The design of the Switch Pro-controller is fucking retarded
Whose idea was to have a easily scratchable surface next to the usb port?
I can't even play games while drinking without ruining the $60 controller.
The design of the Switch Pro-controller is fucking retarded
Boo hoo
Are you really crying about cosmetic damage?
There’s no engineer in the world who can make something 100% drunk-proof
>Think OP is some fucking retard and that the only cause from the scratches is his own irresponsibility.
>Check my controller
>it's the same
Fuck man, that's a bummer. But it doesn't matter much desu
No other controller has this issue, both the xbone an ps4 controllers have regular plastic next to the charge port, I never scratched them. On the procontroller ,you don't even need to put pressure to scratch that surface.
>Are you really crying about cosmetic damage?
I wouldn't expect fat goblins on Yea Forums to understand about this. Yes, I'd prefer if my things actually looked good.
Is this bait? You cant be so retarded that you dont even look at the back of your controller to plug it in right?
it's a dumb design decision but who gives a shit
how much of a jittery 12 year old are you that you can't plug in a controller
stop drinking so much soda and energy drinks fatty
>superficial scuff marks
>cheap chink shit is low quality
jesus christ is that michael j fox's switch controller?
Why should I?
Nothing else has this issue; not the other controllers, not my phone, not the usb port on my pc.
Usually if I know the general area of the port I just shove the cable without looking, cause it shouldn't be a fucking issue
>gemtard calling others fat
Holy shit go back to Yea Forums you autist. If you can't plug an USB-C without scratching something then you need to evaluate your life.
it honestly is okay when nintendo does it
Everyone has these scratches. I am autistically careful with my shit and I still have them. It's bizarre.
do you have parkinsons? its not that hard to plug the cable in without scratching the fuck out of your controller
is it really as aggressively scratched as op?
>regular plastic next to the charge port
Metal is harder than plastic retard. And for the ps4 has a recessed port making it easier to feel out. Pc and phones are made from a combination of metals and plastic. PC opting for steel as the metal of choice.
>I'd prefer if my things actually looked good.
Then take better care of it retard. Thats your fault. Sorry life isnt retard proof faggot.
What I'm thinking, considering it's USB-C it shouldn't even be a trial and error enough to warrant those scratches.
pic related is mine and I have the general surface scratch but I'm thinking OP is being a gorilla to his controller.
Its cause it has a glossy finish. A strand of hair can scratch it. And if its like the new 3ds xl, the natural oils from your hands will start to slowly erode it
Can't take the extra second to make sure you plug it in safely?
Whatever happens while you're drinking is your own fault. You know you get drunk and you know it makes you not right, as evidenced by your OP post which heavily implies you only scratch up your controller when you're drinking.
Be an adult.
xbone controller has glossy plastic around the charging port too, don't lie
Why cares if your plastic toys got some scratches. They're not for display (I hope).
I get drunk all the time while using my pro controller and I’ve never done this shit. Git Gud at drinking
keep sucking that nintendies cock
it has a 20 hour battery life how much do you fucking drink that you need to charge it back up
I can scratch it with my fingernail, it's bullshit
why not just change the batteries?
switch controller scratches up easily but the ps4 controller chips
You think that's bad, I've had 3 Joycon sticks break and Moero Chronicle H busted my Pro Controller stick
I've had this one since Xenoblade 2 came out
Why doesn't any company make the plastic area near the port have an inward slope so that you can always shove the thing in easily without looking?
I don't think it would work out too well
Thumbnail looks like sexy robot legs
it works just fine on guns and you really jab shit in when you're changing magazines quickly
Sorry I wanted to say x360. I don't own a xbone controller
ps4 one is like that, and it's great
It lasts 50 hours on one charge, just charge it while not drunk and it will last three days of non-stop drinking.
I'm autistic and retarded, I know i'm not supposed to do this but if I'm not using it I connect it to the cable
It's just a toybro. Who are you going to show off a regular controler to? It's supposed to be used and played with. I understand cheeto hands is not acceptable but this is just part of wireless controllers.
The default controller pisses me off. The buttons are so small I always hit something by accident. Is the pro any better?
The pro is one of the best controllers out there, and you can also use it on pc (with the steam controller api)
pro is good. definitely an upgrade to the joy cons
Glossy plastic is always a fucking mistake.