny.
But being an alt-right incel makes you one of the most powerful people in existence.
>stay at home and shitpost
>trannies and liberals literally shaking and begging people to do something, in 2013 they even begged the FBI to deal with incels
Good. Can't wait for the re-education camps like they have in China.
Gender dysphoria is still in
When is GDQ?
Can we just put people glued to mobiles and social media in the list as well?
It's good to believe in a purpose.
how did you come across this piece of information user?
24 June.
>retard can't differentiate between playing video games and being addicted to video games
being a tranny hurts trannies' parents, themselves and corrodes necessary social constructs.
self-mutilation has always been a mental disorder
Resetera directs people to come here and shit the place up
t. hurting alt-rightlet
Boo hoo.
>If society would just let trannies fuck your kids they wouldn't try to kill themselves so much
reminder this is his patreon
>le any% face
Games where you find truths by observing animals?
Can you explain why it's a mental disorder?
>surgery performed by doctor
And that's ignoring the fact only a small percentage of trannies actually get the genital surgery. Do you think the average tranny that doesn't have surgery isn't mentally ill then?
1. hello
>playing 20 hours a week is an addiction
It's super retarded.
Why was it in the DSM in the first place? Why was it only taken out once fags become the hot topic in politics?
have sex.
Dogs are based.
Trannies BTFO
>if we were just allowed to mutilate and chemically castrate ourselves in peace we would be totally sane
>Do you think the average tranny that doesn't have surgery isn't mentally ill then?
absolutely, why do you think 41% of them neck themselves
Here is your WHO
That wasn't mentioned anywhere in the article.
I would if more men weren't bigoted pieces of shit who get hung up over genitals.
Why do trannies trigger this place so much?
>natural instinct is to procreate and have offspring, as is true of all life
>doesn’t have this instinct and would rather chug cum or munch carpet
So that's a no.
You can read DSM yourself.
Ex criminals too
They don't you fucking retard. You could at least read this report you can't stop talking and thinking about.
why do trannies come here when they are not welcome?
I'm glad to see that the overwhelming majority of these lunatics desperate for attention and money stay broke. That's how troonerism will end, these retards won't work, they can't achieve anything, they can't do anything except complain and dilate, it's inherently unsustainable.
LGBTQ is legitimately a mental disorder, regardless of what political correctness demands. If you called a dog by any other name, would it cease being a dog?
As to why that statistic you love to throw around is incorrect. You have access to the internet you can actual look into things before you blindly parrot them.
People with gaming disorders complain about it and say they have a problem, then seek medical help
Transgenders don’t think they have a problem, so they don’t complain to doctors, and don’t seek medical help
There isn’t just a person in a room that determines if something is a medical disorder or not lol
So you agree gaming should be recognised as a disorder?
It puts the blame for their high suicide rates squarely on the shoulder of society for refusing to accept them.
No, spoiled trannies playing make believe are the most oppressed.
>People doing stretches.
>if you just let us have our way with your children despite the fact a very disproportionate number of us are pedophiles we'd stop killing ourselves
is the fact that mtfs, as in, the ones that are clearly the most insane, attempt to commit suicide way more than 40% supposed to be some sort of btfo?
With /pol/ types, you literally can't know.
They're full Poe's Law. Plenty of them are just trolling leftists, but there are genuine far right literal retards in there and those do actually have such ideas.
I thought your whole point was that it's not in there?
>14-18 year old fat mutts who get bullied at school/beaten at home need some target for their anger
>they are afraid to fight back so they hate on minorities on the internet
this but I will add Christians too
So you can't read the DSM? Can you read in general or does this book in particular show up as static?
Yeah which is backed by a study she references. Facts don't care about your feelings.
>why do you laugh at easy targets?
I'm pretty sure Gender Dsyphoria is still in the DSM5. "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition"
Despite WHO changing their guideline in 2018 the DSM is still the reference point for people in the practice. That being said But likely will be removed in the DSM6 due to activist in the field.
I'm an actual t.ranny. It's pretty funny to watch this place tear itself apart over our very existence desu.
>>being a tranny completely normal
yeah catabolic collapse will happen long before any kind of revolution
>trannies talking about anything without turning it into politics or SJW
yeah no
Neither does the majority of the population care about yours, hence the suicide rate.
That's a joke right? Being a tranny is absurdly damaging to one's health, and often one's body as well.
The world is overpopulated though, and raising a family has become more difficult with time. At this point unless you're already set for life, having children is an incredibly selfish decision. There's far more to life than procreation, that's what separates humanity from the rest of life.
Correct, and the fact is that the tranny who wrote the article and cited other trannies doesn't make it any less mentally ill
It is pretty funny to watch.
lol figures they're all just redditors parroting widdle Benny. God forbid reactionaries ever have an original thought.
>pedophile calling anyone mentally ill
wtf sisters
they won't call it a vagina
truly our suffering is comparable to genocide
being a tranny HELPS the alt-right because they won't reach to their 30s.
my sides
ITS 47%
>not being able to crush while fragging
How do you cope having the big gay?
win elections
Based faggs amirite
What are your credentials?
I'm inclined to assume you're the one who can't read, rather.
But he's wrong it still show that they kill themselves at a rate close to 40%. The guy who wrote this article is fucking stupid and so are you for believing him.
>I'm not mentally ill and unnecessarily hateful! it's the international union of doctors and society that's wrong!
how can they allow that? being gay and a tranny is not a mental illness REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Can't. Mental disorder.
a tranny dosn't like cute girls, what surprise
>get forced into a bugmen lifestyle to have food and a room to sleep
>can only play some vidya to pass time during the week
>too poor to do anything other than vidya during weekends
I'm the Dean of Global Universities
Fair enough, faglord
Because doctors have considered retarded shit as mental illnesses throughout history, mostly in people they wanted to control. For example, slaves wanting freedom was considered a mental illness.
you're honestly disgusting user and however bad the average Yea Forums poster is their parents are nowhere near as ashamed of them as your dad is of you.
>forcing an open wound open
>not considered hurting yourself
It's a disability that inhibits an organism's ability to sexually reproduce. In the context of biology, an organism that is born with the trait of homosexuality is a dead end to its lineage. It will not reproduce, it will die off without ever spreading its genes and continuing its family. If enough organisms of a species were to develop the homosexual trait, that would lead to the extinction of the species.
It doesn't severely inhibit normal psychological function like schizophrenia, but it's not normal and biologically speaking, it's a harmful trait to have for an organism.
>please continue living
This but unironically
How does meme magic keep working
the lack of self awareness is painful.
this isn't video games
>literally says attempt
>you still keep saying succeed
An attempt can be classified as "I ate a bunch of tylenol", it's worthless.
>I put on a wig am I a woman yet
>median plural system of three
That's out-dated, there's actually four now.
"men wear pants and women wear dresses."
As it should be, niggers can't handle not being under the auspices of a white man
Your mistake is thinking logically, when the subject matter is purely emotional.
It's pretty funny how you tear your own dick apart
Any addiction is a disorder. Being a tranny is also disorder.
What the guck is genderqueer anyway. Their low suicide rate seems to show they only do it for attention, as expected.
End ur existence
>Tranny laughing about something being torn apart
shame about the dog beeing owned by trans people
based doggo though
No one cared who I was until I put on the wig
How does it feel that your suicide rate is 47%?
That's almost the flip of a coin on whether or not you're going to slit your own wrists in the future.
Gamers are all pedophiles.
>facts don't care about your feelings
stop, please. also there are myriad possible explanations for the difference between out and not out (not out still has retardedly high suicide rates by the way), I can easily just tell the story that there's selection going on where not out people are just more in control and have their shit together so they know that coming out is a bad idea. or maybe their dysphoria is less intense, or has less control over them. your study is fucking shit. also, you should just linked it directly instead of that incredibly cringe medium article.
>realizes including some disorders is political
>doesn't realize it logically follows that not including ones is too
based retard too caught up in the world of rhetoric to connect with reality
While you’re not wrong, they don’t choose to be gay. It is very much genetic. It is by all technicalities a mental disorder.
Stop worrying so much about other people's genitals, kid. They do that with the support of therapists and doctors and you're some retard who barely made it through high school and probably fell for the jewish conspiracy. I think some humility on your part is in order. You don't get it (and you really don't need to).
You're right gaming addiction isn't a mental disorder, it's a cancer see the whales of gatcha and microtransaction killing themselves and game development.
At least trannies only harm themselves.
They identify as a gender outside the male/female dichotomy.
REMEMER TRANS “gurls” will
Always be men
But trans men are actual men okay
Remeber this
How long does it take to read an entire dictionary?
I agree, that's why being an incel should be a disorder as well.
Are you a tranny?
>The world is overpopulated
Africa and southeast Asia are overpopulated. Western countries are becoming underpopulated, which is why governments and corporations are pushing so hard for immigration.
>raising a family has become more difficult
So instead of questioning the economic system that inhibits a basic biological function, you question the biological function?
>having children is an incredibly selfish decision
Creating new life and raising the next generation of your people is not selfish. It's the very definition of hope.
>There's far more to life than procreation,
Not a lot compares to holding your newborn child in your arms
>that's what separates humanity from the rest of life
Very little separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom when become more educated on the subject
In the 00's the trend was to be emo and you differentiated yourself by the obscure bands you listened to. genderqueer is that but with the obscure gender you pretend to be.
>this dude
>can autismbux by playing videogames now
What does this person expect to get paid for doing, necessitating the need for a patreon?
yeah this is perfectly normal doctors are trustworthy
>I didn't kill myself....
>I win.....
Oh yeah sorry, my mistake. Thanks for the correction.
100 bucks that the leftshits will put the dog down eventually.
Best post
Snapping at CDprojekt Red over "Assume gender' tweet.
Colluding and gate keeping, in the name of games subverting the "toxic male gaze" and "heteronormality".
Clutching pearls about teenagers of the opposite sex so much as kissing, and equating it to sexualizing children, meanwhile cheering on gay ships of characters the same age and even writing, drawing or plain wacking off to porn of said gay ships.
they destroy every community they are into. With the advent of the literal tranny mods, most boards are turning into shit.
We're not talking about nutty outliers here but the medical consensus.
It's a trend like being goth or whatever. Avoid anyone who does this.
Gays aren't sterile
Waning to procreate and not being able is a physical disorder, not a mental one. Step it up. Your middle school “no u” shit isn’t working.
you mean study? where its not 41% its EVEN higher at 47 hahaha
sex change clinics are run by literal jews, user
have sex
>What makes a dog identify my wife as "male"?
No, I refuse to believe this is real.
>dogs are smarter than humans
Hahhahaha your shit makeup and wig can’t fool a pupper
YWNP lole
The point isn't what the number is but what they're counting. Retard.
Why do people champion "transitioning" instead of seeking help to find out if you're actually wrong and you have been influenced by your surroundings to believe you're a woman?
Why is it the moment someone even thinks they have even a little bit of "gender dysphoria" everyone around them pushes them to continue on with it instead of first getting help?
Why are the majority of trannies white dudes?
Why do you they get mad if you don't consider them a "real woman" even thought they will ALWAYS put in their description/profile "trans woman"? If you want to be a woman wouldn't you just hide the fact you even transitioned? Or is it because you know being "trans" makes you different from a regular woman AKA a freakshow?
this cant be real
Appreciate the laugh, all you retards do is grasp at any male characters that show feminine traits and come to moronic conclusions that theyre trannies.
Easy times soon friends
Dogs are smarter than you? yikes.
the consensus of nutjobs. cool
>/pol/-curated twitter screencaps designed for outrage represent the trans community
It's a cult.
The fact that pedophiles think trans people are bad just tells me Im right and strengthens my resolve. thank you
>retard gamerican thinks going to /vol/ made him more informed than doctors
Absolutely adorable.
That's a misrepresentation of the point. The trait induces a behavior that inhibits, not outright prevents, successful reproduction. Homosexual geese, for example, are not sterile either, but because of the mutation that influences their behavior, they will not even consider sexual intercourse with the opposite sex, and will not reproduce
Incels don't have any physical issues, they can't get laid because they have severe psychological problems
why dont we redefine gamer as a gender
get to play the oppression card
get to shit on white people
get to do all kinds of dumb shit and have it praised by fucking muppets on twitter
get to jerk it to hentai all day and call people opposing to it bigots
zero downsides
>"oh how the tables have turned"
>please venmo me reparations right after
When will you tards learn one (or a few) bad actor doesn't reflect a whole group
Why is it the only groups you can extend this kind of benifit of the doubt is groups you personally fall into and then like cops? You've shown the understanding so why do it? Drop the bullshit
>your children
user we all know very well you are not going to reproduce, or you worldn't be in this shithole, stop roleplaying.
I will never forgive trannies for making crossdresser erasure a thing
>trolling leftists
lmao no all politiniggers are garbage
I like to role switch between either of the two retards. lefty progs and reds are just as cancerous, but god I like seeing a good stormnigger seethe.
>when gender dysphoria and gaming addiction are highly comorbid
absolutely based vocaroo.com
It's self-reported suicide /attempts/. They clearly weren't very serious since they are here to tell us about it. Retard.
have suicide
Because if you question someone’s want to transition you get ostracized by the regressive left. And then they wonder why the suicide rate is 40%+.
Stupid people don’t change their minds anyways.
Honestly how much time until they go back on this when every NEET in the planet comes asking for their videogame bucks?
Actual online cults.
Stop it or they're going to play the "jewish control" card.
Isn't gender dysphoria a mental illness?
>just chop off your dick and be forced to shove plastic tubes up the wound for the rest of your life to prevent it from healing bro, perfectly sane
Both groups of people encourage themselves and others to cause irreversible psychological trauma to children, one of them even supports having kids castrated so they can pretend to be a girl
I absolutely fucking despise transgender ''people'' with every fiber of my being. I can tolerate flamboyant gays, lesbians, bisexuals and other shit, but trannies? Holy shit they're totally insufferable. ALL OF THEM without exception. They turn every subject into a personal one and raise hell on you and make any place unbearable for everyone if you don't buy their agenda. Never in my life I've seen people that can produce so much drama as they do.
They ruined one of my favorite generals on /vg/ thanks to their endless dramas, shitposting and off-topic garbage that not even on Yea Forums people would fall for it. I never checked the /lgbt/ board until recently and the amount of depressed, lonely, sad and suicidal people I saw on the trans generals is out of this world. They make wizardchan look like an upbeat place in comparison.
It was in DSM-I then gay movements happened thing same as black rights movement and it was removed shortly after.
Whole psychology science is still new. I don't thing there are a person in this world that would be considered "normal" without any mental problems. So back in old days heterosexuality was "normal" baseline, being faggot meant being abnormal.
Nowadays psycho-doctors won't call you ill for being a gay but I bet they keep in mind that there something wrong happened in your life that lead you to it.
Can I take benefits from it like neet money?
>Africa and southeast Asia are overpopulated.
Africa is fucking continent while southeast Asia is a series of island countries. The only places that are "overpopulated" are China and India where their population count relative to the land they occupy is nonsensical. Having 1/4th of the global population within two countries is ridiculous.
you're cool with arguing from authority until a contributor to the DSM says something you disagree with.
>incels don’t have any physical issues
Stopped reading there.
who are you quoting?
>spend the whole weekend partying around at an anime convention
>wind up going from hotel to hotel and from room to room while being a belligerent nigger
>eventually bump into some old classmates from uni
>one of them whose sitting in a corner on his laptop and texting people on discord is now a tranny
>this dude was a 250lb fatass with a huge beard and broad shoulders
>is now like 120lbs at most, has some really obvious beard shadow and has disgustingly droopy bitchtits
>legit had to do a fucking double take and asked my friend if it was the same guy
>he looks at me with this sad, yet slightly disgusted look on his face and says "yes, yes it is"
when will the jewish psyop end
>everyone around them pushes them to continue on with it instead of first getting help?
I don't know a single transsexual that didn't see a therapist before deciding to go forward. Getting on HRT and radically changing your life isn't some spurr of the moment thing, this is something they were feeling for years. Maybe try talking to actual trans people instead of basing everything on /pol/.
that profile picture looks like that retarded cat
I can't imagine you making anything but the most crude and primitive leftist strawman, but I guess this must be enough for stormtards.
Traditionalists are incredibly giga retarded, nothing is below them.
bend over
I've always wonder if they are more prone to infections in that area. Either way I'd never put my dick in it.
dont worry, gays and most of all lesbians hate trannies more then /pol/ does
Preople who "attempt" suicide are 100x worse than people who are successful at it desu.
>oh boo hoo I took 5 advil I'm gonna die
what the fuck is dilation?
have suicide
incel has nothing to do with not being able to get laid. anyone can pay a prostitute. it's about not being able to find a proper partner. what needs to happen is terfs and incels need to team up and solve each others problems. terfs be incels gfs and incels go on shooting spree at tranny clinics.
Good for him
Tranny > fatass
So the percentage is even higher, seeing the successful suicides aren't around anymore to be part of the survey?
Let me guess, /hbg/? That general is nothing but trannies calling trannies trannies ad infinitum.
>pedo retard or LARPer implying trannies aren't this degenerate.
Hey sped, they only take umbrage if you stick people of the opposite sex together, regardless of age. They don't care about the children otherwise.
Trannies are some of the most mentally ill people on earth. I'd honestly say they're more fucked up than pedophiles and literal shit eaters
Having a bad hairline isn't a physical disorder user
>Africa is a fucking continent
And many countries in Africa are overpopulated, this isn't some well-hidden secret
>southeast Asia is a series of island countries
No, that's Oceania. Southeast Asia includes places like Vietnam, Laos, India, Bangladesh, etc.
Because of the one-child policy, China is going to have a baby bust of their own in the next few decades, as well as an insane male-female ration. They're going to have population problems as well
>when a tranny gets pissed and stops doing their girl voice
Big kek
TERFs only want niggerchads, though.
Incels want to have a loyal 7/10 princess, so a fat, aging 4/10 TERF just won't do.
You truly don't understand numbers do you.
Is there any way to make trannies 47% themselves more quickly so they'll stop shitting up Yea Forums with their SJW garbage?
Niggas iffy, uh, blicky got the stiffy, uh
Got the blicky, uh, drum it holds fifty, uh
(Scum Gang!)
Pop these niggas like a wheelie nigga, you a silly nigga
In the hood with them Billy niggas, and them Hoover niggas
You run up and they shooting niggas, we ain't hooping nigga
No KB, you a loser nigga, up that Uzi nigga
On the stoop, crills in my draws, your girl on my phone
She wanna fuck but keep her clothes on, I only want the jaw
Man that's really all I use her for, I kick her out the door
I don't want her, you can keep the whore, she fiendin' for some more
In New York my niggas don't Milly Rock, my niggas money bop
Blow a case a nigga throwing shots, I run 'em off they block
Quarter milli in the stash box, I grinded for my spot
Niggas talking 'bout that cash but my bag worth a lot
I don't fuck with no old hoes, only new hoes
Put my dick in her backbone, I pass her to my bro
I don't love her that's a sad hoe, she a bad hoe
I'ma fuck her then I dash home, to the cash hoe
I'm on some rob a nigga shit, take a nigga bitch
Do the dash in the whip, count the cash in the whip
I pull up with a stick, I let that shit hit
Shout out, but I fucked that nigga bitch
Niggas iffy, uh, blicky got the stiffy, uh
Got the blicky, uh, drum it holds fifty, uh
Move milli', all my niggas on fifty, uh
Talk down, pew pew pew, you silly, uh
Hit a stain, fifty bands, all hunnids
Spinning through ya block like a pop shove-it
Shoot at me I'm shooting back, I'm getting buckets
I ain't wanna take his life but nigga, fuck it
I'm on some rob a nigga shit, take a nigga bitch
Do the dash in the whip, count the cash in the whip
I pull up with a stick, I let that shit hit
Shout out, but I fucked that nigga bitch
I'm on some rob a nigga shit, take a nigga bitch
Do the dash in the whip, count the cash in the whip
I pull up with a stick, I let that shit hit
Shout out, but I fucked that nigga bitch
Scum Gang
is this shooped
you could have sex for starters.
/pol/ is normaltards
If they hated normies, they'd hate themselves
based and cute and funnypilled
>They clearly weren't very serious
>body grows hair to protect scalp from sun
>body suddenly isn’t able to
Sounds like one to me. Hairlets, when will they learn.
bend over
have suicide
nah that haughtiness ya got right there? the sanctimony that somehow you're of a higher standard than everything around you? that automatic defense and passive-agressive attitude against anyone who dare make fun of you? that's my basic composite for going lefty. of course goin lefty is lil harder seeing as acting like a r*ghtoid is such a low bar lole
I saw some tranny on twitch who was smoking weed and talking about how he hated white males, his voice was fucking hilarious
It's attention seeking behavior typical of women.
Well look at that, turns out they are women after all.
Why do people care/ get so upset over others being trans? I don’t see how it has an effect on anything. I could careless desu.
just like niggers and women are not striving for equality, but to fuck over whites and men
that's a lot of buzzwords in one post. maybe learn to think and stop relying on rationalwiki.
Trannies are fucking disgusting. The day of the rope can't come soon enough for these fucking mentally ill freaks.
Honestly, I think their parental authorities are mostly to blame in these situations. I'm guessing many of them sadly don't have someone like that and are usually surrounded by people encouraging them to transition just so they can look good. I'm guessing the majority of them won't care at all about the person's atrocious health issues once they transition.
Your resolve in eventually killing yourself?
Trannies won't get NEETbux, game addicts are going to.
It's never going to happen, sorry to break it to you.
when things get serious all charades are out the window bruv
I know this is bait, but it really should be a logical fallacy to say "Why do you care, it doesn't affect you"
Transgenderism is considered a disability.
Actually, that's good for them. They keep trying to get it considered normal to be trans, but right now it's a mental disorder and they're elligible for all sorts of financial help in order to transition effectively. If it's actually considered normal then they won't get any more insurance or anything.
They're so stupid they don't get that.
we live in a society
I don't go to /pol/, that place is run by shemales. I went to the tweets, tranny.
lmao why would you do that to your body
>read true crime books
>staggering amount of serial killers were into cross dressing
What are some shitposts for this feel?
When does having a job get classified as a mental disorder?
I'll stop worrying when you fucking trannies get the fuck off my boards and video games.
What about the jews?
Wrong. Being a tranny is infinitely worse than being a fatass.
>My vagina is going to fucking collapse
>it's the same as a real one i promise!
>transgender people just want to be treated normally, as equals
>but we want to jail you if you misgender us
>also ban all wrongthink
Video games.
>implying it will be acceptable 300 years from now to assume a skeleton's gender
Luckily these cybertrannies are all in your head. Stop talking about them and it will be like they were never here, because they truly weren't.
based ratposter
who do you care about incels? why do you care about christians? why do you care about straight people?
>no no no they don't even exist
>you'll never encounter them
>just keep playing video games
Because trannies are both disgusting and obnoxious.
LGBT community got a bad reputation mostly because of how obnoxious trannies are.
it's a valid question but you don't like it since it asks some introspection which is of course agonizing for the average Yea Forums user
Is that your video?
And I'm the crazy one for thinking this isn't okay
>two is a lot
Based rad trad tard mong
isn't there a tweet from one of those trendsexual speedrunners claiming you don't need gender dysphoria to be trans?
>trannies can suffer what is akin to a burst sewage pipe in the back of their fake pussies
>shit literally leaks from their colon into the wound and almost no amount of surgery can easily fix it.
I guess I should be thankful I'm not a fucking tranny or the type of worthless male who becomes one
>I'm one fret away from blowing my head off
>unable to have sex
this shit writes itself
Is that going to be the argument you try and make? If so I need to put my running shoes on so I can catch up with those goal posts
Someone should tell him he can just wear a blue wig as a man
If there's a will there's a way fucko. These degenerates must be removed.
but if they die from complications, it won't be listed as suicide!
take that, bigot!
Imagine overeating so much that you end up worse than trannies
At this point you may as well cut that dick off, it's not like you ever see or use it. You'd have to pull it out the fat.
I'm not saying trannies don't exist if you go looking for them but this idea that Yea Forums is overrun with them is a collective hysteria you guys have brewed up.
Mate, those trannies make /r9k/ and /lgbt/ impossible to post on because of their brigading. You cant have any generals on /LGBT/ without trannies inserting themselves in the center of any discussion and spamming when things dont go their way
because the acceptance of trannies is a sign our planet is on a decline
we are literally living in an era where everyone is supposed to play a game of pretend, we are fucking 6 years old and get forced by HR departments to play a fucking game of PRETEND or else we will get fired
watching contrapoints isn't a substitute for a personality. and i'm far from "trad"
>The CIA niggers got Terry in the end :(
>Work on TempleOS will never be completed :(
I always regret entering these threads to laugh at trannies because someone eventually will go into disgusting detail about how their fake axewounds function. Thanks for the mental image user.
>Luckily these cybertrannies are all in your head
I've already shown this to be a false statement, but now you're trying to downplay them from not existing to just not being a big part, you're backpedaling and that's okay
Whatever you need to cope, Maam
Didn't you hear? It's up to 47% now.
It's not a valid question, it's a deflection tactic that's meant to derail the conversation. Apply it to other topics and you see how silly it is
>Why do you care about the Israel-Palestine conflict? It doesn't affect you
>Why do you care about the opiod crises? It doesn't affect you
>Why do you care about treatment of prisoners in the justice system? It doesn't affect you
>Why do you care about China rounding up Muslims into concentration camps? It doesn't affect you
You showed me a pretty funny anecdotal situation of some weirdo who happens to be trans losing it in a gamespot. It hardly proves anything about anything, least of all that Yea Forums is being overrun by the likes of her.
wrong. it's fucking 47%
Being fat is unattractive, but fat people can still be cool.
Trannies are always obnoxious, and also usually fat.
>I never checked the /lgbt/ board until recently and the amount of depressed, lonely, sad and suicidal people I saw on the trans generals is out of this world.
The amount of tripfags, namefags, Yea Forums pass users and phoneposter there is astonishing too.
you do realize most of that is because of how they are treated in society, rather than just their condition alone?
>of some weirdo who happens to be trans
>goalpost disappears over the horizon
t. Gay
French Memelution was just the bourgeoisie taking the place of the royalty. I don't get why people references it like a symbol, since the low class reed fucked.
fatass subhumans can lose weight
good luck growing your dick back, tranny
delusional tranny
this kind of shit I have little sympathy for. Trans that keep their junk are much more respectable as long as they aren't so in your face about it and just trying to live their life. people with made up pronouns and shit can get the rope though
What are you even talking about.
We need to meme it to 56.
How is this blatantly transphoic thread allowed? Delete this fucking thread
What attracts so many traps and trannies to Yea Forums? What is it about this place that you people even like?
source please this'd be great if true
If you are fat:
>eat less
>problem is solved within a year
If you are a tranny:
>fuck I can't get my dick back
All that money put into tranny shit could be used in genetically engineered catgirls instead
47% chance you'll delete your fucking life instead.
Imagine being so bad at passing that people can tell that you're a tranny over an anonymous forum.
And you think you'll be able to trick anyone in real life?
>What attracts so many traps and trannies to Yea Forums?
Their mental illness forces them to come to places where people hate them so they can feed their victim mentality
It's the other way around. People who go to Yea Forums sooner or later realise that they want to be girls. Some of those will act on it.
>b-but i don't want to be a girl and i'm an oldfag from 2016
It's the only place where they can hide.
Here everyone is either an incel or a tranny. If you say "lol incel", you're a tranny, if you say "dilate" you're an incel.
Wow so fucking edgy
Kill yourself
I have never seen a good-looking trap or tranny. All of them hide behind face masks to make sure people don't see their beards or huge jew noses or manjaws. Any male can go on a diet and run a few miles everyday to get a sorta "feminine" body. Do some squats to get a bigger ass. But you can't transform your voice or your face and you'll always be an ugly dude.
Clown world is not a meme.
i was a lot more normal before i started coming here, the degeneracy came afterwards
why are americans so fucking hideous?
Not even Jews in Nazi Germany had suicide rates that high.
How do we make this a 50, 60 or even 99%?
Yea for every 25 year old /r9k/ loser your discord ensnares, we gain 5 new zoomer nazis.
Bring it on
Stop projecting, dilate and kill yourself
The best kinds of truths truly are the ones that cannot be tested. I mean, me saying I'm not a tranny (merely trying to be an ally) to you will just prove that I'm both a liar and a tranny, right.
>And many countries in Africa are overpopulated, this isn't some well-hidden secret
Nope, you need to be reminded how big Africa is compared to other locations.
>No, that's Oceania. Southeast Asia includes places like Vietnam, Laos, India, Bangladesh, etc.
India is not South East Asia.
>If you are fat:
>>eat less
More like
>pretend to eat less
>complain all day about how hard it is
>cope by shitting on niggers/trannies/poorfags
>don't lose anything because you're a lazy subhuman
>stay fat
At least trannies aren't lazy
he's not the tranny in this exchange, so he's not likely to do it
Man's best friend indeed.
The pinnacle of mental stability and health
>Kill yourself
47% chance you do :)
Why are all the transgirls at gdc so disgusting?
Now That's What I Call Cope : Volume (you)
at least dobson is not a fucking tranny
Because there is a shitload of threads that cater to them on trash, r9k, and lgbt
>At least trannies aren't lazy
Someone post that doctor that got banned from twitter and he published a years long study that came to the conclusion that trannies are mentally ill
Either accept it or get a new hobby bigots
>For example, slaves wanting freedom was considered a mental illness
You're gonna need to provide a source for a claim like that. There's been arguments over whether slavery is even acceptable for thousands of years.
found the tranny
sounds like a fistula, those can form between the intestine and organs/the skin on non-trans people unfortunate enough to have certain illnesses
Google it, retard tranny
>I may or may not tweet about how much I like being a girl a lot.
I don't know what's sadder
Him tweeting about having boobs every, single day or that nobody likes or retweets meaning nobody cares about him
tfw you realize you basically became an eunuch in the pursuit of being a woman, and cannot fully, 100% and unequivocally be neither sex anymore.
And you'll need the recruits. /pol/ and its Yea Forumsassal are the most popular boards on here, yet you're losing to imaginary trannies in the equally fanciful culture war.
Yeah, but they think the cure is to cut your dick off and replace it with a fake vagina
Yes, because you would be a lying tranny.
At least fat people have functioning reproductive organs
>Africa being big somehow disproves overpopulation
>India is not southeast Asia
Fair enough
Under this. Would Binge TV watching and Social Media addiction be considered mental disorders? I'd like more boxes to check off when applying for my NEET check, I already got Anxiety, BiPolar, family history of Schizophrenia and Gaming Disorder checked.
Cute. CUTE!
>t-they're lazy so they're just as irreversible as my mistake
>It's pretty funny to watch this place tear itself apart over 60% of our very existence desu.
Don't click! /pol/ doesn't want you to see this.
Trannies look so fucking ugly compared to REAL WOMEN
Now that's the most pathetic thing I've seen in a while. Why people subject themselves to that is beyond me. Are they really that fucking weak?
the venn graph between fat people and trannies is a circle inside a circle
>yet you're losing to imaginary trannies in the equally fanciful culture war.
Sorry m8 but trannies are still riding the eternal wave of btfo knowing every day they wake up with Trump as President
Okay then I won't click. Thanks for the heads up.
I hate retards like you. overpopulation isn't about landmass vs people, it's about resources. just because africa can hold another 3 billion tomorrow doesn't mean there are resources for it.
Even doctors will tell you that they can't identify the real trans kids, 99% of trannies are autistic men who are latching on to a movement for acceptance or were groomed into it via positive reinforcement as children.
Why are you shilling your ugly face and body here?
Jesus christ Egoraptor get your fucking shit together man
>one quack making the statement means that "slaves wanting freedom was considered a mental illness"
This seems a stretch at the least.
Trannies aren't a socioeconmic status, you're just overly entitled cosmetic surgery rubes, and artificial hormoned headcases with a degenerate fetish, no better than foot fucking or fur faggotry. Fuck off.
As the cis gay white male, this is true.
Trannies ruin every thread they post in. They're absolutely miserable to be around.
There's no other treatment that has been found to be effective and they'll kill themselves either way, at least let them die happily with their fake vag
And thats a good thing.
Based and redpilled. Technically all 7 billion people on Earth could fit in Los Angeles but that would be an astronomically stupid idea
>be a freak
>pay jewish doctor huge amounts of money to cut your dick off
>after doctor got your money he ignores you completely as youre no longer of use to him
>wtf, why is everyone ignoring my problems?
top kek
A temporary setback. The right side of history will prevail in time. Time simply won't move backwards and tranny acceptance is the future.
My trans friend voted for Trump and she lives in PA so she actually helped get him into office.
>it doesn't count!
Don't move the goalposts user
>>being a tranny completely normal
It's literally a disorder as well
>not even a tranny
>just wants to look like a hot girl
this is why traps > trannies
No it's more like they look in the mirror, realize what they've done and fix the problem for good.
in canada they put you in jail for that kind of dehumanizing hate speech
The problem with most trannies is if you dont have the genes for it you turn out looking like death incarnate which is the case for 99.99% of trannies
>die happily
see and
Why would you be friends with a tranny?
It's been funny to see the social justice crowd turn on gay white men, the cult of identity politics eating itself
And I can consider myself as emperor of the earth, but that's hardly admissible evidence either.
>A temporary setback
How many Supreme Court judges has he appointed which should have went to Hillary/Trannies? They are now pushed back a whole generation
You're making this person up
Because she's fun? I went and visited her last fall and we had a good time.
Jaw drops to the floor. Eyes pop out. Sound effect of, "AWOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!!" Places eyes and jaw back in place. Regains composure.
>the right side of history
kys you are subhuman and have no value cunt
Not if they all kill themselves.
I'm not actually but believe what you want.
>Trump made it so I can never join the military, gonna suck for you guys when the draft kicks in.
Those are massive shoulders.
He literally had surgery on his face to look more feminine, ended up with a witch nose.
they'll be long dead before they see it
nigga u is gay as af
yet. At this point it's only a matter of time.
That looks like a fucking male
They offered to pay for the hotel, what's the problem? Jump into a taxi and find a hotel, how hard could it be? It's fucking Paris, not some sort of third world country.
that's the gayest dose ever doc. I didn't know it was possible to get 8 balls to touch
Cutting your cock can be hurtful.
just do anal
>The very same people who post 'have sex' are unable to have sex themselves
Ignore the bastards, and if you're forced to interact with them, don't acknowledge their mental illness and don't feed their delusions. These fuckers live in constant denial of their abomination of a body, so they need constant attention and reinforcement to keep the thoughts that they fucked up at life at a very fundamental level at bay. If you ignore them, the suicidal thoughts will creep back in, even faster if you remind them that they are failed humans, but more specifically and failed creatures as they can no longer be considered human.
And please do everything in your power to prevent them from corrupting additional childhood symbols and preventing them and their allies to brainwash children at school.
>>being a tranny completely normal
when the tranny looks like this, yes it is. even recommended to become a tranny
t. straight man, but
dude lmao just gimme 40k and I'll make you into a real woman
>college educated
>only son
>history of mental illness
>in my mid twenties
Kek they ain't taking me either
robble robble
Is that the actual fantasy transfags have created for themselves? That them being kicked out of the military for being broken useless piles of shit will result in them being the savior of America when the draft kicks in?
>masquerade violation
>gender dysphoria reclassified from being mental illness primarily to reduce stigmas associated
>gaming classified as a mental illness doesn't increase stigmas associated
>Ruin traps
>Ruin reverse traps
>Ruin tomboys
How can real girls compete?
>corrupting childhood symbols
>posts things that were created decades after gays adopted the rainbow
Ok autist
She was making a joke because someone asked her why she supports Trump as a trans woman.
>all these trannies ITT
>not even a tranny
>just wants to look like a hot girl
>mutilate yourself for daddy
I transitioned at 14 and pass perfectly. I make six figures a year working from home. I have a loving bf, a loving gf, and have unironic lesbian threesomes on the weekend. I am loving life, and cannot imagine being a gross, sad, undesirable lonely man in the year 2019. Honestly keep coping.
>we won't affect you i promise
man do I love a good tranny bashing
Start speedrunning games
have you heard medical professional testimonials about people who come into the emergency room with rotting, decaying neovaginas?
I really want to become GOD and absolutely erase this existence and remake it for a new one with new rules. This fucking universe it's boring and a fucking joke.
Does anyone knows a spiritual/religious process with some mental and body training that makes me achieve it?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why do you stormfaggs still come here and try to astroturf Yea Forums? Trans rights have always been apart of chan culture and identity, just see the " lol traps aren't gay XD"
>muh gamer stigma and oppression
Most, if not all of them, are roleplaying retards
that's definitely not sufficient for being a tranny
It gets better and better
Post your face on reddit with a lot of background lighting
And cut off your dick and balls
But be sure to stick a glass dildo in the gaping wound left over
>spiritual/religious process with some mental and body training that makes me achieve it?
Having sex.
Why is the trans population so heavily skewed with more males becoming women.
>tranny is a degenerate slut
Of course
Any male can get that kind of body
Now let's see that ugly face with the lumberjack beard
Come on tranny show us
Too true
all u have to do is pray to god. with true faith he answers you
the term trap outside of chan culture is the biggest nono word since those lefty tranny youtubers deemed it bad
>literally classified as mental illness
>mutilating your genitals is not
Men are finished.
>my vagina is real
no one is erasing drag queens
The only requirement for being a tranny is wanting to be a woman and dressing like one
>muh trans stigma and oppression
Mormons believe you get your own planet when you die, I guess you could try that
47% yourself
imagine paying money to remove your penis
>muh tranny stigma and oppression
Lol jesus.
Its like Tranny SonicFox.
Replace "I'm gay" with "I'm a girl, I have boobs."
There is no 99.99%, the 00.01% is just good at photoshop.
imagine voluntarily having surgery for something only people with testicular cancer need to have surgery for.
Another successful "gaming addiction" thread!
Thank you to all who participated in making this thread for the hundredth time! Really making Yea Forums a better place to discuss anything but video games!
one of his emotes on his twitch channel is literally just the word "girl"
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.
But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
No Malthus was already proved wrong ages ago. You are being peddled fake news by vested interests.
The resources are and would be fine, its clownskin Malthusians(disguised eugenecists) like Bill Gates' foundation and his fellow eugenecists who are the actual problem with Africa's "convenient" lack of "resources"( And pretending that multinationals don't rape the land on the daily from from crops to minerals. ), just like those convenient sterlizing needles that were originally claimed to be malaria vaccines, he donated across Africa.
FtMs are just as common as MtFs, it's just that FtMs are mostly indistinguishable from regular men and don't cause drama like MtFs
>I'm trans
kill yourself
tranny = transvestite
the act of crossdressing frequently is already enough to make yourself a tranny, wanting to look like a hot girl is actually even more tranny
>tranny came here from resetera during drumpf rally season 1
>thinks he's an oldfag
tranny suppression is human life extension
It's a recent phenomena that you keep seeing their fucking rainbow everywhere. Even if the fags took the rainbow 100 years ago, they're plastering it everywhere nowadays. It's not a coincidence that they recently shat out another symbol that corrupts childhood related imagery, the tranny flag uses baby blue and baby pink which is typically used for items related to small children.
So you're thinking of being a tranny? How to cure faggotry and not 40% yourself in 5 easy steps.
1. Go outside
2. Pick up new hobbies
3. Eat healthy
4. Exercise Regularly
5. Turn off the internet
>Self reported
And I was about to defend them saying not all suicide attempts go the way people planned them. I once tried to an hero by hanging myself from the fan, but I was such a fatass back then that I unhinged the fucking ceiling and fell to the floor, knocking me unconscious, noone ever found out and my roommate bought the story that the fan just fucking fell, we switched apartment like a week later.
Trannies belong in concentration camps desu
imagine the smell
Addiciton is a mental illness, yes. And AFAIK gender dysphoria is still a disorder and in the DSMV.
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.
But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
It's when MtF transexuals push cylindrical devices into their ersatz vaginas in order to keep the wounds open and stop the body's natural healing process.
He already will. Give it time.
Your mistake was giving an inch to them and not fighting to prevent the stormfront takeover of these incels.
Waiter, my pasta is stale
what's the point of being a "girl" if you don't have a girlpussy?
that's literally the best part of being a girl
>gaming is a mental illness
>gender dysphoria is not
At least, she keeps his dick, and that's a good thing.
I think I suffer from what is called "peak straightness". I'm attracted to anything that resembles a "woman" anything which is, or tries to be, "female". You don't even have to be "biologically female", you just have to (try?) look the part. You can have a penis or not, doesn't really matter to me.
To be honest, I think this is how God intended all straight guys to be.
How would you know?
>colors belong to one person/group
>they took my colors so now I can't use them reeeeeeeeeee
>we're literally just regular fucking people
what regular person engages in LARP and becomes upset when called a retard?
>Most, if not all of them, are roleplaying retards
That's literally what it means to be "trans".
Do you think nazis are the only people who hate trannies?
not as stale as the discord tranny meme
>things that never happened and never will happen
It’s time to wake up.