Are you all ready to finally see what we're getting with the new Animal Crossing at E3?
Animal Crossing
I expect probably just more of the same, which isn't a bad thing.
If it's just more of the same I'll be happy. Please god no gimped version with less content than the past games.
inb4 Isabelle Crossing: Isabelle's new dress
It'll just be what every other Animal Crossing game is but with fancy graphics. But one thing I do hope for is a story mode of sorts, there's lots of story telling potential in the world of Animal Crossing.
Everyone wants to see Ankha!
I'm hype
I can't wait for it to finally be revealed so you faggots shut up about your seething over a yellow dog and we can get back to normal AC talks
fuck you
this is what Animal Crossing "discussion" has become because we allow waifufags into discussions, and people who unironically fap to meme porn
waifu posting is still better than "REEEEEEE FUCKING ISABELLE"
>The town is alot bigger
>MK8 style
>First person view available to zoom into
>bigger house, more options
>No amiibo shit (yeah right...)
>Achieving certain objectives gives you bigger inventory as reward
>Mail items to other players online
>Allow animals to live with you once you upgrade house
>No ungettable items due to region locking or amiibo shit
>Good and diverse dialogue
The same rehashed new leaf shit with a fresh coat of paint with amiibo and pocket camp force feeding though.
I'm expecting a delay to 2020
"""REEEE FUCKING ISABELLE""" posters are people that have become triggered by waifufags
You have now proven there's a new type of person who has become triggered by people who have become triggered by waifufags.
The solution to all of this is to kill waifufags
kinda but AC isn't really a "flashy" game design prodcut, so even if they add online it will probably still only be modest, maybe a trailer and hours of treehouses with the girls "awwww"ing everything
It wont be at e3
pokemon is taking up e3
you fuckers are lucky if its not delayed
My one and only hope for the game is that they add a way to manage where new villagers move in, or go back to having them only be able to move where signs are.
I tried starting a New Leaf town the other day and on the very second day some faggot moved their house literally right in front of mine. I forgot to do that annoying exploit. I was so fucking mad.
pokemon never has a strong E3 presence, GF release their own shit through small trailers and corocoro
>Being this retarded
just wait for e3
AC wont be there
true i guess. it's one of those franchises that sell well, but aren't really the "main meal".
Delayed to 2020
How long does it take to make a fucking Animal Crossing game that will probably barely have any new content?
>Allow animals to live with you once you upgrade house
ok furry
as long as it takes. just kidding. nintendo does dlc nowadays so probably not that long
People who see the MK8 town and think it should be the next game are the same people who unironically say "NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN"
>complaining about furries
>in a fucking animal crossing thread
Based fellow Bob poster.
> yfw they spend more than 10 mins on this shit during the direct
Spoiler: it's more of the same, because otherwise it would make manchildren cry
>Animal crossing
>you can't crucify those faggot villagers
one job
I see two manchildren crying already
Tell me about Bob, why does he wear the dress?
Am I a bob poster now?
>people who don’t like Animal Crossing are considered manchildren
What a concept
this better have sensible proportions user or I'm going to be angry
I agree, I’d actually love for them to end all of the loose ends in wild world and HHD, along with adding new side missions for the special characters that don’t have any.
Can't fucking wait to play it for a week then forget about it.
what does Yea Forums think of my wife?
People who bitch about Nintendo "wasting time" on a game they personally don't like are manchildren, yes.
why not?
I don't know who your wife is user
Pecan is a nice squirrel though
1. Comfy
2. Easy to put on
3. Easy acces
Maybe some people don’t give a shit about the 4 different varieties of bugs that they’re going to introduce into Animal Crossing and would prefer Nintendo focus on something more interesting, ever think of that brain let?
>try to have a sensible discussion about the game
>Get drowned out by furries posting cropped porn saying shit that doesn't contribute to the thread in the slightest
I remember why I don't participate in animal crossing threads now
Furries make it impossible to have a good AC thread past 100 posts
but unironically
It does, dont worry.
Shes cute!
Sauce please?
Artist looks like iguanasarecool.
>complaining about furries in an Animal Crossing thread
Find it yourself, user.
If people didn't care about it then the series wouldn't be as popular as it is. Yet New Leaf sold more copies than most AAA titles do.
Really makes you sound like a whiney baby who can't accept that a series they don't like is immensely popular and highly anticipated.
You're probably just bitter about Isabelle in smash. Smash faggots are insufferable.
Those people wouldn't go in a thread about looking forward to Animal crossing. That would make them manchildren
>found it on e6
>none of the images are loading
Just because there's an animal crossing thread doesn't mean that furries are allowed.
Sorry user, but they aren't welcome nor are they allowed.
>Expand Mayor System
>Bigger Town
>Looks similar to MK8 track
>more activities to do around town every day, including Sports, Arcades, etc
>expand upon the 'villager tasks' by making it more of a mission system
>Bring in features from spin offs like Happy Home Designer and Pocket Camp into the main series
I'm having the same problem
Who says it's going to be at E3? Did we all just up and forget about Metroid and SMT? It's going to be delayed.
>implying I’ve ever even played Smash
>implying 90% of sales of Animal Crossing games aren’t from little girls who don’t know any better anyway
Thanks user!
>Have never played an animal crossing game
>Little sister recently gave me her copy of New Leaf because she isn't interested in it anymore
>Thinking about picking it up now because it's just been kinda sitting on my shelf for a good two years
What should I expect?
I want an Animal Crossing rpg.
Same, did the anti-bob user kill e6?
>tfw no ferret villagers
Something I enjoyed in NL was to get each villagers unique photo after you max their friendship. I'm hoping for better friendship mechanics in the switch game
or we could just you know kill the mentally weakened screeching annoyances instead. fuckhead.
Why do they do this? Are they afraid no of cannibalizing attention from their other software?
Reroll the town until you're satisfied with the layout. Expect a decent game but lackluster dialogue
If I take it off will he die?
I've waited for a new animal crossing for so long
Overrated meme slut.
What is everyone’s Hopes/Fears/Expectations?
The devs actually use their experience and creativity from working on the splatoon games to make this game worth the 7 year wait.
Pocket Camp HD
It’s just New Leaf HD with a new gimmick.
>Pocket Camp HD
It would be extremely pthhhpth.
What's the quickest way to reroll the town? Just immediately quit before I have a chance to save?
maximum comfy
More dialog options, no more rotating log world, villager errands are brought back, more stuff to do in general. Arcade machines brought back (It'll never happen)
Pocket Camp HD, they somehow make dialog even worse, all of the shops are consolidated into one building.
>Really like Animal Crossing
>Lost my New Leaf save when I bought a new 3DS
>Haven't played in years
>Have the urge to play again
>Don't want to burn myself out before the new one comes out
The wait is killing me
I want to massage isabelle's toebeans
>not wanting to breed isabelle
Pleb taste user
I’m indifferent towards Isabelle, but one way I think they can make the character a lot better is if they actually show her mask slipping a bit more, and if they show her getting a lot angrier. Maybe they can make her do rants like Mr. Resetti.
>Pocket Camp HD
More isabelle
no isabelle
I mean they probably know that they never really "need" it just because it's Pokemon