Well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you put some effort into your thread I would bite. Instead its going in the options field
What a disingenuous faggot.
Yes. Video-games are psychic vampires that drain the attention of our youth.
If he means western games, then he's not wrong.
In what fucking universe does simply playing a video game equate to gambling?
Fuck off.
I don't mind calling their bluff, if we can't make video games any better might as well shelf the whole thing.
games stimulate your rewards systems and give you non stop dopamine and carrot on a stick to keep you addicted. Companies collect your gameplay information and can analyze the date to further abuse the human mind. Kinda like how casinos do it. I think call of duty is the perfect example. You get points for everything you do. You're constantly unlocking things and looking forward to unlocking more. Modern gaming has become a fucking plague rotting the brains of our children.
Don't you have something better to do than browse twitter for hours to find a literal who voicing his shitty opinion, taking a screenshot and try baiting Yea Forums?
>playing video games is a disorder
>but pumping 5 yo kids full of hormones and cutting their dicks off isn't
You know, I think I finally understand what the Soviets needed the Iron Curtain for.
Liberals are chalking this up as win to boot:
seething libtard
>no argument other than "muh tranny children" despite the fact kids can't get hormones or surgery
You really have to get better material
Imagine a slope, now imagine it having no friction whatsoever.
No, because most games have a beginning, middle and end. You pay one price.
Its retarded, it's like calling movies addictive.
MMOS are definitely addictive though, because they have no end and they keep milking you every month
>despite the fact kids can't get hormones or surgery
If I buy a video game, I have either a physical copy that I can play, resell and make my money back, or keep forever. If I buy DRM free, I have the same thing. If I buy a DRM game, I still have a digital copy that I can download and use on any computer provided the seller company exists.
If I buy a lootbox, I don't have a guaranteed return on quality, and that money is gone forever if I lose my save/account/data/get banned.
I have an argument:
>people pretending to be girls don't deserve respect, you can't reassign gender in any meaningful or helpful way.